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01x02 - Those Who Would Destroy Us

Posted: 03/04/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"marvel's inhumans"...

Do you remember what it was like
before we were king and queen?

Maximus: Sooner or later,
the humans are going to find us.

Karnak: This is the live feed
that was going down to earth.

If the humans
see this --

nobody is gonna know that
that's a hoof.

We've been hiding here
too long.

Let's go
to our rightful home!

You're speaking
of treason.

Maximus --
he's dangerous.

Triton is dead.

We're in the middle
of a coup.

You must escape now.

No, we all
have to escape.

Maximus: Are you going to
use your voice?

k*ll your only brother?

Stop him!

Where am I?

This is your fault.
Medusa: I will never
forgive you.

black bolt, where are you?


Where did you leave me?

It's a coup.

Crystal: Lockjaw, take karnak
to where gorgon is.

stupid dog.

medusa: This is
a rescue mission.


Maximus: You should've known
this day was coming.

What the --

What the hell
was that, man?!


Hey, hey, hey!

What's going on here,

Give it back.

Hey. Hey.

Man #2:
The cops are here.
Where are you going?

where you going?

You can't just run off!
What the hell, man?

It was him, bro.

The guy in black.

where did you
send them?

You really think
I'm going to tell you?


Take me to black bolt
and the others.


wake up!

Lockjaw! Lockjaw!

Take her
to her apartment.

Lockjaw, wake up!
Don't let her out.

Wake up.
Lockjaw, wake up.

Don't hurt him!

he stays here.

Contact black bolt.

Black bolt?

It's me.

I'm here on earth...

I'm safe.

I'm in a -- a crater,
i think.

Are you here?

Can you hear me? Please.

Just let me know
that you're okay.

Thank --

thank you.

I hear cars -- traffic.

You're here.

I have to go,
but I will find you.

Where does
this bus go?

Uh, back to
the city.

Man: Okay, everyone,
let's get back onboard.

I need to find my king.

Auran: Word is spreading
that the royal family has fled,

but most don't know
what to make of it.

Put royal guards
on every corner.

A quiet show
of force.

Make them a little nervous,
and just when they need it most,

I will step out
and provide a calming hand.

what are you doing?

You can't sit there.

This is
the last thing I wanted.

But our people
need a leader.

You're not the king.

Where is lockjaw?

Where is my family?

I understand
what you're feeling.

I know
that right now,

you see me
as the bad guy.

But I hope
that you can take a step back

from everything

Understand what?

That the way
you view the world,

perched on the seat
of royal privileged,

your head crammed with lies
from the genetic council,

is not the way
things really are.

Do you even remember
what your life was like

before your sister
married black bolt?

what would your parents
think of you now,

protecting the family
they so detested?

I understand.

You've put all that
behind you.

But I simply ask you
to open your mind.

You're not
a child anymore, crystal.

I know that.

Then you should know
that things are changing,

and they're not
going back.

You can spend
the rest of your life

in your room...

Or you can join hands with me
and move forward.

What do you mean,
"join hands"?

Speak to
the people of attilan.

Honor me
as your new king.

You make me sick.

You're just a human.

I'm so sorry
you feel that way.

you're young,
pretty, smart...

A Princess, even.

but none of that
will keep terrible tragedy

from falling upon you.


You should've sent me.

we got you.

you're one of them?


You're one of them.

I'm makani.


Those legs are clearly
not made for swimming.

You must be one of those
inhumans I've read about.

I was looking for triton,
my cousin.

Fell off the cliff.

He was being chased
by humans with g*ns.

You all
are a violent people.

He was sent here
by my king.

But you think
triton's dead.

So what are you
gonna do now?

I have no choice.

I have to wait here

until they send someone
to bring me back.

Back where?

The moon.


Wanted to see
if you were still holding on

to your hoof scenario.

Until something
changes my mind.

You see what's coming out
of goldstone?

These four energy glitches on
the same location on the moon?

we all saw that.

Yeah, well, the data suggests
there's an energy pulse

moving 1,250
miles per hour

in the opposite direction
of the moon's motion.

Now, using the speed
and the direction,

I was able to triangulate the
course to a location on earth --

the island of oahu.

