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01x13 - Tantrum

Posted: 03/02/23 19:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

[Burglar alarm rings]

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system!


Dad, you're not
gonna believe it,

But a big black
icky gunk thing's
comin' out the floor

And it's getting
bigger and bigger

Like a big balloon.

You drinkin'
too much sugar again?


Live from
the dakota hills mall,

It's da



Your valuables.


That's right, folks.

It's for a good cause--me!


So give till it hurts,
and then give some more.



Sakes alive!

A woman can't
go shoppin'

Without bumping
into hoodlums
every which way.

The metabums.

No wonder everyone's
running out of the mall.

Hey, guys!
Behind you!

Here it is.

Aagh! Egck!


Missed me.

Oh, did i?


Uh! Agh!

Uhh! Uh!

Got you where
I want you, hero.

After all this time,

You'd think I'd be tired
of cleaning up
after you guys.

No way!


I call that
my nova ball, ebon.

It takes a lot
outta me,

But more outta you.

I'll get you
for this, hero.

I swear.

This isn't fun anymore.


Your flight plan's
cancelled, feather girl.

You tell 'er, boy.

Tv anchorwoman: the rest
of the metabreed escaped,

But, tonight, talon
remains under heavy guard.

Static had this to say.

I just put a shock
to their system, anna.

All in a day's work,

If your job is being

Dakota's spunky,
fresh hero, that is.

What an ego
on that guy.

Hey, static can't help it
if he's phatter than phat.

You gonna watch videos
with us, pops?

Yeah, mr. H.
You got a choice of --

homey alone.


No. Uh-uh.

Don't you ever
go home?

I smell an insinuation.

You smell stale pizza.

You're here so much,

You should be
paying us rent.

Back off, barky.

My man richard's
welcome here

Any day of the week.

You mean
don't you?

I love you, too.

Eh! Sisters.


Don't forget to take
the pizza box

To the trash, son.

On it, pops.

All I'm saying is,

"Shock to the system"
is gonna get played out

Unless we keep adding
to our catchphrase list.

How about this?


High voltage hero.

Ha ha!


Yo. Earth to virgil.

My sister's right.

I hate that.

Right about what?

We never hang
at your crib.

We always hang here.

Well, what about
the time that, uh...

Or rember the time
when we, uh...

When we what, richie?

Face it, bro. You've
never invited me over.

I've never even
met your pops.

Well, it's just more fun
over here, that's all.

What are you sweatin' me
over this, v?

I'm not.

A brother just needs
a little change of pace.

You know what
I'm saying?

I guess I do.

I'll have you over.

How soon?

Uh...this friday night.

You sure?


Yeah, that'll work.

Friday it is, then.

Better tell your moms

To stock up
on some essentials.

Soda, chips, cookies--
you know the basic
food groups.


That electrified punk's
put talon on lockdown.

Yeah. Static's always
causin' static.



Oogh! Not funny.

Not funny.


Static keeps bustin' my game,
bringin' me down.

Now he's put talon away.

He's gonna pay
big time for that.

Playtime's over!


Shadow with an attitude.

Wow. All this stuff
is off the hook, rich.

[French accent]
but of course.

Man. And you said
hangin' at your crib
would be a snore fest.

So it's only
for dinner, huh?

What can I say?
My dad's working.

[Door opens]
woman: boys.

in minutes.

Smells good, mrs. F.

Thank you, virgil.

[Door slams]

There's your father.

I'd better
go talk to him.

I thought he was
on the night shift.

It got changed.

Virgil: cool.

I get to meet your pops
after all.

Hold up, v.

On top of all that,

Traffic was a bear.

This city, maggie,
this city.

Virgil: hey, mr. Foley.

Good to finally
meet you.

Hey, dad. This is
my friend virgil.

I told you
about him.

Not nearly enough.

He's not like this

Hey, I've had days
like that myself.

I'm gonna get ready
for dinner, rich.


I brought over

The latest
mc rapwell cd.

It is slammin'.

We'll crank it
after dinner.

There will be no rap
played in this house.

Sean, please.

