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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 03/05/23 09:09
by bunniefuu




Running a red light--

HR stated that policewomen are
too weak to fight violent crimes by nature

and there are tons of tasks
policewomen specialize--

Lieutenant Gong Hye-won.

You can run meters in . seconds
and , meters in seconds.

You can easily do sit-ups
and push-ups.

You scored on your grip strength
when the highest score for men was .

You don't seem weak at all.

And you don't seem to enjoy tasks
policewomen specialize in.

Join my team already.

I'll go bankrupt
if I keep getting tickets like this.

I liked him from the beginning.

As per the special request
of Inspector Do,

I have decided to appoint Gong Hye-won,
Jang Ji-wan, and Yoon Seok-pil

to the Special Investigation Team
that handles extraordinary cases.

Any objections?

-No, sir!
-No, sir!

You will all take a week off.

Starting December ,
report to the team's office.

-That's all. Dismissed.





I don't believe it.
They really gave him a team?

Yes. I know, right?

Do is getting special treatment

because he's
the commissioner's love child.

He's the commissioner's love child?

No. I bet he has something
on the commissioner.

I bet the commissioner tried to
cover up a case…


Well, it's about our team leader.

He passed the bar, but he decided
to become a cop. Isn't that so cool?

This is a secret.

He's my role model.

That's a secret?

-How come I already knew that?
-I could tell from a distance.

-Is it that obvious?

My goodness.
I can understand why he likes him.

He's smart and good at his job.

He does have something
that we can look up to.

Just knowing what you want to do
in this crappy Korean society…

Gosh, that's not all.

He's handsome, competent,
and well-mannered.

He's the perfect … Who are you?

Is he a homeless guy?

-Lieutenant Yoon.

Hello. I'm Superintendent Do.

Salute. I'm Lieutenant Yoon Seok-pil.

Okay. Sure.

It's a pleasure.

Lieutenant Yoon Seok-pil.

Today is our first day, right?
I hope we get along.

Nice to meet you, sir.

This is great. I have my own team now.

-Despite how he looked…
-Lieutenant Yoon Seok-pil.

…I could never hate him.


-Lieutenant Gong.

You said Choi Yong-seok
had a therapist, right?

Does the record say he saw
his therapist on the day of his death?

I don't think so.

His wife knew that he saw a therapist,

but she didn't know when, where,
or what kind of treatment he received.

Then… how did he know that?

Choi Yong-seok was just leaving the office
after his sleep treatment,

so he would have just woken up, too.

Is this a side effect of therapy?

Baek was being treated for his alcoholism.
We can't tell for Park and Kim, but--

Considering the crimes Kim committed
and the fact that he was a minor,

it's very likely
that he had to see a therapist.

It's like they were hypnotized.
They were all smiling, as you saw.

You think therapy can do that to people?

What about dr*gs? Doesn't it
make more sense that they just lost it?

But we didn't find any dr*gs.

Maybe it's a new drug.

Don't you think it's possible
with today's science?

Yes, it's possible. On TV.

I bet it's hypnosis.
That makes the most sense.

That can only happen in dramas as well.

time and space are the problems.

People have to be isolated
for a certain amount of time

to go crazy enough to k*ll themselves.

Unless they had returned after being
locked up somewhere or kidnapped--

That's right.

A high school student,
an executive at a conglomerate,

a famous CEO, and a college professor.

Making people who were doing fine
k*ll themselves

is impossible.

People have self-preservation instincts.

So something like this.

Our victims didn't try to save themselves.

What if they believed
what they were doing wouldn't hurt them?

Let's only focus on their actions.

All Kim did was jump.

Even a little kid would know that
jumping from that height will k*ll you.

And Park Gyu-tae
just went into a dog cage.

A trained hunter would know that

entering the bloodthirsty hounds' cage
is dangerous.

Baek Seung-jae only tried to swim.

Until he died?

Choi Yong-seok just tried
to blow a palm blast.

Perhaps they all thought it was okay.

And that's why
their reflexes didn't kick in.

How can they think it's okay to do that?

What about people
who enjoy extreme sports?