Louise, you should be trying
to figure out

what happened
to the rover.

Yeah, well, I happen to think
they might be related.

Oh, come on, now.

We were able to pick up
four energy bursts above Hawaii

at almost
exactly the same time.

I happen to think
that something --

uh, well,
four somethings --

from the moon left the moon
and landed in Hawaii.

And those glitches
on the moon --

they happened
at exactly the same place

as our rover died.

what you're suggesting

is that our creature
with the hooves

and three of his, uh,
his buddies smashed our rover,

and now they've come
to visit us on earth?

I don't know
if they're buddies.

you were hired here

because everyone thinks
you're brilliant.

A little nutty, maybe,
but brilliant.

But now it's looking like
the nutty part

is pushing brilliant
right out of the way.


You know I don't...
Much like doing this,

but I'm gonna have to

relieve you of your duties
on this mission.

that's disappointing.

I'm sorry.

But, you know,

I think I should --

I should probably
take some time off.

That's probably
a good idea.





Need to find my king.



North, south.

you think that little g*n
matches what I can do?

If not, I've got
nine more guards outside

who'd love to take
target practice on a Princess.

hoping you're not hungry.

You know, the sooner you
accept Maximus as your king,

the happier
you're gonna be.

He's a traitor.

My family's
going to come back.

And what if
they don't?

Contact medusa.

Crystal: Medusa!

You're safe.


Where are you?
Are you on earth?

No, Maximus has me locked up
in my apartment.

Are you okay?

I'm fine,
but he's taken over attilan.

They've got
lockjaw somewhere.
And the others?

Black bolt and karnak
made it out.

They're not with you?

No, I...

I spoke to black bolt.

I don't know
where he is,

but I will find him
and the others,

and we will
come back for you.

Don't worry about me.

I stole
auran's comlink.

It fell off.

No, auran's too smart
for that.

it was a setup.
They wanted you to call me.

They're tracking
this call.

They're using this
to find me.


I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I have to go.
Be careful.

Remember what
i taught you.

look, I can't just sit here
waiting for lockjaw to get me.

Makani: You said
you were a fighter.

I am a fighter.

Then bring the fight
to you.

You're alive.

And so are you.

Where's my family?

That's the question

at the forefront
of my mind, cousin.

I suppose this means
they're not with you.

they're here on earth.

What the hell
have you done?

I have brought freedom
to our people.

I'm sure
if we had more time,

I could make you
see my side.

Yeah, well, you're gonna see
the bottom of my hoof

before that happens.

I wish we could come
to some sort of agreement.

Oh, we will.

Because I'm leaving
my comlink on.

Come again?

I'm leaving
my comlink on.

I mean, should you wish
to come and find me...


You should leave.

Why would we leave
our beach?

Because when they come,
they're gonna come right here,

and when they do,

there's gonna be
some serious trouble.

Who doesn't like
a little trouble?

what's happened to me?

you've located medusa?


What would you
like me to do?

gather up whatever you need,
whoever you need.

Then transport
to earth

and take care
of the royal family.

"Take care of"?

Bring back...

Or k*ll.

Black bolt
definitely k*ll.

Gorgon, too.

All I need
is myself.

It's best
to be discreet.

Then go see eldrac
for transport.


It's auran.


I know
who you are.

I need you
to transport me here.


I say yes.

I said no.

It's painful.

I don't care
if it's painful.

If you don't,
i will k*ll your entire family

and bring all their pieces
to you in a garbage bag.

if you do anything
that harms me...

The guards
will make you pay.

Excuse me.
Excuse me.

All right.

Hey, slow down.

Wait till we're stopped.

Can I help you?

You're not from here,
are you?

oh, you don't
speak English.

Um, why don't i
show you something? Come.

What about that?


we have a shoplifter.

He just assaulted
a security guard.


Down on your knees.

down on your knees.

Hands behind
your head.

Hands behind
your head.

Behind your head.



get on the ground!
Freeze! Freeze!

Down! Down!


You're surrounded!
Get on the ground!

Take him down!

don't resist!
Don't resist!

Down on the ground!

taser, taser, taser!