Maggie, that

teaches kids

To disrespect
their parents.

Some rap is positive,
mr. Foley.

It's all garbage.

It tells kids
to write on walls,

Stay out past curfews,

And heaven knows
what else.

It tears down everything
guys like me built.

Look around you.
The code has
gone to pot.

Well, not in my house.

But, dad,
that's not fair.

That's the last
word, richie.

My dad.

Sometimes, you know...

I'm so embarrassed.

Will you stop?

My pops hates
hip-hop, too.

It's not
a black-white thing.

It's an

As far as
I'm concerned,

This whole thing
is squashed.

Time to get
minty fresh.

Down the hall, right?


Mr. Foley: and now
I see why richie acts
like a hood, maggie.

That kid's
a bad influence.

All his kind are.

Mrs. Foley: keep
your voice down.

It's bad enough

I gotta deal with them
all day long.

Now one of them's
in my house.

It's still early.

I can go home without
calling my pops
for a ride.

Virgil, don't leave.

We could talk
to my mom.

What good is that
gonna do, rich?

She can't change
what he said.

You were right
all along.

Hangin' here
was a bad idea.


What's goin' on
down there?

Well, you got what
you wanted, dad.

My best friend's gone

'Cause of you and
your stupid racism.

I hate you!



Feeling better, son?

A little.

Thanks for kickin' it
with me last night,

I still don't get
how a guy like richie

Has a father like that.

That's a question

That even richie's father
can't answer.

That kind of hate
feeds on itself.

But richie's made up
his own mind

About who to like.

He's broken his father's
cycle of intolerance.

Man. I had no clue

Richie was dealing with
something this whacked.

He's gonna need
your friendship
now more than ever.

I gotta get
to the center.

You sure you're ok?

Yeah, pops.
I'm cool.

I'd be even cooler
with a new stereo,

Then I wouldn't be cool.

Stick with your old stereo.

Hey, I had to
give it a shot.



Mrs. Foley:
hello. Virgil?

Mrs. Foley?

Is richie there?

No, he's not.

He didn't spend
the night there?

No, he didn't, mrs. F.

I can call around
and see if I can
find him.

I'd appreciate that.

Um, virgil,
about last night,


I know.

Me, too.




Watcha got
in the backpack, punk?

Smells like peanut butter.



Uh...i only have enough
for one. Sorry.


Buddy, you don't
know how sorry
you're gonna be.



Chill, chompus.

I'm gonna
bowl him over.








Mr. Hawkins: my son is
not a liar, mr. Foley.

If virgil says
he doesn't know
where richie is,

He doesn't know.

And you trust him,
knowing how thick
they are?

Maybe you don't trust
your son enough.

Don't think you can
lecture me

About how I am
with my son.

Look, you wanna argue,
or do you wanna
find richie?

Where else
does richie hang out?

Did you check
with this other friends?


Don't know
any of his friends.

Richie always
goes on and on

About virgil
and his cool dad,

But he never even
told me you were...


Would that have made
a difference to you,

Or should it have?

This is a waste
of my time.

Wait. I've got
a few ideas

About where
he might go.

I don't want
your help, hawkins.

You need my help,
like it or not.

You coming?

Static to richie.

Richie, come in.

I know you're out there

Richie, come in, man.


Static: do you
read me, richie?


Richie here.



Did your brain freeze?

Man, I been lookin'
all over for you.

You better tell me
where you are. Now!

I can take care
of myself.

Come on, bro.
You got me worried.

We gotta talk this out

Might as well be now.


I'm in ferris row,

Across the street
from the old bakery.

Static: don't move.

Why should I
go back?

He hates me.

He disses
everything I like.

And what he said
about you,

Well, that was
the last straw.

Man, you should be
madder than me.

Yeah, it hurt.

But he's your dad.

You need to work
this out with him.

Not after what
happened this time.

He made me lose
my best friend
over this mess.

Come on, how can
I blame you

For what
your father said?

You and me,
we've been through
too much together

To let this
get in the way.

We're always
gonna be aces,
no matter what.

For real?

Realer than real.

Now hop on so we can
break outta here.


