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04x06 - This is Not a Drill

Posted: 03/01/23 09:02
by bunniefuu


All units, be advised.

Reports of multiple explosions downtown.

Just keep going.

DISPATCH: b*mb squad en route.
Suspect still at large.

OWEN: There are reports of
casualties on the sixth floor.

Four of 'em kids.

Captain Strand, possible

second incendiary device
unaccounted for.

You are advised to evacuate your team.

What's the call, Cap?

IC, Strand ,

we're gonna clear the sixth floor
before we evacuate.

Any updates on the second expl*sive?


IC, do you copy?

Let's go.



Help! This guy needs help!

TOMMY VEGA: Sir, can you
hear me? Is this your father?

No, I was looking for our mom.
I'm with my little sisters.

- Guessing it's a heart attack.
- Okay.

Judd, help 'em carry this man down.

- Son, what's your name?
- Jack.

Hey, Jack. You gonna
go with them, alright?

- But my sisters?
- Where are your sisters?

Hiding in the room next door.

Paul, get in and grab 'em.

- PAUL STRICKLAND: Copy that, Cap.
- TOMMY: TK, Nancy, go with them.




And you're all dead.

Oh, man, I don't wanna be dead.

I feel like I might not be dead,

but just more maimed.

Nope, dead.

- Man, that's a cheat.
- Yeah, seriously.

That Jack kid told us
his sisters were in there.

You were also told there might
be a secondary expl*sive device.

That's BS. Cap radioed in
and asked about the other b*mb

and nobody answered.

Now, comm failure is a
real issue in these situations.

That's why they put it in the drill.

The no-win scenario.

Yeah, she totally
Kobayashi Maru-ed our asses.

Take this to the IC downstairs

and let them know that the
is out for the rest of the drill.

For real though, somebody needs
to get this Jack kid an agent.






NANCY: TK, come over here.

We're gonna send a selfie to Marjan.

MATEO: Love it, come on.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Talk
about pretty in pink.

Okay, everybody say "dead sexy."

ALL: Dead sexy.


You guys think this is a joke?

You think if this had been
the real thing,

you'd be back here laughing
and taking selfies?

You'd be in a body bag.

If they could find
anything of you to put in it.

I suggest you hit the showers

and take a moment to think
about the first responders

who went on calls like this
and never came back.

Show some respect.


JUDD RYDER: Cap, you got a sec?

Not if you're gonna
tell me I overreacted.

No, I ain't gonna
tell you that for a minute.

I happen to know what it's like to go to

more than one funeral in a week

or even one day for that matter.

They ain't been through
what we've been through.

Yeah, well, they might.

And soon.

Look, those drills
are designed for us to fail.

If it was a different team,
same scenario, it's the same result.

Yeah, I'm not talking about the drills.

Something's coming, Judd.

Something big.

What are you talkin' about?

And I don't think it's any coincidence

that they sprung that drill
on us this week.

- It wasn't on the calendar.
- You know they like to do that.

That's how they keep us on our toes.

No, no, no. It's more than that.

Why do I get the feeling
that this isn't just

the-the hair standing up
on the back of your neck?


Because it's not.

You remember the biker g*ng,
the Honor Dogs?


Turns out they're on the FBI's
domestic terror watch list.

- Them guys?
- Yeah.

And a truckload of
ammonium nitrate was stolen

near Laredo three weeks ago.

And the feds are convinced
the Honor Dogs have it

and are planning something.

How do you know all that?

'Cause I've been working with them.

The feds?

So after you and I went to
the, uh, branding that night,

I got a knock on my door.
It was the FBI.

They wanted me to go back.

JUDD: Damn.

Well, hell, Owen, I... what-what
do these idiots wanna do?

I don't know. I never got close enough.

What do the feds think?

I don't know. They've frozen me out.

They won't even return my phone calls.

Do you know why
so many of us died on / ?

'Cause we didn't know
what we were walking into.

Suppose you did?

Well, we still would have gone in,

but our odds sure
would have been better.

No, I'm not gonna do it.

I'm not just gonna sit here
and wait for the tones to go off.

Judd, you're acting captain
till I get back.

Wh-wh-what do I tell people
if they ask where you are?

Tell 'em I'm out there
not taking no for an answer.

BIKER : The feds think
they can play games with us?

We'll see about that.

BIKER : They pushed us too far, Red.

Enough's enough. Time we pushed back.

- BIKER : Yeah!
- BIKER : That's right.

RED: You need to relax, Turner.

