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04x12 - Kidnapped

Posted: 03/02/23 18:43
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

[upbeat music]



Gear, stop!

I can't! I'm outta control!



Will you please hold still?

I'm trying.. Ahh!

[both grunting]


- What was that all about?
- Don't know.

One minute I'm
jetting along just fine

and the next,
I'm on spin cycle.

Now what?

Backpack just ran
a diagnostic

on my navigation system
and found a worm.

Eww! You better call
an exterminator.

[laughs] No, this worm
is a computer virus.

It's programmed to crawl its
way into the operating code.

That's why I lost control.

Well, can you fix it?

Hmm. Backpack's isolating it.

But I'll have to
go straight home

and reprogram everything
from scratch.

- I'm done for today.
- No problem.

I'll make sure you get back
okay and then head home myself.

Beep beep beep

Oh, come on.
My Stabilizer's back online.

At least I can fly again.

[upbeat music]



Theme music...

♪ Fight the criminals
chase the bad guys ♪

♪ Save the world
fly through the sky ♪

♪ Half kid half amazing ♪

♪ Okay Static Shock
who you're facing ♪

♪ Yeah one zip
then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run from
Static shower ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo ♪

♪ One zip then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run
from the static shower ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

Season 04 Episode 12

Episode Title:

What do you mean
you're shutting me down?

You heard me, Karen.

I'm transferring you
to another division

here at Alva Industries.

I don't understand, Edwin.

I have done everything
you've asked.

I've built the largest data
gathering network

known to mankind, all dedicated
to one purpose..

...finding Static's
secret identity.

Listen, my son is alive

and I no longer have
a problem with Static.

Case closed.

No, you listen.

You promised if I did this for you
you'd fund my real work.

I'm not paying
for any of that anymore.

I absolutely refuse to
work on anything else.

Then you can consider
yourself fired.

please come and escort

Dr. Roberts off the premises.


Beep beep beep


Well, that was a long day.

Daddy, you deserve a rest.

I'll go get the car.

Thanks, sweetheart.

[upbeat music]



[engine sputtering]

- Huh?
- Phew!

I've been in there so long
I thought you'd never come out.







'Daddy, look out!'

Puff, open it.

[Sharon grunting]

Hey, come back here!

[tires screeching]

[dramatic music]


(Onyx) Stupid girl's
gonna draw the cops.

Then, it's end of
the road for her.


[tires screeching]



[Sharon screaming]


Oh, man! That was gonna
be my car next year!

Oh, Static, it's terrible!

I'll say.

My father's been kidnapped!



I'm telling you, man, I ain't
seen Puff and Onyx in weeks!

'Maybe Carmen knows.'

Oooch! Ouch! Ouch!

Stop, stop!
Uh, uh, now I remember.

Uh, they was with Shiv.
Yeah, Shiv. That's the ticket.



Where are they?

Mommy! Ohh..


[tense music]

Hey, Static.
Just call me Hot lips.




Where is Robert Hawkins?


- Aah!
- You heard me.

Puff, quit fooling around
and deliver the message.

- He means business.
- What message?

We were hired to kidnap him.

Puff's supposed to
tell you where he is.



If this is a trick, you won't
be able to run far enough.


I don't get it.

We snatch one guy
and he acts

like it's the crime
of the century.


Anybody here?

[metal clangs]


[door slides open]

[door slides shut]


[door slides open]



[dramatic music]

(Omnara) Stay right
there or he's history, Static.

Or should I call
you Virgil Hawkins?


Virgil Hawkins.

That's your real name, right?

Lady, I don't know what
game you're playing

but I'm here to..


Who are you?

Call me Omnara.

Edwin Alva hired me to create
a vast supercomputer network

linked to every satellite,
every camera

every surveillance
device in the world.

- Why?
- For one purpose only.

To discover your
secret identity.

Alva knows who I am?

No. I took that valuable
data with me when I left.

Why'd you kidnap my dad?

To get your help jump-starting
my real project.

I want you to steal
my equipment

back from Alva Industries.

Why don't you just
use Puff or Onyx?

They don't have the power or
the brains or the motivation.

[ominous music]

I wanna see my father.

[door slides open]

No false moves or my lasers
turn him into a jigsaw puzzle.

Mr. Hawkins, I'm glad
to see you're okay.

You can drop the act, Virgil.

- You know?
- Wasn't hard to figure out.

Why else kidnap me
to get to Static?

And maybe, maybe in the back
of my mind I've always known.

Oh, pops, I never meant
to put you in danger, I swear.

I know that, son.
I don't blame you.

But it's quite a shock to find
out your son's a superhero.

Who is this woman and
what does she want?

(Static) 'She calls herself Omnara.
Wants me to steal something.'

What? You can't!

Pops, please, I gotta.

'There's no other way!'

Virgil, this is crazy!

I know, I know.

But if I ever get
us out of this

I promise, I'll give up
this superhero stuff.

I don't want anything like this
to happen again. I mean it.

If the family hour's through,
you have a little job to do.

[sirens blaring]

[laser g*ns firing]

Boom boom boom

This is her
definition of little?




If you guys play nice, I
won't break all of your toys.



pew pew pew


Now what?

Head for lab 14 and watch out.

You've got an armed chopper
approaching from the south.

I see it.

Hey, do you do weather
forecasts too?

[m*ssile zooming]




[m*ssile zooming]


[dramatic music]


[laser g*ns firing]

'Did you get everything?'

Everything on your wish list.

Not that you've
been a good girl.


