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01x06 - The Gentleman's Name is Gorgon

Posted: 03/04/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Inhumans" We'll complete the mission King Maximus gave us.

We'll hold these pitiful humans hostage and force Black Bolt come to us.


Lockjaw! He needs a doctor.

DAVE: Yeah, my friend, she's a vet.

Why do you two hate each other? 'Cause we just broke up.

We need your assistance to take down the false king of Attilan.

Isn't this Bronaja's father? TIBOR: He's also the only one who considered it an honor to be drafted into your army.

Some Inhumans might wonder if this is for the good of Attilan or for the good of Maximus.

This is a fatal wound.

- Crystal's here.

- Where is she? Please be the king we deserve.


Black Bolt, wait.

I-I didn't mean for this to happen.

Yet it did.

I was hoping for a peaceful transition of power.

Things got out of hand.

You k*lled Triton.

And now we k*ll you.

Brother, please He's not too pleased to be your brother.

He knows you were the one who k*lled your parents.

That's not true.





His side's all swollen again.

What have you been doing with him? Nothing.

He's just been teleporting us around.

Well don't do that anymore.

It's made him a lot worse.

I know my dog.

He's gonna be fine.

Aren't you, baby? He needs rest.



- You should take him home.

You should both go home, wherever that is.

I'm not leaving without my family.

Well, how many are you? Shouldn't you be on a register or something? I don't know what you're talking about.

Gonna make sure they have a picture of you.

- What are you doing? - Audrey, don't.

Aah! I'm not afraid of you.

You should be.

This isn't over.

You should know, when Audrey says something's not over, it's not over.

She's right, though.

We wore out Lockjaw.

I don't know what to do.

I have to find my family now.


Well, let's Let's think.

I've seen you do all kinds of crazy things.

I've seen the wind thing and now balls of fire or whatever that was.

Is there anything you can't control? I control the elements.

That's my gift.



So maybe you could create a forest fire or a water spout or something like that? Yeah, I guess, but why would I want to do that? I can send my family a signal That I'm here.



I'll create lightning! They can trace it right to me.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Uh, maybe let's not do that right here.

Don't want to burn down the barn.

We should go up somewhere high so they can see it.

Yeah, yeah, hop in.

MEDUSA: We need to find Crystal as soon as possible.

KARNAK: Yes, but without Locus, how do we do that? Hey, how did you find us? Uh, you left very distinct energy bursts when you guys landed in Hawaii


Then Crystal would've left a sign, as well.

You know what? Just give me a minute.

Give me a minute.

Do we have a plan for once we get back up there? Maximus has the Royal Guards.

I'm not sure I'm the one who should come up with a plan.

My mind is not as reliable as in the past.

I say we go in there running and screaming and tear them all to shreds.

And I say we give Karnak a little more time.


What'd he say? He said we need to take down Maximus, but what he means by "take down," I'm not exactly sure.

I know I said we needed to throw Maximus off the highest wall in Attilan, but I think I think we need to take him alive.

Then let me smash his head in in front of the whole city.

Gorgon, I love you, but you are not helping.

Haven't we learned anything from my parents? Yep, yeah, yes, yes.

There There was another one.

Uh, it it came in after you guys already landed.

It looks like it's on the, uh, the northern part of the island.

So let's find her.



- Hold on.

You're vibrating.

It, uh It's just It's Locus' comlink.

I thought this was broken.

I I I've been, uh tinkering with it.

I'm a bit of a tinkerer.

It's just It's a habit that I have.



- Auran.

AURAN: Medusa.

I'm curious if Black Bolt still has that frankly disgusting fondness for his human friends Declan and Sammy.

He wants to know what you've done with them.

Nothing yet.

But if you and Black Bolt don't come back for them, they will die.

Using hostages is a new low for you, Auran.

Gorgon used to tell us there was nothing more important than the mission.

So you think we're just gonna walk right into your trap? Up to you.

Say we wanted to meet up.

How would we do that? You have Locus.

I'm sorry.

We don't.

Locus is dead.

