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01x07 - Havoc in the Hidden Land

Posted: 03/04/23 09:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Inhumans" Find Black Bolt and the rest of the Royal Family, and finish your mission.

DECLAN: You may not be able to regenerate yourself forever.

One day, you'll die, and that's it.

I thought being on Earth would be horrible, - but it's - Great? Yeah.

How do you know Maximus? He paid for all this research.

- He'll k*ll us all! - GORGON: No!


He's gone.

Gorgon's dead.

FLORA: They're still coming after us! - DECLAN: Go! Go! - We're not giving up! We had nothing to do with this! Keep running, or I'll k*ll you right now!


- MEDUSA: They're headed for the road! - KARNAK: Exactly! That's where we'll cut them off.

Flora, to the right! -


- Go! Move, or he's gonna catch us! Bolt, to the left! We'll bring them to you.

Come on! We got to keep moving!




Wait, wait, wait! I suggest you stop, unless you want to deal with my husband.


I'm a scientist.

I-I'm not a soldier.

You're a collaborator With the people responsible for my cousin's death.

Collaborator? Y-You freed me, remember?! That woman, she She m*rder*d my assistant! What were you doing with Maximus? - Why is he so interested? - W-We've never even met.

He's funding my research for how people on Earth are transforming, the the The process behind it, how it can be replicated.

Look, I've got all my research.

It's in my It's in my briefcase, but This is why Maximus led the coup against us.

He wants to go through Terrigenesis again, and he knew we would stop him.

The Genetic Council wouldn't allow something like this, even if we weren't there.

Unless they've already been m*rder*d.

How many more have to die? What do you want to do now? What kind of message do you want to send to Maximus? You brought this on yourself.


No! -





Why? She'll come back.

She always does.

Let's hope not.

Sending her body will get Maximus' attention.

The losses will be severe if he continues.

This has to stop! We cannot go around k*lling everyone.

Remember what you represent.

What kind of king would you be if you k*lled your own brother? What kind of kingdom would Attilan be if you descended to that level? There will be no kingdom unless we act! Actions have consequences.

That's a lesson Maximus is about to learn.

MAXIMUS: I'd have to be a fool to think that Tibor and his group were the only ones who were part of the rebel uprising.

Begin a search.


Don't move! CRYSTAL: Don't even try.

I'll fry those g*ns right out of your hands.


Seems your time on Earth has emboldened you.

I have a message from your king.

Black Bolt asserts the right to call for parley.

Under the rules preserved by our people, you must abide.

We return your team as an act of good faith.

Why now? Gorgon is dead.

At least I understand.

You have had enough.

Request granted.

We'll meet at midday.

- We could've taken her.

- No.

Besides I'm getting what I want.

For the first time in my life, my family has come to me, and I'll have the advantage once they're all together.



Perfect time for his execution.

Karnak, that can't be our intent.

A parley is diplomacy.

It's to avoid more bloodshed.

A stalling tactic, at best.

He thinks we're weak, exhausted, and he wants to take advantage of that.

And what if we are? Not weak, but tired.

This family has been marked by so much loss.

I can feel this tearing us apart.

Survive? I want to do more than survive.

Is this the life that you wanted? I understand that you have to deal with reality, and I know that Maximus sent assassins.

But where does this end? And what if the parley doesn't work? I understand more than most what Maximus is capable of.

And I know he has to pay for his actions, but please please One more place to go.

All of us.






CRYSTAL: Triton!


We thought you were dead.

I was wounded in the attack, but we set a meeting place in advance, should anything go wrong.

Our king felt it best that Maximus believe that his plan was working.

CRYSTAL: Why were we kept in the dark? I'm sure he had his reasons.

MEDUSA: Yes, well TRITON: Where's Gorgon? Come here.

He's dead.

And his death is real.

It was not part of some plan secret or otherwise.

Where? Home.

To the Royal Bunker.

So, this is our bunker? Why have I never seen this before? Why do we have this? In preparation for moments like this.

How far away are we from the palace? Excuse me.

Where are we? Attilan.

We're on the Moon now.


Come on.



Okay, fish guy, teleporting dog, yeah.

Okay, maybe.

Are you having trouble keeping up?



