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01x07 - Child's Play

Posted: 03/02/23 18:54
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

[Burglar alarm rings]

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

Look at your shameful,
sinful lives!
Just look at them!

Y'all better start

'Cause the end is near!

And believe me, I know.

I've been spreading
this message for years.



A sign.
A real sign.

What more proof
do you need,
brothers and sisters?

The day of reckoning
is at hand.

I'm sure of it
this time.

Come on, pops,
just a few bills.
It's for food.

Junk food, you mean.

And besides,
I'm low on cash myself

Till I can get
to an atm.

How about I go
to the atm for you?

All you gotta do is
give me your card...

And your pin number.


Man: listen to me,

What in the world?

Never be the same again!

Yes, my friends,

All accounts are
going to be settled.

Here is the proof.

What did you do
to my fountain?

It wasn't my hands
that did this,

It was no human hand
at all.

Don't give me that.

You can't deny it.

This is a sign
from above,
a sign of...

Cherry soda.

Say what?

This red stuff,
it's cherry soda.

Ha ha ha!
Oh, wow!


Man, what you got
against me?

Who spiked the fountain?

Beats me.
It was working fine
an hour ago.


Cherry soda?

Word is b*mb, bro.

Some weird joke.

Maybe more than that.

Did you hear what happened
at the fenton projects
the other day,

When it was snowing?

Let me guess--
the sidewalks
got all slippery

And they had to
shovel the stuff
off their doorsteps?

As a matter of fact,
they did, smart guy.

But it wasn't snow,
it was vanilla ice cream.


What, with the nuts
and a cherry on top?

Come on, rich.

After the big bang,
nothing's impossible

Thank you, virgil.

[Gasps] aron.

Maybe we should
say hello to him.

You could say hello.

Who is this guy?

Aron price.

He's been, uh,
away for a while.

Hey, aron,
remember me?

Virgil hawkins.

Just want to say
welcome back and--


"Why, thank you, virgil,
it's nice to be back."

So where's he been?

Reform school.

Hope he bought
a round-trip ticket.

Yeah, come on.

Come on.
Can't make it.

Come on, let's go.

Yeah! Just like wilt.


Wilt chamberlain.

Only man that scored
points in a game.

My grandfather told me.

Grandma knew
about him, too.

Bet he wouldn't've
scored points
against shaq.

Shaq? Guy can't even
hit a free throw.

I know somebody better
than both of them.

And who might
that be, dwayne?

Dreadbot .

Neither of those guys
could stop him.

Nobody could.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Dwayne, dreadbot 's
a video game! He's not real.

I know he's not real.
But if he was...

All: [snickering]
yeah, right.




Come on!
Yo, give it up,

Pass the ball!



[Glass breaks]






Think your dad
will advance you
that cash now?

Maybe, if he's in
a good mood.


So much for his mood.


Get back, get back!

Time out, big fella.

[Electrical buzzing]

[Electrical buzzing]

You couldn't do that
in the video game.

Or maybe I just never
got to that level.


[Groans] couldn't
do that, either.


Aron! You here
to take me home?

Hey, is this
the bang baby stuff

I've been hearing

Must be. Guess what?

Mom just gave me
a new video game.

Wanna play with me?

What do I want
with a video game
when I can see this?



Guess the fight's
over now, huh?

Hey, dwayne,
hold up.

Where are you

It's ok, mr. Hawkins.

It's not ok, dwayne.
You know the rules--

No one leaves
without permission
or a parent.

And after all that's
happened today,
I don't think--

Mr. Hawkins,
this is aron.

He's my brother.


Same thing as
a brother, isn't it?

Isn't it?

It's pretty much
the same.

Aron, wait!

[Car horn honks]

It's the best game ever!

You're really
gonna love it.

That big bang
must have been
some party.

Too bad I missed it.

Oh, yeah.
It was weird.

There was this
huge purple cloud,
kind of glittery,

And it came
from out of nowhere.

How do you know
so much about it?

I don't know.

Hey, want to
get some food?

You like hot dogs,
don't you?

I'm not hungry,

And your mother's
the one who feeds
you, not me.

Yo, ray.

Aron, my man.
Where you been?

Long story. Stay.

We'll talk later,
when the kid's
not around.

Who is he, anyway?
Your brother?


Hey, where'd you
get that?

I was hungry.

I asked where
you got it.

No food places
around here.

You didn't take it
out of the trash.

You--you made that.

You were in
the big bang,
weren't you?

And now if you
want something
bad enough,

It just happens,
like that hot dog

Or the monster back
at the community

Aron, please don't
say anything.

Please. I don't want
to get in trouble.

Why would I want to
get you in trouble,

You're my brother.

Your insurance will
probably take care of
all this, mr. Hawkins.

There's more
over here.

Keep going, virg.

He's still busy
with the workers.

This was stupid.
What did I think I'd find?

plays well with others,

And, by the way, he seems to
have some metahuman powers?

What about this, v?

Says this kid lives
in fenton projects.

He's the only one
in the whole center
who does.

Fenton projects,
where it snowed ice cream.

Dwayne mccall.

Come on, dwayne.
You can do it.

What's this?

$, Like you asked.

This is play money.
I need real money.

Well, what does a real
$ bill look like?


I'm sorry, aron.
I've never seen one.

That's ok.
Don't worry.

I'm not mad at you,
little bro.

I got an idea.

Why don't you
turn this into
a key for that?


What do you mean?
You can do anything.

I've seen--

That's stealing, aron.

You know what mom would say?

Or mr. Hawkins?

I was only going
to borrow it,

But I understand
your thing
about stealing.

See, I was ripped
off a while ago,

And it didn't
feel too good.

You know who did it?

The people in that
building over there.

What are we
gonna say to her?

