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04x07 - Hoop Squad

Posted: 03/02/23 18:39
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

Theme music...

♪ Fight the criminals
chase the bad guys ♪

♪ Save the world
fly through the sky ♪

♪ Half kid half amazing ♪

♪ Okay Static Shock
who you're facing ♪

♪ Yeah one zip
then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run from
Static shower ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Woo-hoo ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo ♪

♪ One zip then you zapped ♪

♪ Good against evil
get trapped ♪

♪ Look in my eyes
I've got the power ♪

♪ Villains run
from the static shower ♪

♪ Criminals get twisted ♪

♪ This superhero gifted ♪

♪ The bell rings
and I'm back in school ♪

♪ Nobody know what I do okay ♪

♪ Superhero Static Shock ♪

[upbeat music]

(Richie) 'A private jet to LA?
A limo to pick us up?'

VIP seats for
the all-star game?

V, this is the b*mb!

Hey, thank my pops,
he's the one who helped

to raise all that money
for the charity fund.

Virgil, I'm gonna let you two
go straight to the arena

while I get us checked
into the hotel.

- Whoa, look!
- Oh!

(Richie) 'Man, nothing in
this town is real.'


[intense music]


[upbeat music]

[both gasp]

♪ Hey yo yo get up ♪

♪ Put me in the
change in the truck ♪

Three words. A-maz-ing.

♪ I sound like this so nah
why you wearing those things? ♪

♪ Get your own ish done ♪

Nice hands.

I'm just tired of
dragging your sorry butt

up and down this court.

How about McGrady?

He's all talk, no sh**t.

Hey, what are you
flapping on about?

I made my last six sh*ts, yo-yo.

That's yao-yo.

Um, here's your ball back.

And who are you guys?

- Virgil Hawkins.
- Richie Foley.

- Pleased to meet you. I'm...
- "The Mailman" Karl Malone.

And you're Tracy McGrady..

Yao Ming and Steve Nash.

We are huge fans!

Super mega huge!

Well, can't have our
super mega huge fans visit

and go home empty-handed.

How'd you guys like an
official all-star basketball?

- Us?
- No.

- Definitely. Yes!
- Yes!

Would you guys
please sign it?

Hey! What's the deal?

You broke the ball.

Hey, I saved for two months
to buy these kicks.

Everything's disintegrating!


'Just everything
made of rubber.'


Mr. Malone, do you know..

Where'd they go?

V, you don't think?

Richie, get real.

Come on. Let's see
what's going on.

[tires screeching]

[horns blaring]

Man, the city's stopped.

Not even the cops
can get through.

Maybe that's the idea.

Backpack got something?

He's sensing increased
abnormal transformations

of base compounds
on a molecular level.

- In English?
- Nanites.

That's English?

Nanites are
microscopic machines

that can reconstruct one
material form into another.

Where are they coming from?

The source is... that way.


[Train horn blaring]

[Horn honking]

[dramatic music]

[men screaming]

Whoosh whoosh

- Don't tell me.
- Yup.

'Backpack's sensors show that
it's made entirely of nanites.'

I told you not to tell me.

That thing's billions
of little robots

all squished into one.

Kind of like a gigantic beehive
without the hive.


[both scream]

Let's put this mountain of
nanites on the right track.

[upbeat music]




We're getting to it.

Or maybe not.





[Static gasps]

I think we're having
one of those days.

I'll hold 'em off.

Guess I'll sumo wrestle
with Godzilla.

Swish swish

Yo, metal heads!
I'm warning you.

Back off or you're
gonna force me to..

W.. Whoa! Whoa!

Chill, man,
we're on your side.

Oh, yeah? Well, then,
I'm gonna need to see some ID.


(Point Man) Time for a full-court
press, guys.

Look out!

That was close!


[all gasp]

Crackle crackle


[people screaming]


[people cheering]


That was heavy.

[upbeat music]







Thanks for letting me take
your boxcar for a spin.

