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06x14 - A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being

Posted: 03/03/23 18:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Young Sheldon...

So, once this is up and running,

anyone with a computer and a modem

can have access to every grant
offered worldwide.

As the kids like to say, ka-ching!

That's the sound of a cash register,

in case the onomatopoeia was unclear.

Brenda has a secret man

- that she is hiding from everybody.
- Really?

And he might be married.

[CHUCKLING]: Really?

Look, it's not easy
seeing you talk to guys.

You want to know what's not easy?

Hearing from Billy Sparks
about you and his mother

hanging out in their chicken coop.


So you know, me and
Brenda are just friends.


I'm glad we can talk about these things.

Me, too. Someday we'll talk
about Mom and Pastor Rob.

Oh, remember today is Sheldon's big

database launch party,
so we're all very excited.

Yeah, how excited we talking,

on a scale of one to ten?

Uh, I don't know. Six?

Do we have any understanding

of what this data thing is?

Not a clue. Morning, Shelly.

Hey, there's the big guy.

That was about a nine.

Can I get you breakfast?

I don't know if I can eat.
I'm too excited.

- I know. We all are.
- What's going on?

It's your brother's big day.

When isn't it?

Meemaw, are you coming to my party?

I wouldn't miss it.

Oh, we're gonna leave at :

if you want to ride with us.

No, I have to meet you there.

I got a little business
I have to take care of.

Oh, if you're getting me a gift,
it's not that kind of party.

Although I wouldn't say no
to a TI- graphing calculator.

So what all's gonna happen
at this party?

Well, we're gonna post to UseNet
that the database is live

and then watch the monitor
as the subscribers roll in.

And you're calling that a party? Bold.

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪

♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪

♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪

♪ I am a mighty little man ♪

♪ I am a mighty little man. ♪

We still haven't settled on a name.

Well, I was thinking maybe Alice.

Alice Cooper. That is badass. Sold.

Wait, who said her last name's
gonna be Cooper?

Well, that's my last name.

Yeah, and mine's McAllister.

- Yeah, but I'm the dad.
- So?

I think that's just the rule.

Not my rule.

Well, all right.
Let's not fight about it.

I'm pretty sure she can hear us.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Please don't have a giant head!


Thanks for doing this.

Hey, you make a whole
human being in your belly,

I get the crib and car seat,
we'll call it even.

That is not even close to even.

Well, I'm just saying,
my list is pretty long,

and you only got the one thing.



Hey. I didn't know
you were working today.

No, I'm not. Just stopped by
to pick up my check.

Got it right here.

Any plans for your day off?

Nothing special.

Not seeing your mystery man?

Just give me my check.

I don't mean to pry.

It's just, your friends think
you're keeping him a secret

'cause he's married.

There's no mystery man.
And you're prying.



Hello? Oh, Rob! Uh...

Pastor Rob. It's Pastor Rob.

I gathered.

Uh, lunch would be...

... fine. Yes.

See you soon. Mm-hmm.

Shall I pry?

Uh, it's nothing. He probably just wants

to gossip about some church drama.

So here's your check. Okay, bye.


Excuse me, which one of
these car seats is the best?

That'd be the Evenflo
Discovery right here.

Top of the line.


Which one's your second best?

Is it a gift for someone?

No, it's for me. I'm having a kid.

Mm. I tell you, that first ride home

from the hospital with
the baby in the back,

scariest drive of your life.

Well, I got a station wagon.

It's like a t*nk with a cassette player.

That's good, good.
'Cause you can't believe

how fragile and tiny newborn babies are.

No, I can, I can believe it.

So you know about
that spot on their head

that ain't even solid yet.


Anyway, uh, you were interested
in the basic model.

Okay, pal, I'm in sales.
I know what you're doing.


Just give me the expensive one.

Good choice.



Sheldon, is Georgie there?

- No.
- Is your mom there?

- No.
- Are there any adults there?

No. But I have an IQ of .

I'm sure I can figure out
whatever's troubling you.

My water broke. I'm in labor.

Oh, dear.


- Come in.

All right, let's do this.

Why are you wearing dish gloves?

To deliver the baby.

That is not happening.


Whew. Can I get a glass of water?

Sheldon, I need to go to the hospital.

Well, I can't drive.

I do have a bike, but you'll
never fit in the wagon.

I don't know how much longer I can wait.

I can call an ambulance.

It's okay, I'll drive.

Just come with me, okay?



- Does it hurt bad?
- Yes!

That's unfortunate.

It's my understanding
it's only gonna get worse.


- I'll be right back.

Mrs. Sparks, I need your help.

What's with the gloves?

So I don't get placenta on my hands.


ROB: Thank you.


So, I haven't seen you
around in a while.

Yeah, I've been pretty busy
trying to help Pastor Jeff

hold things together at the church.