Yeah, me, too.

Triton is alive.

We have a secret bunker and a strategy that has been long in the works.

Maybe Gorgon's death, maybe this This was all a part of your plan? As someone who was once married, that looks very familiar.

It might be wise at this moment for you to take a vow of silence.

You allowed us all to mourn Triton's death.

You deny us our dignity when you lie.

But it is your duty as my husband to be honest to me in all things, to make me your partner.

When you make a decision like this, when you sideline me, it is insulting.

This time away, on Earth, it it allowed me to step back and take a look at things, to see how people perceived me us.

And I love you, and that has never changed.

But I am not going to just be your interpreter.

I need to have a say in in the things that affect our people, our lives.

I am the queen, and we move together or not at all.

Now, tell me, what is the plan? Preparing for w*r.

Where's he going? To undermine an imposter.

There you are.

I was beginning to wonder how long I'd have to wait.


They sent me back.

They're looking to bargain.

They've run out of choices.

I'm certain Gorgon's death is what motivated Black Bolt's offer of parley.

We have all suffered losses.


And that's why it's important for me to acknowledge that, even though he was a traitor.

The people need to see me honor the death of a family member.

I'll take the high road, as a king must.

Is something wrong? You want to become Inhuman.

That's your motivation behind this revolt.

Why do you care about my motivation if it gets you what you want? Because the reason I followed you is because I saw someone who, even though he was simply human, overcame that and became king.

That was someone I could admire.

So I'm really good for a human.

Is that the story you fell in love with? - That wasn't - But it is.

You see everywhere I go, no matter what I do, that'll always be the story.

"He did so well, given what he is.

" Something less than, something to be pitied.

But not anymore.

I've almost got everything that I need to become the most powerful Inhuman ever.

And once I've been through Terrigenesis again, I'm going to lead Attilan to a new era.

The people need to see what I represent, that they can go from the least to the greatest.

That's the new story of Maximus, and it can be their story, as well.

One that takes us to Earth and to a life far larger than they ever imagined.

So, the, um, the research is controversial, to say the least, and complex, you know.

Really, I should just simplify it for you.

I'll try my best to follow.


So, Maximus wants to splice his DNA with these samples, and then he promised to show me a process that would create some kind of transformation.

It's called Terrigenesis.


So is that why I'm here? Um 'Cause I don't really have anything to contribute to a w*r.

If Black Bolt brought you, then you have some value.

Okay, but I'll be safe here, right? In this bunker? None of us are safe.

People of Attilan friends we are here to honor the former captain of Royal Guard, my beloved cousin Gorgon.

These are complicated times.

And the death of a family member can only bring me grief.

My heart aches because Gorgon and I can never find a way to bridge our differences.

We spent a childhood together.

We grew strong together, side by side, and yet there was always a distance.

I did my best.

I only wish he'd put forth the same effort.

There it was, a chasm.

He could never see me for who I truly am.

That seems to be the tragedy of my entire family A blindness that poisons everything.

They couldn't see me.

They couldn't see you.

And now We are all paying the price.

We are about to enter into the field for parley, and my deepest wish is for us to set aside our differences and to avoid any more loss.

May our dear Gorgon be the last to fall.

You'll meet Black Bolt at the center.

No weapons, only discussion.

He is to make his offer, and then it is up to you to accept or deny.

No blood is to be shed Right.




There he is.


And he has my scientist.

CRYSTAL: I hate him.

And it looks like we've come crawling.

Not the reunion I hoped for, brother.

We could've done this privately.

Where's the fun in that? You are family, and because of that, we're here to extend grace.

You insist on a second Terrigenesis, so we are going to grant you that request.

We're willing to turn over your human scientist so that you can proceed.

But in return, we reclaim our throne, which is rightfully ours.

We will set aside any punishment so that Attilan can return to peace.

You want to become one of us? We want that, too.

I accept.


Black Bolt, is this right? Exchanging a human for our benefit? Dissension in the family.

Say it isn't so.

But not entirely unexpected.

'Cause now you have nothing.

It's all mine, and you hate that, don't you? - Maximus, I am warning - Warn me? You are in no position to do anything.