We haven't gone anywhere.

We're still at the lab.


Who are Declan and Sammy? Friends of Black Bolt.

Even so, Crystal is our priority.

We don't know what danger she might be in.

Going to rescue those two sounds off-mission.

Hey, this is Hawaii, and I know how people act here.

We help our friends.

Most importantly, I want to rip the head off of Auran.

Vengeance is not gonna help.

He's probably right, though.

Auran's not gonna disappear.

If we don't deal with her now, we'll just have to deal with her later.

He says he wants the two of you to go after the humans while him and I find Crystal.

Is Is separating a good idea? We're at our best when We need to find Crystal and return to Attilan, and then and then we can tend to Maximus.

Facing Auran, I'm I'm not sure I'm ready for a big fight.

Karnak even at half your strength, you are Attilan's greatest fighter.

Second-best, I guess.

Thank you, my Queen.

I'm in.


Thank you.

So, where's this lab? LOUISE: Follow this road east for about a mile.

So we better get going, then.

- Right.

- Okay.

As soon as we find Crystal and Lockjaw, we'll come back for you.



I'm coming back a free man.

Inhumans formerly cast off, hidden away, now on the front line of the battle for our very existence.

Black Bolt, all the while, is planning, scheming, trying to find a way to take back Attilan and bring back the decayed caste system.

Auran and her brave soldiers need your help to capture Black Bolt and the others before they steal back the throne and send you back to the mines.

Are you up to the task? - Yes, my King.

- Yes, my King.

The very best Attilan has to offer.

You should be proud of your father.

His loyalty is unshakeable.

He is an example for all of us.

Eldrac, are you ready?


That's a lot of people.

Step forward, my warriors.

What will the people think when they find out you sent miners to w*r? They're honored that I treat them as equal.

The people love me.

They'll do anything for me.

Yes, my King.

And if Black Bolt obliterates them all, well, then, that'll make the rest of our citizens hate him all the more.


- Beautiful.

- Mm.

I had no idea.

Yeah, grass is green, the flowers are bright, the birds sing so pretty.

You're soldiers, not tourists! We're proud to be of service.


Let's go.

Behind me.

He's becoming more paranoid.

Every hour, he surrounds himself with more guards.

I'm not sure what I can do.

Well, we've got to get him alone.

- How? - I'll find a way.

Perhaps we should wait.

No, assemble your team.

Get anyone loyal to Black Bolt.

He's sending us off to Earth to die one by one.

If we don't act soon, there won't be any of us left.

Maximus must die.



This is not good.

Not good.


I'm sorry the energy burst didn't conveniently happen next to a highway.

I I mean, we could look at a map.


I'll just be a Just be a second.


Let's see where we are.


Of course I know where we are.

It's right in the middle of nowhere.

Why did I bring my parents up? I brought them up because when you became king, you said you never wanted to be like your own parents, like any other king before you.

I'm reminding you that you promised me that you would be more understanding.

Yes, he hurt me, and there's a part of me that wants him to pay for that, but we have to be bigger than that.

So, to answer your question, no.

No, we don't just let him walk away.

We give him a fair trial.

We let the people decide.



I am not trying to protect Maximus.

I am trying to protect you.

From yourself.

Guys! Got it! Good to go.


MAXIMUS: Should the Royals return, I want to make sure we have every plan in place to stop them from getting to me.

My King, if I might have a word with you privately.

Guards, give us a moment.

I'm hearing rumors of a rebel group that are planning an attempt on your life.

Why do you do this? My King, for For your protection.

I don't believe it.

The people are happy.

At this time, we must take every precaution.

Where did you hear this rumor? A concerned citizen, uh, brought it to my attention.

He requested to remain anonymous.

Well, if this is true, we should bring the guards in to hear this.

I disagree.

Why? Why should we trust the Royal Guard more than anyone else? There is a conspiracy against you.

What do you suggest? You and I handle this, alone.

Use the twins in the control room, search Attilan for these rebels.

We find them, we detain them, we force them to tell us who is involved, and then we make an example of them.


