01x34 - The Night of the sh**ting Stars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x34 - The Night of the sh**ting Stars

Post by bunniefuu »

Damn it!

Why are Shino Sensei's lectures so long?

Sorry to keep you guys waiting!

Let's go to Thunder Burger !

Quiet, don't be so loud.

Oh, you're the only one here, Sarada?

Where's everyone else?

I don't know. Maybe they all went home.

It's almost time for the graduation exams so


I hate this! When did everyone become so cold?

All of a sudden, everyone's so serious about training.

No one wants to hang out lately too.

What's the big deal about graduation anyway, right, Sarada?

Are you listening?

Must be nice, not having any worries

What do you mean?

I'm not saying this to pick on you, but

But everyone has things to deal with,

so it might be best not to bother them.

But friendship is forever, right?

I think you might be the only who thinks that


THUNDER BURGER "The Night of the sh**ting Stars"

"The Night of the sh**ting Stars"

Oh, I'm so tired.

Hey, guys! Over here!

Oh, Boruto.

What? You're alone?

Damn it, you guys just went home without me.

Some friends you are

It's not that we just went home.

Our moms have been going overboard lately.

We're exhausted.

Well, thanks for your hard work

I'll say

I'm so tired, I don't have an appetite.

Hey, wanna continue the quest from last time?

Hey, about our coordination earlier

Yeah, I think it worked well.

All thanks to me, right?

You should be grateful to me!

Yeah, yeah Even though I matched everything up

I think you might be the only who thinks that.

What's the matter, Boruto?

When did you ?!

Well, because I found you here, Boruto.

So? What happened?

It's not like you to be in such a daze.

I-It's nothing!


Oh Everyone likes that, right?

My eyes see all, and destroy all evil.


I'm Gongoro Kamakura,

the one and only Evil Jammer Kagemasa!

Today, I'm here to eat the elusive Eternal Carp!


He got really big, but it was on the news

that he succeeded in losing weight.

Successful weight loss

I'm chubby, so what are you trying to say

Okay, I'm going to dig in.

Th-This is delicious!

I've never eaten anything like this!

My chopsticks I can't stop my chopsticks!


Well, it does look yummy. Won't I get fat if I eat so much?

But it's really just a huge carp, right? Don't worry, I'm a pro at this.

Is it really that good? It's so good So good!

I heard once

That once you taste it, you never forget the taste.

That's why they call it the Eternal Carp.

You can't fool me with words like that.


Sounds good!

Let's all go to eat this Eternal Carp!

We can ask the rest of the guys too!

What a drag

But what the heck, it's once in a while, right?

Yeah, yeah

If that's what they say, then we should eat it!

All right!

What about you Mitsuki?

I'll certainly go, if you do, Boruto.

All right!

And you, Cho-Cho?

Wherever there's good food, I'm always there.

Don't you know that?

I guess I didn't have to ask.

The Eternal Carp?

They have it at the new campsite

that Kaminarimon Company just opened.

If we go there, we can eat that fish?

If you can catch it, sure.

Yeah?! Wow!

They're being bred on a trial basis, then released into the river.

But it's hard to catch.

We'll have no trouble catching it!

So, let's go camping on our next break!

Leave it to me!

Our company can use you as market research subjects!

And there it is The rich boy's utterance

No, I um

All right!

I'm gonna invite some others.

Eternal Carp?


That sounds like fun.

Let's go, Sarada.


Well, if that's the case

All right!

The next break, for sure!

I'm absolutely gonna catch this Eternal Carp!

Thank you!

This should do it.

The girls are in charge of shopping for curry ingredients

So that's that

You're awfully excited.

Are you up to something?


Don't act all innocent.

You're not the type to take charge over tedious stuff like this.


Anyway, after we graduate,

we're all going our separate ways, right?

This is just something memorable for all of us.

This is so unlike you.

Never mind, okay?

Anyway, next is

Really? Camping?

Sounds nice. Go and have fun!

How come you're in such a good mood?

It's your first sleepover with friends.

I'm not going because I really want to go.


For someone going off to have fun, you sure don't look excited.

Did something happen?

No Just that stupid Boruto is so stupid.

Oh, Boruto again?


No, just that I always used to say that about Naruto.

To Lord Hokage?!

To me, he's just Naruto.

Hey, Mom Were you good friends?

Hmm? Well

Maybe not so much at the Academy.

But when we became a team, we were more than family.

So you can get close after graduation.

Of course!

Is friendship forever?


Well, I'm not sure

But my friends from that time in my life are still my friends.

You know, even if it's Boruto

If it's something you did, you should apologize properly.

What's that all of a sudden?

I didn't do anything.




Oh, it's huge. This is great!

The perfect place for training!

Metal, we didn't come here for that, okay?

I was worried because it rained yesterday, but

Thank goodness.

Water and electricity That's about all we have.

It's just a campsite, after all.

All right, let's start camping!

Okay, this should do.

Okay, so, okay, so !

Yes, I'll take you there.

This is it.

I can't wait to get started.

Okay, let's fish!

It's a drag, but what the heck!

Actually, I like doing stuff like this.

Just you wait, Eternal Carp!

I'm hungry.

I'm not getting anything.

Is this normal?

Oh, if it isn't Master Denki.

What are you doing here?

