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04x11 - Wet and Wild

Posted: 03/02/23 18:42
by bunniefuu
Theme music...

♪ Fight the criminals
chase the bad guys ♪

♪ Save the world
fly through the sky ♪

♪ Half kid half amazing ♪

♪ Okay Static Shock
who you're facing ♪

♪ Yeah one zip
then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run from
Static shower ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo ♪

♪ One zip then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run
from the static shower ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

- Candide, huh? She's hot.
- What'd you say?

I mean, she sells
lots of records.

More cash for us to grab,
you know.

Wouldn't want to think you was
blowin' me off for some singer.

Hey, don't talk dumb.
You're my home girl.

You think I'd blow that?

Wouldn't wanna be here
if you did.

♪ I'm here to let you know ♪

Here you are, been waiting long?

Yeah, only since last Thursday.

Listen, thanks for
holding a spot in in for me.

No big, how'd practice go?

Oh, we did our best time ever
in the relay.

You are coming to the swim meet
Friday, aren't you?

Ha-ha, us miss a chance
to see 20 girls in swimsuits?

Oh, will definitely be there.

On second thought,
forget I mentioned it.

What'd I tell you, Candide baby?

You got a lots of fans here
in Dakota.

- Bernie Rast?
- Bernie Rast?

And apparently so do you.

Hi Candide, look,
love your music and all

but do you know who he is?

Of course she knows who I am.

I'm gonna produce her next CD.

Oh, no.

Hey, okay,
thanks for stopping by! Next.

Uh, no offense,
just a suggestion here

but you may not wanna be doing
business with Bernie Rast.

- Why?
- Uh..

Because the man
is a total sleaze.

- Truth?
- I wouldn't say total.

Spire Record shoppers.

We're having a fire sale.

- Hot streak!
- And Aqua Maria.

- Double trouble.
- You're not listening.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- What are those?
- Metahumans.

We got a few of 'em
running around town

tearing up things.
I-is that a problem?

Not for me.

Okay, hold your money up high.

Hey, you got all the cash wet.

Oh, don't worry.

We're happy to dry it off
for you.

It's Static and Gear!
Oh can you believe it?


Okay, you take Sparky.
I'll get Brain boy.

- Like we planned.
- Unh.


Get soaked, Static.


Hey, Maria, chill.


I am so out of here.

Okay, okay,
I-I'll call you okay?

Come on, w-w-we'll hook up,
we'll do it again.

Can't... move.

Don't worry. You'll thaw out.

All clear on this end.

Ah, all clear here, too. Ahh!


- You okay?
- Yeah, little crispy.

Looks like Hot streak
took a hike.

Mm-hmm. Like they say,
no honor among thieves.

Thank you both for coming,
I'm Dr. Todd.

Oh, yeah, you guys do some
serious cutting edge research.

That's why the mayor called us
in, to see if we can clean up

the Metahuman situation.
Follow me.

Clean up the Metahuman

As you know, the fumes inhaled
by the Metahumans

'during the big bang altered
their DNA.'

We recently developed a new type
of mitochondrial resequencer.

We believe that we can turn back
the clock for Maria.

Make her the way she was,
before the big bang.

- You're talking about a cure.
- Possibly.

We're very close
to a breakthrough.

For everyone?

Not yet, it's still highly experimental.

But Maria is an excellent candidate.

You've dealt with her in the
past, we were hoping you could

help us convince her
to co-operate.

A cure, you think it's possible?

I always thought it was
just a matter of time.

Maria, can you hear me?

Yeah, and this Gear. Sorry about
the liquid nitrogen thing.

Can I handle this, please?

You weren't always hardcore, Maria.

It's the big bang that changed
you and it's always

'gonna be that way,
unless you let them help you.'

Why should I trust them?

Why should I trust any of you?

Who else is there? Hot streak?

Don't you have a family?

My mom and my little sister.

If this goes well,
you can see them again.

We'll have that special
Metahuman report momentarily.

But first,
a look at the weather.

Virgil, glad you here.

You know now that you're sister
spend so much time on studies.

It gets pretty lonely
for you old..

Hey, pops, love the chat, but..

Sitting is good.

Have you heard the news today,

They say... Wait, here it is.

'It was announced today'

'by Dr. Donal Todd
of Genomatech.'

'If tonight's
procedure succeeds'

we'll be on our way
to finding a cure

for the Big Bang syndrome.
Which has tragically affected

so many of Dakota's
young people.

Our action news team
as also learned

that the Metahuman called
Aqua Maria

has agreed to be
the first test subject.


Y-Y-You need something, mister?


Yeah, a phone book.

Gentlemen, let's begin.

Now, Maria, we're gonna send

a low electric current
through you.

'This will make your
natural defenses'

'less resistant to the cure.'

There will be some discomfort,
but you must stay still.

- Understand?
- Hmm-mm.

What's that?

Some kind of power surge.

Shut everything down, now.

Ah..wait, it's working.

Don't stop, I'm almost..

Doctor, the vital signs
are dropping.