He broke into lab 14.

Lab four..

Roberts must be behind this.

That's her Project Omni.

Project Omni?

My life's work.



Alva never saw
the full potential

of what could be accomplished,
but I did.

It started with
a computer virus

which I planted in every
computer in the world.

- A virus?
- 'Yes.'

'It went off yesterday.'

[Gear yelling]


So, that's where
the worm came from.

(Omnara) I'll soon control
every digital device on Earth.


So, not only will
I see everywhere

but I'll be able to
interact as well.

- No!
- Something wrong?

Alva has the most
important component..

...the Neural Interface Helmet.

[chuckles] You can't
hide it from me, Alva.

[computer beeping]

'A quick peek into
your network'

'and ah!'

'It's in a truck
convoy headed east.'

[engine humming]


[door opens]


What are you doing?

Gear, stay out of this.

Get rid of him. We can't allow
him to slow us down.

I won't just stand by
and watch my best friend

commit a crime.

Well, you're gonna have to.
I can't let you stop me.

You're wasting time.

Destroy him or you'll
never see your father again.



- Yah!
- Unh! Uhh! Whoa!

That was just a warning,
you know if I really try...

Dude, I don't know
what you're up to

but if I have to
fight you, I will.


Then bring it on,
Gear, bring it on!

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]


- Hyah!
- Unh!



[music continues]


(Omnara over headset) 'Static, finish
him off and get that helmet to me now!'


[both grunting]



You double-crossing
little worm!

I hate worms like you!

Why don't you run a diagnostic

to find out just what
kind of double-dealing

little worm you are!



[dramatic music]


[Backpack buzzing]


[snaps fingers]


At last!
I have everything back.

Project Omni..

...the ultimate interface
between man and machine.

Good. Now maybe you'll
let me have my dad back.

I am now linking my
brain with the network.

Soon, I will be the network!



Omnara, what about my pops?

Infinite sight.

Infinite reach.

Infinite power!

Aah! Unh!

[door slides open]

I got here as soon as I could.

- Aah!
- Aah!

Did you understand
my message?

Dude, you called me a
worm like three times.

How could I miss it?

You wanted me to examine
the virus that hit

my system
yesterday, right?

Right. That's Omnara.
She's the one who created it.

'Now, she's using it to plug
into every computer on Earth!'

Well, thanks to your hint
I deconstructed that virus

and I've created a counter-virus
to block her main server.

That ought to be interesting
'cause right now

her main server is her brain.

Just give me a minute
to upload.

I've gotta go free my pops.

Your dad's here?

It's a long story.

[lasers buzzing]

Omnara's busy.

If we move fast maybe
I can get you out.

What-what are you doing?

Pops, hold perfectly still.

Don't even breathe.


Almost there.

I definitely have
to go on a diet.



Beep beep




I am now in control

of every computer and
digital device that exists.






Zap zap


[dramatic music]

Huh? Aah!

Is that Richie?

Uh, ahem, Mr. Hawkins
you have to understand

the most secret
part of a superhero

is his secret
identity and well, uh..

Yeah, that's Richie.

Hi, Mr. H.


You can't escape from me.

I am everywhere.

All I have to do is
think of something

'and it will be done.'

For example,
I'm thinking of using

army missiles'

to destroy every
building and business

owned by Edwin Alva.

Louise, send for my pilot.

'Three, two, one, liftoff.'

[crowd screaming]

Pops, remember that
promise I made you?

Go, do what you have to..


Thanks. Come on!

[dramatic music]

Gear, how long before your
counter-virus kicks in?

Any minute now.

Not soon enough.

[missiles zooming]



Boom boom boom

[both grunting]


You'd be surprised how many

vehicles have
digital devices in them.

'No drivers needed. See?'


[tires screeching]

- Look out! Yah!
- Unh! Unh!

[engine roaring]

Thanks, pops.

You know, you'd make a pretty
good superhero yourself.





[tires screeching]

This way.

Beep beep beep



That's the first time I ever
had a bus try to catch me.

Sorry I'm late.

Had a wrestling match
with a garbage truck. I won.

(Omnara) I have an unlimited
supply of vehicles, Static.

They'll drive you all
into an early grave.

[horns blaring]

[evil laughter]

[buzzing intensifies]

No. No!


Sounds like my counter-virus
finally kicked in.


Cannot interface.

'Too many numbers to..'

'Cannot communicate.'

(Gear) Her mind is
totally overloaded.

Well, I guess she
won't be communicating

my secret identity
to anyone... ever.

She won't.
But will anybody else?

I don't know, boys,
I just don't know.

I mean, the idea of
you two going out

and facing danger every day..

But, pops, we've been doing it
for a long time now.

Yeah and we're
pretty good at it.

Yes, but I didn't
know about it before.

Now, that I do..

It sounds like
you don't want us

to be superheroes anymore.

I guess I don't.

But you were
given these powers

and you'll have to decide for
yourselves when to use them.

For me to stop you
just wouldn't be right.

Pops, you're the greatest!

The greatest squared

Of course, you'll have
to tell Sharon.


I don't believe it!

'The insurance company's
giving me a hard time'

because they said
I'm not covered

for Bang Baby incidents!

What do I have to do?
Get Bang Baby insurance?

I've had it up to here
with Bang Babies!

If I hear any more
about Bang Babies

I'm gonna explode!

What's wrong?

Was there something
you wanted to tell me?

Nothing, honey,
nothing at all.

- Whew.
- Phew.

Theme music...