Now what?

Go ahead, static.
Do your thing.

I'll take the bus.

Go straight home.
I'll check you later.

And out.

Ebon: so, static's
your main man, huh?

What better way
to catch static

Than jackin'
his running buddy?

N-no. No, no! No--

[Muffled screams]

Ain't never seen him
around here.

Thanks anyway.

You know, if you ever
feel like talking,

You can come
to the center anytime.

All right?

No luck.

Look at them,
living like pigs.

[Oink oink]

Little punk.

I talk to kids like this
every day, foley.

Most of them
are good kids.

But sometimes,

When they don't
see eye-to-eye
with their parents,

They feel like they'd rather
be anywhere but home,

Even a place like this.

You mean like
richie and me,

Let's go.

Got more ground
to cover.

Kid: hey, old dudes.

There's a new squat
you could check out,

A building way on
the north end.


Yah. You might not
be thanking me
when you get there.

Ooh! Cheese doodles.

I'm holdin'
all the cards now.

If static wants
his partner back,

He's gotta
return talon to me.

But she's on
police lockdown, boss.

So? That's static's problem.

And yours.

How do I reach static?

How should I know?

Don't hand me that.

I heard you two.
You're best friends.

Static's everyone's
best friend,

Except maybe yours.

He's the last one, guys.

Maybe we should put you
on payroll, static.

Give me one of those
shiny helmets,

And we'll call it even.

Richie: you heard me, ebon.

If you're so big and bad,

Why do you live
in the musty old
ferris row projects?

Ferris row, north side.

Place was condemned
when it was new.

Shut your trap.

I don't believe this.

You put a roof
over their heads,

You feed 'em
squares a day,

And this
is the thanks--

Richie wasn't
the only boy

Who ran away from you
last night.

What your son heard,

I wasn't talkin'
about him.

No. You were talking
about his

That's all.

I know
kind, foley.

I've seen your kind
all my life--

A fine, upstanding bigot,

His nose so close
to the grindstone

He can't see
anything else.

Meanwhile, the world
changes and grows,

And he's blind to it,

And proud of that, too.

And you know
the worst part?

I'm sure you'll tell me.

You're got
a terrific son,

One of the best
and brightest around.

And 'cause of
the way you are,

You'll never
really know him.

Richie ran away from you
a long time ago, foley,

And who can blame him?

Yeah. The ferris row

Dude, seriously,

You need to fire
your realtor.

What are you doin', punk?

What do you mean?


What's this?

Richie: yaagh!

It's richie.

Your plan didn't work,
smart guy.

[Pounding on door]

Dad? Mr. H?

Hey. Just where do you
think you're goin'?


That's my son!

We've got business
with him, old man.


If you hurt him...

Save your threats.

I'm in control here.

Yeah. We're, like,
so in control

That it's not
even funny--agh!


Yeeggh! Uhh!

We're not leaving here
without richie.

Then you're not leavin'.

[Kung fu shouts]

Hey, no fair.

Dad! Uhh-agh!

Drop the pipe, pop.

Shall we carve the turkey,

Or are you gonna tell me
about static, weasel?

Someone say my name?

Gotta make something
extra special for you.

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪



Static, look out!

Stompin' you like
the roach you are.



Static: lookin' for me?


Ohhh! Uh!

You're a shadow
of your former self, ebon.


Are you ok, dad?

A scratch here,
a bruise there.

Nothin' your dad
can't handle.

Son, I'm...sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Sorta gets you
right here.

Do your folks know
where you are, young man?


Is that
another siren?

Duty calls, sir.
See ya.

"Son, get down
to the center right away.

It's real important."

Yeah, right.

Richie: yo, v.
Ready to go?

Yes! I'm sprung.

Dakota comic con opens
in minutes, bro.

Thanks for
taking the day off
to take us, mr. F.

No problem.

Tell you the truth,

I've always been curious
about those events.

Just wait
till you see

All the people
in costumes
and makeup,

Even the guys.

Yo, yo!

Let's keep that
a surprise, v.

I wanna see
his expression.

[Both laughing]

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

static shock!