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01x03 - Divide and Conquer

Posted: 03/04/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Inhumans"...

The days of Black
Bolt's rigid meritocracy

are coming to an end.

Bronaja, You can see the future.

I can build it.

Maximus is trying to take over Attilan.

Lockjaw, take Karnak to where Gorgon is.

No, not me!

- Triton is dead.
- This is a rescue.


Come right here, and when they do,

there's gonna be some serious trouble.

Who doesn't like a little trouble?

Your reign. It's done.

Karnak and Gorgon are gone.

Medusa is writhing on the floor.

Are you going to use your voice?

k*ll your only brother?

Stop him!


Where did you send them?

You really think I'm going to tell you?

- No!
- Take her to her apartment.

Lockjaw, wake up.

Black Bolt? I'm here on Earth.

But I will find you.

We are not defeated.

Take care of the Royal Family.

- "Take care of"?
- k*ll.

Dr. Declan, you're
gonna want to see this.

He might be Inhuman,

and he's being held at a
correctional facility on Oahu.

I need to get there.

- Tell the driver to take me to the airport.
- Right.


It's your lawyer. You got five minutes.


Hello, Sammy. I'm not your lawyer.

I just said that to
get you on the phone.

My name is Dr. Evan Declan.

What is this?

Listen. I know your case file,

and I know what actually
led to you being arrested.

You do what I ask, then...

Then I will help you.

Go on.

I'm on my way to Hawaii now.

Will you help me?

What do you need me to do?

Being King isn't what you think it is.

Requires sacrifice, responsibility.

I'm sorry, Dad,

but from what I've seen,
your job is pretty boring.

It's not boring. He's the King.

Of Attilan. All 1,400 people.

Black Bolt, the day you take the crown,

you will inherit all of the power

and all the weight of being
the leader of a great people.

Honestly, I don't want that.

I'd rather just be me.

I wish I could be King.

Sorry it doesn't work that way, Maximus.

Like, if I'm k*lled in battle?

We're not at w*r at the moment.

But if he does die, I'm King, right?

No one is going to die. I promise.

Both my sons are
destined for great things.

Guys, coming out! Coming out!

Captain Pena!

Captain Pena, how about a statement?

A statement about what?

The individual that sent
two of the city's finest

to the hospital yesterday.

The individual in question

was involved in a minor
traffic accident...

With a giant cow-dog?

There was no cow-dog.
Cow-dogs don't exist.

I have nothing else
to say on the matter.

- Excuse me, Captain Pena...
- I just told you,

I have nothing further to
say to the press at this time.

Okay, well, I'm not the press.

Callisto Aerospace?

You work for the billionaire

who wants to build a hotel on the Moon?

It's a base, not a hotel.

- The hotel would come later.
- Uh-huh.

Look, can you just tell me,
did the guy that you arrested,

did he... did he show any
sort of, like, unusual powers?

I didn't see anything.


Not even that cop car
flying through the air?

- It's funny how they do that sometimes.
- Yeah.

- Now, if you'll excuse me...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.

Can you a... Can you just...
Can... Can you tell me his name?

I honestly don't have a clue.


I'd like to talk to him.

Too bad.

This is the guy?

This is him.

You want me to put him in solitary?

Put him in gen pop, but stick it to him.

If he gets rattled hard
enough by our other guests,

maybe he'll be more inclined to talk.

You and me?

We're gonna have some fun.

- Right?
- _

I'm Medusa, Queen of Attilan.

I need money.

This is the Queen of Attilan speaking.

I require money.


I like that you're confident,

but you should know these fighters

won't be like anything you've ever seen.

Lucky and me?

We did two tours in Korangal Valley.

So, you used to be soldiers.

Once a soldier, always a soldier.

Maximus will be sending
his most elite fighters,

and these are fighters
that I myself have trained,

which... which means they're good.

To them, you'll be like tiny ants,

and they're superior beings like me.

Can you be k*lled?