The way my family has treated me over the years, the lack of respect, has bled over, infecting others.


I should've seen this coming.

Find out what you can.

Meet me in the control room.

I will.

They always underestimate me.

What's that? Nothing.

Go on.




This technique doesn't work.

Well, it's worked for all Inhumans.

It should work for you.


I don't see why I have to learn any of this, anyway.

I'm part of the Royal Family.

I have guards and you.


And what about that day that you have neither?




Now, this training is not about today or tomorrow.

It's for the day that you least expect to use it.

Now, if you're the last man standing, how will you protect yourself? Or Attilan? KARNAK: Gorgon easy.

At least let me fight with someone I stand a chance with.


You have to be smarter and more cunning than anyone in Attilan.

It's the only way you'll survive.

Medusa, even little Crystal, are skilled fighters.

It's part of who we are.

Even your brother has subjected himself to this, and he has the most powerful Powerful w*apon in Attilan, yeah.

How many times do I need to hear that? You haven't heard it, or else you wouldn't be here.



That's enough embarrassment for today.


He'll never learn.




Gorgon, calm! Calm.

- A sneak attack makes you - Smarter.

And more cunning.

You're an excellent teacher, Gorgon.

Thank you.


I can still smell the mines on them.

We're soldiers now.

Let's hope.

The Royals don't know you're here.

When they attack, we'll draw them in, then you'll surround them.

Move out.

Be careful! Stay out of our way.

MORDIS: Especially my way.

I'd hate to fry your tender bodies.

DECLAN: You're the one who should be worried about living through this.

I have no worries.


Because you think you can keep healing yourself.

Have you ever had a DNA test before? Get to the point.

Your telomeres are growing shorter.

Meaning? Meaning you may not be able to regenerate yourself forever.

One day, you'll die and that's it.

You're lying.

I was gonna die young Now I gotta wait for you, honey This is just about the highest point on Oahu.

It's beautiful up here.

Now I gotta wait for you, honey Have you ever been to the other side of the water? Now I gotta wait for you, honey No, I've never left the island.

I've never been outside Attilan.

I never imagined it would be like this.

Maybe after we find your family, we can take a trip somewhere together.

I could've missed it I never knew Should we give it a try? Chain reaction, but you're holding the fuse Okay.

I was gonna die young - You might want to step back.

- Good idea.

Now I gotta wait for you, honey Now I gotta wait for you, honey Now I gotta wait for you, honey







I got to check the map again.


Well, if you don't mind my asking, why do you guys live on the far side of the Moon? I mean, why hide like that? Me? You guys are hiding from me? We used to live on Earth for generations, and as you might know, humans, when they meet something that they don't understand, their first reaction is to attack.

So we left for our own safety.

Ours and yours.



That's weird.

But back to what you were saying, though.

Uh, yes, there are bad people on Eah, but I would say most are good.

I mean, what if I thought that everyone on Attilan was like your Maximus? That's a really good point.

Uh, where are we? Oh, um It looks like we're here.

She could've landed within a couple miles of here.

Any direction, really.

And then she could've moved on from there.



They say lightning never strikes twice.

It's Crystal.

You have Royal Guards around you at all times.

Why worry about rebels? I'm not truly worried about them, Bronaja.

I'm worried about what the revolt will do to Attilan.

And who started this? Was it the Genetic Council or a Black Bolt sympathizer


Was it Tibor? You said you trusted him.

And me.

Trusting someone and that person being trustworthy are two different things.


Tell me What do you see?



What? I-I saw you and Tibor.

And? You were talking Just talking.

What were we talking about? I don't know.

Were we happy or angry? Happy, I guess.

Were we laughing? Dancing, perhaps? What? No.

Then how do you know we were happy? I-I-I don't know.

You only gave me two choices, and you didn't seem angry.


I'm pushing you too hard.

I know.

You must be very worried about your father.


I am.


Your father is a soldier embarking on a great cause.

He will literally open the gates of Paradise for the rest of us.

You do want him to come home safely, don't you? Yes.

Of course.