Bronaja, please, join me.

I wanted to continue
our conversation.

Of course.

Tell me, uh...

Have you had
any more...Visions?

No. Nothing.

Perhaps if...

that is
very interesting.

What did you see?

They want
to k*ll you.

Uh, they were wearing
silver robes.

The genetic council.

They were talking...


Your death.

thank you, bronaja.

You are most helpful.

I'll see you soon.

reporter: There was a strange
and violent confrontation

with police
in downtown Honolulu today,

in which the suspect managed

to flip
an officer's police cruiser.

Eyewitnesses say
he appeared out of nowhere.

The suspect is now
in police custody.

Council members.

I-is this everyone?

when a council meeting is held,

the royal family
is notified.

In the absence
of kitang,

it seems rules have been
falling by the wayside.

I would very much like
to keep you all on my side,

but honestly...

That's up to you.

I do miss kitang
and his guidance.

Do you know
what his last words were?

They were a sort of...

guttural sound.

Not exactly words.

But I do hope that you keep them
close to your hearts

as you move forward.

Me again.


I simply want to talk.

I haven't
changed my mind.

I'll never
side with you.

I think
you should reconsider.

acts of v*olence seem to be
springing up everywhere.

I'd hate
for your beloved lockjaw

to be involved
in some sort of...


You wouldn't.

I'd certainly
prefer not to.

Because that is not
who I want to be --

cruel and vicious.

You still
have a choice.

I would've thought that you,
out of anyone,

would understand my position
and know that it's right.

But why me?

Your parents,
of course.

They gave their lives trying
to do exactly what I'm doing --

overthrow the old system

and move forward
toward something better.

Do you even
remember that?

Of course I do.

They were k*lled
by my own parents --

black bolt's parents.

Are you truly willing
to risk your life

supporting something that
they knew was so deeply wrong?

I'll let you
think on this.

But not too long.

This the guy?

This is him.

Not a word?

you can't be in here right now.
Hey, I said --

No one touches me.


Not much
without your hair, huh?

no match
on his fingerprints.

No ID on him.

Clothes he was wearing before he
stole this was pretty bizarre.

Everybody's ID'ing him

as the same guy
that caused the traffic tie-up.

They're saying
he appeared out of nowhere.


Are you not speaking?

Or you
one of those smart-asses

that's waiting for your lawyers
to come and get you?

And if he was out of those cuffs
and tried again,

his luck
would run out.

don't move!
Hands in the air!

I prefer
to bring you back alive.

You tell me
if that's possible.

I am the queen
of attilan.

No one tells me
what to do.

Maximus will find you.

we take your picture,
we take you to lockup.

put those away.

He's cooperating.


Contact black bolt.

Black bolt,
I'm near the city.

Soon, we will be together,

and when we are,
we will return to attilan.

We will find Maximus,

and we will
tie a rope around his neck

and throw him from
the highest wall in the city.

We are not defeated, not ever.

Bronaja, loyolis.

I have come to see
how bronaja's adjusting.

He's doing horribly,
as am I.

I understand.

I do.
But trust me.

The days of black bolt's
rigid meritocracy

are coming
to an end.

And you,
my friend...

You will play a big part
in our new society.

All of you will.



You, bronaja,
are special.

You can see
the future.

I can build it.

We can build it --

all of us together,
all of us equal.

A great inhuman once said that
difficulties strengthen the mind

as well as labor does the body.

I guess that means

you're the smartest
and the strongest of us all.

You, like me --
like everyone in attilan --

we are defined by change.

Who we are today
is not who we are born.

We transform...

An evolution that usually only
happens once in our lifetimes.

But change is happening today.


Black bolt is gone.


Our king has deserted us at
the hour of our greatest need.

I ask you to accept me
in his place,

not to keep things as they are,
but to move forward.

We are the change that we seek.

We will have a new beginning.

When the current crisis is past,

we will leave attilan
and go to earth.

Life will be
what you make of it.

The doors of opportunity
will be wide open.

We will create our hope.

We will create our destiny.

We will create our will.

We will not let anyone
or anything stop us,

because nothing can keep us
from being free!

Contact Maximus.

This is auran.

I need backup.