Oh. Things okay?

- [HIGH-PITCHED]: You know.

Not as good as they were
when you were there.

Well, that's nice of you to say.

No, I mean that it's chaos.

- [CHUCKLES] I'm sure you'll pull through.

Yeah, actually, I got another job offer.


First Baptist in Little Rock
is looking for a youth pastor.


That's a big move.

Well, I'm not sure
I'm gonna take it yet,

but, um, kind of wanted
to get your advice.

So you might stay?

Well, it's a good opportunity,
bigger congregation,

- but I'd miss the kids...
- Mm.

and, you know, the friends I've made.

Sure. Are you still seeing that girl?

The one you babysat?

Yeah, that one.

Uh, no, no.

We, um, we broke up.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

So, what do you think?

[EXHALES] Well, um...

I would miss

having you around,

but I think you need
to follow your heart.

What if my heart doesn't
know what it wants?

I don't know. Pick a different organ.

Mary Cooper.

- Oh, grow up.

That's not what I meant. [SNICKERS]

Shouldn't you be laying down?

No, it's good to be on my feet.

The doctor said this could take a while.

Could you be more specific?

I have a thing at : .

Is there anyone else I can call for you?

- Maybe your mom?
- No, I can't deal with her right now.

Maybe after they give me dr*gs.

Okay, I'll just keep trying the Coopers.



You know, in a way, you and I are having

a very similar day.

Really? How might that be?

I'm also bringing something
new into the world.

Although mine does not
involve my privates

being inspected my strangers.





Okay. "Tighten strap
until car seat moves

no more than half an inch".


Well, that's more than half an inch.


Aw, come on.


♪ Come on, now, drummer ♪

♪ I want you to tighten it up
for me now ♪

♪ Tighten up on that bass, now ♪

♪ Tighten it up ♪

♪ You can get it ♪

- ♪ Move to your left ♪

♪ Move to your right ♪

♪ Tighten it up now ♪

♪ Everything will be out of sight ♪

♪ Tighten it up ♪

♪ You can get it ♪

♪ Tighten it up now. ♪

You've been through this before.
How long does it take?

Depends. With Billy, it was days.

Well, he always has been a tad slow.

I just got your message.

Am I late? Did I miss it?

Actually, you're the first one here.

Actually, I was the first one here

and I'd like to be
the first one to leave.

So who's back there with Mandy?

She's with the doctor.
We gave her some privacy.

- Where the hell's Georgie?
- We can't find him.

What about Mary? Ain't
she at the bowling alley?

No. Sh-She went out to lunch.

And speaking of lunch,
we should get to my launch.

Sheldon, my granddaughter's
about to be born.

I-I'm not going anywhere.

Oh, I'm sure Georgie will
get more women pregnant.

You'll have another chance.

Walk away.


Well, I, I guess I'm gonna go.

Come on, stay. Keep me company.


Remember the last time we were here?

You mean the night
you gave me a heart attack?

Stop it.

I did not give you a heart attack.

- You gave me something.
- Well...

Oh, hey, Mary.

What's going on?

Nothing. What's going on with you?

- Who's with Mandy?
- The doctor.

What are you two doing out here?

Waiting on you. Where have you been?

I was at lunch.


I hear we're having a baby.

What? Did I miss it?

Where is my dad?

I ask that question a lot.

He's not usually late.

My mom's picking me up,
but she's always late.

Hey. Maybe they're together.

Why would they be together?

They could be having
another secret meeting

in the chicken coop.

He's probably running late at practice.


- I'm sure they're not together.
- Okay.

- I mean it.
- Okay.

Shut up, Billy.


- What is he doing here?
- He's a pastor,

and he wanted to be here.

I mean what is he doing here with you?

He asked me for some advice,
so we had lunch.

So that's why no one
could find you for hours.

Are you accusing me of something?

Is there something to accuse you of?

Hey, today's the day of miracles.

Do you really want to be fighting?

Stay out of this.

We didn't do anything wrong.

I think I'm gonna head out.

No, he's staying, you're staying.

What does that mean?

Nothing, just...


What's going on with you two?

[SCOFFS] What's going on with you two?

Last chance. Who wants
to witness science history?

Don't be shy, folks.

You have nine new messages.

♪ ♪


Connie? What are you doing here?

I'm having a baby.

Oh. It's happening?

Kinda. Why are you here?

Uh, I-I had a medical thing.
It-It's been handled.

Here, let me help you to your room.

- What kind of thing?
- [STAMMERS] Just a thing.

It's been tended to.

How-how far apart are your contractions?

Connie, what's going on?

It's hemorrhoids, okay?

It's embarrassing, but here we are.

Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids!


Well, I'm about four
centimeters dilated,

and the doctors think it could be
another few hours.