Then let's try again.

Was there anything in your vision that suggests I should be concerned about Tibor? I I think you can trust him.


Thank you.

I want you with me when I meet him.

Didn't he want you to go alone? Your importance to me grows daily.

I want you to see things from the inside.

Thank you.

Auran, Flora, Mordis.

Very good stuff.


Seems hardly fair.

There was a time I would've chastised you for being so cocky.

But? How would he get us inside this building without getting any humans k*lled? Auran could be in any one of those windows, armed sniping us before we make it across.

I can't see the flaw.


Well, I'm seeing the one flaw that you're not seeing.

- I can't wait to hear this.

- Good.

Now, Auran and her people don't know that you're broken.

And they think that the almighty Karnak is gonna be heading their way.

So give them what they expect.

Now, there is no flaw if they don't know there is one.

I'm I'm impressed.


Let me make this a little bit easier.






They're here.

Well, you don't say.

Keep an eye on Declan here.

Aye, aye.

FLORA: It's Karnak.

sh**t him.

The others are probably out there, as well.

Why are you waiting? No, it doesn't make sense.

He wants me to sh**t him.

It's got to be a trick.

Please don't sh**t me please don't sh**t me Tell Mordis Karnak is coming now.

Hi, Auran.


Look alive.

Karnak is coming.


Around that corner.

Go get him.

This will be over in a second.

Psst! I'm over here.

Psst! Aah! I hope that didn't hurt your little hand! Dear, dear Mordis It's been a long time.

The all-powerful Karnak.

Hiding, are we? I've heard that you like to tell your enemies all the different ways that you could defeat them, so I'm gonna give you the chance to do so right now.

Please show me your genius.

Do you remember the first day you came out of Terrigenesis? So scared, so alone.

Literally, the face of death.

How many did you harm that day? How horrible you must have felt.

I didn't ask for this gift.

It's not what I wanted.

That's exactly what I told the Genetic Council, but they didn't care.

They wanted to put you down.

How I pleaded for your life.

Black Bolt was just as dangerous, but he was given far more opportunities than I was.

I was immediately locked in that cell! But that's what kept you alive.

No! Being locked away is not being alive.

Yeah, you're right.

Mistakes were made, but that was then.

Maybe, from this moment forward, things can be different.

What happened to me, that wasn't necessary.

There were other options.

Karnak! Over here.

Got him.

KARNAK: For now.

Who are you? Gorgon.

And you? Sammy.

Where's the quiet guy? Black Bolt and his wife are safe.

Hey, you need to get out of here.

Out there, to the left.

I can help you.

We got it covered.

Leave now so we don't have to worry about you.

Are all of you like Black Bolt? Do you all have powers? Sure as hell do.

So I'm not a freak.

You're not a freak.

Tell Black Bolt thanks.


The story that you told Mordis Is it true?


Are you kidding? When he walked out of the Terrigenesis chamber, it scared the bejesus out of me.

I wanted to put him down right then and there.

Just trying to stall him.



What's the plan now? Auran is mine.

She has a g*n.

Who needs g*ns when you've got hooves? Hold it.



Loyolis, right? What? We met at your son and daughter's Terrigenesis.



You're gonna sleep and wake up with a slight headache.


GORGON: Hello, Auran.

I'm surprised you've come back for more.

Didn't go so well for you last time.

Yeah, well, I have a pretty good feeling how this will all turn out.



Aah! Come on! Where's the fight in you?!


Now would be a good time to surrender.



I surrender.

KARNAK: I assume you're Declan.

I am.

And you're Karnak? Just Please just tell me Exactly who is Maximus? Traitor brother of our King, Black Bolt.

So that's why Maximus wanted me to k*ll him.

How do you know Maximus? He He paid for all this research.

Let's continue this outside.

No, wait! I need my briefcase.

- You'll get it later.

- No.


It's got my research.


So, now we just wait? Now we wait.

So will you be happy to get home? Absolutely.

I won't.

I mean, I'll be happy for you, of course.

But it's hard to believe I've only known you for a little while.

