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03x13 - The Parent Trap

Posted: 03/04/23 19:13
by bunniefuu
No sign of expl*sives.
No battering ram.

That wall went down
by brute force.


Sounds like
a bang baby.

This makes break-ins
so far this week.

All chemistry labs.

Hmm. Maybe
this guy's making

The world's
strongest vitamins.

Yo, static!
Look over here!

Whoever did this
is one burly dude.

He left
his footprints.

In solid wood?

Ok, what about kangor?

No, he's in lockup.

Besides, that footprint
was normal size.

Kangor wears something
like a size -wide.

Must be m*rder
trying to find socks.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ It feels so fine ♪

♪ You can watch me
touch the sky ♪

♪ It seems so right ♪

We're gettin' close.


evasive maneuver.

I wish you'd stop that.

Ha ha!
Race ya!


What took you so long?

Next time.

Command: root beer.

Sometimes, I have
this mask on for so long,

It starts to feel
like a part of my face.

Yeah. Me, too.

Voice: oh!

Did you just say "oh"?


Now your alarm goes off?

Ok, come out!

And don't try
anything funny!

No. Funny is
your department.


Virgil hawkins
and richie foley

High school superheroes.
Who would've guessed?

By the way,
love the masks.

Oh, here.

You know, running
after you all night

Made me thirsty.
May i?

How did you find us?

I followed you.

I think you could use
a secret entrance.

Hey, if we want
your advice, we'll ask.

Now why are you here?

I--i might need
your help.

You need our help?

It's my parents.

I think somebody
kidnapped them.

Days ago,
my parents left

To attend
an important meeting.

I thought security
would be going with them,

But now I find out security
knew nothing about it.

So what makes you
think your parents
are here in dakota?

We had a web cam chat
days ago.

I recorded it.

You can see
the dakota media center

In the background.

Shenice: but when do you
get to come home?

As soon
as we can, hon.

But first,
we promised
to meet someone.

It's hard to explain,

[Doorbell rings]
it's him.

We gotta go,

We'll call tonight.
We promise.


I haven't heard
from them since.

What does
witness protection say?

Just sit tight.

We'll find 'em
for you.

Find them for me?
Oh, no!

I need help,
but I'm not helpless.

Shenice, we've
had more experience
with this stuff.

I don't care!
I'm coming, too!

No, you're not!

Yes, I am!

No, you're not!

Yes, she is.

This is
the right hotel.

Now we need to find
the right room.



Give a brother
a little warning, huh?

This is it.


It matches the background
on the video file.

No sign of
the parents, though.

Maybe I can pick up
some prints.

Give me a full scan
of the room, backpack.

Chemicals, fibers,


What did you find?

Same footprints we saw
at the chemistry lab break-in.

So our looter
is also a kidnapper.

What looter?
What break-in?


He's picking up
a police bulletin.

Police dispatcher:
all units,

There is a metahuman
crime in progress.

Chemical plant, route .
Please respond, all units.

I wonder if it's bigfoot.

Will somebody
please tell me
what's going on?

I'll explain on the way.





♪ Move, gotta move ♪

♪ Let me through ♪

♪ Gangway ♪

♪ Move, gotta move ♪

♪ Let me through ♪

♪ Gangway ♪

♪ Move, gotta move ♪

♪ Let me through ♪

♪ Gangway ♪

♪ Move, gotta move ♪

♪ Let me through ♪

♪ Gangway ♪

I need backup!
Lots of backup!

[Horn honking]

[Electric crackling]

Aah! Aah!

♪ Move, gotta move ♪


♪ Move, gotta move ♪

Cop: aah!

Get me out of here!


♪ Make way ♪

♪ Steppin' the wrong thing ♪

[Electric crackling]

It's open.
Get over here!

Static: yo, bigfoot!

Your shopping spree
is over!

Now watch
a professional at work.




Static: , pounds?!

Whew! Boy, you'd better
lay off the desserts.

I don't
have time for this!





By the way, that goo
you're sitting in

Is stronger
than concrete.



Back off, big man!

Uhh! Uhh!


You're strong, shenice,

But not strong enough.

It's you.


[Gears whirring]

Mom? Dad?

Get out of the way,
shenice, now!

Mom? Dad?

[Shebang grunts]

what are you doin'
standin' out there?

You almost
got squashed.

My parents--
they're inside
those things.




we're trying.

These aren't easy
to operate.

Keep working.
I'll handle them.

If you do anything
to hurt our daughter--

Not to worry, dolores.

I'll just
shake 'em up a bit.



Static: dumpster!
Why is it always
a dumpster?

When this guy says
he's gonna hit the road,
he means it.

That's liquid nitrogen,
minus fahrenheit.

Put down the t*nk, man.

One touch of that,
and you're frozen yogurt.

Speak for yourself.

Clear out!

Static, where are you?

Static on radio:
I don't know.

I can't see.
Gonna burn this off.

He escaped.

Everybody ok?

I guess. Except--

My parents
are gone...again!

♪ Yeah-ah-ah ♪

Our house specialty:

The abandoned burrito
of solitude.

One bite and
you'll need to be alone.