They're just trying to get in our heads.

Looks like I might be
interrupting something.

You got a lot of brass, Strand,
coming back in here.

OWEN: You and I need to talk.


You wearing a wire again?

No, you can... you can check my junk.

I'll pass. And we don't talk to the feds

or friends of the feds.

I'm just here as a fire captain.

- All I need is a word.
- Tough.

This bar's closed to you
from here on out.

You understand? So walk
out before you get dragged out.

BIKER: Yeah!

Well this bar is gonna be
closed to everybody

unless you talk to me.

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

Just that I'm seeing
a lot of code violations.

Blocked egress over there,
that's a fire hazard.

No occupancy load signs.

Ceiling isn't up to code,
that's a big one.

I'm gonna have to write you up
for that one for sure.

I'm saying I will shut you down

quicker than you can say,
"Don't tread on me."


What the hell do you want?

Oh, well, we can do it like this then.

I know about the ANFO.

And so do the feds.

You give up everything you have,

maybe you could still
make some sort of a deal.


Look, you once told me that
you revered first responders.

I'm inclined to believe you.

Whatever message you think
you're gonna be making

with the expl*sives that you h*jacked,

you're just gonna be
hurting good people.

BIKER: What's he talking about?

Very moving speech, Strand.

But I got no idea
what you're talking about.

♪ ♪

You really don't, do you?

AGENT ROSE KACEY: FBI! Hands in the air!

AGENT : Don't move!

AGENT : Stop! Freeze! Hands up!

Agent Kacey, I think we may
have a miscommunication here.

Yeah, you thinking it's okay
to share details

of a confidential investigation.

Agent Biondi, please escort
Captain Strand outside

and place him under arrest
for obstruction of justice.

Are you serious?

have any weapons on you, do you?

Nothing that's gonna poke or cut me?


I didn't think you guys
had enough for a warrant.

Well, a judge thought we did.

- So you found the ANFO?
- We will.

One of 'em will flip.
That's how the game is played.

Look, Agent Chuck, I think
you guys are rushing this.

I don't think any of these guys
are gonna flip.

Because I don't think actually
any of 'em know anything.

Then why are they acting
so suspicious and paranoid?


Hands behind your back.



Alright, dispatch said

that there was an FBI raid
underway when the b*mb went off.

So we're looking at about
a dozen agents inside

and God knows how many bikers.

Hey, did dispatch say anything
about where Cap is?

Cap? No. Why would they?

- Judd, what the hell?
- JUDD: Not right now.

Hey, Gallagher, get that mainline off.

Strickland you and Chavez
take a team inside,

extract all the wounded.

Everybody else, get pressure
in those two-and-a-halves

and start blasting those windows.

Take care of what's
in front of you right now.

Copy that, Cap.

Alright, TK, Nancy, get the
and the burn kits off of this bus.

We'll set up triage right here.

CHUCK: Need some help over here.

JUDD: Hey, hey.

About how many agents do
you say you got inside still?

- Seven.
- JUDD: Seven?

Search and Rescue, we've got
at least seven FBI in there.

- Where's Captain Strand?
- OWEN: I need a medic.


Nancy, TK, get the gurney.

Alright, lay her down
so we can get a look at her.

OWEN: Nice and easy.

- Nancy, vitals.
- Yeah, Cap.

Owen, you shouldn't be here.

It's okay.

TOMMY: Lungs sound diminished.
She's hypotensive and tachycardic.

Alright, we need to travel her now.

I think it's a hemorrhage
from blunt trauma.

They're gonna take
good care of you, okay?


Owen, I'm scared.

JUDD: Hey, Cap.

We got this one.

NANCY: We gotta go.

♪ ♪


TOMMY: Start a line, run it wide open.

Pushing ten mils.


Cap, BP's over .

TOMMY: Think I found the
source of the hemorrhage.

Trauma pads. We need to pack this wound.

ROSE (WEAKLY): Oh, what's going on?

You're gonna feel some pressure, okay?

- What... What did she say?
- OWEN: Agent... Agent Kacey.

Agent Kacey.
Just look at me. Look at me.

We're gonna stitch you up, alright?

Just a quick little pinch.

Owen, for the love of God...

ca... call me Rose.

Okay, Rose.

That's better.

NANCY: over now.

- NANCY: Just blank lines.

- No BP. No heartbeat.
- OWEN: Rose.

NANCY: She's going into asystole.

- Starting compressions.
- OWEN: Rose!

