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02x02 - Power Play

Posted: 03/04/23 18:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪
static shock!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Static shock!

[School bell rings]

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be, be ♪

Richie: evil, sinister tentacles
thr*aten to strangle

The fair city of dakota.

But fear not! For today,
a new champion is born!


Soaring through the sky,

Our young hero spots
trouble on the ground.


All right, dr. Insidious,

Your plan
to destroy the world

With your mondo
gravity ray is over.


Armed with his awesome
electro quarterstaff,

He makes quick work

Of the evil doctor's
heinous henchmen.

[Karate yells]

Whoosh! Ksst! Whoop!

Aah! My staff!

Petoo! Thoop-thoop-thoop!

Dodging death rays,

He makes a desperate dive
for the control panel.

If he can reach it,

Aww, how long
have you been there?

I came in
at "heinous henchmen."

Well, why didn't you
say anything?

I wanted to see
how it turned out.

Eh, very funny.

Heh heh heh.
I'm sorry, rich.

Hey, man,
it's no big deal.

Sometimes I still
pretend to be
green lantern.

[Booming voice]
hail, guardians
of the universe!

always a big joke
to you, isn't it?


You know, sometimes
I think the wrong guy
got the powers.

I think if i--

Never mind.

Richie, wait!

Aw, man.

"I wanted to see
how it turned out."

Yeah, more like
"I wanted to see you

Make a fool
of yourself."

He thinks he's so--whoa!

Aah! Unh!

Hey, are you ok?

I didn't see you.
I'm so sorry.

That's all right, son.


What was that?

What was what?

I'm not sure.
I thought--


What's so funny?

Hey, mister!

Where did they go?

Richie: and suddenly
everybody's gone but me,

And the place
totally gets this...
Haunted house vibe,

So I tore
out of there.

[Slurps] mm-hmm.

Thing is, though,
I've felt weird

Ever since that old guy
grabbed my hand.

Richie, you've
been weird as long
as I've known you.

Want a refill
on cola?

Yeah, and don't
scrimp on the ice,
man, it's free.

[Jamaican accent]
very good, sir.

Would you like
a slice of lime
with that?

[Brakes squealing]

Man: look out!
Runaway truck!

Look out, look out!


Uh, here, doggie,
here, boy!


[Panting] the brake
must've popped.

We're just lucky
nobody was hurt.

How'd you
do that?


I don't know.

Let's get
out of here.


Ok, bro, fire away.

Unh--oof! Nngh!


I'm trying.

Hmm. Ok, last time,
you were in danger,

So maybe if we recreate
the situation...



You, my friend,
just had a genuine
superhero origin moment.

Heh heh. Gee, I always
wanted a sidekick.

Excuse me. Sidekick?

I thought
we were partners.

We'll work out
the billing later.
Can you do it again?

Ha ha ha ha!

That was cool.

Try it again.
Let's see how tough it is.

I'm gonna give it
a little juice.

Ready when you are,

Ha! Is that all you got?

Cool. Wonder
what else you can do.

I got an idea
about that.


Yo, v, look at me.
I'm flyin'.

Yeah, great.


you're too high.

Come down before
somebody sees you.

Ah ha ha. Huh huh huh!

Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha ha!


Hang on, man, I'm comin'.


You ok?
I guess.

Then what did you think
you were doing?!

You could have blown
both our secret identies.

What secret identity?
Weren't you watching?

My powers are gone.

Richie, are you ok?

I'm just
not hungry, mom.

Richard osgood foley
not hungry?

You must be coming down
with something.

I-i'm fine, mom, um,
but I gotta go.

I'm supposed to, uh,
meet virgil. Bye.

Where is he? Aah!

Lookin' for someone?


He came back,
old man.

I'm glad
you came back, richie.

I had to find out
about the powers.

You gave 'em to me,

That's right.

At my age,
it's rather odd to find
oneself a baby again.

A baby?

A bang baby.

However, instead
of gaining powers
of my own,

I can only give them
to others, as I did
with run and jump.

And as I did with you.

Who are you?

My real name
is unimportant.

Call me...ragtag.

From the moment
I touched your hand,

I knew you were special.

I could tell you
have great potential.

So you could give me
powers again?

Of course. And
in return for my gift,
I only ask one thing,

At least for now.

Promise me you will
never tell anyone

Where or how
you got your powers.

I promise.

Good. Then it's
our little secret.


Uhh--uhh. Ooh.

Richie. Richie, come in.

Maybe he's not carrying
his shock box.

Well, there's
more than one way
to make a phone call.


[Telephone rings]

Hi, mrs. Foley.

It's virgil.
Is richie home?

I thought
richie was with you.

Oh, yeah, right.

We were supposed
to meet at the place
about the thing.

Mom: the where?

I better get
right over there
before he leaves.

Great. Now
I'm covering for him.

I better figure out
where he is before his mom--

[Metal screeching]

I told you this load
was too heavy.

Ok, ok,
let it down easy.

Unh! Uhh!

Look out!
Get back!