Some people jump off from cliffs
over a hundred meters high.

Some people dive deep into the ocean
while relying on just an air t*nk.

That's possible because…

Through repetition.

They do the same thing over and over again

to see how far they can go.


How dare you come here?

Every citizen has the right…

to go wherever they want.

Oh, my. What brings you all the way here?

You didn't have to come today.
You'll be summoned as a witness soon.

Well, I like playing offense, not defense.

This place is so dull, you know?
It's dull.

All right.

If I give you information,
what will you give me?

Cops couldn't even dream
of a lead like this.

And if you subpoena me as a witness,
I won't say a word.

I'm giving this only to you. Just you.

You're scaring me.

By the way, how did you guys
end up in Jangyi-dong?

-Did you crack the code?
-I can't tell you that.

That was a coincidence.

Coincidence. We got lucky.

So you can't tell me.

I guess you guys solved it.

How could we solve it?
That's a very difficult code.

How did we find that out?

Did we get lucky on the street?
I don't remember.

I guess you're still a cop.

What's the price for that lead?

First of all, you will not summon me
as a witness,

you'll give me the exclusive right
to cover this case, and immunity.

Why immunity?

So you tailed someone illegally
and trespassed?

I just wanted to make sure.

What if I report it and you call me
a lying attention-seeker?

It'll hurt my image.

Good job.

It'll only hurt our image
if we dismiss your report,

call you a lying attention-seeker,
and something happens.

I wish everyone would investigate
on their own

before reporting it to us like you.
I mean it.

So how good is your information?

You cops can work your asses off,
but you will never get a lead like this.

Did you guys figure out
what else these deceased

had in common other than
that they were rich scumbags?

Something in common?

Let's have a look.

What? What about that one?
That's not for us?

I'm a reporter.

Knowing when to play my card is
all it takes to be a successful reporter.

Wait a minute.

Whatever that is, if it can help--

You'll regret it.

I'll make you regret it--

No, you won't.

Gosh, what is this now?

What am I looking at?
I'm not sure what this is.

Care to explain this to me in detail?

Please, Mr. Lee.

Yes, you're right.

Incompetent people
don't deserve to have pride.

You can't get anything done
if you are fussy. You know?



All of the deceased…

had been visiting this building.


So all the deceased had been visiting
this building.

And we'll find your fingerprints there.

I'm just asking you
to let me off the hook for that.

Mr. Lee.

You had Choi Yong-seok followed.
So you knew he was the next target.

Why didn't you report it?

How can I trust the police?

Wasn't it because having him k*lled
would make a bigger scoop?


I hope I'm wrong.

That little…

Gosh, that siren.

Is he trying to catch
or let the culprit go?

And toward Jamsil, Olympic Expressway…

-You have to pay a fine for that.
-Call it in.

Are you crazy?

On top of having no pride,
you want to die, too?

I just wanted to see you smile.

Then do something funny,
not something that could k*ll us.

I don't think I can do that.

I doubt that I can do that
in the future, either.

Lee Ji-uk will do whatever it takes
to be in the limelight.

Why are you going along with this?

In the end, he had information
that we needed.

That's all that matters.

So the ends justify the means
no matter how messed up it is?

As a cop--

Cops should look straight ahead
while driving.

I don't know what's gotten into you.

-You weren't like this before.
-I've always been like this.

-When you asked me to join you--
-Oh, back then?

I did what I needed to do back then.
I'm doing what I need to do now.

I thought you were someone
I could look up to.

Why are you laughing?

Because that's so ridiculous.

Eyes on the road.

Ji-uk. Should we have just run with this?

Then our ratings would've been amazing.


-We would get sued.

Right. It wasn't our place to run it.

If you want to score it big,
you must know how to wait.

The point is knowing
when to reveal the card you're holding.

Let's see.

I should make them suspect him
on their own instead of saying that he is.

We'll make the cops
arrest one of their own.

Until they tear each other apart.

Until the scene gets exciting.

-Mr. Do.

You should check this out.


What the hell is that?


-Lee Ji-uk did get the right place.

