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01x12 - Replay

Posted: 03/02/23 18:59
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Gotta be-be
gotta be a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪
♪ Gotta be superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be-be
gotta be a super hero ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪

♪ Go go ♪

♪ Come on go ♪

♪ Go go go go ♪

[music continues]


[music continues]

[bell ringing]

♪ Gotta be-be
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪

[instrumental music]


May I help you, sir?

Tell me about that one.

Ah, yes, the Chronotech .

It's a timepiece, a pager
and a wireless internet browser.

What are you lookin' at?

Sorry, but you look familiar.

Well, duh!

I'm Johnny Morrow.

Ah! I'm sorry. Who?

Little Johnny Morrow.

I was ten years old

and I had my own TV series,
Johnny on the Spot.

My face was on t-shirts
and lunch boxes.

The whole country loved me.

They wanted to talk like me.

Dress like me.

Be me.

- And who could blame them?
- Yeah.

Then the network dumped me.

And it all stopped.

The limos, the fan clubs,
the money.


- I see. Well, have a good day.
- What are you doing?

You said you don't
have any money.

Who needs money?
You're just gonna give it to me.

Says who?

Says them.

- Great mall, huh?
- It's okay.

- Still no Kid's Circus though.
- Kid's Circus?

Oh, yeah, an amusement park
we went to as kids.

Still a bit of it left
behind the parking structure.

Oh, it's like the paved-over
piece of your childhood.


- Oh, well.
-C'est la vie.


[alarm ringing]

What is it? A fire?

No, a robbery.

Make that robberies, bro.

And they're color-coordinated

I gotta jet.
Any ideas?

Think food poisoning.


Virgil, what's wrong?

Uh, what is it, Vi?

- Are you sick?
- Uh-hmm.

There's a restroom
in the service hall.

- Come on, we'll help you.
- Mm-mm.

Yeah, uh, right,
this could get messy.

Uh, we'd better wait here.

I told him, I said

"Vi, do not order the Voyage
To The Bottom Of The Sea combo."

[siren wailing]



Oh, yeah! We're the men.

Ahem, you know what they say.

The family that does crime
together does time together.

- It's Static!
- Yo!

Yay! Hurray!

[cheering continues]

Well, listen to that.

The hero has fans.

But take my word for it, Static.

They'll turn on you.

They always do.

Yeah, thanks for the advice.

Now, you boys
gonna come quietly?

Why? You're outnumbered.

Three to one?

I've faced worse odds
than that.

Let's count, shall we?

One, two, three.

- Four.
- Five.


Ah! Ooh!

Ha! Missed me!

Ooh. Aw!

Get him!

- Oh, no.
- Static!


Have a seat, Static.

Thanks. I'd rather stand.


[all screaming]


Give up yet?







None of these match my gear.

Where did those bad boys go?

[upbeat music]



Looks like
they dropped something.

Huh, Kid's Circus.

Well, at least,
I know my way around.


[dramatic music]

'Look, it's a simple question.'

Did Static follow you or not?

Don't know.

You know what? You make me
embarrassed to be me.

In fact, get out of my sight.


Wow! What is with you, man?

See, I told you.

The idiot led Static
right to us.

Hey, forget that.

You just wiped out
your own brother.

My what?

Static, babe.

Wake up and smell
the croissants.

They're duplicates.

Energy clones.

Made them all by myself.

You're a metahuman.


Wait a sec,
don't I know you?

I did have my own TV show
when I was ten.

Oh, yeah.
What's his name?

Johnny Morrow.

But you can call me Replay.

Which one of you is real?

- Me.
- No, me.

- I.
- No, me.




Well, any ideas?

[glass shattering]

Thank you.

When I was a kid, I spent a lot
of time bumping around here.


So I finally figured out

that the trick was not
to look in front

but to follow
the footprints on the floor.

Ow, ow, ow!


I'm gonna make so many of me

you won't have a prayer.

Ooh, a room full of has-beens.

Now, I am scared.






cough cough

What was that?

cough cough






[dramatic music]




It's reflection, that's all.

Oh, I think it's time
to invest in a helmet.

- Not here either.
- He's been gone too long.

Richie, Virgil does this
to me all the time.

