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02x11 - Jimmy

Posted: 03/04/23 19:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪
static shock!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Static shock!

[School bell rings]

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be, be a hero ♪

[Ambulance siren]


[Woman crying]

Step back,

Make way!

[Richie crying]

Hang in there,

The doctors are gonna
take care of you.

I never thought it
could hurt this much.


Wait for me!


He's my best friend!
I gotta go with him.

Go home, son.
I'll call you
from the hospital.


We gotta roll.

Woman: virgil?



You still
with me?


I just can't stop
thinkin' about...

You know...

What happened.

Why don't you sit?
We can talk about it.

I never talked
to a psychologist

It feels
kinda weird.

I understand.

But let's give it a try.
I promise I won't bite.

I'd like to help you
sort through some of
your feelings, virgil.

You've had
a traumatic experience.

That's what
my father said.

He's a social worker.

He also said
there's no way

I could have stopped
it from happening.

I'm not so
sure about that.

How well do you
know jimmy?

Not too well.

Nobody does.

Maybe that was
the problem.

The first time
I even talked to him
was study hall.

I was late for school
that day because i...

Bumped into
someone I knew.

Karmish: heads up,

♪ This is how we roll ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

Hey, sparky,
I been workin' out.

I can tell.

The muscle between
your ears is bigger
than ever.


♪ Rollin', rollin',
rollin' ♪

♪ This is how we roll it ♪

♪ This is how we roll ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

Karmish: aah!

Ok, ok!

Time out!

Whoa, I'm seein'

When I'm done, you'll
be seein' more than that.

Turn around
and get your claws
up in the air, karmish.

Sheesh! All this
yelling's putting me
back inside my shell.

♪ This is how we roll ♪

♪ Everybody watch,
here we go ♪

♪ This is how we roll ♪


Ok. That's it.

No more mr. Nice guy.

♪ Go, go ♪

However you
wanna play it.


Now, if you'll
excuse me,

I'm late for school.

I hope you
get detention!

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Yeah... ♪

Heh heh heh!

Mr. Hawkins.

Uh, present?

You're minutes late.

You can take a seat here
or in the principal's office.

Uh, here is good,
mrs. Coleman.

Very smooth,


Just wondering what
you were workin' on.



Jimmy osgood.
Student of mystery.

[Door opens]
virgil: that's when
nick connor came in.

Last year he was voted
best personality.

Should have
demanded a recount.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Stop it!

"Stop it!"

I mean it!

"I mean it!"

Jimmy: don't!

Not cool, nick.

Give me a break,

Virgil: and that's the way
it went all period.

He just kept
tormenting jimmy.

Anyway he could.

It was like
a sick game.

Till the jerk
finally won.

And all the time,
I kept wondering,

Where's eagle-eye coleman
when you need her?

'Course, I could have
told her what was goin' on.

I wish I had.

It--it's just hard
to tell on people,
you know?

Especially when the guy
won't stand up for himself.

[Class bell rings]

So, what up

Any static action?

I got chapters
of advanced algebra.

That's enough thrills
for one evening.

Jimmy: hey!

Not again.

Jimmy: give it back!
Come on! Stop it!

[Other boys laughing]



Oh! Oh!


A mouse! Eek!

[All laughing]

Nick: dweeb.

Jimmy, you ok?

Jimmy: I got it.

Richie: oh, man.

They cracked it.

You gotta
report this, jimmy.

Take it
to the principal.

Mind your own business.

Virgil: but I couldn't.

I had to do something.

So, the next day we went
over to his house.

What's this
supposed to be?

It's a mouse,
mr. Computer expert.

My sister's,

See that layer
of dust?


I can't take this.

Sure you can.
She doesn't want it.

So, bet you got some
cool computer stuff, huh?

Yeah, I guess.

Jimmy, I'm going to--

Oh, visitors.

You should've told me
you were inviting
friends over.

Uh, I didn't know
they were coming, mom.

Well, I'm glad
you're here anyway.

Help yourselves
to a snack.

I'll be back.

Try not to chase
them away, ok?

[Door closes]

Come on.

Jimmy: my bedroom
is this way.

Cool room!

Did you make
all this?

Most of it.
See this?

It's a prop
star force.

I got it at
an online auction.

Whoa! We've only seen
that movie, like,
a bazillion times.