Right. He got the right place.

That's the big scoop.



Damn it. Don't creep up on me.

Should I come singing
when I'm here to buy dr*gs?



-Don't you have a bigger bottle?
-What if you chug it all and OD?

Who knows what else you'll do?
You're doing dr*gs for your stupid grades.

Stupid grades?

I wouldn't do anything to ruin my life.

I'm not a lowlife like you.

What did you say?

Look at your crappy life. You're talking
shit about me because you're jealous.

When you have a lot to lose,
grades aren't stupid anymore.

-Are you done?
-No, I'm not.

Got a problem with that?


I'm not selling it to you anymore.

Don't think that you have the upper hand.

That's a mental illness, you know.

You think you're some important person
when you're just being exploited.

I guess since you got nothing going
for you in life, that'll keep you sane.




Nice. This one is new.

Is he the next victim?


Look at this. It's a fingerprint scanner.

If we want to see more of this,
we'll have to break the code and get in.

Is that so?

Is there any additional data?

We saw a new video
at the therapist's office in Jangyi-dong

because it's programmed
based on a specific timeline.

So I need to take it apart
to see what's inside this laptop.

Then I'll drop this off
at the Cyber Crimes Unit.

Why don't we give it a try
before we hand it to them?

We have nothing to lose.

The likelihood of two strangers with
matching fingerprints is in billion.

But with machines,
due to their technical limitations,

there's a in , chance that
two different fingerprints match.

It's not working as expected.

-Do you want to try?

It'd be amazing if it matches mine, right?

Superintendent Do.

There's no way it matches mine.

Okay. Your turn, Gong.

I'll take this to the Cyber Crimes Unit.

But she hasn't…

Some of us haven't tried it.

Oh, right. Superintendent Do.

She wants me to follow her.

-Don't you think they're acting weird?
-Mr. Do and--

Is that good weird? Or is that bad weird?

-Good weird? How--
-It can be a good kind of weird.


Am I invisible right now?

What are you hiding?

I don't think anyone noticed.

Kim Yeong-jun wasn't
in the video of the victims.


And the Kim Yeong-jun case
is a bit strange.

Right. He got the right place.

You knew something we didn't know,
didn't you?

Before we found this laptop.

You shouldn't suspect someone
just because he happens to be smart.

How can being smart have anything to do

with knowing Kim was different
from the other victims? How?

Did you inadvertently slip
something you already knew?

You were supposed to pretend
to not know, but you made a mistake.

Mistakes? I don't make mistakes.

If I let you know something
I already knew, there must be a reason.

Like I could be testing an American
citizen who showed up out of the blue.

Me? Why?

Are you afraid that
I'll find out what you're hiding?

Gosh. I'm not hiding anything.

You're suspecting that
I'm hiding something because you are.

Why were you surprised when you saw
the photo of the next victim?

There's no record that says
that Choi saw his therapist

or had his sleep treatment
on the day of his death.

Why did you think he did?

Well, I just happened to make a guess
and got it right.

Same here.

Feeling surprised after seeing
the clip of the new target is normal.

A guess?

And the building with
the therapist's office which had no sign

happened to be within walking distance.

No. You can't make that kind of guess.

You already knew

that the incident would happen
after Choi left the office that day.


I must be the culprit.

By the way,

is that what you really think?

I told you not
to waste your energy like this.

Did I do that? I don't know.

Why did I do that?

How did that happen?

No. Please believe me.

Why was this in my pocket?

I wasn't trying to do anything bad.

I must have blacked out again.



It'll take a long time
to hack into the laptop, right?

Probably. I heard
it's usually done manually.

But we're lucky
we have a fingerprint-based database.

I've smelled this before.


-What's that smell?
-Hey, guys.

Why does our office smell
like the autopsy room?

It's me.

When I work there, the corpse smell
gets on my hair and clothes like crazy.

I had no time for a shower.

The corpse smell?

The women's showers are
only in the main building.

Our welfare system sucks.

Do I smell that bad?

So why don't you tell us
why you came down here?

This is a fun case.