- Grab the Ambu bag.
- Rose, no, no, no!

- Rose!
- NANCY: We're losing her.

- Come on, come on.

♪ ♪


Hey. Thanks for coming.

Thanks for the call.

- Oh-whoa!
- It's not my blood.

It's Agent Kacey's. She didn't make it.

Last count, the FBI has lost nine.

And the Honor Dogs, double digits.

- Red?
- He survived.

- He's in surgery.
- TY O'BRIEN: What a mess.

You have any idea
how the hell this happened?

The working theory is
that they were storing

the ANFO at the clubhouse,
and somebody accidentally detonated it.

At the exact moment a fed tac-team
comes through the door?

Come on, you don't actually
believe that, do you?

I didn't say it was my working theory.

Captain Strand.

I wanna thank you
for being with Rose at the end.

Thank your crew for me, too.

I'm sorry about your team.


Hell of a way to close a case.

Agent Biondi, I don't think
this case is closed.

It is for now.
Prime suspect's in recovery.

Rest of his crew's in no shape
to do any more damage.

It's for the courts to sort out.

Red Pickney is not your prime suspect.

- He's your victim.
- And a witness.

Not acting like much of a witness.

He refuses to talk to us.

Yeah, 'cause he hates you.

Look, that clubhouse was targeted.

What happened today was not an accident.

The blast radius alone
would only account

for a quarter of the ANFO
you've been looking for.

This isn't over.
It's just the opening act.

You need to let us talk to Red.

I told you, he's not talking.

He's not talking to you.

OWEN: (SIGHS) Hey, Red.

Nothing to say to you... snitches.

Yeah, I figured you might
say something like that.

Have they told you
what happened to your people?

In my experience, the doctors
don't like to do that.

It's too stressful on the patient.

Red, of your brothers are dead.

Turner made it to surgery,
but they lost him on the table.

They think you're responsible.

They don't like your politics.
They think you're a t*rror1st.

Of course, they do.

They think anybody that still believes

in the Bill of Rights...
is a damn t*rror1st.

Alright, then help me prove them wrong.

When I entered the bar today,

you guys were in some sort of a meeting.

Who else knew you called it?

I didn't call it.

It wasn't me.

They already know that everybody
in the room got a text from you.

It wasn't... me.

Someone spoofed my number
and lured us all there.

Everybody was freaking out. I...


...told 'em not to panic.

And then you... then you walked in.

Well, who else could have done it?

Oh, I got a pretty good idea.

Hothead kid.

Lot of crazy ideas, so we booted him.

We thought he was a plant.

Thought he was working
for the government.

I guess he wasn't.

We need his name.

You know his name.

Your nephew.


♪ ♪

OFFICER : FBI! Show yourselves!



- OFFICER : Clear.
- OFFICER : Clear.

House is clear.

CHUCK: Nobody's home.

When's the last time
you spoke to your niece?

TY: It's been a few days.

So we don't know
how long they've been gone.

Or if she just took the kid to the park.

They were in a big hurry
to play on the swings.

Neighbors are saying they saw
the woman and a little boy leave

with an unidentified male two days ago.

CHUCK: Looks like your
nephew grabbed his family

before he set that b*mb.

He could be in Mexico by now.

OWEN: If we're lucky.

'Cause if he's not running,
it means he's not done.


♪ ♪

You okay?

There's gotta be another explanation.

CHUCK: There's not.

Three days ago, out by Wimberley,

somebody blew up an empty school bus.

Traces of ANFO were found.

We believe this was a test run.

That's how you got your warrant.

CHUCK: We also think
there may have been a witness.

The body of a hiker was found out there.
Shot point blank.

Traced the school bus
back to a salvage yard.

Spoke to the owner again.

He positively identified Andy Pearson

as the man he sold it to.

- Ty?
- No, Andy's not a m*rder*r.

No, sergeant. He's a mass m*rder*r.

- Hey...
- You made your point.

We need to find him
before the body count goes any higher.

You know him, Sergeant O'Brien.

- We don't.
- I thought I did.

I've been looking for him for weeks.

I honestly have no idea where he is.

I think I do.

I mean, I think I know where he was.

When we found the ANFO,
I called you right away.

By the time you guys
got there, it was gone.

We thought
the Honor Dogs were storing it

and that they moved it, but they didn't.

- It was Andy.
- OWEN: It was Andy.

He was probably living there.
Might still be.

Murphy, put together a tactical team,

reach out to APD for support.