Anything living can be k*lled.

Well, unless they're bulletproof,

I say a fight's a fight.

If you or any of your
friends want to leave,

now's your chance.

Otherwise, you do what
I say when I say it.

Now, this is my fight.

For my cousin Triton, for
my people, and for my king.

We had a king once.

And then Mainlanders came
and decided we were a state.

I'll fight for your
king in honor of mine.

What about you?

Are you gonna be able
to k*ll your own people?

People you've trained?

If they're a part of this coup,

I'll be more than happy

to rip their heads from their necks.

Well, we'd better get ready, no?

Okay, gentlemen...

I want everybody to stay safe,
stay strong, stay focused.

What do you want now?

I've come to see if
you've considered my offer.

I told you I don't trust you.

Black Bolt has put us all at risk,

and the others are too
afraid of him to say anything.

If you take that first
step, the others will follow.

How do I know you
haven't k*lled them all?

Because I don't want to k*ll them all.

I don't want to k*ll anyone.

But if that becomes my only option...

You want me to make a speech
in front of the Genetic Council?

More of a statement.

Now, you can put it in your own words.

What's important is making
it clear that you support me.

But I don't.

It's the easiest way to ensure
a peaceful transition of power,

and it gives our family a way back home.

Our family?

They were my family long
before they were yours.

I never wanted things
to happen this way.

But it's not too late.

If they get word that
you've given me your support,

they'll know it's no use fighting.

They'll come home.

I-I know you're confused.

But reading these words to our people

could help keep our family alive...

what's left of it.

That's all I want.

I'll do it.

But if you go back on your word,

I promise I'll k*ll you,

if it's the last thing I do.

You're so much like your sister.

I miss her, too, you know.

Thank you, Crystal.

For what?

For realizing that it's better

that you do this out
of your own free will

instead of me making you.

Any progress on Black
Bolt's whereabouts?

Not yet.

What's taking so long?

This is Earth.

It's a lot bigger than the Moon.


In the meantime, I know where Gorgon is.

He was stupid enough to thr*aten me.

The poor idiot can
never control himself.

He's left his comlink on.

Which means he'll be expecting us.

Yes, he will.

Nevertheless, he's a bird in hand.

Take him down, and
you'll be more prepared

for Black Bolt when you find him.

Gorgon will be tough to take on alone.

You won't be alone.

I'm sending you down some backup.

And Mordis.

Don't send Mordis. He's not a fighter.

He's just... death.

We'll be better off without him.

Next to Black Bolt, he's the
most powerful w*apon in Attilan.

I have no control over him.

You need to trust yourself, Auran.

Trust that you can handle
anything and anyone.

I do.

I believe in you, and
I'm sending you Mordis.

Understood, my King.

Eldrac will send them soon.

Your Highness.

You require my assistance?

How bad an idea is it
for me to open this door?

I suppose that depends what's
on the other side of it.


I'm sorry. I don't see anything.

Does that mean there's no danger here?

I don't know. Maybe.

I don't really know how
this gift of mine works.

I have no control over it...


Unlock the door.

Well... hello.

I promised you'd soon be free.

I'm glad your trusted in
that promise, my friend.

And where is Black Bolt?

I know he didn't
willingly surrender to you.

Follow me. I'll explain.

Auran, this is Locus. Eldrac's
sending us through now.


Hey, Auran.


Just so you know, I
didn't want to be here

any more than you wanted me here.

What did he promise you?


Hello! Hello!

Whoa. Hold up.

What do you think you're doing here?

I-I-I'm looking for my king.

You just made a big mistake.

I don't make mistakes.

You sure about that?

You got a name, Mr. Quiet Man?

Just so you know, one of the good men

you put in the hospital
with that little car stunt

happens to be my brother-in-law.

And he's gonna spend the next six weeks

eating all of his meals through a straw

thanks to you.

Hey, Rivera,

why don't you bring him by my cell

for a little play time?