Check it, v.


I got it on dvd.

We could watch it...


I could show you
even cooler.

I could show you
a real g*n.


My dad bought it...

For protection.
Wanna see?

No! I hate g*ns!

My mom was
k*lled by one.

It was an accident, but--

Listen, I gotta go.

See you tomorrow
at school, ok?

Come on, rich.

Bad idea, man.

Virgil, voiceover: what can
I tell you? I freaked.

The last thing
I wanted to see was
his dad's stupid g*n.

Of course, eventually
I would see it.

And when I did, it wouldn't
be protecting anybody.

I must sound like
a major chicken.

No, virgil,

You did the right thing
leaving jimmy's house.

Every day more than
young people die
from g*ns,

Including those
who were shot by
a family's handgun.

You were smart.

I didn't
feel so smart.

jimmy apologized.

So, things
were cool again.

After a while,
he started hanging
with us

At my pop's
recreation center.

Although he had
a pretty odd definition
of recreation.

Come on, jim.
sh**t some hoops.

I'm not
very good.

That never
stopped richie.




♪ Bouncin' bouncin'
bouncin' ♪

♪ Everybody bouncin' ♪


Well, well,
osgood the athlete...

Nick, give it a rest.

I just want
to show osgood

How I can stuff
a basketball.

Guys! Guys!
I've got great news!

Tell them,
mr. Hawkins.

mr. Hawkins says
we can use the community center

For this year's
dakota fright fest!


That's great, frieda.

Should be fun.

Of course we'll need
lots of volunteers

To help set it all up.

you and richie are in.

Lucky us.

How about you...
Uh, jimmy, right?

Wanna help?


You're the best!

Come on, guys.

We're gonna need
every pair of hands
we can get.

Nah, you already got

That's a fright fest
right there.



Mr. Coordination.

Virgil: of course,
not many people can resist
the power of hurricane frieda.

By the time
decorating started,

It seemed like
half the school
was helping.

We turned the whole place
into a great big maze.

The kind of place
the cryptkeeper would call home.

Virgil: of course,
I added my own personal touch.

But jimmy really got into it.

He had a knack
for making spooky stuff.

He never asked for any help.
He just did it.

It was great,

But it was like he operated
in his own world, you know?

I don't think he talked
to anybody that whole week,

Except for me and richie...

And, of course, frieda.

He liked frieda.

I mean, major liked.

Anyway, after a week
of neglecting our homework.,

We were finally finished.

Well, almost.

Look out! Blind box carrier
coming at you.


What's that?
The masks.

Frieda wants
everyone to wear one
at the opening tomorrow.

You know where she is?
In the maze.

I'll get her.

I want to show her what I did
with the mannequins.

Virgil: don't get lost!


A maze...lost...

Never mind.

Ooh! This looks scary.

[Imitating] mr. Hawkins!
You're minutes late!

And you there!
Find your seat.

One week's detention--
care to try for ?

And you, boys--you're--

[Normal voice]

What are you guys
doing here?

We're supposed
to meet nick.

Yeah. Frieda said
we could be


Nick: can't believe
you want to hang
with all those losers,

And osgood's
the king of them all.

He's ok.

Maybe a little shy.

Well, I'm not shy.

How'd you like to go out
after fright fest tomorrow?

Well, we're all sort of
going out together
at burger fool.

You and osgood, huh?

Yeah, I hear
you and he are,
like, best friends.


if you like the guy,
what can I say?

I am not interested
in jimmy osgood.



How long
you been listening,
you little creep?!


Nick. Stop!


♪ Gotta run, get away ♪

♪ Gotta get away,
gotta get away, go ♪

♪ Get pumped,
some game to slam dunk ♪

♪ Gotta get away,
oh, yeah ♪

♪ Gotta get away ♪

Gotcha now,
you little weasel!

[Panting] aah!

[Maniacal laughter]


Get him!

Nick: nowhere to run now.


You want a place to hide?

I'll give you
a place to hide.

No! Let me out!

Let me out!
Let me out!

[Banging on locker]
please! Let me out!


You guys are creeps,
you know that?!

Virgil, voiceover:
it was a really bad scene.

I didn't think
it could get any worse.

Boy, was I wrong.

Fright fest came and went
the next night.