We've lost molecular stability.

No. We gotta get her
back in the t*nk.

She's gone.

So, instead of curing her.

The power spike
had the opposite effect.

Man, she was almost home.

Even a few seconds more
would've been enough.

Hey, where have you been?

Pops wanted some quality time.

I'm glad you could work that in.

This conduit fed power to
the injection system controls.

When the line fired,
everything went down the drain.

Including Aqua Maria.

You think Hot streak did this?

Don no. But if he did,
you gotta ask, why?

Stupid doctors!

'Hot streak! Hot streak!'

Aah! Maria, y-y-you're alive?

Ca-can't separate
from the water.

Can't get solid.

Something wrong
with the experiment.

Yeah? That's, uh, that's bad.
What're you gonna do?

Gotta find those scientists.
Make them fix me.

- You've to help me.
- Sure, I can do that.


You're coming with me.

Dr. Todd's gonna need
your assistance again.

Help! No! Ah!


- What're you doing here?
- Hey, pal!

I'm the least of your problems.


I stole a truck, it's outside.

Good, now grab the equipment's.

Hey, who's in charge here?

Gimme those.

Hey, it's Dr. Todd.

"Course. Tina
Todd, must be his daughter.'

'And there's Daisy.'

'Next event,
the 200 meter relay.'

That is a problem.

Look at what you did, doc.

Aqua Maria, back off.
I don't want to hurt you.

On the other hand. I don't want
you to hurt me, either.


Time for another dose
of liquid nitrogen..


Now, you're gonna cure me.
Dr. Todd, whatever it takes.


This is a job for Aquaman.

He'll have to get in line.

- Welcome to your new digs, doc.
- Aah! Unh.

Where you been, huh?
I haul all this stuff here!

I'm waiting for hours,
babysitting these dweebs.

- Don't question me.
- Calm down, will ya?

Scared? Too bad,
I'm just getting started.

You've gone crazy.
You know that.

Maybe I have,
but if you want the old me back

you're gonna do what I say,
you got that.

I'm trying to analyze
Hotstreak's footprints.

But all I can tell
is that he stepped in some gum.

Stop depending on the Gizmos
and use your head.

Wherever he took the scientist
has to have lot of electricity

to run all that equipment.

Sure like a hydroelectric dam

or a ball park or the subway.

Not the subway, but I think you
are on a right track. Come on.

All systems go, doctor.

It's not working, what's wrong?

We don't know. All the computer
models say this should do it.

Maybe it's another
power overload.

How do you know
about the overload?

I guess I heard it on the news.

We never divulged that
to the public.

You know, the power couplings
were burned from the outside.

Yeah, so what?
I just heard about it, okay?

From where?

I don't know. Maybe you told me.

No, I didn't.

Alright, alright. I snuck into
the lab during experiment.

I-I melted a cable,
it wasn't on purpose.

How could you?!

I said it was an accident.

Hey, you're the one
who tried to be normal.

You were gonna bust up the team.

Yeah, and I'm about to make you
wish I did.

You lied to me.

Everyone lied to me.

Everyone's gonna pay.

The old cable car depot.

How'd you know they'd be here?

This was the closest place

with an industrial power supply.

I could feel all the electricity
surging this way with my power.

Out of my way!

She's in the sewers.
I'll go after her.

Wait, we gotta get
those guys out.

Thank you, this is what's left
of the antidote

not that it seems to be
all effective.

No, it's fine.

It's what you did with it
that was wrong.

I'm not following.

You kept zapping Aqua Maria

with an electric charge.

But what you need to is
electrify the antidote itself.

Then it'll work.

But for the antidote to hold
a charge for long enough.

We'd need a huge jolt
of electricity.

Correction, a static size jolt.

Stand back.

You have to find, Maria.

The more water she absorbs

the stronger she becomes.

Bro, she was headed east.

'Straight for lake Dakota.'

If she gets to the lake
she'll have enough water

to swamp the entire state.

- And if she reaches the ocean.
- The whole planet takes a bath.

Wait, I know how
to slow her down.

If I could tap into Dakota water
and power station..


All the sewer lines are closing.

There she goes.

Get away from me.

- Ah!
- Whoa!

How you holding up?

If I get any wetter I'm gonna..
Look out!

Static, where are you?


Totally shorted out.

You two are going under
for the last time

and Dakota's going under
with you!

Not necessarily!
Gear, I'm open.

And Gear passes to Static.

Static grabs it,
sh**t from the top of the key.

Surf's up!

- Ohh!
- 'She's solid.'

- For now.
- But we gotta get her back.

Hey, Gear, know what I want
for my next birthday?

No, what?

A wet suit.

'Will this final dose
keep her solid permanently?'

'It should.'

- Is she gonna be okay?
- Yes she's gonna be fine.

The first of many I hope.

Maybe some day everything
can get back to normal.

- Right, bro? What's with you?
- Huh?

Ever since we took that
dip in the lake

I got water in my ears.

Excuse me a minute. Huh!

- Yeow!
- Ahh! That's better.

Theme music...