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01x06 - The New Kid

Posted: 03/02/23 18:48
by bunniefuu
Peep your eyes on this, Rich.

Man, it's just like a chemistry experiment, except it smells good.


Who pulled the plug? That was, like, an A soufflé, Virg.

We've gotta get it back.

Juice it up, bro.

Virgil? Principal Aguilar wants to see you in his office immediately.

Too much yeast.


Come in.

- Pops?

- Hello, Virgil.

I thought your father should be here for this.

Whatever it is, I didn't do it.

Virgil, have you heard of the Vanmoor Charter School for Science? Sure.

It's that school for genius kids.

You gotta be Stephen Hawking to get in.

Well, evidently not, since you've been accepted.

Me? In Vanmoor?

- I'm so proud of you, son.

- It's a special six

-week seminar in science and technology.

Only the finest students are accepted.

It's a discovery session

- with first

-class facilities.

- Six weeks in a superlab? Awesome.

We'll provide you tutors so you can keep up with work here at Dakota.

Two full

-time class schedules? What an honor.

Four minutes until class time.

Please find your labs.

Easier said than done, TV lady.

Excuse me.

Help here.

Lost kid on premises.

- Sorry to bother you.

- Then don't.

I'm looking for lab 16.

Check between 15 and 17.

He doesn't look like he's into double digits yet.

Thanks for nothing.

Come on, Specs, the kid's just looking for where he belongs.

You're right, Trapper.

Right in here.




Is this a classroom or the starship Enterprise? What's up? I'm Virgil.

Either you're twins, or one of you has invented a k*ller virtual

-reality projection.

Neither of us is working on any type of virtual

-reality project.


It was a joke.

See, the two of you, a projection.

Don't mind them.

They're seriously joke


He's Duncan, and he's Henry.

Right? And I'm Daisy.

- Hi.


- Virgil? Yeah.

So where's the rest of the class?

- This is it.

- Four students to a teacher? Pretty fat.

How do you get away with anything? You don't look like a troublemaker to me.

Anyway, they're not really teachers.

Upperclassmen run the classes.

The students are the teachers? That's


- Okay, class.

- A nightmare.

- I see the grunt found his way to class.

He gets a gold star, Mr.


Compared to the rest of them, I've got the IQ of foam rubber.

The other dudes are scary smart.

Take Daisy.

She's got this math program that


- Again with this Daisy.

Four times you've mentioned her, bro.

I don't think it's her math program that gets you.

- She's just one of the kids.

- Yeah.


You hear something? Holy Terminator! Your punch is lunch, Mr.


Gotta recharge.

A fuse box.


I'm back.

Just what my lungs didn't need.

Talk about up in smoke.

If I hadn't lost him, I could have hit him with a second charge.

- I had him.

- Don't worry, Mr.


I was able to record his energy aura.

He won't get away from us next time.

I think the problem's with the AB logarithms.

No, it's the coefficient that's adding to the resistance.

You're both wrong.

Look at the semiconducting

-conduits schematic.

- That's where the problem is.

- Mind if I have a look?

- Electronics are my specialty.

- Let's see what you've got.

Yes, conduits.

Very interesting.

Okay, listen up, grunts.

We've got a new project for you.


Specs? This should be simple enough for even lower life forms.

An electronic eye capable of following any electromagnetic energy source that is dialed into it.

And grunts, time is of the essence.

So one grade off for every day it's delayed.

- Beginning now.

- You think you can handle the pressure? I have a question.

About the electronic eye brown, green or baby blue? We get that one.

Let's go, Trapper.

That new kid.

They'll let anyone in these days.

I've been waiting for you.

And I don't like waiting.

Sorry, Mr.


We were working on


- I gave you one simple assignment: Bring me Static.

And you flunked.

Only by the narrowest of margins, sir.

We're using the class to perfect a device that will prevent him

- from eluding us again.

- Let us hope so.

Your extracurricular activities are costing me almost as much as this entire school.

It's pass/fail time, gentlemen.

It would be easier if we didn't have to catch him alive.

That's an inconvenience you'll have to live with.

I want my bioresearch team to study Static's DNA and a live specimen is preferable to a dead one.

After we have that he'll be of no further use.

- Look at it move.

- We can't shake it.

The eye is a prize, guys.

Well, what do you know? It looks the grunts may have saved their grades.

