01x24 - Boruto and Sarada

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x24 - Boruto and Sarada

Post by bunniefuu »

You're here again?

I gave it a new kind of fertilizer, but it's not working.

Even the pros gave up on it, didn't they?

You've got strange tastes

It's the only tree that survived the battle

that destroyed just about everything

I want to take care of it myself.

Gardening is great

but is everything all set for the summit?

FIRE The Five Kage will be arriving soon.


FIRE Yeah.


TRAINING HALL Boruto and Sarada

Boruto and Sarada You sure brag a lot, Metal.

You sure brag a lot, Metal.

Right back at you, Iwabe!

Lord Hokage is obviously the strongest!

But that depends on the time and place!

What's with them?

They're arguing about who's the strongest among the Five Kage.

Will you two stop? We're still in class!

Don't make such a big deal out of the Five Kage Summit.

It's just your uncle coming to meet my stupid old man, Shikadai

Uncle Gaara always brings questionable presents.

You guys talk about the Five Kage Summit like it's a family reunion.

Whoa, awesome!

Amazing, Sarada!

Seems like you're really motivated!

I've decided I'm going to become the Hokage.

Huh? Seriously?

You've got what it takes.

Yeah! Lord Eighth!

Heard that?

Just recently, you were dissing ninjas

What changed your mind?

Unlike you, I'm done being a child.

What about me is childish?!

What's not childish about you?!

Hey, over here.

Aiming to become the Hokage is fine.

But instead of hurling shuriken,

you'd better master some kind of special jutsu!

Oww! Oww!

What a klutz!

The main thing is to hit the target.

That was just luck.

You're wrong!

What, Mitsuki?

You two make a nice couple.

No way! No way!

It seems you don't know, so let me enlighten you

Sarada has the Sha rin

Cho-Cho, I'm thirsty. Let's go get some water!

What was that about?

I dunno.

Forget them. Listen up.

Graffiti the Great Stone Faces?

Shh! Not so loud!

You did that before.

You're not very creative, are you?

An artist sticks to the style he knows best!

Besides, that time, I lacked a little something.

But this time, I plan to create a masterpiece!

Art, huh?

Inojin! You're good at art, so help me!

No way, that's so childish.

Are you crazy?

The Five Kage Summit is today,

and security throughout the village is tight.

That's the whole point!

Outsmarting them and succeeding

is what being a shinobi is all about, right?!

What a drag. I'm out.

Good luck, Boruto.

Why are you keeping your Sharingan a secret?

Mom said I might get targeted again,

so I have to keep it under wraps.

Also, I'm thinking it will be more fun if I master it first,

then show it off to that idiot.

There she is, Devil Sarada reveals herself!

Anyway, I want to improve,

so will you help me with training after school?

I have to train with my dad today.

Why don't you ask your mom?

I don't think she has time for that right now

We just moved to a new place,

and she's barely started unpacking.

I should've labelled the boxes!

We're here in front of the Hokage's Residence.

The air is filled with tension

that only the start of the Five Kage Summit can create.

ICHIRAKU What you just said calls for an explanation! The heads of the five shinobi villages

It would be my pleasure! are due to appear shortly

Will you guys please stop, we're in a restaurant!

Oh my!

LIGHTNING Th-There he is!

The Fifth Raikage Darui!

What a flashy entrance

When the previous Raikage lost his left arm,

he trusted Darui's abilities so much, he is known to have said,

"I won't miss my left arm at all. Because I have a right arm like you."

Right arm?!

Lord Hokage is without exception the best shinobi ever.

The Sixth Mizukage, Chojuro.

WATER The Sixth Mizukage, Chojuro.

One of the Seven Ninja Swords Men of the Mist from Hidden Mist Village,

when he wields the Shinobi Sword, Hiramekarei, he knows no equal!

A sword?

In other words, when it comes to ninjutsu, no one comes near the Lord Hokage.

Th-There's the Fourth Tsuchikage.

The legend still stands about how she didn't flinch,

even when confronted by , Zetsu.

EARTH even when confronted by , Zetsu.

EARTH I venture to say

Way to go, Big Sister Kurotsuchi!

I'll admit

If they battled using Lord Hokage's Sexy Jutsu,

I think it would be a great match

He's here! The Fifth Kazekage, Lord Gaara!

Also known as the Prince of the Sand Gourd!

Raised without love, the one who changed him is

Our Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki!

WIND Our Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki!

WIND The boy genius borne of the Hidden Sand!

It's such a waste that he's Shikadai's uncle!

I agree!

I'm home!

Not this one either.

What are you doing, Mom?

I can't find the claim ticket for the photo we took last time.

Do you know which box it's in?

That's why I told you to label the boxes.



When did you ?!

It's something important, so I picked it up earlier.

All right!

What a great photo!


Are you going out?

Yeah, I have something to do.

What? Aren't you going to help me?

I'll help when I get back.

See you!

FIRE It's been fifteen years since the Fourth Great Ninja w*r

FIRE Many children have been born since that battle.

Not only in the Land of Fire

but all Five Nations made it through without great upheaval,

thanks to everyone's perseverance and hard work.

We, the Five Kage, will remain united and protect the peace we won.

Wait! I'm not ready!

I'm helping you, so don't whine!

I see it!

I'm annoyed now!

Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Sharingan lets you copy someone else's jutsu?

That's so convenient.

But I still have a ways to go before I master it

All of a sudden, I feel


K-Konohamaru Sensei!

I was wondering who was training out here

So, it was you two!

About Sharingan?

If there's anything you know, can you teach me?

You're a child of the Uchiha.

It's only natural to be curious, hey.

Quit putting on airs. Just tell her.

Generally, there are three things unique about Sharingan.

First is superb kinetic vision.