Extend grace? Become one of you? I have always been one of you, and now I am king! And will remain so.

You accepted.

I rescued someone you took prisoner.

He is a friend of mine, and I would do anything for my friends.

I decline your offer.

Don't forget, brother, this is a parley.

The people of Attilan would be truly appalled if you were to use it as an opportunity to inflict harm.

The next time I see you, brother I am going to k*ll you.




What you've done here is incredible.

Terraforming an entire city on the Moon, it's


it's mind-boggling.

Yes, yes.

I was hoping you could show me your work.

Oh, yes.

Um Yes, uh Each of these DNA samples came from human beings who have recently undergone the transformation that you call Terrigenesis.

And you have a list of all the powers generated? Yes.

I want the list, and I'm going to choose.

Choose? Which powers I want.

And then we'll do the gene splice, and Yeah, just it's not that easy.

Here on Attilan, it is.

I'm sorry.

You're gonna have to give me a moment.

Um I mean, I've got some Some concerns And I don't care.

What you're asking me to do I don't even know if it's safe.

I mean, just the genetic piece requires testing in a controlled environment.

You want to bypass all that? That could k*ll you.

Not to mention that I don't even know what Terrigenesis is.

Terrigenesis is what binds us together and defines us as Inhumans.

It unites us across generations and class, ties us to our heritage and history.

To be ignored by it It's an insult.


But one that can be corrected.

You are standing on the edge of a great leap forward for both my people and your own.

You will be part of something that has never occurred.

A second, manipulated Terrigenesis will change the course of our combined histories, and your name will forever be linked to that great moment.


Please excuse me.

We're having some mechanical issues with both water and power in the underground sectors.

Where are the maintenance crews? Conscripted into the Guard, at your request.

I fear this may be the work of loyalists or even members of the Royal Family themselves.

There's no way they've remained here.

They've teleported back to the safety of Earth.


It could be sympathizers.

Find the guards who used to be on those crews and investigate, and tell them to remain there on repair duty until further notice.



Please, bring your case.


The parley was worth a try.

And I know that it confirmed your worst fears.

Do you remember the first time that I came into the Quiet Room? I came because I had heard what you had done to your parents, and I wanted to gloat.

After the hurt that they had caused me I thought it was a wonderful turn of events that now you were suffering.

I wanted to see you in pain.

I thought that you were irredeemable.

Okay, but then you looked at me, and I saw it in your face.

I saw that we were the same person.

We just had different circumstances.

We were both caught up in something that That we couldn't control, and and it hurt us deeply.

And that pain allowed us to be friends.

What I saw today was very familiar.

It was two people with the same pain.

Nothing is irredeemable.

It's a lovely story.

But it ignores a larger truth.

A context.

Well I'm sorry that you feel this way, Karnak.

We bear some responsibility for everything that's happened.

We can choose rightly, and I hope that we do when the time comes.

The queen The queen has her hopes.

And so do I.

If we are to win, we need our captain.

I reviewed Declan's research, and there's a flaw in it, of course.

Let's let Maximus figure that out on his own.

But I have a fix, and I want to use it to bring Gorgon back through a second Terrigenesis.

It's dangerous, and I can't be sure it'll work.

But what if MEDUSA: This is not the Karnak I know, the one who wouldn't dare make a move unless he was certain that he would win.

I don't want my hope to wither while I wait on certainty.

I need to go Now.

I'm sorry, but you know it's forbidden.

A second Terrigenesis It can produce madness, addiction, even death.

Those are fairy tales, passed down for generations.

No one actually knows.

AURAN: I thought we had a maintenance crew meeting us here.

We need to figure out what is going on with the power grid.

Don't! This is kind of important.

Let's get this right.

Let's get it right.

We need to figure out what is going on with the power grid.

Don't! I'm not gonna let you k*ll me again.

- I'm here to help you.

- Who said I need help? You know my power.

I see the flaw in everything.

And exploit it.

I see the flaw in you.

And I want to help you overcome it.

I saw you across the courtyard today.

I've been watching you closely since Earth.

You backed the wrong man and you know it.

I know you feel regret for Gorgon's death.

His sacrifice saved your life.

That wasn't his intention.