It wasn't us, it was Virgil.

He made the program that made the tracer more responsive.

- He's the man.

- Yeah, his skills are mad.

- No, it's "he's got mad skills.


- That's what I said.

It's nothing your average extraordinary genius can't do.

I based it on a game my friend and I designed: "Attack of the Blood

-Hungry Gutsuckers.

" We'll just check this out.

Just let me know if you need anything explained.

Gotta tell you, Virgil, you really came through.

Yeah, well.

How'd you like to buy a genius a double

-mocha frappé latte low

-fat, decaf, no foam? Sure.

If you can tell me what that means.

Alva? What's Edwin Alva doing here? Didn't you know? He funds the school.

This is his deal.

I just wish he'd fund his students.

I saw a leather jacket in the mall that is fine.

Come on.

You want that frappa

-lappa whatever? I need to check with Specs and Trapper.

I wanna ask what they'll do with my program.

Forget about it.

The students are never in on the 411.

- We just make the stuff.

- Then I really need to talk to them.

I encoded a password.

They won't get around it.

Hang on.

They'll probably have it in their lab.

- I can find it.

- You couldn't find the class the first day.

Really, you shouldn't


- You don't have to


- Walk with you? I want to.

In there.

I can't believe they rate their own private lab.

You've heard of teachers' pets? Specs and Trapper are Alva's pets.

I'd rather have hamsters.

You go ahead.

I'll wait.

I don't want those creeps to lower our grades.


See you tomorrow.

Man, with a setup like this

- Houston would never have a problem.

- How'd you get in? What? Funny thing.

The door was open all the time


- As long as we're inside, we should have a look around.

I'll bet they have some great toys.

What's that? Probably nothing.

Look, I can talk to these guys tomorrow.

Or not.

Pulse test complete.


Trapper, I've almost completed download of the grunt's program.

He's feeding your file into that thing, Virgil.

Then I guess they don't need us.

Shall we go? The Alva machine is about to power up.

- Good.

- We'll be activating in just a moment.

The sooner, the better.

And remember, I need Static alive.

No slip

-ups this time.

Download complete.

Power up.

This might be a good time to panic and run, Daisy.

You read my mind.

Hey! Run.

Time to boogie.

I'll stall them.

Get help.

- But Virg



- Go!

- Static!

- Looked like you could use a lift.

- Nice day for a ride, huh?

- There are these kids.

- They're after you.

- Well, who isn't? I'm a popular guy.

- That doesn't seem to be helping.

- It must be covered in ceramic.

What are you gonna do? This superhero thing is kind of a learn



-go deal.

- Stay on him, Mr.


- No trouble, Mr.


That geek's tracer program is working perfectly.

The Alva Machine rules! Okay, here's your stop.

Let's not do this again real soon.

- Awesome.

- What's going on? Specs and Trapper are after Static.

We gotta get to the school.

Too close.

The electric eye.

Using my own tracing program.

Some genius.

I'm chasing myself.

Eat rubble, wirehead.

Well, that's not encouraging.

Okay, Alva.

You want me? You gonna get me.

- Won't be long now.

- Where's he headed? North on Second Avenue.

He's out of Ferris Row.

Out of Ferris Row going north? Right.

Picking up speed now up Dakota Hills Boulevard.

No! He's headed for


- I was in the hood.

Thought I'd pop in.

What's the matter? Not enjoying the show? How's it feel, Alva? Back off, fellas, before you hurt your credit card.

Do as he says.

- Shut it down.

- No.

I think I can still stun him.

You're asking for a lot of detention.

What happened? I told you it was the green wire, Duncan.

We stand corrected.

Look, the water's all heated.

Time for a dip.

Nice form, Alva.

I'll give it a 9.


Creating a w*apon that almost destroyed me.

How wack is that? Look at the bright side.

You're back here at Dakota U with your number

-one boy, me.

- And the bright side is?

- Virgil.


What are you doing here? After that Vanmoor mess, my folks thought I'd be safer in public school.

- Who's your friend?

- This is Richie.

- Remember? The "Gutsucker" guy.

- Hi.


So, Virgil, I was kind of hoping you could show me around.

Are you kidding? I'm your man.

This place is like my crib away from my crib.

They must have remodeled while I was away.

Don't they know they gotta check with me before they do these things?