- Walk slow.
- Oh, okay.

So, how often are you taking
my wife out to lunch?

It was just lunch.
He didn't take me out.

So, who's going to drive me?
'Cause time's a-tickin'.

- Sheldon, not now.
- G-Go check on Mandy.

- But...
- Sheldon, go!

You are being ridiculous.

Am I? I got eyes, Mary.

So do I. And when I walked in,

you and Brenda were acting weird.

What is that about?

Nothing. It's about nothing.

Yeah, it's nothing.

Is my husband your mystery man?

- No.
- She's dating someone else.

- How do you know that?
- She told me.

Why are you talking to my husband

about your love life?

You know, Mary, you
might want to be careful

about throwing stones,

'cause I've seen your glass house.

What does that mean?

I saw how upset you were
when this one was on a date.

- Really?
- What the hell do you mean, "really"?

What's going on? Where's Mandy?

Uh, she's fine. She's in her room.

So she's having a baby by herself

while you're all out here?

No, Sheldon's with her.


George, Mary.

- Jim.
- It's nice to see you.

Hey, how are you? My name's...

- AUDREY: Jim!
- Gotta go.

Can't believe this.

- Where you going?
- Home.

They clearly forgot about us.

This sucks.

Do you think my mom and your dad

are going to be
boyfriend and girlfriend?


If they got married, would
that make us brother and sister?

It's not gonna happen.

Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia
were brother and sister,

and they still kissed.

I didn't write it.

Excuse me, does that computer
have a modem?

A what?

A modem. It's how you access
the World Wide Web.

The what?

It's when your computer wants

to talk to another computer,


You mean a fax machine.

It's like I'm from the future.

What are you doing out here?

I heard Mandy was having the baby.

Yes, but that happens inside.

I know.

Aren't you going in?

I can't.

Oh, these doors are automated.

You just walk towards
them and they open.

I can't be a dad.

I couldn't even install a car seat.

Great. You can drive me
to my launch party.


You're doing great, sweetie.

Didn't work years ago,
doesn't work now.

I think I'll just let y'all
have a little family time.

Please stay.


- Oh, how we doing?
- I'm all right.


Are you all right?

I'm fine. Just fine.

Fine? Looked like your husband was gonna

- punch out that guy in the waiting room.
- What happened?

When did you get here?


So, who did George almost punch?

Some little fella with a mustache.


Okay, hang in there,
baby, you're doing great.

What did I just tell you?

I don't know what else to say.

Thank you for doing this.


You know, you wait and
you wait and you wait,

and you think the day's
never gonna come,

- and then pow, it's here.
- I know.

Everyone thought I was too young,

that I wouldn't see it through,
but here I am.

To think I almost missed it.

I would have regretted that
for the rest of my life.


Why are we turning around?



What's going on with you two?

- Nothing.
- We're fine.

You know what, if you're gonna fight,

can you do it out loud?

'Cause I could really use
the distraction.

- No one's fighting.

Where is that big needle?
I was promised a big needle.

I think we're getting close.
Since the father's not here,

I'll go in the delivery room with you.

Or I'm happy to go, if you want.

I'm not gonna be sitting
down anytime soon.

Georgie will be here.

If he were gonna be here, he'd be here.

But honestly, who's surprised?

Well, I'm a little surprised.

Jim, not now.

All right, well, I can
have my own opinion.

I think he's a good kid.

You never take my side.

Are you kidding me?!

I missed her whole pregnancy
'cause I took your side.

So you're just, you're just
okay with all of this?

My daughter is having
a baby. I'm thrilled.



Sorry I'm late.

Oh, no, no, no. You're right on time.

Told you.

You are completely late, but
I'm really glad you're here.

Do you want all these people around?

- No!
- All right, everybody out.

- But...
- Out.

Uh, we'll be in the waiting
room if you need us.

My advice, take all
the dr*gs they offer.

I plan to.

- How you doing?
- Where were you?

I'm sorry. I was trying
to install the car seat,

and I didn't hear the phone.

It's okay, you made it.

- Did you get it installed?
- Sheldon did.

Turns out, it takes a genius.


Mom, sit.

No, no, I'm, I'm good.

She's here.

She's tiny and perfect,
and Mandy's doing great.

Oh, what's her name?



Yes. Thank you.

Is there a middle name?

We're still working on it.

Can we see her?

Well, they're sleeping right now,

but I'll let y'all know when they're up.

Well, we're gonna be right here.

So you're a grandma.

I know.

[LAUGHS] Let's get you some tissue.

I'm gonna stay
at my mom's house tonight.

Fine by me.

I just talked to Dr. Sturgis.

We didn't get a single subscriber.

My database is a complete failure.

I know, I'm upset, too.

Where's Missy?