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03x03 - Static in Africa

Posted: 03/04/23 19:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,

♪ Let's go,
it's my show, yeah ♪

♪ Let's get it crackin'
with my show, yeah ♪

Ah, africa--
the motherland,

Cradle of humanity.

We're almost there.

Can you feel
the electricity?

I can't feel anything

After the sh*ts
I had to get.

You took them all
in your arm?

You know where they
wanted me to take 'em?

Your mother and I
always dreamed of
bringing you here.

We've saved
for this trip
since you were little.

I just want to see
the tigers.

There aren't any--

Tigers in africa.
I know.

I just said it to
get your goat.

Are there any goats?

there are thousands
of animal species--

Elephant rhone antelopes,
lion-hearted beasts,

Leopard waterbucks,

Tobongo chimpanzees,

Bushbuck olive baboons.



Oh, children,
just look at it.

Yo, pops,
it's an airport.

Yes, but it's an airport
in africa.



Tro tro!

Tro tro?

That's what you call
those vehicles.

Some of us
were paying attention

When daddy was
telling us all
the boring stuff.

that's right.

Tro tro!

Accra has been the capital
of ghana for over years.

Ours was the first
black african colony
to achieve independence.

From the british
in .

Check it out!
What's that?

independence monument.

The black star represents

African freedom
from colonialism.

And right over here is
the w.e.b. Dubois center,

Where the great american
civil rights leader is buried.

That's right.
He was a proponent
of pan-africanism.

Didn't we get a shot
for that?

is the belief
in the unity

Of all black people

In their cultural
to africa.

It says that
the blood in history
we share

Binds us together
as strongly as any
national border.

One people,
many lands.

Can you feel it?

Yeah, I feel it.


Richie? Richie?

Oh, right. Guess I'm
a little out of range.

Richie, are you there?

Virgil: richie?


Hey! Richie!

V-man! How's the trip?

It's amazing!

There are black people

Dude, you're in africa.

No, richie.
I mean, ever since
I got here,

I've felt different.


Hey, you know,
when my dad went
to ireland,

He got all goofy,

It's not like that.

It's like I've been

Carrying this weight around
all my life without knowing it,

And now it's gone.

What are you talkin'
about, virg?

In africa,
I'm not a black kid.

I'm just a kid.

Is this what it feels like
for you all the time?

Yeah, I guess.

Feels good!


Ha ha ha ha!



Aw, honey, you look
so beautiful.

Like an ashanti

Your mother would be
so proud.

You look so african,

Maybe we should
leave you here.

Train now boarding.

Come on.
That's our train
to kumasi.

[Birds chirping]

Is this seat taken?




I am dr. Anokye,

of archaeology

At the university
of ghana.

I'm robert hawkins,
and these are my children,

Sharon and virgil.

We're tourists.

From america, yes?

Perhaps we are
distant cousins.

One never knows.

that's true, kids.

About %
of all american slaves
came from ghana.


We gotta ditch
pop's books.

I want to show them
where the ashanti kings
used to live.

Then you must go
to the prempeh
jubilee museum.

They have--
[loud thump]

[Passengers murmur
in confusion]

This was not
in the brochures.


You can give me
your briefcase
or I can tear it away.

Your choice,

Hey, cat man,
leave him alone!

I quite agree.

I suggest you stand
on tradition, osebo.

You know well
the ancient story.

The spider always captures
the leopard.


What do you say?

Shall we dance?


Who is that?

I am anansi the spider,
ever at your service.

He's the most famous
crime fighter in all
of west africa.

I was too modest to say.



Hit him with
a web blast!

I am not
that kind of spider,

And this is not
that kind of web.


Always with your tricks.


behind you.


Perhaps today I have
a trick of my own.

This is osebo.
Demolish the train.

[Train whistle]


We've switched
to a side track.

We're gonna crash!

No! We will not!

After him!

Ok, that's kind of cool.

Dr. Anokye:
no! Please!

Leave him alone!


[Chuckles nervously]
my bad.

Whoa! Unh.

Stay away from my family!

I should punish you
for that,

But I am
out of time.

And so are you!



Osebo: abandon the train.
I repeat, abandon the train.

You heard him.



We're not gonna stop
in time!




See? I told you
africa would be exciting.

Man: there he is!

[All yelling
and praising]

Forgive me
for not staying,

But the leopard's trail
goes cold.

All, chanting:
ansi! Ansi!

No! Wait!

And before I could
tell him anything,

He disappeared.

Well, you better do something.