See? You're making friends already.

There's trees everywhere.

I mean, can't we go a different way?

This is taking forever.

This world is amazing. I've
never seen so many plants.

- Hey, Flora.
- Huh?

Can't you make a path or something?

Oh, yeah, sure.

"Oh, sure."



I'm not a threat.

I was lost.

I didn't mean to intrude on
whatever you have going on here.

What the hell are we doing here?

I mean, I'm pretty sure
tying him up like that

qualifies as kidnapping.

Give me a break.

We're squatting on public land
with more than an acre of ganja.

He could ruin everything.

I say we let him go.

Look at his tats.
There's no way he's a cop.

Then what's this?

'Cause I'm pretty sure
it's not an iPhone.

Who you talking to with this?

No one. That comlink is
clearly non-functional.

Who would you be talking
to if it wasn't busted?

My king.

King of what?

It doesn't matter. My
family... they need me.

His family?

How do we know he's not with
some cartel come to k*ll us?

I need to find Black
Bolt. Medusa. Gorgon.

Dude's crazy.

I say we let him go.

Let's say you're right,

and he is just some kook off his meds.

Then what happens when he
blabs our location to someone?

We've worked too hard for this.

We've worked too hard for this.

W-What do you want to do?

Do you want to keep him locked
up until we sell our crop?

No. We should k*ll him.

What the hell did you do that for?

Maybe he's a little upset you
just suggested we k*ll him.

Let's talk outside.

Hey, where you going?

Where you from?

'Cause I know you're not local.

How'd you get your abilities?

You gonna talk to me or not?


Okay. I get it.

You can't talk.

Were you experimented on?

Did you get bit by a radioactive bug?

Or maybe you woke up one morning

covered in a funky, rock-like crust.


You know what I'm talking about.

Look, I'm not your enemy.
I just wanted to warn you.

People like you are disappearing

from all over.

You got family? A wife?

Me, too.

If I were you, I'd get
out any way I could,

and find them before something
bad happens to them, too.

'Cause this is Hawaii.

We help our friends.

This is it. He's here somewhere.

Mordis, you stay back
and keep Locus safe.

I don't know if you noticed,

but keep people safe's
not my best quality.


It's empty. Be prepared.

This could be a trap.


Auran! Aah!





Let's go! Go! Now! Go!

You and your friends
have come to a decision?

Before your wound gets infected.

May I?

Part of the plan is to
leave a clean corpse?

Sorry about Reno.

We've sunk all our
money into this thing.

It seemed like a great
idea when we started,

but he's worried it's all gonna blow up.

I'm not going to get in your way.

Yeah, well, when you first arrived,

it seemed like our little dream

was gonna go poof, up in smoke,

no pun intended.

You want my advice?

You want to walk out of here,

you got to start being less guarded

about who you really are.

Start with something easy.

Like your tats.


it... it was a decision I made
when I was still a teenager.

The day I got this,

I-I thought it was the
greatest idea I'd ever had.

Now when I look into a mirror...

it's a... it's a reminder
of how far I've come,

who I used to be,
and... and who I am now.

And you are?

I'm someone who doesn't make mistakes.

Now, since I hit my
head, I-I don't know.

I can't see the
consequences of my decisions

as clearly as I should,
if at... if at all.

I'm sure it'll be all right.

I'm not so sure.

What I am sure of is
that, in my current state,

I-I'm not of any use to my family.

I mean, come on. Your
family's family, right?

They'll always be there for you.

But I-I-I can't be there for them.

Everyone's always
looked to me for answers.

If it's all the same to you,

I'd like to stay here.

Can I help you, Captain?

You're gonna wait out
here all night for nothin'.

You have no clue who you
have in custody, Captain.

And you do?

I at least have the
curiosity to try and find out.

When I get back from my supper break,

if you're still here,

I'm gonna have your car towed

with you in it, if I have to.

Get him out of here.

Come on.