- I'm going with you.
- Sergeant.

TY: He's my nephew. He'll listen to me.

Regardless, I'm not letting
anyone else get hurt.

You lost a lot of talent today.

I'd listen to this man.


(SIGHS) I'll be right there with you.

TY: No, you won't, Owen.

You're gonna be a fire captain today

just in case this all goes sideways.

It's already gone sideways.

TY: Owen, these people need you.

This city needs you.

So I should stay on the bench?

TY: No.

More like the bullpen.

♪ ♪

OWEN: I'm sure that by now
some of you have figured out

that I've had a secret.

I, um...

I've been working
undercover for the FBI,

and that has required me
to disappear from time to time

and to lie to you about where I've been.

But I'm not here to apologize for it.

I've had the chance to prevent
a terror attack on this city.

But I did not.

I failed.

And I believe
that the attack is now imminent.

But that is not to say
that all hope is lost.

As I stand here, there are
people on the front lines

doing absolutely everything they can

to prevent it from happening.


But we are behind the eight-ball.

And that's where we always start.

And that's what makes us who we are.


You know, for years,

I've wondered
how it could've been different

if I'd had known
those planes were gonna hit.

Maybe I could've saved my team.

Now I realize it's worse...

knowing it's coming

and there is nothing
you can do but wait.

And so we wait.

Ever watchful,
always vigilant and prepared.

We have to be prepared because
we can never really be ready.

Not really.

And I tell you this because
I believe you deserve to know.

Maybe because...

I need your help carrying the weight.

And that's what we're here for, Cap.


So... the next time those tones go off,

it may be a cat in the tree
or it may not.

But it won't be a drill.

So I want you to do
whatever you need to do

to prepare yourselves

and make sure your people know
how much you love 'em.

♪ ♪



- - . What's your emergency?



MAN (OVER PA): Fire and rescue.

, , , , , .


Fire and rescue.

, , ...

They're sending everybody.

MAN (OVER PA): ... , .

Respond to a b*mb threat
at the state Capitol.

APD, all squads...


Fire and rescue, , , , ...

♪ ♪

All buildings
have been cleared, sergeant.

It looks the same as it did
when Owen and I were out here.

We couldn't have been alone.

Someone saw us enter that
warehouse and moved the ANFO

before anyone else could find it.

- You were being watched.
- Yeah.

They might be watching us right now.

Alright, we're done here.

We need to move
this party to the Capitol.

Somebody just called in
an anonymous b*mb threat.

- Somebody called it in?
- CHUCK: Yeah.

- They find anything?
- CHUCK: Not yet.

But we're taking it seriously.
Building's being evacuated.

b*mb squad's doing a sweep.

I think we should stay.

No one's even
checked out these woods yet.

CHUCK: You can if you like, sergeant.
I think it's a goose chase.

We're headed to the Capitol.

AGENT: Yes, sir.

- I'll stay with you.
- Thanks, officer.

Looks like I'm gonna need a ride back.


WOMAN: Please exit the building.

MAN (OVER PA): Ladies and
gentlemen, we need you to slowly

make your way towards the exits.


WOMAN: Please make your
way towards the parking lot!

JUDD: Let's go, this way.
Everybody, move. Move, move this way.

Get right behind those trucks.

- Go ahead. Move.
- b*mb Squad's doing a sweep now.

- We're about % evacuated.
- Let's get it to .

You know, we've already had
two b*mb hoaxes this month.

Let's hope it's three.

WOMAN (OVER RADIO): Chief Jenkins.

Yeah. Go for Jenkins.

WOMAN: Yeah, Chief,
they found something.

Alright, all clear, Cap.
I'm told that's everyone.

Okay, Just stay put out there.

Should be right around this corner.



BUDDY: Yeah, it's big.

How the hell did they
get that past security?

We'll worry about that later.

How big a blast radius
you figure that might be?

BUDDY: If it's ANFO,

now might be a good time
to move the Capitol to Dallas.

So the guy we're looking for,

is he some kind of survivalist
or something?

Not exactly. He washed out of Cub Scouts

when he was seven.

How do you know that?

He's my nephew.

Hey, wait, hold on a sec.

Look at this.

We're close.

ANFO pellets.

Someone was building a b*mb out here.


BUDDY: Damn thing's a rat's nest.

Whoever did this is either very good

or a total incompetent.

Can we get a look inside the drums?

BUDDY: Let's see what's
on top of that other barrel first.

Nope. Trembler switch.

