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03x11 - Trouble Squared

Posted: 03/04/23 19:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪
static shock!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Static shock!

[School bell rings]

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be, be ♪

Come on!

Oh! Almost had it.

Hey! You break it,
you buy it.

Sorry, virgil.

But it stopped just as
I was gonna gobble up

The golden globe ball.

Let me take a look.

Man. This thing's
been patched up more

Than a turkey day


You did it! Cool!

What can I say?
I got the magic touch.

Hey, pops.

But the center
was counting
on that grant.

I know times are tight,
but so's our budget.

I understand.


What's going on, son?

I'm leaving
for career day, pops.

Have a good time.

Uh, about that call...
You ok?

Don't worry about that.

The center
will pull through.
We always do.

You sure?

'Cause if the center
needs a loan...

The line forms behind me.


Virgil: alva industries?

If I knew they were
taking us here, rich,

I would have signed up
for careers in
fast food service.

I had one of my
first big throw downs
in this place.

Yeah. Against the very
same dude whose name's
on this building.

How trippy is that?

This is level ,

cybernetics division.

Alva industries
scours the world

For the best
and brightest
young scientific minds.

Who knows?
Maybe some of you

Will join
the alva team
one day.

You are free
to look around,

But please,
don't touch

Wow. Alva may be
a world class jerk,

But, man, check out
this hardware.

It is impressive.

True. But how much
you wanna bet

There are more cons
than pros in this place?

I rest my case.

Look who we have here,
mr. Trapper.

It's that grunt
from the vanmoor school.

So it is.
Vermin, right?



it's that other
vanmoor reject.

We dumped your school
after you losers

Tried to use us
to catch static.

A test that
you flopped, rember?

Ancient history,
little girl.

Mr. Trapper and I
have moved up
to the big leagues.

That's right.

We were personally
selected by
the big "a" himself

To work
on a top secret,
hush-hush project.

Specs, trapper,
mr. Alva needs
to see you.

See? He doesn't
make a move
without us.


Uh, wild guess:
they're not in charge.

What's wrong, v?

The last time
specs and trapper

Worked on
a hush-hush project,

Static ended up
with a bull's-eye
on his back.

Richie: how's it look?

Somebody's working overtime.





Irv? Irv?


What? What?

Yes, tom.
Tv monitors.
Thank you.



Man: checking sequence.
All systems on line.

Woman: checking calibrations.

Man: ready to
initiate sequence.

Holy sci-fi!

Alva jr.?

What's going on here?


The dry run
appears successful, mr. Alva.

But we'll have to test
the hair's cellular stability.

If all goes well,
full-blown restoration
will move forward on schedule,

Despite a couple
of late components.


Keep me posted.

Mr. Alva.

Mr. Alva, sir.

We've been
trying to reach you.

Didn't your assistant
give you our messages?

She did.

It's about
our own project.

We've been
keeping it under wraps,

But we think
we're ready to show you.

I brought you two in
to assist the scientists

With my son's

But, sir, they're only
giving us grunt work
to do. It's boring.

I don't care
if they want you to
screw in lightbulbs.

You'll do it.
Understood, boys?

Dissed. I love it.

He's too obsessed
with that stone-faced
brat of his.

He doesn't care
about our project.

Well, then, mr. Trapper,

We'll just have
to make him care.


This sausage cheese
biscuit is the move.

Wow. Thank you
for the compliment,

Yeah. You did a great job
of hiding the styrofoam
it came in, too.

Oops. My bad.

Sorry I overslept.
Got in late last night.

I'm still up to my neck
in the center's
financial records.

How's it looking, pops?

Not good.

Our cash reserves
are just about
at rock bottom.

It's never been
this bad before.

Don't worry about me.

It's just that
it would be a darned shame

After all these years
to see the center close down.

come through,

It always does.

I was practically
raised at this center.

Me, too, v.

I remember when
the hoops had nets.

Here I am,
a big-time superhero,

But when it comes
to keeping this place open,
I'm powerless.

Well, you could always
help with the electric bill.


[Whistle from
exploding fireworks]

That's weird.

Whoa. Fireworks.

It looks like it's
coming from dakota stadium.

Way too early
for the fourth
of july.

And the stadium's
been closed for months.

This looks like a job for--

Don't finish
that sentence, v.

Superman already
owns the rights.


Man. Just a minute ago
this place was all the way live.




Oh, no.

Specs is history.
Say hello to spectral.

I've got all the colors
of the rainbow, static.

Your aim's ice cold,
laser face.


I wonder when
he's gonna notice
my energy shield.

Hey! Who said
you were dismissed?


My left hand's
set on decelerate, static.

Hmm. What does
my right hand do?


I call myself
speed trap now...

For obvious reasons.


Let's try
fast and slow.

Easy as...

. , Speed trap.

Pi. Very good,
mr. Spectral.

Nothing like
a life-sized lab rat.

Shall we inform alva
about our catch
of the day?

I'll get him.

Just make sure
the kilowatt kid
doesn't wake up.



Put that no good brother
of mine on the phone.

And a good evening
to you, sharon.

This is serious, richie.

Virgil knows
he should have
been home by now.