You and me, we're gonna have a talk.

Lookin' forward to it, brah.

Let's go out and get a little exercise.

Tibor, come forward.

What can I do for you, Max?

My King?

I need you to draft a new edict for me.

A new edict?

I want to abolish the caste system.

Your Highness, that would
tear our society to pieces.

It's how we determine
every Inhuman's place here.

It's how you place our
people in the mines to suffer.

I want to free them...
for other opportunities.

I have the support of the Princess.

I'm sure I can count on
your full support, as well.

Please bring in Princess Crystal.

Do you have any words to say

to our esteemed members
of the Genetic Council?

Where is Lockjaw?

He's... indisposed.

He needs to be here.

How will it look?

Everyone knows he's always by my side.

He's heavily sedated.

It wouldn't look good.

Besides, do you think I'm foolish enough

to put you in the same room
as your teleporting hound?

That's not gonna happen.

Just make the speech like we agreed.

Then you can see your dog.


Let's get this over with.

Esteemed honorary
guests, Genetic Council,

my brother-in-law Maximus
would like me to say

a few words on his behalf.

Here's what I have to to say.

Maximus is King.

Of no one.

It's frozen! She's getting away!

As you know very well,
determining the gifts

bestowed upon us by
the Terrigen crystals

are not always apparent
or easily discovered.

That said, after comprehensive analysis,

we've determined the nature
of your transformation.

I feel no different. No
difference whatsoever.

Maximus, your transformation
wasn't made manifest

until we looked more
closely at your DNA.

It would seem that you are,
in fact, no longer Inhuman.

What? What are you talking about?

- Of course I'm Inhuman.
- I'm afraid not.

You are now, down to the deepest
cellular level of your being,

merely human.


And, as I'm sure you understand,

no human can ever be
king of the Inhumans.

You see?

This is how the rest of my Royal Family

feels about their
responsibility to Attilan.

They run away from it.

But I am not like them.

I have never been like them.

And my father was right...

I am destined for great things.

Lockjaw. Come on.

Wake up. Time to get out of here.

And I will never turn my
back on the people of Attilan.

Take me to where you took the others.

We took a vote on what to do with you.

I die in service of m...

Get up. I lost that vote.

You can stay.

As long as you're useful.

I will be keeping my eye
on you and the two of you.

Give me an excuse to mess you up.

That's him. I told you that's him.

That's him.

Yeah, the guy that beat up all the cops.

Put it there.

Bring it in.


- Let's go.
- Back it up.


Pick 'em up.

I said pick 'em up.

Get him! Get him!

Break it up! Get back! Break it up!


Down here.

We got to get out into the parking lot.

You want to find your wife, right?

You stay here, and the law

will make you disappear
in a federal prison.

That's if they don't k*ll you here.

Let me handle this.

Yeah, I know. Freak like you.

I woke up one morning
covered in some rock-crust,

next thing I knew, my
hands got like this,

and I accidentally burned down my house.

Could have k*lled my family.

And now I've lost them, just like you.

According to our testing,
Black Bolt's voice

may very well be the most powerful

and dangerous gift in
all of Inhuman history.

And I have every reason to
believe that as your mature,

your power will only grow stronger.

But what does it mean?

It means that your eldest son

has the power to destroy all of Attilan,

on purpose or accidentally.

You will never again hear
the voice of your oldest son.

Perhaps we should consider
placing the boy somewhere safe.

You mean lock him away?

For the safety of Attilan,
my Queen, and himself.


Absolutely not.

He will learn to control his gift.

- But Your Highness...
- He is my son.

Someday, he will be king.


What the hell?

I'm here to help! Get in!

He's our ride! Come on!

Black Bolt! Hey! Hey! Black Bolt!

No. Hey! I'm here!

Black Bolt!

What's going on? Who's
in that helicopter?

Who are you?

We are gonna follow that helicopter.


Come on, boy! Come on, wake up!

Ohh! Ohh.