Just play it by ear.
Here it is.


Mrs. Price?

I'm virgil hawkins,
and this is richie foley.

We're from
the community center.

We're counselors there,
junior counselors, and--

Is this about dwayne?
Is he all right?

Dwayne's fine.
Couldn't be better.

We're just here to give you
a progress report.

They send people
out to give
progress reports?

Only in very special cases.

Why don't you guys
come in.

I just made
some cookies.

We don't usually eat
on duty. [Sniffs]

Is that chocolate chip?

This is
such a relief.

I was so worried
about dwayne.

Why was that,
mrs. Price?

Well, dwayne kind of
retreated into cartoons

And video games when I
married aron's father.

I couldn't get through
to him,

But it sounds like
your dad was able to,

Yeah. He's
good at that.

Uh, mrs. Price,

Is there any other
reason you were
worried about dwayne?

Another reason?
Like what?

Oh, I don't know.
A lot of weird things

Have been going on
in this city lately,

You mean like
the big bang?

Yeah. That would
be one example.

Those freaks
really scare me.

You know, dwayne
was right near there
when it happened.

See, our dog got
away, and dwayne ran
out to look for it.

Thank heaven
he wasn't affected.

Thank heaven.

[Speaking japanese]

[People scream]

You sure I should
be doing this?

Of course I'm sure.
You think I'm the only
one they ripped off?

They got mom
and mr. Hawkins, too.

[Yells in japanese]

[People scream]

[Yells in japanese]

[Yells in japanese]

Sumo kiri?

Yeah, and without
the commercials.

[Yells in japanese]

Come on, dwayne.
Make him open it.

Don't disappoint me.

He'll get it done, bro.

[Yells in japanese]

Why'd I think electricity
would affect you?
You're imaginary.

But that vault's real.

This ought to hold you.


Nice shot.

Aah! [Groans]




[Speaking japanese]

Huh? [Growls]



[Police sirens approach]


Good. They can
arrest the bad people
in the bank.

Uh, dwayne, the cops
really don't understand
this kind of thing.

We better get
out of here.

You can take care
of static next time.

Take care of him?

Yeah. Like sumo kiri
was gonna do.

But sumo kiri
was just playing.

And it's time
to stop playing,

Because we can't
let static keep
getting in our way,

Can we, bro?



Not even a good-bye?



Hey, dwayne.
How you doin'?


And aron?
How's he doin'?

He's ok, too.

You sure been
seeing a lot of him

Since he got back.

He's my brother.

That's what makes
this so hard to say.

The dude's got
some major problems.

It's not his fault.

Bad things have happened
to him.

Is that what
he told you?

It's the truth!

Aron would never lie to me!

Whoa, dwayne!
Easy, easy.


You see the way
he was lookin'?

We were this far
from another visit
from sumo boy.

My worst nightmare,

And he's just
a confused little kid.

Yo, v, he's
not the enemy.

It's aron,

What can we do
about it?

Hey, aron.

Guess we kinda got off
on the wrong foot
the other day.



So, I'm havin' this party
on saturday night.

Want you to be there.

Who else is coming?

Just some friends.

Richie, daisy,
frieda, felix.

Frieda? She's
gonna be there?

Oh, yeah!

And she's really
lookin' forward
to seein' you.

Just one thing, though.

Your brother dwayne's
too young for this bash.

No problem.
I'll be there,
by myself.

You sure?

I know you're tight,
you and your bro, and--

We're not tight,
and he's not
my brother.

He's just
a stepbrother.

Ok, ok! I believe you.

[Tongue click]

Did you get it?

Oh, yeah. Thanks
to the shock box.

I'm really gonna
hate doin' this
to that little kid,

But he's gotta
know the truth.

Aron's just takin'
advantage of him.

Richie: I don't see him.

I'm gettin'
a bad feeling.


Have you seen
dwayne mccall?

He just left with that
stepbrother of his.

Said they were
goin' to the mall
to get some clothes.

You know, I don't think
aron's a good influence.

To put it mildly.

Hmm. It's a shame.

I was just starting
to get through to dwayne,
open him up.

I hate to see all that
get undone.


I don't know
about this, aron.

These stores keep
the prices so high

No one can afford
to buy anything.

Whatever we don't keep,
we'll give to the poor.


I love that guy!

But I didn't think
anybody read comics

No effect. Big surprise.

Wait a minute! In the comics,
only one thing could hurt you...




Who ever said comics
don't teach you anything?

Dwayne! Get away
from him!

Don't listen.
He's against us, bro.

He's using you
to steal for him.

plantman and kung-pow?
I'm relivin' my childhood!



[Police sirens]






Why do I even try?


Grr--aah! Oof!

Aah! Uhh! Unh!

Static: speakers!

Virgil, on tape:
I know you're tight,
you and your bro.

Aron, on tape:
no problem.

I'll be there,

By myself.

Was that
your voice?

It's a trick.

He's trying
to fool you,

Aron, on tape:
we're not tight,

And he's not my brother.
He's just a stepbrother.



That's it!
Get him! Get him!


What are you waiting for?
Finish him!

It's not right!

Yes, it is.
Now do what I say.

Don't listen
to him, dwayne!

You know
the right thing.

Finish him! Now!

Static: you know
it's not right!

Aron: do what I say!
I'm your brother! Do it!


I don't know what to do,
so I'm gonna wait.

For what?

Till I'm sure what
the right thing is.

Might take a while.

You've got time.

Dwayne! Whoa!

I think dwayne's
had all the
brotherly attention

He needs for today.

Now it's time
for you to tell
the police

Who was really
behind this,

And it better
be the truth.

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

Where are
you goin'?

Back to the community center.

I gotta tell my pops
he was a better influence
than he thought.

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

static shock!