One minute he's there,
the next, poof!

Oh, you noticed, huh?

He felt lousy. He went home.

There's no mystery here.

Of course, you're right.

Okay, then. See you
tomorrow at school.


You're gonna wait, aren't you?

[tires screeching]

[indistinct radio chatter]

It's Static! Come on.

Maybe he caught those guys.



[all gasping]

What's he doing?
Has he lost his mind?

I'm sure there's a perfectly
reasonable explanation.

What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?

Hey! Let me down!

How could you do this to me?

(male #)
Well, for one thing,
he's had a lot of practice.




Help our friend
with his luggage, boys.

[indistinct radio chatter]

Your fans don't look
too happy, Static.

Well, like we say in the biz

"They ain't seen nothin' yet."


[dramatic music]

Well, look who's here.

Well, if you like to eat your
dinner cold, it's fine with..

Ooh! You look like you were
hit by a ton of bricks.

Yeah, I've had better days.

You are not the only one.
The whole city seems depressed.

About what?

About Static turnin' outlaw.

Phoo, say what?

...which has left
all of Dakota City in shock.

'Local law enforcement
could only stand and watch'

'as Static struck
throughout the city.'

In a related development

chief of police,
Barnsdale has announced..

- This isn't happening.
- I know.

I can't believe it either.

It's a shame.

He was a such a nice,
young man.

He was. I mean, he is.

To think he had us
fooled all this time.

Even me.

[dramatic music]


- Go away.
- Come on, Rich.

I've been calling for an hour.
Let me in.

'No, thanks. I don't wanna
spend the rest of the night'

'stuck to my ceiling.'

You don't think I did
that to you, do you?

I said..

I heard what you said.

Look, how do you know
it wasn't you?

I'm not followin' you.

All the other metahumans
are criminals.

Maybe it just took you
longer to go whacko.

Maybe you have
a split personality.

Wait a sec.

That's it.

I chased Replay
to the funhouse, right?

We fought.
There was this big expl*si*n.

So, you got hit on the head?

No. Well, yeah,
but that's not the point.

Before I passed out,
I swear I saw someone

- who looked just like me.
- Uh-huh.

I thought it was just
my reflection in the mirror

but now I'm not sure.

Call me crazy, but maybe
Replay somehow cloned me.

You're right, bro.

You're crazy.


(Barnsdale on TV)
'Therefore, effective today'

'I have authorized formation'

'of the Dakota
Metahuman Capture Division.'

This new group will be equipped
with non-lethal weapons

designed to subdue
the metahumans.

Not to harm them.

- Here, Chief Barnsdale.
- Over here.


Miss Sandoval.

What about Static?

we have no choice

but to add him to our list
of renegade metahumans.

Chief, we have a problem..

He's got us in a rampage.

Ahem, that's all for now.

- Just wait, chief.
- One more question.

- Sir, one more question please.
- Over here.

Chief Barnsdale has cut short
his conference

and I've just learned why.

Static has struck again.

No, he hasn't.


'We have a WDKT TV news crew
on the scene'

bringing you this live view
of the Weinstein Jewelry Mart

'where the masked renegade
continues his criminal rampage.'

'Wait. There he goes.'

Okay, now, I'm ticked.

[upbeat music]



He-he's back!

If I pick up that phony's
electron ion trail

it will lead..

[crowd booing]

No, folks. It wasn't me.

It wasn't me.


It's Static. Run!

Oh, please, don't hurt my baby.

It wasn't me.

[sirens wailing]

[chopper whirring]

This is Chief Barnsdale
of the Dakota Police Department.

You are under arrest.

Chief, you can take me in

but you got the wrong guy.

We're supposed to believe that?

Bring him down.

Hit the lights.

Ready your weapons.

[dramatic music]



bang bang bang



[dramatic music]






These guys mean business.

Air unit, keep a lid on him.

[chopper whirring]

Uh-oh, there goes my do!

We have him trapped, sir.

Hey, if I can't go up..

...I guess I'm going down.




He magnetized it.

So much for traps.


Eww! I'm definitely gonna
need a shower after this.

(Shelly on TV)
'Thus, in the space
of two tragic days'

'the young hero who once
gave us all such hope'

'instead became a symbol
of dishonor and disgrace.'