I get why Kim Yeong-jun, Park Gyu-tae,
Baek Seung-jae,

and Choi Yong-seok's prints were there.

Excuse me. Kim Yeong-jun's
fingerprints were found, too?

What? Why do you ask?
Shouldn't his prints be there, too?

Never mind. Please go on.

Anyway, that's not important.
Mr. Hwang should've gotten it by now.

We found another set of prints.

-But that belongs to--
-Son Min-ho, right?

-How did you know?

Why don't you know?

Among the evidence, there was a laptop.
And his photo popped up on it.

Do you know him?

You should know.

Didn't you take a modern history class
in high school?


Kim Yeong-jun, Park Gyu-tae,

Baek Seung-jae, and Choi Yong-seok.



Son Min-ho.

His fingerprints were found at the scene.
What do they expect me to do?

The higher-ups won't
want us to keep digging.

Who are these higher-ups?

Damn it. That's probably
way above our pay grade.

Do I smell that bad?


Oh, right. This is off the record,
but there's one more person.

No fingerprints or DNA were found.

I calculated the height, weight,
and habits

based on a footprint
that didn't belong to anyone.

He's lightweight
and has a good sense of balance.

Yes. He's about the same height
and build as you.

He was wearing walkers.
His shoe size is mm.

Okay. I'll keep that in mind.

-I'm leaving.


Your shoe size is mm, right?

Stop pestering me. Or you'll get hurt.

The briefing is about to start.

Let's go.


Son Min-ho.

He was a key figure
in the White Night Village tragedy

that shocked our country years ago.

"White Night Village."
I learned that in my modern history class.

Oh, I remember it now! It's…

As part of the Child Welfare Act
which was revised in ,

White Night Village was the first village
to test out collective child-rearing.

To satisfy both non-material
and emotional needs

of the children who were orphaned
due to economic growth,

the village was turned into a family
that collectively raised the children.

All this was possible thanks to

the leadership of Son Min-ho,
who was at the time.


It seemed that Son Min-ho, who majored
in education, was born to be a teacher.

But in fact, he was a better
businessman than a teacher.

Back then, you could only collect
donations through phone calls.

But he completely
changed the paradigm for donations.

Hello. Hi.

He set up a socially responsible company

for the health supplements
a doctor in the village developed.

In other words, they were branding
it as a charitable company.

And the product was effective, too.

The idea of supporting a good cause
while buying a good product

had the product selling like hotcakes.


Hello. Good work, everyone.

Please have a seat.

Okay. I'll take a picture now.

One, two, three.

It was an incredible coincidence.

A genius scientist just happened
to live in that small village.


This miracle drug was created
in a village that was formed

by the government's policy
to collectively raise children.

And the drug was a huge hit.


What? My grandpa used to take those.

It's safe to say that everyone took them.

Back then,
it was considered a miracle drug.

The profit the village earned from
developing and commercializing the drug

should be about billion won
in today's world.

What? billion won?

With the illegal sales,
it was about seven trillion won.

It's not clear if the drug actually worked
or if it was just a placebo.

But it's very obvious
who took all the money.

Only a few people have survived
after the Day of Tragedy.

The Day of Tragedy?

The village collapsed
as fast as it had prospered.

No. It collapsed overnight.

Only seven people had survived
when the police entered the island.

And they were all…


That's a bit…

Are you saying that
all the adults on the island died?

I learned in school
that it was a mass su1c1de.

-Who took responsibility?
-No one.

Afterwards, the project was scrapped.
Something fishy was going on there.

How come no one took responsibility?

Shouldn't Son be held responsible?

They didn't have enough to charge him.

At the time of the incident, some
of the researchers were outside for work.

And Son Min-ho was with them, too.

After that incident,
everything seemed to vanish,

including the hefty sum of money.

At least, the police have no record
of that money at the moment.

Son Min-ho must have taken it.

He's such a con artist.

To sum it up,

Son Min-ho is awful enough

to be the next target.

Then we should go to Son Min-ho now.

Is this really necessary?