Second is the ability to analyze the structure of a jutsu,

copy it, and make it your own.

Just not extremely high-level jutsu or those with peculiar traits.

I see

And the third is powerful genjutsu

Namely, the ability to make someone see illusions.

Of course, average shinobi can use genjutsu,

but Sharingan makes it even more powerful.

That's awesome!

However, because the Sharingan consumes so much chakra,

you must be cautious and be sure that you can use it effectively, okay?

So that's why I got dizzy

Huh? What do you mean?

Oh, nothing!

You've taken a step closer to becoming the Hokage, Sarada!


Oh? You're aiming to become the Hokage, Sarada?

Well, um


I see. Then

That makes us rivals.

You too, Sensei?

Isn't it only natural?

Ever since I was a child,

I've idolized Big Brother Naruto and honed my skills!

I'm not going to lose.

I guess becoming the Hokage isn't going to be easy.

With rivals like you and Boruto.

That idiot said he has no interest in becoming the Hokage.

I wonder about that.

He's just frustrated that

everyone sees him only as the Hokage's son.

Since I grew up being the grandson of the Third Hokage,

I think I understand how he feels.


I'll beat that bratty attitude out of him.

As the daughter of the famous Ino-Shika-Cho trio,

you understand too, don't you, Cho-Cho?

Not at all.

Oh, I have to go train.

Okay Thanks.


A friend you can compete with is a very dependable friend to have.



HOKAGE'S OFFICE We'll now have a closed session.

All right

Shall we get into the real agenda?

I don't see Sasuke.

Wasn't there something urgent to discuss regarding his mission?

Sasuke's already departed.

It's a situation which calls for quick action.

What do you mean?

Our shinobi world

is about to confront another danger.

You're going to fill us in on the details, aren't you?

Danzo Shimura who caused the Nue incident,

and Shin Uchiha, whom I battled

A common factor that keeps popping up in the materials that they left behind

is the description of a parallel dimension.

Parallel dimension?

Sasuke was investigating that on his mission, wasn't he?

Is it connected?

Kaguya, the one Sasuke and I sealed back then

had a scary, powerful army behind her.

You mean the White Zetsu that Madara mobilized?

They gave us a ton of trouble.

Kaguya herself was powerful enough.

But the fact that

she had a White Zetsu army behind her worried us.

Wasn't it because having to face the Allied Shinobi Forces

would put her at a disadvantage?

Apparently, that wasn't it.

We discovered that the White Zetsu were created way before

we shinobi were born into this world.

That's impossible!

If that's true, for what purpose?

Intel we've gathered so far

hints that in time,

an existence even more frightening than Kaguya will appear in this world.


The Hokage, huh?

Someday, the Great Stone Faces will include mine


A foe more powerful than Kaguya

And the White Zetsu army is for that purpose?

Is there any other reason?

And you investigated something so important like this behind our backs?

You're pretty crafty

It was my plan to keep this quiet until we obtained concrete proof.

But something like this

We may be at peace now,

but the ravages of w*r haven't been completely erased.

How do we explain this to our people?

Just thinking about it makes me feel dull.

I can't believe that this could be false intel,

a prank intended to fuel unrest.

The future ought to stay bright.

That's what Sasuke said.

How much time do we have until this new enemy appears?

A few months or years, maybe more.

We haven't been able to pin that down.

That's not good.


It's bad enough if it's during our generation.

If it occurs in the next generation

What do you mean?

It's hard to say it out loud, but I'll say it.

The generation below us is frankly, not up to par.

The tension-filled past between the Five Great Nations has changed.

The lack of real skills among the young

is a deep concern for every village.

Shin Uchiha's belief that for evolution,

conflict is essential in the further selection of superior genes

I don't want to admit it but he may have a point

Our generation united as the Allied Shinobi Force.

That's why we were able to emerge victorious in that great w*r.

But there's no guarantee that the next generation can win.

And that's why we have to be the ones

who will destroy this existence that surpasses Kaguya,

or there will be trouble, right?

Don't you have anything better to do?

Sarada, damn it.

Gaara, why don't you say something?

Unreliable compared to the last generation

Is there any generation that hasn't been compared like that?

Isn't that right, Naruto?


I won't let you deface the Hokage!

Why not?!

Hokage are old-fashioned, disgraceful and useless!

Lord Seventh told me

that everyone in the entire village is like his family!

What an exaggeration! He's all talk!

w*r isn't the only kind of conflict there is.

We can battle and compete with friends and hone our skills.

If you think hard on it, you can relate, can't you?

It's true,

the era in which we fought is much different from today.

But you know

I don't believe that those kids are weak.

They're still buds.

But someday, they'll surpass us as shinobi

And they'll fill this village with fresh, green leaves, ya know.

I have faith in that.

Honestly I'm shocked.

You want to continue?

Any more than this will k*ll me.

Let's continue this another time!

Then it's a draw.

Looks like I've won, Sarada!

Lord Seventh!

Bad news!

The Great Stone Faces are




Th-That kid

One thing's certain

He might just become a shinobi that surpasses us.

You coward!

I'm okay with being a coward, totally fine with it!

Hey, isn't that a cowardly move?

But you're okay with that right?

This calls for a Sexy Jutsu!

What is that jutsu?!

I'll pulverize whoever came up with that!

H-Hey, wait!

I still think they make a good couple.

Give me a break! I'm gonna die.

Stop it!


Since we've started our field trip out of the village,

I want you all to be very careful.

The Land of Water

The Village Hidden in the Mist, huh?

Nothing good comes to mind, are we gonna be okay?

If something does happen,

consider the field trip cancelled immediately.

I don't know what kinda place this is, but I'll stir things up, ya know?!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"The Turbulent Field Trip"

I just keep getting a bad feeling about this

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