I thought being on Earth would be horrible, - but it's - Great? Yeah.



What if they didn't see the signal?


Are you kidding? That was impossible to miss.

I mean, that was so, so awesome.

You're like some kind of god of thunder.

La la la You kissed me.


Hello, little sister.



- Black Bolt, you're here.

- Oh! I was so worried about you.

I'm good.

I'm okay.

We got your signal.

And I see that you made a friend.

A, uh, human friend.

Uh, hi.

I'm Dave.

Dave helped me find you.

He's the only reason we were able to find each other.

He's a good person.

See? Earth is filled with good people.

Uh, this is, uh This is Louise.

We, uh We also made a friend.

Where's Lockjaw? He's resting back at Dave's barn.

We need Lockjaw to get Karnak and Gorgon.

And then, we can go home.

We better tie that one up.

What happens when we return home and you see the people prefer Maximus as King of Attilan? We'll find out soon enough.


Wh-What happened? You lost, loser.



- Now we go home.

None of this was necessary, Karnak.

But no one's gonna lock me away again.

- He'll k*ll us all! - No! Everyone, go! - No! Don't take me back! - Go! I'm not getting locked away! Go! Aah! Aaaaah!








Lockjaw's in here.



Come on, boy!


Good boy.


Oh, wow.

He's so big.

I cannot wait for him to take us the Moon.



Let me talk to her.


Why are the police here? I'm driving a stolen car.

Crystal, we need to go.

- Louise.

- Wait.

Just stay in here.


Audrey, what's the matter? He's in the barn with an alien named Crystal.

- Audrey, what are you talking about? - Don't play dumb.

Look, no, I I brought them here so they can just meet Lockjaw and your friend Crystal.

I You've just been so wrapped up in her.

I mean, what if this is some kind of of danger or threat? Sir, we're gonna need to see inside that barn.

She is definitely the kind of human you guys were talking about.

I'm sorry, Crystal.

We have to go.

Dave Louise, I need your help one more time.

Y-Yeah, I Yep, I get it.

You need me to handle the police.

I am sorry.

OFFICER: She told us there's an alien dog in there.

I want to see an alien dog.

Audrey, no.


Oh, thank goodness.

Ma'am, are you okay? I am now.

This one locked me in here.

Can someone tell us what's going on here? She and Dave used to date Until he dumped her for me.

Oh, my God, no.

No, Officer, that's not true.

That's not true at all.

Audrey, I'm really sorry, but you're gonna have to back off.

We're gonna walk away now.

If this happens again, you're gonna have a problem.

No, wait, please! You have to believe me! Audrey, just stop.

Officer, they're still out there! They could be dangerous! That dog was huge!



Gorgon? Karnak?





I don't wanna know who we are Without each other, it's just too hard I don't wanna leave here without you I-I tried to get to him.

He's gone.


I don't wanna know Gorgon's dead.

I don't wanna know I don't wanna know I don't wanna know I don't wanna know I don't wanna know I don't wanna know We are buried in broken dreams We are knee-deep without a plea Here without you MAXIMUS: Tibor and his rebellious friends here to k*ll me.

But you should know we have your families.

If you resist, we will k*ll them all.

Put down your weapons.

I am saddened that so many of you followed Tibor down this path of treachery.

You will fail.

You came after a king.

- No! - Please! Aah! You think I'm stupid.

Is that what you all think? That I'm a stupid human?! That I can't tell if someone is lying to my face?! Your arrogance has blinded you! Nothing is going to stop me! Nothing! Take them away.

BRONAJA: What's going to happen to them? What do you think? When you saw me talking to Tibor, did he have a knife in his hand? I don't know.



Why did you lie to me, Bronaja? I'm sorry.


I-I was scared.

I know fear.

I do.

It's a great motivator.

But you have to understand that I'm trying to lead you to something great.

You do know that, don't you? I do.

I need you to believe in me, Bronaja.

Trust in me.

I am the King of Attilan.

Long live King Maximus.

Say it.

Say it.

Long live King Maximus.

There you go.