Oh, well,
he's in the bathroom.

Yeah, my mom's
tuna noodle surprise
does that to a person.

Tell virgil
to get it in gear,

Or his dad's
about to blow
a serious gasket.


Richie: static?
Are you there?

It's me.
Static? You ok?

Come in, static!

Who's that?

Speed trap.

Hold that pose.

If you're
wasting my time--

Believe me,
mr. Alva,

You'll be amazed
with what
we've done.


He woke up, but I have
the situation contained, sir.

We captured him
for you,
mr. Alva.

You what?

Yeah, you always
wanted him, right?

We finally
figured out a way
to overpower him.

You dolts!
You imbeciles!

In one hour they begin
my son's restoration,

And you lay this on me?

Uh, we have
a slight problem.

Better upgrade
your flunkies, alva.

He's getting away!

We'll get him, sir.


Oh, wrong door.

I'm target practice again.

I'm too through
with this place.


So close.


It's about
to hit the fan.

[Both gasp]

He had no right
to speak to us
like that.

Treating us like
we're common grunts.

I've never seen him
so raged out.

And for who?
Sonny boy?

He never
liked his kid in
the first place.

We were more
like sons to him

Than that
block of cement.

Well, if alva thinks
this is over...

Hey, what's with
the rent-a-cops?

You're trespassing.

Excuse me.
We live here.

Not anymore.
Alva's orders.

But our stuff's
in there!

Back off!


Everything on the premises
is the property
of alva industries.

He's throwing us
out on the street.

I'd say this
deserves a response.

Don't you, mr. Trapper?

all the components
can be replaced,

But the tech crew
says it'll take to months

Before they get
the scanner back on line.

I'll tell them
to speed it up, sir.


What's happened here?

Specs and trapper, sir.

They overpowered us.

My son. Gone.

Wild night, huh?

Yeah. And it got wilder
when I got home.

Man. My pops
chewed me out so bad,

There's still chunks of virgil
stuck in his teeth.

Just for being late?

That's an everyday
thing for you.

Yeah. But the community center's
got him stressed big time.

And good old virgil
makes a nice fall guy.

What about alva?

Let alva handle
his own business.

Besides, I got
bigger fish to fry.

Like getting in some face time
with he who pays allowance.

Get into position.
Go! Go!

No sign of anyone yet, sir.

Move in.

Sir, it's an ambush!

Everybody, back! Back!

Could've just gone home.

But, no. I had to patrol
a little bit longer.



We keep
bumping heads
like this,

We're gonna
need helmets.

They're not here.

This whole thing
was a smokescreen.

What are you
talking about?

Specs and trapper.

They sent me an email.

I had it traced
to this location.

They kidnapped my son.

They've had practice.

I never told them
to go after you.

They acted on their own.

I swear I had
nothing to do with it.

Sure you didn't,

Those twisted
little cretins.

They want me to transfer funds.
An impossible amount.

What's the matter?

Not enough
in petty cash,

I only have an hour left.
You've got to help me.

I don't have
to do anything.

I'll pay you.
Name your price.

I'm not for sale.

You know what
specs and trapper
are capable of.

They'll turn my boy
into rubble.



The vanmoor school.

I thought after they
closed this place down,

I'd never have
to see it again.

Where else
would those two hide out
but at their alma mater?

I don't know.
Looks pretty dead.

Something's going down.

This place is juiced up.
I can feel it.

I think we've found
tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber.

Careful, bro.
Maybe they know
you're there, too.

You could be
walking into a trap.

Occupational hazard, rich.
Static out.

Uh! Whoa!
Oh! Ah! Aah!

Bet that's not
their only surprise.

Class dismissed.

This beam's got
your name on it, static.

No thanks, goggles.
Keep your lasers
to yourself.

Out of juice.

Hope there's something
I can use to recharge
in there.

There he is.

Oh, man.

Is that what
I think it is?


Chill out, sparky.

Nice shot,
mr. Spectral.

Now we have

Hey, isn't
alva's time
almost up?

Actually, he's got
more seconds.




Maybe alva's
just a little late.

He's never late
with anything.

Obviously, he doesn't
care about his brat.

And if he doesn't care,
neither do i.

I think it's time
we leave, mr. Speed trap.

The ice age is over.

I'm getting tired
of this little game.

That makes
two of us.


Man, these guys
are not playing.


Uh, I wouldn't move
if I were you.


Speed trap,
he's getting away.

Uh, we've got
other problems.

Hold it steady.

Well, duh!

You're safe, stony.

Gotta go back
for the techno twins.

It's gone off.

I can't contain it!


Talk about
going out with
a bang and a whimper.

The young geniuses
have been charged

With kidnapping
edwin alva jr.,
And subsequent extortion.

They will be
tried as adults.

In related news,

Alva sr. Has made
a $ million endowment

To the freeman
community center,

Saving it
from imminent closure.

I wonder who
gave him that idea?

Aw, daddy.
That's fantastic.

When I saw
all the zeroes
on that check

You could have
knocked me over
with a feather.

That alva
is the best thing

To happen
to this city since...

Since static.

I heard that.

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero
gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