What if it was? He could always be counted on to do the right thing at the right time, and he trained you to be the same.

But you are not there yet, are you? Neither am I.

The great Karnak admitting to weakness? My time on Earth changed me.


A little.

I don't understand how I can help.

I'm gonna need a bit of your DNA.


How are you doing? - Horrible.

- Oh.

What is it? Tell me.


I just left him without even hardly saying goodbye.

You really care about him, don't you? Kind of.


I guess.

Even though he's human? I know.

It's so strange.

I grew up thinking they were so awful.


But the truth is they're not all bad, are they? All I know is, I really want to see him again.


I understand, okay? You don't have a lot of friends up here.

When I was on Earth, I would look out, and you know what I saw? Just normal people, living normal lives.

No powers, no palaces Just lives.

I think that's what I want.

With Dave? I want to have that choice, at least.

I won't settle.


Your cousins are sabotaging the city.

Who's to say? Maybe Maximus just underestimated what it takes to keep a kingdom running smoothly.

And maybe I'm talking to the one who might know every crack in that kingdom's infrastructure.

That's possible.

Now comes your part.

Um You're kidding.

Captain of the Royal Guard's afraid of needles.

I thought that was the weakness you were talking about.


Your regeneration powers will adhere through the transfer process using nanogene technology.

There's something you should know.

My powers they may not be so strong anymore.

How do you mean? Something Declan said.

Well, it was really more of a warning, and I don't know if it's true or not.

But whatever makes me me may not work the way it used to.

I understand.

I've had some some difficulties of my own which has forced me to rethink.

For the better, maybe.

Let's hope so.



You really think this will work?


I I need it to.

That's all I know.

Gorgon? Please.

Please This has to.

Give it a second.

Remember, it takes time.

It didn't.

Maybe death has a purpose.

Maybe we're meant to come to terms with that instead of trying to avoid it.


Sounds like a lot of people.

We fight or flee.

Flee, but I'm not fleeing with you.

DECLAN: This? This is it?


Looks like a phone booth.

It's far more than that.

This is the key to who we are.

And we need to get to it.



We've, um We've already inserted the, uh, DNA in you, and we're sure about the translational efficiency.

So now we're just on to the final phase.

Into the booth, then.


A Terrigen crystal.

The missing piece? Oh.

What's it made of? You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with the crystals later.

Now This isn't how I imagined it.

Sorry? Well, before, when when we went through the first time my family was here.

My mother and my father and my brother.

We were surrounded by people who loved us.

That feels like a very, very long time ago.

I wanted this to be a victory.

It is.

It is.

Like you said the first of a new generation.


On with it, then.

What the hell? Isn't that? Gorgon.

DECLAN: How did he get in here? How, indeed.

What is happening inside my kingdom?



That can't be good.

Your Highness, there was an incident in the control room.

All surveillance is down.

We are completely blind.


MAXIMUS: Stay here.

I'll return for you once this is all cleared up.

It's begun.


MEDUSA: Triton, is everything okay? Maximus is out in the open.

My guess they're taking him back to his apartment.

- How many men are with him? - Only six.


You be careful.

We just got you back.

Nothin' Seems to k*ll me Aah! - No matter how hard I try -



Nothin' is closin' my eyes The cloak! Nothing can beat me down For your pain or delight Give you everything I need Give you everything I own Give in if it could at least be ours alone Alone Given everything I could Blow it to hell and gone Burrow down in and then blow up the outside Blow up the outside Blow up the outside World





You're supposed to be dead.


What is this?


You can't keep me locked up in here like a prisoner! Alone at last.

Brother against brother.

It's not like you to hide in the dark.

But I guess times change, and us along with it.



There's something you might want to hear.

Once I'd realized that you were likely to attack, I enacted a failsafe system.

If I die, all of Attilan dies with me.

I enacted a measure that will destroy our protective dome.

And after that happens, it'll only be a few seconds until we're all turned into space debris.


And since I'm the only one who knows how to keep this from happening it might be wise to keep me alive.

Or not.


It's your choice.



Oh, my kingdom for an electron microscope.



All right.

The lights have gone out.



My name is Dr Dr.

Evan Declan, and I-I work for Maximus.

I-I'm allowed to be here.