I'll tie him up.


Hold him steady.


These guys are good.


[both groaning]

Hey! Hands off the merchandise,
you nanite kleptomaniac!


Crackle crackle


Static's down!

[Static groans]

Let me go! What are you..



- Where's Gear?
- In that tornado.

And I don't think
he's on his way to Oz.

But don't sweat it, Static,
we'll find him.

Just who are you guys anyway?

Karl Malone.
Code name, Pulverizer.

Point Man.

Center Force.

Spin Drive.

We're the Hoop Squad.

[upbeat music]

Look. I don't have time
to visit Head Quarters.

I need to rescue Gear.

(Karl) That's why we're here.
We're going to help you.

(Steve) As you can see, we've been
recruited for hero duty.

I don't get it.

How did basketball superstars

end up as superheroes?

Who else has the right mix
of strength and skills

to operate these
bio-enhancer suits?


Pretty small crib.

Wow! Look at all
these cool toys.

[instrumental music]

These cool toys
as you call them

are necessary
in order to overcome..

The dangers similar to
the one you faced earlier.

Static, this is Mason Andrew.

'He's the main contact between
the Hoop Squad and the NBA.'

You're a sports agent?

I'm with the
National Biotech Authority.

Okay, that's a new one to me.

It's a secret organization
dedicated to preserving...

World peace and stability.

This is his creation, La Gata.

She's got his brain
and a little extra.

She built our bio-enhancer suits
based on Mason's design.


But isn't all this
ultra top secret?

Of course.

Then why show it to me?

With your special powers

we're hoping
you can help us stop...

- Dr. Odium.
- Dr. Odium?

The scientist who created the
creature that kidnapped Gear.

He used to work for us as a...

artificial +intelligence

and robotics expert.

- Please don't interrupt.
- Sorry.

- Odium's specialty was...
- Nanites.


Oh. Not another word.
Go ahead.

He was brilliant, but he...

- +Felt we...
- We're holding...

- Him...
- Back!

Do they always act like this?

Only when they're together.

- Are they ever apart?
- Never.

Odium wanted to
experiment on humans.

When the government
turned him down, he was...

Sacked, canned, 86'd.


We got this tape an hour ago.

Well, Mason, I hope
I now have your attention.

I want $100 million in two hours

or I'll release
+my nanites again.

+Only this time, they'll destroy
the entire West Coast.

My nanites are
controllable, Mason.

Just as I told you.
Watch my little babies.



+He sure mastered the shake,
rattle, and roll.

One hundred million.
Two hours.


But this part of the country

is like one big earthquake
waiting to happen.

[speaking in foreign language]

I mean, correct.

This Odium guy's insane.

Speaking in foreign language...

Countless tiny robots built
to my exact specifications.

wouldn't you say?

What do you care what I say?

And why show me any
pf this, anyway?

I'm not gonna run for +president
of your fan club.

You're obviously a bright boy.

I thought you, of all people

+might appreciate
what I've done.

You know, I see
a lot of me in you.

The problem is I don't like me.

That makes two of us.

You'll never get away
if static finds you.


Well, thanks to you, he will.

And hopefully
he'll bring his new friends

the Hoop Squad with him.

[instrumental music]

[cell phone rings]

- Yo.
- McGrady.

[speaking in foreign language]

[cell phone rings]

It's mine.

- Hello?
- 'Virgil.'

Um, hi. Where are you?

I'm at the hotel.
+Where are you?

Where am I?
Um, well, see, I..

Hey, Mr. Hawkins?
Karl Malone here.

- +Karl Malone? The Karl Malone?
- Uh-huh.

Virg +is hanging out with me

and a couple of the players,
is that okay with you?

My Virgil, hanging
with the Mailman?

Well, sure, it's okay.

It's great!
It's better than great.

- It's spectacular!
- 'Cool.'

We'll have +him and Richard
+back at the hotel

as soon as we can.

