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01x09 - Winds of Change

Posted: 03/02/23 18:56
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

[Burglar alarm rings]

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system!


Looks green.

And it's not even
st. Patrick's day.

You gonna finish that?

I haven't even started,
heavy c.

Hey, stop it!

You're always doing that.

I'm hungry.
Buy your own.

Hey, that's mine!


I'm thirsty, too.

You're a real pig,
you know that?

Heavy c:
you dissing me?


You must be trippin'.

Maybe you'd like
ketchup with that.

Unh. Why you--

Your free lunches
are over, heavy c.

We're not afraid of you

Yeah, you're just
a big bag of wind.

Where's that coming from?

It's coming from him!

He's a bang baby.


I am a bang baby.


Richie, you here?


Richie: keep coming.
This way.

What's up?
You made it sound
like a mad s.o.s.

Feast your eyes.

Eggs? You brought me here
for a picnic?

Open it.

What are they?
Energy containment units.

I call them zap caps.

Go on. Charge 'em up.

Now watch and be amazed.


pretty cool, huh?

I can do ball lightning
in my sleep.

Why do I need those?

Check it.
You're in a battle,

Low on power.

You pitch
a couple of these
at the bad guys

And buy yourself
time to recharge.

Ha! Brilliant, eh?

Yeah. Brilliant.

Look, we better go.

Daisy said she'd help
debug that new software.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why do we need daisy?

I can debug it myself.

we don't have time.

What do you mean?

We haven't worked
on your static moves
in a week,

And we sure
can't do that
with her around.

You know,
lately it seems like

I have something to do
on my personal time,

You're bugging me
about static stuff.

Hey, I got a life,
too, you know,

But at least
I'm trying to be

All right, look.

I'll work with daisy
until :.

Then I'll get together
with you, ok?

Ok. I'll go drop off
the zap caps at hq.

Hq? You mean
the gas station?

Yeah, the gas station.


See that line of code?

That's what's
hanging us up.

Wow, I never would have
caught that.

Daisy, you are amazing.

Uh, um, what I meant was...

Calm down, virgil.

Compliments will not
be held against you.

Oh, good.

Hi, richie.

V, it's :.

We're supposed
to do that thing
like we discussed.

Yeah, I know.

Only, we're right
in the middle of this.

Can't that thing
wait until tomorrow?

Excuse us a minute.


Are you crazy?!

We have a schedule
to keep, virgil!

Schedule? So now
you're clocking me?

I'm staying here.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Ok, then.

Next time some bang baby
mops the floor with you

you're out of practice,

Don't blame me.

[Muffled music playing]

[Pounding on door]

Sharon: virgil!
Open the door, virgil!

Oh, sharon, thank you
for doing my laundry

While I sat on my butt
doing nothing as usual.

Here, let me help.

Can't hear me, huh?

Well, then, I guess
I don't need to tell you

About that call you got.

What call? Who was it?

Kobe bryant.

He needs some help
on his jumper.
Are you free?

Was it a girl?!
Now, that's funny.

No, it was richie.

Who else calls you
times in minutes?

Got that right.

I beg your pardon?

You ever spend
so much time with someone

That you feel like
you're gonna scream?

Actually, yes.


Thanks. I'm glad
we had this chat.

[Shock box rings]


Yes, richie?

Richie: didn't sharon
give you my message?!

Yeah. So?

So there's a guy
making a mess down here
at the water park.

I'm a superhero,
not a janitor.


Not that kind of mess, bro.


Having superpowers

Works up one
superpowerful appetite.

Ha ha ha ha!

[Wind howling]



Rough weather
we're having.

It's that dude.

He's got
some kind of power
over the wind.

I can handle him.

Ok, but be careful.
There's a lot of water
around here.

If you get wet
when you're powered up,
you could short out.

Richie, please!

What's a hot dog
without sauerkraut?


Yo, breeze boy!
With a diet like this,

It's no wonder
you're blowin'
so much hot air.

The name is slipstream.

What do you think
you're doing

Besides cornering
the market on spandex?

Stay out of my way,

I do what I want.
Especially now.

You'll understand if I
and a couple of thousand cops

Have a little problem
with that.



Aah! Ooh! Uhh!

Uhh! Oh, man!

I hate sauerkraut!

Richie on shock box:

Where are you?

Slipstream's over
by the box office.

How'd he get over there
so fast?

Dude really moves
for a big guy.


Hey! Gimme those!


I'm right below you!

You're too close!

Get outta there, rich!

Big-shot hero
seems a mite distracted.

How am I supposed to
fight this dude

If I have to worry
about you get--

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


Told him to be careful.
Did he listen to me?


Maybe I can knock it down.

Hey, now.
Who's that?






Serves you right
for messin' with my haul, fool.

But it's cool.

Maybe I ought to be grabbin'
on more serious stuff.

Static, everything's
gonna be ok.

I'm here.
I got ya.


Do not help.

V, you're ok.


No thanks to you.

Hey, if it weren't
for those inner tubes,

I would've been squashed,
thanks to your screwup.


Slipstream had you
on the ropes, man.

I saw an opening,
and I took it.

Your opening
nearly k*lled me.

Oh, maybe you would have
preferred to have daisy
there instead?

At least daisy
doesn't bombard me

With a bunch
of dumb schedules
and training

And, "look what
I built," every day.

What are you saying?

What am I saying?

I'm saying chill out,
back off, and
quit buggin' me.




Well, in that case,

I am out
of the bug business


Ladies and gentlemen,

This week,
we're going to study

A new unit
on air pollution.

There's going to be
a lot of lab work,

So I want you
to choose a partner.

You have minutes
to make your selections.

