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02x11 - Metamorphosis

Posted: 03/01/23 09:11
by bunniefuu
Welcome, Doctor.

All preparations have been made
for your arrival.

I would hope so.

Notify me
once our remaining vessels arrive,

- and see to the transfer of the assets.
- Have the cargo taken below.

It's been a long time, Mistress Se.

Indeed, Dr. Hemlock.

How it pains me to see you like this.

Why does someone so talented
prefer to rot in a cell

instead of using their
gifts to better the galaxy?

I am not especially motivated
to continue my work

after the Empire
destroyed my civilization.

What was done on Kamino was unfortunate,

but know that
your research remains intact.

It'll now serve a higher purpose.

The Emperor's purpose.

Don't you wish to be a part of
such a scientific achievement?

I know what Emperor
Palpatine seeks to accomplish,

and he will not have my cooperation.

Perhaps you require the right incentive.

Know that I'll be taking over
operations here on Tantiss,

and I can do far worse
than confine you to a cell.

And I'll let you think on that.


We lost communication with transport .

Have the recovery teams begin a search.
We need that asset contained.

And, Emerie, were there
any other Kaminoans taken off-world

- prior to the destruction of Tipoca City?
- Their prime minister.

He remains in Imperial custody
on Coruscant.

Have him brought here.
I wish to speak to him personally.

Not sure what's
got you all twisted up in knots.

We were stranded on that planet, Cid.

We needed you, and you left us.

You're fine now, aren't you?
And you got your ship back.

Yeah, with no help from you.

Do you wanna mope
or make money?

Because I got a tip on a downed ship,

which means cargo ripe for the taking.

I'll even give you % of the cut.

- That is our standard percentage.
- All right.

This one time, let's say %.

Okay, .

Fine, %
as a token of my goodwill,

that you seem to have forgotten.

I'm sending you the intel now.

Don't come back unless you
scavenge something valuable.

What makes you think
we'd come back at all?

Don't test me, Bandana.
Just get it done.

Severing ties with Cid
could be problematic,

considering what she knows about us.

Perhaps we choose a diplomatic solution

and complete this
one last mission for her.

Cid only sent coordinates.

No ship transponder code or
indication of what caused it to crash.

Limited intel. Huh.
There's a surprise.

How hard could scavenging cargo be?

There's a village here.

That would explain how
the wreckage was reported so quickly.

The crashed vessel appears mostly intact.

The cargo aboard should be
in fair enough condition to transport.

- What kind of ship is this?
- Don't know. No hull markings.

Based on the severity of the impact
and the lack of communication signals,

the crew aboard most likely perished.

We don't know for sure.
They could be trapped inside.

Come on.

Where is everyone?

Oh, check it out.
High-volt electrostaff.

unfortunate happened here.

Whatever did this
wasn't human.

I will get the power restored
and check data logs on the bridge.

By yourself?

Your concern is not warranted.
I will be fine.

- Why is it so cold in here?
- It's some kind of lab.

This medical equipment is Kaminoan.

- Huh. So, what's it doing here?
- It's their cloning technology,

but this configuration is different
than anything I saw in Tipoca City.

Tech, find anything on the bridge?

Not yet.
Still rerouting the reserve power.

Stand by. The grid should
be restored momentarily.

Danger, danger, danger, danger.

What happened?
What att*cked this ship?


These are reinforced walls.
What were they keeping in here?

I don't know...
but it's still on board.

Hunter, what is that?

Back away slowly.

Tech, we've got a problem.
Get off the ship. Now!

I suspect this is some type
of research vessel.

We know!

And whatever they were
researching just got loose.

And it's headed your way.

Does that thing look different to you?


Take cover.

The creature appears to be headed
in the direction of the village.

We're the ones who let it out.

We have to neutralize it
before it hurts anyone.

Our blasters are useless on it.

Given the fact that the crew was
most likely eaten by the creature,

- I doubt it is currently hungry...
- It ate the crew?

How is that helping, Tech?

- It ate the crew...
- Access the lab files,

and find out what species
we're dealing with and how to stop it.

Mmm, I can help.

- I know my way around Kaminoan tech.
- Go.

Wrecker, with me.

See anything?

Zero, two, five.


- Did you get it?
- No.

This data is highly encrypted,
even within the ship's own system.

Start here.

This is used to extract and manipulate
a host's genetic material.

You are familiar
with this type of cloning?

Not exactly. I heard rumors
of other Kaminoan experiments,

but Nala Se kept that data
away from me.

I think whatever they were doing
was happening off-world.

Look at this.
These appear to be designs

using the creature's genetic material
for modified armor plating.

That must be why it was
unaffected by our blaster fire.

- Then how do we stop it?
- Uncertain.

However, this confirms
that the species feeds on energy,

which propels its rapid growth.

- You mean it'll get even bigger?
- Yes. Much bigger.

the creature is the same species

that att*cked Coruscant during the w*r.

You must not let it get
near the power grid,

or it will increase exponentially in size.

Too late.

- Stop it before it gets any larger.
- I'm trying!

We've got ships on our tail.

Where'd they come from?

Hold on.

Tech, Omega,
you've got Imperials inbound.

Get out of there.

On our way.
Tech, let's go.

Not yet. I am not finished
transferring all of the data.

Come on!

They're not k*lling it.
They're taking it.

Let's not be next.

Hunter, we are clear of the vessel
and heading to the landing zone.

Copy that.

The crashed vessel was part
of an Imperial cloning operation.

- The Empire cloned the Zillo Beast?
- Yes and no.

The directive came
straight from the Supreme Chancellor

- before he became Emperor.
- What's he want with it?

The creature's genetic material
has the potential to be weaponized

in the hands of the right scientist.

- Where were they taking the creature?
- Unknown.

The ship did not have
a destination logged.

Hunter, there is far more to this
than we realized.

From what I have gathered,
I suspect the Empire

did not destroy the cities
on Kamino to end cloning.

They merely wanted to control it.

Send the data to Echo and Rex.
See what they can find out.


The creature has been recovered
and is now safely secured below.

And our other guest?

The shuttle is arriving now.

- Did any of the villagers see the Zillo?
- Several.

The locals have been detained
and will be dealt with.

However, one vessel escaped our as*ault.

It was a military-class shuttle.

- Find out who it was.
- Yes, sir.

Hello, Prime Minister.

Apologies, former Prime Minister.

Why have I been brought here?

The cooperation of your chief scientist
has not been forthcoming.

Nala Se's defiance... is problematic.

It must be frustrating
to have your resources

but lack the expertise
to achieve your goals.

And if you fail to convince her,

it won't be long
before you are in a cell like me.

Hmm. I fear you misunderstand
your situation here.

If you know of a way
to persuade the scientist,

now would be the time to mention it.

In exchange for my freedom.

I'm listening.

There is a particular clone
you must locate. A young girl.

She is the key to controlling Nala Se.

How very interesting.

It seems we have much to discuss.