No, thanks.

♪ Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey ♪

Man, she is
seriously down.

I'm using my best jokes.

Maybe that's
what's depressing her.

Listen, shenice.

I know things look bad,
but it's gonna be ok.

How's it gonna
be ok, virgil?

I've spent my whole life
hiding my past
and living a lie,

But I always believed
I could trust my parents.

Now I find out
they're living
an even bigger lie.

All I know is
we're your friends,

But you have
to let us help you.

Ok, first off
who's the heavy dude
with the skin condition?

He's--i don't know.

Rich, do an internet check
on shenice's parents.

Maybe that'll give us
a lead on this guy.

No! Forget it. Don't bother.

I'm gonna handle this
by myself.

Shenice, I'm sorry
your mom and dad
are involved,

But they broke the law.

Yeah, and
we're crime fighters.

We have to,
you know, fight crime.

No! Butt out.

If you don't,

I'll tell everybody

About your
secret identities.

She wouldn't
do that,

Would she?


Pressure's steady.

Where's koenig?

He's over there...



Koenig, put it down.

amazing, isn't it?

This must weigh

But to me it feels
light as a balloon.

Koenig, you're a fool.

The greater your density,
the harder it will be to--

I know what it's
doing to me, jonathan,

But I'm hungry.

The longer
I'm like this,

The more mass
I need to absorb.

The pressure chamber
can't take your weight.
You'll break it,

And everything you've done
to yourself and to us
will be for nothing.

Well, jonathan,

That's why I'm counting
on you and dolores

To make sure
that doesn't happen.

[Alarm blaring]

You keep working.

I'll go greet
our intruders.

♪ You go, girl ♪

Never thought I'd see
this place again.



Welcome back, shenice.

Aren't you gonna say hello
to an old family friend?

[Shebang grunting]

Let her go!


we're so sorry we--

Sorry doesn't cut it.

What are you doing
back here?

The government
shut this place down!

Koenig: we needed
a place to work.

What's goin' on?!

As you know,
before you were--

Before you came along,

We worked
with dr. Koenig here.

We were trying to find
a way for living cells

To absorb energy
more efficiently,

Bypass the whole
metabolic process.

It was a dead end.

We went on
to another project.


Yes. While koenig
continued his research.

He experimented
on himself.

You see the results.

I achieved my goal.

I gained the ability
to absorb mass
from other objects.

Their atomic structure

I become tougher.

I also ended up

With some
unpleasant side effects.

I can't stop the process.

Soon he won't
be able to move.

He'll become
a living statue.

That's why
he stole those things

So we could
build this chamber

And force the cure
into his skin
under pressure.

Why help him at all?

Simple self-interest.

Show her.

[Collars beeping]


If your parents don't cure me,
I'll push this button.

Minutes later, those collars
will inject them with poison.

I can break those
in a second.

Ah, but if
you even try,

They'll go off,

And I'm the only one

Who knows
the deactivation code.

You're sick.


Now let's
get to work.

Any luck, rich?

No, nothing much.

In fact, the only
picture file I found

Is an old annual report
from the last place
they worked.

Wait. Zoom in
on that guy.

A little
digital doctoring.

Check it out.
It's our heavy man.

Let's roll.

Seals are good.
Pressure's increasing.

I'm infusing
the antidote...


[Alarm blaring]

What's wrong?

His skin is too dense.

None of the antidote
is getting through.


Koenig, this isn't working.

Koenig: don't stop.
Turn up the pressure.

But we're already
in the red!

I don't care!

Look out!

I warned you
what would happen
if you failed me.

You have minutes left.



It's not their fault!

Kiss your parents
good-bye, shenice.

Oh, yeah. Interception.

What'd we miss?

You have to stop him!

No, gear, wait.

My parents need you.

Hey, heavy,
this nova burst
should lighten you up.

I can absorb anything
you throw at me.

Can the same
be said for you?

I don't like
the sound of that.

Let's have
a little lesson

In structural
engineering, static.


Class dismissed.

This guy really knows
how to bring down the house.

[Rapid beeping]

Come on, backpack.
Find the combo!

One minute.

I don't
wanna lose you.

Static: stay put,
you freak!

You absorbed everything.

Not everything.


[Rapid beeping]

No! Let me handle this.

Come on, backpack.
You can do it!

Seconds... ...


[Backpack beeps]


Thank goodness!

I gotta help static.


I've gotta go.

Wait for me!

[Breathing heavily]

You had to interfere,
didn't you?

Well, now you'll pay
the ultimate price!


What's below this floor?

Underground parking.




That's it, big boy.

No more milkshakes for you.

Shebang: what's
gonna happen to him?

I don't know.

Maybe somebody
can find a cure.

Huh. One thing's for sure.

He's not goin' anywhere.

Listen, guys.

I'm sorry about before
when I made that threat.

I would never
give away your secrets.

No biggie. It was
the heat of the moment.

This stuff
happens all the time
when you're a team.

A team?!
A team?!

Uh, yeah. Sure.
We're a team.

Why not? Shenice,
you're welcome to join us
any time you're in town.


just call first, ok?