'This is Shelly Sandoval
reporting for WDKT TV.'

Woo hoo hoo!


How's about that, Static?

Not much fun now
that nobody loves you.

Huh? Huh?


Look at ya.

Just another pretty face.

Gee, I wonder
what this is for.


Hated ditchin' the cops
like that.

Man, this week sucks.



No, not rich. Not yet.

But I'm working on it.
Ha ha ha.

Replay! What's the deal, man?
How did you call me?

I'm not really sure, but it
certainly has worked out nicely.

Nicely? You shredded my rep
with that fake Static.

Yeah, well, stay tuned, babe.
Wait till you see the sequel.

What are you talking about?
You ripped off

everything of value
in the city as it is.

Oh, Static, this next deal
isn't about money.

This time, it's personal.

- Replay, wait.


Hold the phone.


Shh, what are you afraid of?

You. You were straight up
trippin' out.

- Oh. Saw the news, huh?
- Oh, don't tell me.

That was your evil twin, right?

No, that was me.

That's why I need to prove
I'm telling the truth.

- I need a favor.
- What favor?

Can you rewire this Shock Vox
to listen to another one?

You know, like a intercom?

Who's got a Shock Vox
besides you and me?

The, uh, evil twin.

Hey, if I really
have turned bad

then you don't have much
of a choice, do you?



This should be working
but all I'm getting is noise.

Let me listen.


'So now,
you know my plan, boys.'

It's Replay.

No money this time.

Just revenge.

Those idiots ruined my life.

Now, I'm gonna ruin theirs.

You all know what to do
so let's do it!

[upbeat music]

Not the brightest light
on the Christmas tree, are you?

He talked about revenge.

What's the worst thing
you could do to an actor?

- Uh, give him a bad review?
- No.

Fire 'em.

beep beep

- TV trivia website?
- Ah-ha!

Little Johnny Morrow,
star of Johnny on the Spot

'got fired after four seasons
on the DKT Network.'

DKT. Didn't they just
build a new studio?

Yeah, that place downtown

with the fountains
and the outdoor TV.


And your final question
for one million dollars is..


Who did this to you?


Figured you'd say that.

[dramatic music]


Get the police.

Hmm, nice set.

Even nicer than the set
of my old show.

Let's thrash it!




[plates shattering]



- What's this?
- This.. a closed set.

Didn't you read the sign?



Get him.





This is where they taped
Finkelstein's Monster.

I like that show.

What is your problem?

They axed my show
for this piece of garbage.




[sirens wailing]

- It's Static again, sir.
- Where is he?

'The guard says he's on the
fifth floor, the TV studios.'

Kid's gone
out of his mind.

Tell the men to get
ready for anything.

rizz rizz


'Hey, clone clown!'





There is an evil twin.

[dramatic music]

Camera controls on air.


Hope this works.



So how does it feel, babe.. that
nobody likes you anymore?

- Ready to move in, sir.
- Wait.


That's Little Johnny Morrow.

I used to watch his show.

'It's their fault.'

They ruined my life.

Get over it, man. You're gonna
trash the whole building

'just 'cause they
cancelled your show?'

Yes, and the beauty part is

when we're through, the whole
world will think you did it.

Okay, gentlemen, let's go
in there and get that actor.

Now, it's time
to cancel you, Static.

'Uh, you're sure
you wanna do that'

on national television?

I-I'm on TV again?

Wait, no!

- Run!
- Back at you, copy cat.



Cuff him, lieutenant.

Chief, see any good TV lately?


Sure I'm not
the "evil twin?"

Oh, yeah.
The twin's better-lookin'.

When I asked for your help,
you had your doubts, didn't you?

- Mm-hmm.
- Then why did you help?

I just went with my gut
and that was the right call.

Speaking of guts,
how about some cheese stakes..

- ...on me?
- On you?

Excuse me, you're buyin'?

Maybe you're the clone
after all.

[upbeat music]

♪ Gotta be-be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be a super hero ♪
♪ Static Shock ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be ♪

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be
a super hero ♪

♪ Gotta be-be gotta be ♪

♪ Static Shock ♪