The tracer's gonna go dead
in a few hours.

I know, but I'm stuck
in this village
with my family

Until they can fix
the train.

Uh-oh. Gotta go.

Miss shoppa zulu
is coming.

Hey, daddy just
got us a hotel room.

We're not
getting out of here
until tomorrow.

Shouldn't you be
pacing yourself
on the shopping thing?

This is not
a shopping thing.

It's a cultural

ooh! Kente cloth!

In american money,
it is only $ .


Virgil, sit down
and join me.

Would you like
some fu-fu?

My treat.

Uh, looks good,
but I think I'll pass.

I was just wondering,

What did osebo take
from you?

A map of ancient kumasi,

Home of the great
ashanti nation.

I believe I'd found

The location
of a long-lost palace.

A palace? In ghana?

Oh, yes.

The ashanti were
talented goldsmiths.

The palace might have
artifacts worth millions

If it were accessible.

What do you mean?

According to the map,

It lies at the bottom

Of the largest
man-made lake
in the world.

Lake volta?

A lake
won't stop osebo.


I regret to report

That I have lost
osebo's train, doctor.

I fear I have no way
to find him.

Uh, actually,
you do.

Can you keep
a secret?

A tracer?

My friend richie
makes 'em,

But I'm the only one
who can track 'em.

And why is that?

How did you--

I'm a superhero, too.

Don't tell my dad.

Then you are going to
have to help me.

Yeah, but what do I say
to my pops?

Uh, excuse me, father,

But I'm gonna save
the ancient treasure
of the ashanti.

Don't wait up.
Yeah, right.

Robert: boy,
wait till virgil
hears about this.

Uh-oh. That's him.

Sharon: he's
gonna love it.

Do not move.

Hey, virgil.

We actually found
a burger fool!

He must be

Let him sleep.

People see
what I want them to see.

When your family
comes back,

They'll see
you are still here.

You have got to
teach me how to do that.

We're definitely
getting closer.

You hanging in there ok?

I still don't get
how you can stand
upside down.


Dang! I lost it!

The tracer must be
out of juice.

Not to worry.
I see them.


Is he another of
your illusions, spider?

His name is static.

He's an american.

You know how flashy
they can be.

As flashy as this?

Look out!

Both: aah!

At last, the spider
has been stepped on.

[Virgil struggling]

That is a very useful

I practice on weekends.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

they are gone.

Well, it's not like
he can blow a hole

In the bottom of the lake

And let all the water out,


Lake volta is
formed by a dam.

If osebo were to
destroy it,

The lake would pour
into the valley.

And he could find
the hidden palace
and the gold.

Yes, and destroy
thousands of homes
as well.

Number reporting in.

No sign of anyone yet.

And you call
yourself a lookout?

[mimics gasp]

Were is osebo?

Inside the dam
with the others.

Where in the dam?

The bottom tunnel.

He has been
most helpful.

What should be
his reward?

How about
we take him
for a spin?

Whoa! Aah!


And they call
a trickster.

Osebo: tonight,
we celebrate!

[Osebo chuckles]

Be quick.

We bury the spider,
we dig up the gold!

He's so happy.
It's a shame to
disappoint him.


Virgil, whispering:
shield your eyes.

[All yelling in pain]


Great show,
but where's whisker?

See to them.

Going somewhere?


The game is finished.


No moves for you to make.

The spider
weaves his web...

And the cat is caught.

But a cat
has many lives, ansi.

I can still detonate
the expl*sives with this,

So unless you want
your flying friend crushed,

You will reveal yourself.

All four:
you press the button,
and we all go.

Talk to me.


You guys
play keep-away
over here?

At the very least,
I will finally
be rid of you.


And they say
cats always land
on their feet.

I'm gonna
miss africa so much.

I don't why.

You're bringing
most of it home with you.

Hey, I just read
that the government
is gonna start

An underwater expedition
to find the ashanti palace

Now that dr. Anokye
has his map back.


Ooh. I better go down
and check us out.

I'll go with you,

I saw the cutest
little earrings
in the gift shop.

I will miss you,
my friend...

And your good humor.

I'll miss you,
too, anansi.

I never knew
how important it would be

To meet a role model
like you.

Role model?

Yeah. A black superhero.

I don't know.
It validates me somehow.

Heroes come
in every color,
my friend.

I know. It's just that
sometimes I wish

There was
a black superhero back home

For folks to look up to.

Oh, but there is.

And he is my hero, too.

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero
gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero
gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