Jimmy never showed up.
He wasn't even in school.

Come on, frieda.
We were teaching him
a lesson.

The guy was eavesdropping.

You didn't have to act
like a bunch of bullies.

Hey, if I help take down
the decorations tonight,

Will you forgive me?

If you really
want to apologize,

Apologize to jimmy.

what I'm gonna do.

Knew she couldn't
stay mad at me.


A haunted house is
one thing,

But nothing is as scary
as clean-up day.

Should we swing by
and pick up richie?

Nah, he's taking
his scooter.

I'm kinda hoping
jimmy'll want to help.

Can we go over there?

Good afternoon, mr. Osgood.

Jimmy home?

He was up in his room,
last I looked.

Go on in.

Hey, jimmy,
it's me virgil.


Wow. Some screen saver.

"The battle journal"?

"All I wanted was
to be left alone,

Virgil and jimmy:
"and they wouldn't
even do that.

"they had to hurt me,
humiliate me.

"Well, it ends tonight.

"I'm putting a stop
to them...

Once and for all."


Oh, man.

it's the clutch.

You gotta come upstairs
right now!

I'm afraid he's gonna
hurt somebody.

He'd never do that.
He doesn't mean it.

Your son's depressed,
mr. Osgood.

I work with kids,
and I can tell you,

You can't dismiss this.
He needs help.

Pops, jimmy told me
he knew where he
could get a g*n.

My g*n's locked up.
I have the key. Oh, my god!

It's gone!

The g*n's gone!

What were you thinking,
having a handgun in the house

Where a kid could get to it?!

I didn't know
jimmy would even
think of it.

Pops, those kids
who were hassling jimmy--

They might be down
at the community center.

I gotta get down there.

Call the police.
Have them send a car
down there now.

Pops, wait for me!

No. You go home.

Jimmy's dad
and I'll handle this.

I could see he wasn't
in the mood for debate.

I had to do something.

Hey, look who's here.

Osgood, forget something
in your locker?

Nick, that's enough!


[All gasp]

What's that?!
A g*n.

Ok, put it down.
That's not funny.

Lots of things
aren't funny.

Breaking my computer
wasn't funny.

Shoving me in the locker
wasn't funny.

Jimmy, you're right.

I'm sorry, man.

No, you're not.

Jimmy, don't!
He's not worth it.

She's right, man.

You're all upset
about this now,

But next week,
it won't even matter.

Don't mess up
yourhole life
over this.

Bully: get him!


Ooh, it hurts!

It's not like on tv.


Somebody call !

[Richie groaning]


No. No!

They said jimmy looked
really confused and angry.

So you weren't there
when it happened.

No, I got there
after the ambulance.

It was terrible
that anybody got shot,

But richie--

He was jimmy's friend!

b*ll*ts don't discriminate
between friends and enemies,

They hurt everyone.

We're just lucky
richie's gonna be ok.

I'm just so confused.

I'm mad at jimmy
for sh**ting my friend.

I'm mad at nick
for messing with jimmy.

I'm mad at myself
for not telling somebody

When I first heard
about the g*n.

I'm mad at everyone.

It's ok to feel angry,

It's what we do
with that anger
that's important.

Hi, frieda. You next?


Everyone who was involved
is getting counseling.

The doctor told me
that jimmy's getting it, too.

I don't think he belongs
in juvie, though.

We'll be in touch,
mr. Connor.

What about him?


He also has to do
some community service.

Same as his buddies.

He's getting off easy,

But at least
he'll never win any more
popularity contests.

I am repaired, rested,
and ready for autographs.

Pretty big cast.

Yeah. The doc said
I was lucky.

If the b*llet hit
just a little higher--

Don't even talk
about it.

Yeah. Anyway,

Maybe everybody's learned
a lesson from all this.

[Boys laughing]

Dropped 'em!

What a klutz!
All right!

Let me help you, man.

Hey, thanks.

After richie was shot,

I found out some things
about g*ns you should know.

In one year alone,
, kids were expelled

For bringing a handgun
to school.

As many as , kids
are k*lled by g*ns each year.

You can do something
to help stop this.

If someone tries
to show you a g*n,

Don't stick around.
Get away from them.

Tell an adult
or someone you trust.

Do your part
to increase the peace
out there, all right?

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero
gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