Even after committing the crime,

the deceased took advantage
of their privileges…

I didn't know when I would be the target,
but if my name is on the hit list…

All right!

I'll do whatever I can.

After the Day of Tragedy,
every surviving kid was tracked down,

and brought back or eliminated.

Are you sure the kids on the list
were the only survivors?

They were only eight or nine years old.

The chance of surviving that chaos
and not getting caught by the foundation

is lower than the chance
of my going insane and starting a fire--

I bet that some kids survived,
managed to evade our pursuit,

and are now attacking us!

He was not indicted, but the third victim…

All done!

-Let's go.
-Hold hands.

-Hold my hand.
-Let's go inside now.

-Let's hurry inside.
-Let's go. Hold hands.

Are you okay?

Anyone can start a fire, right?

The next m*rder has been forewarned.

"The day the Blue Rooster
embraces the White Monkey,

an insect that turned a blind eye
on injustice

will shake hands
with the burning Grim Reaper."

I sincerely hope that the police can
save a precious life this time.

One step closer to current events.

I'm Lee Ji-uk of
Zoom In on Current Events.

Okay. That was good.

That's great.

Nicely done.

I can hear the ratings going up.


How's the investigation
on the serial m*rder going?

Why are you asking?

You said they promised you
an exclusive interview.


Hey. Do you believe them?

I'll believe a gambler who says
he'll stop gambling over a cop.

Then you had no deal?

-Good work.
-You didn't get…

I was counting on that.

-Great job.

-Good work.
-Well done.

That was a good briefing.

By the way,

what about the exclusive interview
we promised Lee Ji-uk?

Well, we never said
we'd tell him everything we found out.

-We just have to make sure it's exclusive.

Of course. We don't have
to tell him everything.



No, I can't.

I know it's not easy,
but this is an urgent case.

Every case is urgent, you know.


Can you tell me when it would be ready?

If I could answer that,
I would've bought a lottery ticket

instead of cleaning up after people
who can't be patient

and wait for the results.

Damn it. I'm so pissed off.

Since you're here, let me say something.
Your team leader is such a tool.

What kind of man has no principles
or self-respect?

There's that.

When he visits our office, he shows
no respect. He dresses way too casually.

I thought he was homeless.

I can't stand watching him
acting friendly with that new girl.

Seriously. I would never want
to keep him around.

I really hate guys like you, too.

-Why do you care about how he dresses?
-Stop her.

Let go of me!

You're pissing me off.
Just don't look at him, then.

Don't stop me!

-Stop her!
-You think you're better than him?

"Blue Rooster" and "White Monkey."

One, one, zero, zero,
one, zero, zero, zero…


All of these four victims were

in the privileged class and were not
charged by the police for their crimes.



there's Son Min-ho,
the biggest con artist.

But something doesn't feel right.

I'm giving this only to you. Just you.

You're scaring me.

Right. He got the right place.

I'm not hiding anything.

You're suspecting that
I'm hiding something because you are.

There's no record that says
that Choi saw his therapist

or had his sleep treatment
on the day of his death.

Why did you think he did?

Well, I just

happened to make a guess and got it right.

Did you want to talk to me?

You observed me for quite some time,
but didn't come in.

So I was concerned.

-I'm the chief of--
-The Information Management Department.

I know your name, too.

I never forget the people
I've been introduced to before.

But why can't I remember
Superintendent Do?

If we really did meet before…

Might I have the privilege of having
a look at Superintendent Do's file?

I hope you're aware that you are not
authorized to access the police database.

Yes, I am. And I am very grateful.

Well, I don't want this to be
quid pro quo or anything,

but can you do me a favor?

Anything. As long as it's within my power.

I heard Mr. Son is the next victim
and that an investigation is underway.

Yes, you heard right.

I hope you guys can approach
this case with caution.

He has a much more complicated story
than most people know.

It wouldn't be good for anyone
to cause unnecessary trouble.

And does that include me?

You're not threatening me, are you?

Gosh, I almost took it the wrong way.

I hope you know that
among the people who brought you here,

Mr. Son was one of them.

I thought the police requested me.

