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01x11 - Junior

Posted: 03/02/23 18:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

[Burglar alarm rings]

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

Where is he, sharon?

Don't worry, daddy.

Virgil wouldn't miss this
for the world.

Yeah, I guess
this center

Does mean a lot
to him.

Almost as much
as it means to me.

And almost as much
as the free food.

And then?

Not to worry,

I've made all
the appropriate

The shipment



I just wanted
to say thanks

For getting me
out of school for this.

I really--

It's not
that big of a deal.

Prep school
seems to be

A lost cause
for you, anyway.

Now, if you
don't mind. So?

The shipment
should be
departing dakota

By hours,
no later.

Actually, I've never
been to a black tie
event before.

[Hand device beeps]
it's so exciting.

[Device beeping]

We've gotta get
started, robert.

I guess we do.

Welcome to the dedication
of the newest addition

To the freeman
community center.

Without further ado,

Let me introduce you
to the man

Who is responsible for
this wonderful new facility.

Edwin alva.

Thank you,
madam mayor.

It was my pleasure
to fund this new addition,

But what I built here

Isn't a monument of stone.

It's an investment
in our children's future.

Welcome to
the edwin alva gymnasium.

Come on, dad.

He must have
a good reason.

He'd better.



All right, who's next?

Come on!
Just because you guys
taste like chicken

Doesn't mean you
have to act like 'em.


Uh, uh--



[Snake rattles]

How--how did you know?

If it were a snake,
it would've bit you.


If I were you,
I'd charge 'em

With attempted robbery.

But then again,
they've already

Been charged pretty good.

Oh, man, it's late!

[Hand device beeps]

You must be very proud
of your dad today.

Huh? Yeah,
this is way better

when he was on tv

After the grand jury

Stunned crowd: oh!

[Beep beep]

That is, I mean--


[Footsteps approach]

Heh heh.
He means that
the system works.

All charges
were dropped,

And I'm free
to donate

The occasional
to my new charges,

The children
of dakota.

[Light laughter]


It's safer letting
the guard dogs

Off their leash
than you.

Get out of my sight.

Hi, sharon.
Where's pops?

Run for it.
I'll try to stall him.


Too late.

You see, what
happened was--

No excuses, virgil.

I'm really
sorry, dad.

For weeks
I've been watching you

Become more and
more irresponsible.

And now you
don't even have time

For the community center?

Dad, it's not that.
I was--



On television.

In front
of the mayor

And half
the city council.

I didn't mean to--

I had high hopes
for you, edwin.

I thought someday
you'd be the head

Of this company.

But you've
had every advantage

And you've
done nothing

To make me
proud of you.

Oh, yes, I have.


I've been studying
the haz mat gas

Your scientists
have been working with.

I figured out how
to control it. Look.

You're living
in a dream world.

Even I don't

Understand that gas.

Now stop
wasting my time.

Edwin alva jr.,
My legacy.

I'd be better off
with a statue.

Still here?

It's just not fair,

I go to school,
I do my chores,

I'm a superhero!

And my dad chews me out

For being irresponsible?

Hey, your dad doesn't
know your secret.

So from
his point of view,

a big flake.

That's no excuse,
he should trust me,

No matter how it looks.

And stop taking his side!

Who's taking sides?

I'm just saying that--

I'm going on patrol.

I'm sure I can find
somebody out there

Who appreciates me.

I'll show you, dad.

computer: access granted.

Welcome to alva industries

High security vault
number .

[Door closes]

Computer: warning:
hazardous material
containment area.

Do not approach.

Oh, yeah. The lasers.

[Beep beep beep]

Computer: security
override accepted.

warning: handle
with extreme caution.

Canister contains
quantum vapor,

A highly unstable

With unpredictable
mutagenic properties.

to anyone but me.

warning: experimental
procedures unknown.

Unable to assess
probable outcome.

Not probable, computer.


I've modified
the gas in each bubble.

Every time I pop one,

I'll get a different
super power.

Maybe dear old dad'll
finally notice me...

After I've taken away
everything else he has.

That's it,
mr. Lynn.

Take us out
nice and easy.

Piece of cake, captain.

I know this harbor
like the back of my--


What did you hit?


hitting us!



Get the weapons!

Get ready to fire!



Huh! Huh!

All hands, abandon ship!


I was wondering what
all that racket was.

a certain superhero

Can raise the



Do superheroes
get hernias?


Static: all aboard!

Uhh, yeah!


Thank you! Thank you!

And when you tell
your friends about this,

Skip the part
where I tried

To pick up the boat.

What do you think
you're doing?

I don't believe
we've been introduced.


You're nefarious?

It's my name.

It means
many forms.

Well, I go
to public school.

Latin's an elective.

Why did you help
those sailors?

They work for alva.

They're g*n smugglers.

That doesn't mean
we let 'em drown.

You telling me
you did this?


This, too.

Aah! Aah!

All right,
that's plenty.

Aah! Ugh!

You surprised me.

Now it's my turn.


I know you.

edwin alva's son.

You have me
at a disadvantage,

At least
for the moment.

Now we're even.

You can see
through my mask?

Yup. I've got
x-ray vision now.

But I can't place
where we've met before.

Oh, man.
Before we fight again,

I want a written list
of all your powers

And maybe a study guide.