Daisy, um...

I was wondering--

I mean--
if you're not busy...

Of course I'll be
your partner, virgil.

But don't you usually
work with richie?

Been there, done that,

Thank you.

Yo, omar.

You hook up
with anybody?

Me? Well--

Good. I need a partner
who's gonna take his job

For a change.

You do this
comic book run

Yep. First we hit
dakota comics,

Then off your rocket,
and sometimes
gunther's books

In case they got
a new shipment
of back issues.

Ah. Guess you and richie
had this down
to a science.

Yeah. Guess we did.

Ok, virgil.
What's with you two?

It's no big deal.

Oh, please.
You both act like
the other one

Strangled your cat.

Really, virgil,
the least you can do

Is admit that
there's a problem
between you and--



We were just
talking about you.

Oh? Well,
I was just leaving.

plant man?


It's out?


First issue of
the denny miller -parter.


We've been reading
rumors about this
on the web for weeks.

Yeah, tell me about it.
Now, i--

So cool! I--


You can have it.

I'll get my own copy
someplace else.

It doesn't look
very good, anyway.

Oh, just take
the dumb book, will you?!

Seconds ago,

It was like you'd found
the holy grail.

Hey, what's that?

Reporter: and now we go to
our sky-high news copter

At the scene.

Turn up the sound,

This is shelley sandoval
coming to you live

From the sky-high
news copter

As we remain
in hot pursuit

Of dakota's
newest metahuman,

The insatiable slipstream.

His whirlwind
path of crime

Has swept through
chicken char kings,

A booker t. Fudge store,
and the first national bank.

Where will it end?


Yo! Newslady!

Thanks for the hype,

But I'm really
the shy type.

So why don't you
just bug off!


Ha ha ha!



That poor woman!

What's going to--



Did you see
where virgil went?

Don't ask

I don't keep track
of his schedule





[Horns honking]

[Crowd cheering]

Come on! It's static!

Big whoop.

Thank you. Thank you.

Glad to help.
That's why I'm--


[Bell rings]

Hiya, richie.

You doing anything?

I don't know.
How come?

Well, I'm just
heading over to
get your grub on.

Want to come along?

Just you?

Well, me...
And virgil.



I insist.

Daisy, give it up.

Virgil and I

Don't want to be
friends anymore, ok?

End of story.

you should be happy.

Now that I'm not
hanging around,

You get his
undivided attention.

Richie, you're right
about one thing.

I like virgil.

But I like you, too.

Only I liked you both more
when you were friends.

What do you mean?

Ever since you two
stopped talking,

You've been walking around
like you swallowed a lemon,

And virgil's a one-man
funeral procession.

The guy hasn't
cracked a joke
in days.

It's not normal!

Believe me,
there's nothing normal
about virgil.

[Cell phone rings]

Hold on.



Virgil, I can
hardly hear you.

Hate to flake on you,

But I can't make it
to the grub right now.

I wouldn't wait
if I were you.

An old friend
blew into town.

Catch you tomorrow.

Ok. All right.
See you tomorrow.


You're off the hook.

He can't make it.


backing out on you?

Yes, richie.

Amazing but true.

He said an old friend
just blew into town

And he has to catch up
with him.

Shelley: in his
most brazen act yet,

Slipstream has struck again,

This time at one of the city's
most famous monuments,

The natural history museum
in dakota fields.

I'm on top of
the food chain.

No doubt.

Time to get paid
like the dog I am.

Ha ha ha!


Aah! Go on! Go on!



No more kid gloves
for this dude.

Hey. It's that
little firefly.

Time to squash him.

What? Aah!


Come on! Come on!
Go! Go! Go!


Oh, no!

Best be sure
I unplug sparky for keeps.

The dude's getting
on my nerves.

Yo, sparky!

Here I come!


And here I go.

So weak.

Oh, man. V's gotta be
totally drained.

This is bad,

Very bad.

On second thought...


Come on, sparky!

I'm not gonna hurt you.


Ha ha ha ha!

No use.

No juice!


Hey, kid, stop!



Let me see.

Did I order a pizza?

Don't think so.

Well, better send it back.

Ha ha ha!

Take a taste of


Ha ha ha! Everybody
tryin' to be a hero.

Well, that worked out well.

Psst. Richie.
Over here.

What's with your arm?

I...think it's busted.

Oh. I'm so sorry, bro.

Not your fault.

Listen, v,
you were right.

I'm not the superhero
on this team.

I'm just the sidekick.

And a lousy one, too.

Don't sell yourself short.

I'm sorry
about the friction.


Friends. Ow!

Now, the question is
how to get you out of here.

He's not looking
this way.


Ha ha ha ha!

Think he saw us?

Yo, static!

What's up?

You scared
to show your face,

Big shot?
Ha ha ha!

Yes, I think
he did.

You better
make a run for it.
I'll be ok.


You got any more
of those egg things on you?

The zap caps?
Yeah, but slipstream

Will never give you
a chance to throw 'em.

Who said anything
about throwing 'em?

Stay back!
Here he comes.

Yo, static!

Get ready for
a trip to oz!







Puttin' on a little weight,
huh, slippy?


Hey, guys.

Richie, what happened
to your arm?

Swimming accident.

I told you, man.
When you dive
into the pool,

Make sure there's
water in there.

What was I thinking?

Well, I'm glad
to see you two
back together.

Us, too.

Which reminds me,
you want
to come along

On another
comic book run?

Twice? In one week?

Thanks, anyway.

Too bad.

Your loss.

No accounting for
some people's taste.

You guys are really into
that superhero stuff,
aren't you?

Both: you might say that.

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system.

static shock!