Who is this Mr. Son
that he had enough juice to bring me here?

Could you tell me
if there is anything I don't know?

That's none of your concern.

In that case,

I cannot help you.

I'm not asking you.

Son Min-ho

is one of those people
who want this case to go away.

A group of the privileged people wants
to solve the case.

And one of them is Son Min-ho.

And the police are involved.

You already knew

that the incident would happen
after Choi left the office that day.


I must be the culprit.

I'm sure of it.

If he really knew about it
and it wasn't speculation,

he's the culprit.



Can I have a word with you?

Thanks for the drink.

So what did you want to talk about?

May I ask what you talked about
with Mr. Do last night?

Last night?

Well, we didn't talk about much.

I think he already knew

that Choi had received the sleep treatment
on the day of the incident.

I asked him about that.

How could he have possibly known that?

It's weird, right?

There's no way he could've known,
but he did.

But what exactly are we looking for?

Seeing how he's lost,
the target wasn't in the code.

Hey, we found the suspect.

How did Mr. Do know he was the victim?


So are you suspecting Mr. Do?

When you investigate,
sometimes you get lucky.

His hunches are usually right.
Besides, he's not the type to hide things.

Lieutenant Gong,
do you like Superintendent Do?

If he wants to hide something,
he's more than capable of doing so.

But you two seem to be on the same page.

That's a different story.

He didn't share the information
just because it wasn't verified yet?

I mean, there is no reason
why we wouldn't be on the same page.

If that bothers you, that means you can't
separate work from your personal life.

That happens when emotions are involved.

Emotions? It's not like that.

It'll be a problem for the whole team
if you suspect or disparage him.

Obviously, I'd tell you you're wrong.

-He might be on a slippery slope, but--
-You like him.

-Why do you keep saying that?
-Because you do.

I don't think Superintendent Do
is on a slippery slope.

He seems dangerous.

-Damn it!
-You bastard!

-Damn it!
-You bastard.

Why are you in such a hurry?

You came out of nowhere.

How come you didn't fall?

Cut the nonsense and give me my medicine.

I'm the busy one here.

He's a cop.

Mister, if you're a cop,
he's a hairdresser.

Do you want a haircut?

Are you judging me based on my outfit?

Right. That's all you see.
I can understand that. I do.

I'm dressed kind of shitty today.

-Do you have any ID on you?
-I do.

Where is it?

This assh*le.

Damn it. I'm going to k*ll you right now.

I found it. Here.


And I'm taking him with me.

Oh, right. You. Redhead.
What did you say earlier?

You'll k*ll me?

You're a cop. Try to look like one
even from meters away.

How about you try
not to get chased by thugs?

I guess life never works out as planned.


What are you doing here?

-Who is it?
-I'm just on my way.

You're not feeling well today.

You two…

kind of look alike.

Do you also have a hard time sleeping?

What? I'm sure you saw
many people who needed medicine.

But are her eyes especially dark?

Fine. Yes. When I get stressed,
my OCD and mysophobia get worse.

So what?

Why do you keep provoking me
when it will go away…

Stress? What stresses you out?

Why are you asking?

So I can decide whether
to stress you out more or less.

I'm leaving.


What do you think?


Do you see darkness in her eyes, too?

Stress? What stresses you out?

He said I'd get hurt if I pester him.
Why is he worried about me now?


He said he could stress me out more.

What's his deal? Seriously.

Weren't you trying to get this?

What? You know the old man?

No way. You're a dirty cop.

Hold on. Get your own medicine now.

Why do you keep calling me for it?

No, I want to buy it from you.

You got money lying around?
It's cheaper to buy from him.

Yes, I got money lying around.
So sell to me.

And once you can pay off
your grandma's hospital bills, quit.



I'm doing this to buy a supercar.


Okay. Go cook me ramyeon.



I'm sorry for touching you the other day.

I wasn't trying to sexually harass you.

I'm a cop. I thought you were a thief.


At :  a.m. on September .

It's , so it's Gyeonggi Province.

And for the regional code.

Seriously. Anyone can see
my personal information.