Mr. Caretaker!

We're fishing. Can't you tell?

It's useless fishing here.

It rained yesterday and the waters rose.

So, the Eternal Carp's taken refuge between the rocks.

Huh?! Huh?!

It's hard enough as it is to catch the Eternal Carp.

With this current, it's near impossible.

C-Can't you do something?!

I'd give up, if I were you.

What do we do?

You got a bite! No way!

Don't reel it in so fast, you idiot!

The line will break!

I'm almost there

See, I told you.

Did you see that, Shikadai?!

One more time!

Forget it.

Once the line breaks, it means it's all over.

The fish is there.

It ain't over yet!

Just you watch, Eternal Carp!


But we can't stay hungry like this forever.

He's right.

I'm dying of hunger.

Oh well, we'd better start a fire soon,

or we'll miss out on the curry too.


Hey, wait a minute, guys!

But that fish sure fought hard.

Yeah, I'll bet it's the boss of the river.


So good!

This curry tastes great.

Iwabe, you're really good at cooking!

Cooking is also a ninja's skill.

I see

Just eat or just talk. Choose, chubs.

I thought camping would be a drag, but I'd choose, to just eat and eat.

it's not bad. Seconds, please!

You took charge, Shikadai, and that made things go smoothly.

I didn't think we'd all be having fun together either.

I'm happy being here with you guys too!

Everyone's changed since we started class together.


I've always been me.

But we became friends, Cho-Cho,

after I transferred to the Academy.

Oh yeah, you're right.

I guess I'm a trendsetter that changes those around me!

I wouldn't go that far

Right, Boruto?

What's the matter, Boruto?

I'm going for a bit.

I'll be right back!

What's with him?

He really must've wanted to try the Eternal Carp

Maybe your gluttony rubbed off on him, Cho-Cho.

I'm a trendsetter, after all.

Actually, I was being sarcastic.

All right, this just has to work.

Oh, there he is. Boruto!

What? Class Rep, and Sarada too?

What is it?


Since when do you love fish so much?

So? What's wrong with that?

What I said the last time, still bothering you?

I think you might be the only who thinks that

You're probably thinking something childish

like eating Eternal Carp together to seal eternal friendships, right?

Am not!

What's wrong with wanting to eat something good with everyone?!

Although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bothered I guess.

I'm sorry I said too much that day.

What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Feeling repentant?

Oh, quiet!

You always have to have the last word.

Anyway, I guess what you said is right.

Anything eternal isn't gonna be easy.

What? Are you saying that just because I gave in?

Huh? Isn't that my line?

This is kinda fun.

Fun? This?

Well, it's the first time I've experienced anything like this.

Oh I see.

I don't about all this eternal stuff

But thanks to you, Boruto, I was able to change.

So, from now, you and everyone are

A-Anyway, so I've also decided and



That's him! No mistake!

That thing's

The Eternal Carp?

Boruto! Hang on!

I can't hold him I'm gonna

Don't give up!

Shut up!


Class Rep!

I decided

I'm going to become a shinobi with everyone!

Summoning Jutsu!

Is that Nue?!

Huh, what?

Please, Nue!

Now the line is absolutely unbreakable!

My father made this power to curse the world

It's a power made to hurt people

But Boruto, you taught me

It's okay for me to be friends with everyone.

Damn right!

We wouldn't have a class if you weren't in it, Class Rep!

I see

Who knew you had something like this up your sleeve!

Oh, I'm sorry I kept it secret.

Then, I've got to step it up too.

Boruto, sync your movements with mine!


A little more!


Hang in there, Nue!

No way am I gonna let you remain elusive!

Boruto! Don't just go off doing whatever you feel like doing!


It's not fair, you not telling us that you were having this much fun.


Lightning Style!

Hang onto the pole!

Earth Style! Mud Wall!

This elusive fish is what my beauty yearns for

So I'll catch it!

I'll close off his escape route!

Hang in there, Boruto!


All right! Let's go!

Cha !

Now, Boruto!

All right!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!


is it! is it!

No doubt about it. This is

This is the elusive !

The umami !

I think I'll remember it forever

"Forever" might be a little exaggerated.

But it's absolutely satisfying.

Thank you, Boruto!

It was worth cooking it!

What's the matter? Why aren't you eating?

We all caught it together.

And our teamwork was amazing, wasn't it?

Yes. Your Summoning Jutsu was awesome, Class Rep.

Its last power surge was scary for a minute there

Your Earth Style was cool, Iwabe.

That's right.

We caught the Eternal Carp together.

Mom told me that her friends from her childhood are still her friends.

I don't know if that's eternal or not, but


I've never seen anything like this

You won't see it in our village, that's for sure.

It's amazing.

Let's come here again, together!

Well, I guess it's not bad, once in a while.

Next time, let's catch an even bigger one.


I couldn't forget this taste even if I tried.

Nothing remains unchanged.

Fate is always flowing.


With destiny as your opponent, how will you fight to the bitter end?

Boruto, what kind of ninja do you want to become?

When I think about it,

there isn't anything I want to do in particular as a ninja

What are you saying after all this time?

Graduation is coming up!

I'll make something happen! Since I'm exceptional!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"The Parent Teacher Conference!"

Students these days

They're really not being conscious about why they want to become ninja

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