It's pulling apart.




Man: somebody should
call an ambulance.

There's help from above
when push comes to shove.



Some landing.

what about our crane?

Everybody's a critic.

You guys ok?

Oh ho!
Yeah, great.

Right on!

Well, I'll take that
as a yes.

You saved us.

Oh, my hero.

Oh, really,
it was nothin'.

Well, not
entirely nothin'.

[Metal ripping]

Unh! Uhh. Unh...


Hey, everyone,
it's static.

He...helped me
save you.

You're welcome.

[All gushing compliments]

What's your name?
Where did you get your powers?

Oh, can I have
your autograph?

Well, i--

Much as I hate
to break up this little

Meeting of your
fan club, we gotta talk.

You wanna tell me
what's goin' on?

I'm a superhero.

Yeah, richie,
I got that much.

Excuse me.
When I'm in costume,

I prefer that
you address me by
my superhero handle.

From now on,
just call me push.

Ok, push, how'd you
get your powers back,

And where'd they come from
in the first place?

Sorry, bud.
That's classified.

This isn't like you.

The heavy 'tude,
the big secrets.
What's up?

Nothing's up, except me.

I feel great.
Better than I ever felt.

That doesn't answer
my--hey, does this
have something to do

With that old guy
you met?

It does, doesn't it?

Mind your own
business, v

You are my business,

Oh, I see. When you're
the only one with powers,
everything's fine.

When I get 'em, too,
suddenly it's a cris.

That's not
what I said, rich.

Frankly, I just think

This thing is getting
out of your control.

I can handle it.

And I don't have
to explain myself
to you or anybody.

Now back off!

Aah! Unh.

Whoa! Uhh!

Oh, yeah.

Ha. Good.


Well, how very good
to see you again,
my young friend.

Oh, by the way,

I heard about
your little heroic
exploit today.

Wonderfully done,

I need some more.

Of course you do.


Huh? Uhh.

That should last you
long enough.

No. I need more.

And you
shall have more.

Much more.

But first,
you'll have to
do something for me.

What do you mean?


I don't like this.

Relax, push.
It's gonna be
a piece of cake.

First, jump
will teleport inside.

Once he takes out
the alarms,

All you have to do
is get the place open.

Then it's up to me
to grab the loot.

In and out,
quick as a flash.

What do you say?

I never agreed
to steal anything.

I want to be
a superhero.

Man, you can't be
a superhero without powers.

We've had ours
for weeks.

After a few

It feels
like they'll
never go away.

No one's
gonna know, dude.

You do what
the old man wants,

You get
what you want.

All that power
rushing through
your body,

Doesn't it feel good?

Come on, man,
you know you love it.


Can't believe
I went this far!

Static's right.

This whole thing
is getting out of control.

I'm gone.

Too late, hero.

a price for what
we've been given.

We're doing this.


Just stay
out of our way.

I'm gonna stop you.

Ha. All by yourself?

Naw, that would be stupid.

[Alarm ringing]

What happened?!

He did it,
he did it!



Aah! Uhh!

What's the problem,

out of juice?

'Cause I'm not.

Now I'm gonna
do the same thing
to you.


I thought you were
out of power!

He is, but he's
not out of friends.

You'll have to be
a lot faster than that
to beat me, slowpoke!

Thanks for the tip.

what'd you do?

I call it
my static cling.



Boy, talk about
stuck on stupid.



Done playing around?


Tag, you're it!



Am I glad to see you.

So now
you want to tell me
what's going on here?

Jump? Is that you?

[Imitates buzzer]
oh, I'm sorry,

The correct answer
is static,

But we do have some
lovely parting gifts
for you.

I don't understand.

Then I'll keep it simple.

I'm here to close down
your little school

For delinquent metahumans.

But i--[coughing]

Are you all right?

I'm perfectly well.

How about you?


Yes, static,

It works both ways.

In a few moments,

I will have
drained you of your
entire life force.


Let him go!

I gave you
powers most people
can only dream about.

And this is the thanks
that I get in return?



Hold still, you!

I don't know.
Somehow, that seems
like a really bad idea.


richie, please help me!

Please, I'll fall!

Hang on, i--

You won't escape me,
you ingrate!


V? V?

How do you feel?

When I wake up,
remind me to be
very angry with you.


Hangin' it all up, huh?

Yep. I miss
having superpowers,

But all things

I think I'll stick
to being a sidekick.

Glad to hear it.

I feel better
knowing you got my back.

Even though I was
more powerful
than you.

In your dreams,
pushy boy!

Oh, yeah?

Then how come
you couldn't break
through my force field?

I wasn't even trying.

Ha! Was too!

Was not!

Guess there's
only one way
to settle this.

Man to man.

No quarter asked,
no quarter given.

You're on!

Gimme a quarter.

Virgil: your will is strong,
young bushwhacker,

But it is no match
for my therms of darkness!

Oh, yeah?
Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, ooh! Ha ha!

What button
you press?

Ha ha ha!

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero,
gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