Why would I
want to fight
you again?

My work here
is done.

That went well.

So, think you'll have
any time off this weekend?

Maybe we could--


[Intercom buzzes]


Man: mr. Alva, that report
you wanted is ready.

Bring it in.

Don't you want
to finish your--


Sounds important.

None of your concern.

[Door opens]

He hit another ship
this morning.

That makes
plus a warehouse

And of your
weapons factories.

Have you
identified him yet?

Calls himself

That's all we know
so far.

Could just be
a crazy man.

he's not crazy.

Speculating now,
are we?

Maybe he's just looking
for a little attention.

You can go now.

You, too.

[Door closes]


[Glass breaking]

[Video game playing]

You got a minute?

[Video game expl*si*n]

I do now.

I'm trying
to figure out

What's wrong
with you lately.

I just got a lot

Of responsibilities
now, that's all.

Why don't you tell me

About these big
you've got?

You know, school,

Other stuff.

It's like I have no idea
what's going on

In your life anymore,

I just don't know what--
[telephone rings]

I'd better get that.

We'll continue this later!

Why can't you
just trust me?

For once?

And he's wrecking
his dad's stuff.

It doesn't make sense.

Not to you, maybe.

Yeah, guess I'm lucky.

Even with all the stress

My dad's been
giving me lately,

I can't imagine doing
anything like that to him.

Uh-oh! Call waiting.

Sharon'll k*ll me
if she misses

Another call
from reginald.

Richie: ooh,
better let you go, then.


I knew I'd
seen you before,


So listen up.

You stay out
of my way

Or your secret
identity is history.

so what do you think?

Give me that!

First of all,
aluminum foil

Doesn't stop x-rays.
It has to be lead.

What am i?
A dental technician?

Second, he already
knows who I am.

Ok, got me there.

But he did say
he wouldn't tell

If you left him alone.

Can't do that.

He's out of control.

Then...he'll tell.

I know. If
my dad's gonna learn
my secret identity,

gonna be from me.

But he won't be
the only father

In for a shock

Can I get the light
for you?


How did you--

my security force?

Outside napping.

You gotta
get better help.

I don't think it'll work
without this stuff.

What do you want?

Believe it or not,

I'm here to help you.

Help me? You?

It's about

What about him?

He's your son.

My son?
That's ridiculous.

It's the truth.

And he needs help.

What kind of scam
are you trying to--

You don't believe me?

Check out your labs.

It's the least you can do.


Thought you were
going to bed early.

Couldn't sleep.

This won't help.

at pictures of mom?

Not this time. Virgil.

this barbecue?

I'm the one
who dropped

All the
hamburger meat
on the ground.


Virgil took the blame

Because mom
was already mad at me.

I don't think
we fooled her,

But she let it slide.

If you quote me,
I'll deny it,
but, um...

a great guy.

Give him
the benefit
of the doubt.


What did I do?


There's something
I need to tell you.



So it

What are you
trying to do?

Anything I want,

Thanks to this gas.

Maybe I'll
even earn your respect.

That's what
this is about?


That's what it's
always been about
with you.

And I can never win.

Not as long as
I was plain old edwin.

You think this
is how you gain
someone's respect,

By wrecking
everything they have?

I've got power now,

And that's all
you've ever respected.

Give me those things
before you hurt yourself.

Come out here
and face me!

[Gas releases]

Face yourself!

All I've
ever tried to do

Is please you,
be like you,

But you've never
had time for me,

Only for your
precious company.

Aah! Don't make me
do this, edwin.

Pay attention to me?

Get in here now!
[Device beeps]

Uhh. Don't hurt him,

But don't let him
get away, either.

Ok, this isn't easy.

I know I've been
kind of flaky lately,

But there's a reason.

Virgil, you don't
have to go into it.

I don't?

No, you don't.

Because I trust you.

You've never given me
a single reason not to.


Look, I know
you miss your mother.

I haven't
done a great job

Of helping you
deal with that.

But I've watched you
handle it

Better than I have,

I don't say it enough,

I'm proud of you, son.

I'll see you downstairs.

Oh, dad!

Wait! I gotta
tell you something.

Now what?

What are you
waiting for?

Bring him back!

Hold your fire.

I don't want him hurt.

I gotta
protect myself.

No, you don't.

I'm calling off
the attack.

Where are you going?
We're not done yet.

Pilot down!
I need backup!

You guys
hear me? Help!

We got your back,
number .

You gotta stop them!

Don't sh**t.
I'm ordering you!

too late for that.

We gotta stop this freak
or he'll get all of us.

Second pilot:
copy that.

Open fire.

You gotta stop them!

I can't! Can you?

Gonna try.



[Weakly] unhh.


Electromagnetic pulse?

Yeah. Knocks out
electrical devices.

What were
you thinking?

They could
have k*lled him.


All he was
thinking about

Was protecting
his company.

You never cared
about me.

All you care about
is your image

And your
precious legacy.

You want a monument?

I'll give you
a mountain of rubble

When I bring
this building
down around you,

No matter what it takes.


Aaah! Ohh!!





Is...he alive?

I don't know.

I never should
have told you.

But I thought
a father

Could work things out
with his son,

Even you.

Guess everybody
isn't as lucky as me.

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

static shock!