(Mr. Hawkins)
'I just wanna say
that I've always'

'admired your moves on... '

That's great, Mr. Hawkins.

- See ya.
- Thanks.

It's not easy, having to
make stuff up all the time.



(Odium imitating Gear)
'Static, you gotta get me out of here.'

'This Odium guy is
totally out of control.'

I feel ya, man.
Where are you?

(Odium imitating Gear)
'I don't know, I'll keep this connection open'

'so you can trace me.'

- Hang on, bro.
- +Okay. Hurry!

[Gear grunting]

Sadly, they will
follow your trail

but to the wrong location.

[instrumental music]

He's somewhere
around here, guys.

Hey, I'm picking up
the signal in there.

[electricity crackling]

Hold it.
This is Gear's shock box.

Then where's Gear?

I think I smell a trap.

[dramatic music]

I think they smell food.

[instrumental music]

- Stay back. I'll zap 'em!
- Too many.

You'll +run out of juice
before they run out of nanites.

Then the only way to go is up.

That's 20 feet
+of solid concrete

you want us to punch through.

- Uh-huh.
- You heard the man.


Cover your ears.

[wind gusting]

- That won't hold it for long.
- What?

[instrumental music]

Allow me to make a point.



That's the strongest
magnetic field I've got.

+Maybe they changed
the molecular structure

so magnetism doesn't affect it

They can do that?




- Onward and upward.
- Argh, here we go!

[electricity crackles]

[all groaning]

- Everybody cool?
- Oh, man!

Guys, you all know
our newest member, Water Boy.

Hey! Stop! I'm just kidding.

- You okay?
- Yeah, but I wasn't much help.

This is team play, Static.
We all do what we can.

It's that way playing
basketball or saving the world.

I hate to break up
this little party

but we still have to find Gear.

And try to keep Odium
from starting an earthquake.

Hey, I just did a La Gata.

Beep beep beep

Men, La Gata's picked up

increased abnormal

of base compounds
+on a molecular level...

Over the abandoned oil +fields
in north Los Angeles.

That's nanite activity.

Hmm, you are very smart
for a short person.

Those oil fields
were abandoned

+because they were too close
to the earthquake fault system.

- Finally! No interrupt...
- That's it!

You know the giant compressor
the robot was stealing?

What if Odium needs
it to pump his nanites

down through the well shafts?

That kind of activity could
trigger huge earthquakes.

All that will be left of LA

and the West Coast
is a great big...


[dramatic music]

And so begins your journey
to the earth's crust.


I hope everyone's hungry.

Step away from the compressor.

Do like he says, man,
or we're gonna whup you so bad

you're gonna need
+plastic surgery

'just so folks could
call you ugly.

Odium's a machine?

Now that's pretty weird,
even for LA

Yet true.

I have imprinted my personality

on this nanite entity.

Either way, you're going down.

Don't be ridiculous.

There's nothing
the Hoop Squad can do.

Guess that's where I come in.

Keep away from there, you!




Gotta reverse this pump.


Those tanks will explode.

That's the general idea.

Wanna take the final shot?

It's what I do best.


[instrumental music]

[phone rings]

Is it really you this time?

Live and in person.

I finally managed to get free

with a little help
from backpack.

And sorry I wasn't there
for the fireworks, bro

but I watched it all on
Odium's surveillance system.

Any idea where Dr. Odium is?

'The real one, I mean?'

Right in front of me.

Now that his nanite
version's gone blooey

I'll give him an
early wake-up call.


+Keep him on ice
till we get there

and tell him the Hoop Squad says

+his career has been..


[audience cheering]

Way to go, Point Man!

Yeah! Get it up to pulverizer!

Point Man? Pulverizer?

Boys, who are you talking about?

Oh, those are just new nicknames

that Rich and I made up
for some of the players.

Ah, yeah, based on comic book
superheroes we like.

Boys, these are ballplayers,
not superheroes.

Right, pops.

I guess they just
seem that way to us.

[audience cheering]

Theme music...