A cop like myself can't access
the personal information of a criminal.



I need you to find someone for me.

You had someone else to find the girl.
Why do you need me now?

I know how she looks,
but I don't know how the boy looks.

You're the best man to go to

when I need to find someone
out of the blue.

Yes. That's right.

But why should I?

I don't like you.

I told you not to come in here.

He's years old now.

Whatever. I don't like men.

Especially -year-old men.

He probably doesn't
have a resident registration number.

Even if he has one,
it's probably not his, just like me.

He could be with a man in his s,
but I'm not sure.

His height is about centimeters
and he's fair-skinned.

He has thick eyebrows and wide eyes.

He has high cheekbones,
but his jawline isn't sharp.

It's very likely that
he has emotional disorders

such as mysophobia, OCD, and paranoia.

I really don't like this guy.

Hey, you.

What's your relationship
with the girl in the photo?

I'm not trying to
make an issue out of it now.

It has to do with a case
I'm investigating.

I was wondering if you knew her well.

I just…

saw her at the convenience store.

One day, she stopped working here.
And I saw her photo.

I wasn't trying to steal it.



Did you know that?

I'll ring this up for you.


I'll ring this up for you.

It's , won.

You gave me , won.

Hold on a second.

If you remember anything
about the part-timer

or if there's anything
I can help you with, call me.

For example,

you can contact me if you get assaulted.

Or whatever it is.

Goodness. I touched you again. I'm sorry.

Gosh, this is really bothering me.

Is he my type?

I really hate it
when people touch me, too.

I didn't hate it just now.

I found it.

You don't do anything that would
make God happy, so why bother praying?

Why would I pray
if I'm going to do what He wants me to do?

I'm trying to get on His good side
because I'll do what He won't approve of.


"People believe greatness often comes
from a good intention.

But in the history of mankind,
great development, progress, and benefits

mostly stemmed from evil hearts.

If you achieve the good
with an evil heart,

I wonder if the evil hearts that achieved
the good will be seen as evil.

What do we consider good?
And what do we consider evil?"

Is there such a thing as God?

I don't know,
but there are some things we do know.

If a certain religion has been around
for over , years,

there must be a reason for it.

When you were dying,

you passed out in front of a man
who could make a fake identity

and give you a new life for a reason.

That's right.
There's a reason for everything.


Hey, kid. Are you okay?
Goodness. Are you okay, kid?

Kid, wake up.

-Hey, kid.


What's wrong with him?

-Is he okay?
-Do you know him?

No. I don't.


Hey, what's your name?

-This is driving me crazy.
-Wake up, baby.



"The sun is shining on an empty street.

If a watch that can't be wrong
says it's midnight,

is it day or night?"


find out.

You're following me, right?


-What is it?
-Mr. Do.

I'm reading a book
Son Min-ho wrote years ago.

I found it in my house of all places.

I don't know how I even remembered it.

Keep it short.

-Are you busy?

-At this hour?
-This isn't short.

I think it's an important clue,
but I can't figure out what it is.

Okay. I'll see you in half an hour.
I'm at…

Hello? Mr. Do?

Hello? Are you there?

Are you okay, Dr. Leighton?

It's me. Hey, it's me.

-Superintendent Do.

-Is that really you?
-Not there.

You're a habitual offender.

-Are you okay?
-It's because I can't see anything.

Gosh. That was a cheap move.
She threw dirt at me.

Why are you staring at my family photo?

I am…

very interested in you.

Don't try to distract me.

What are you trying to find out
by pretending to be interested in me?

Is it…


or night?

That makes me wonder.

Is it day or night?

What did you…

just say to me?

How do you know that?

Are you curious?

I am…

from White Night Village.


Three people from White Night Village
happened to be involved in this incident.

But you want me to stop?

Are you suspecting me again?

I think you have the answer to that.

Look into her.

I have to get ready for tonight.

Give me the information
you have on Mr. Do.

We have minutes left
until the forewarned time.

A child who survived

couldn't subdue the urge to k*ll
and began to take action.

Is that child me or you?

I just want to know if it's day or night.
That's all.