I try opening this, I could set it off.

Okay, do you see a detonator
or a cell phone? Anything?

No, but it could be on the other side.

- Alright, pan left.
- Left?

Yeah, I wanna see what's on
the other side of the room.

There's how they got it
through security.

- How?
- They didn't.

JENKINS: Captain Strand,
where do you think you're going?

(OVER RADIO): Captain Strand, respond.

Captain Strand?

I really hate when he does this.

JENKINS: Captain
Strand, do not go in there.


No one follows me in.

What do you think?

See those tire tracks?

Someone was here in a truck
or a van recently.

Alright, I'll go in and clear it.

You cut around that way
and cover the south side.

I'll holler if I need ya.

JENKINS: Captain Strand.

Captain Strand,
what the hell are you doing?

Relax, Captain. I'll be
outta here in a minute.

One way or the other.

♪ ♪



TY: Good Lord.

JENKINS: Captain Strand,
that's not a good idea.

Captain Strand!

BUDDY: He's gonna get himself k*lled.

Barrels are empty. It's a fake.


- What?
- Look out!

- (g*nsh*t)

He didn't get anything past security

because this stuff
was already down here.

Looks like he just cobbled it together.

That's a lot of trouble
to go to for a hoax.


JOANNE: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

You know the thing about
those bulletproof vests?

They don't do jack for your head.

- (g*nsh*t)


Maybe it's not a hoax.

Maybe it's a decoy.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- OWEN: Judd, do you copy?
- JUDD (OVER RADIO): Yeah, Cap.

We need to get all these
people back inside now.

Are you giving the all-clear, Cap?

This is not an all-clear.

This is a reverse evacuation.

Right now the safest places
people can be is inside,

behind those granite walls.

What's goin' on, Cap?

Just do it. Don't cause a panic.

Alright, folks, thank you
for participating in the drill.

We're going to get everybody
back inside the building

in an orderly fashion. Let's go.

Right this way, everybody.

FIRST RESPONDER: This way, please.



JENKINS: Strand, what are you doing?

APD gives the all-clear, not Fire.

I don't think our safe zones
are very safe right now.

Well, I thought you said
that b*mb was a fake?

That one inside, it is.

It's why he called it in.
He wanted us to find it.

So that we could evacuate the building.

You think the attack's
happening out here.

That's impossible.
The grounds were searched

as soon as the call came in.

And then we shut down access.

Except for emergency vehicles.

JENKINS: Wait, you think there's
a b*mb in one of the fire trucks?

No. An ambulance.

I saw a unit roll in here
about ten minutes ago.

Feel like something's wrong with it?

Yeah, the driver came in without a crew.

Do you know what number it was?

He was with the .

I'm on it.

Alright, we need all these
people back inside right now.

Let's back away.
Back in the building, okay?

Thank you so much
for cooperating. Thank you.


♪ ♪

Right now. Come on. Back inside.


Hey, Ty.


We found Joanne and Jacob.

They've been held
where Andy's been living

in these stables
out near the Honor Dog ranch.

This crazy-ass kid Mikey kidnapped them

and threatened to k*ll them
if Andy didn't cooperate.

Mikey? The one
that we saw being branded?

Yeah, he wouldn't say anything to us.

Looks awful smug for some son of a bitch

who just got shot in the shoulder.

Now, Owen, Andy's still out there,

- and he doesn't wanna do this.
- I know.

Hey, Strand, cavalry's arrived.

- Whoa.
- Yeah.

Tactical Humanitarian Operations
Response Vehicle.

They call it THOR.

It's the Swiss Army Knife
of response vehicles.

Where'd we get it?

It came with him.

- Agent Chuck.
- CHUCK: Captain.

Good call getting
all these people back inside.

I'm told our suspect's here
somewhere in a repurposed ambulance.

- So we think.
- THOR's drone just went up.

We'll have full situational
awareness in moments.

We're utilizing her private
wireless communications network

in case this thing has a remote trigger.

Okay. When you find him
though, I need to talk to him.

Are you nuts? We find him,
we take him out, period.

He doesn't wanna do this.

He thinks his family
is in danger, and they're not.

I'm not concerned about him
or his family right now, Captain.

Fine. I'll find him myself.

I can't guarantee your safety, Captain.

Guaranteed safety's
never been part of the deal.

OFFICER: We're processing signals.

Have disqualified %
of possible targets.

Another possible target dismissed.

CHUCK: Damn it, Owen.
He's gonna get himself k*lled.

OFFICER: Got him.

Suspect vehicle located
south of the rotunda.

♪ ♪

OFFICER: Come on. Let's go, move it!


Andy, my name is Owen.

I'm here to help you.

I'm a friend of your Uncle Ty's.

I know who you are. Stay back.

You don't have to do this.

- He's gonna k*ll my family.
- OWEN: No.

Your family's okay.

I know that's a lie.


- Jo?
- JOANNE: Yeah. We're okay. We're safe.

Your uncle and another police officer,

they saved us. Mikey's arrested.

Please, baby, just come home to us.

I love you. I love you so much, baby.

Okay, it's over. You can get out.

Take your hand off the detonator.

Oh, man, it's too late. It's too late.

What do you mean it's too late?

It's on a timer.

There's nothing I can do to stop it.

Please. You need to run.

Andy, do the radios or sirens work?

No, the thing's a shell.
It drives, that's pretty much it.

Okay. Alright. He's coming out.

He's coming out. Everything's okay.

He's fine.

He's coming out.

Sir, but the timer.

OWEN: I need you to step out,
put your hands on your head

and do whatever they say.

- OFFICER : Hands up.
- OFFICER : Put your hands up.

- And get down on the ground.
- OFFICER : Hands, hands!

- Hands up!
- Hands, hands, hands.

Put your hands up
and get down on the ground.

What the hell? I thought
he just said everything's fine.

Yeah. Clearly not.



OWEN: I am on th Street,
and Colorado in a ambulance.

I have an expl*sive set to a detonator

timed to go off in... seconds.

That's not the call
I was expecting to get.

Owen, we gotta get you
somewhere with a lot of open space.

OWEN: That's why I'm calling. I'm
headed to Mount Cavalry Cemetery.

I need you to alert everybody
there to clear the area.

Uh-huh, Owen. I- 's too
backed up, you'll never make that.

I'm open to suggestions.

The parking lot next to UT's stadium,

- there are no games today.
- OWEN: No.

That is too close to the dorms.

I got , pounds of ANFO in here.

ANFO? You're absolutely sure?

I'm pretty sure.

Okay, then I need you
to take a right immediately.

No, but that's back into town.

Just do it, Owen.


Now, take a right onto Trinity.

And a quick left on Congress.


Alright, I'm on Congress.

Okay, now I need you to g*n it.

Grace, where the hell am I going?

There's a boat ramp into the river

six blocks from you. You're going in.

ANFO goes completely inert
when it's submerged underwater.

Okay, Grace, I need a favor.

Yeah, anything.

Just say a little prayer that
nobody's using that boat ramp.

I will, and I'll say
a prayer for you too, Owen.

I appreciate that.



OWEN: Oh, Grace, we're
in luck, there's nobody there.

Thank God you're still in good standing.

GRACE: Okay, yeah,
that's really good to hear.

But you should be
jumping out, like, now.

Copy that.




Thank God, another two seconds...

Yeah, and half of
downtown Austin would be dead.

- Us too.

Why are y'all laughing?


What are you laughing at?

I don't know.

Hey, what the hell is going on?

Ammonium nitrate doesn't explode
when it's underwater.

It... It converts into laughing
gas when it's heated.

- Oh!
- Probably from the detonator.

- Yeah!
- Hell, why do you know that?

You guys really need
to reread the manual again.

- It's in the manual!



Easy, man.

Alright? Look, I know that was some BS,

but it ain't worth ruining
a perfectly good helmet.

How could they throw me out
for saying that we should

actually do what
they always talk about doing?

Dude, because that's
all they do is talk.

I-I mean, they play dress-up
and they talk.

I came here for a lot more than that.

So what did you come here for?

To take action.

To wake people up.

You know how you wake people up?

With a loud noise.

ANDY: I was really angry, but...

I should have just walked away.

But instead you entered into
a criminal conspiracy with him.

ANDY: It was the
biggest mistake of my life.

But by the time I realized it,
it was too late.

And at what point would that have been?

Ho, ho, ho.

What the hell is this?

Christmas in July.

ANDY: What'd you do?

I took action.


ANDY: Mikey!

Don't worry. He didn't see my face.

ANDY: That's gotta be over
a thousand pounds of ANFO.

Oh, it's a lot more than that, brother.

It's gonna change the game.

Come on, let's go.

CHUCK: So what happens next?

ANDY: I told him I
didn't sign up for that.

That I have a wife and son
to think about.

CHUCK: How did he respond?

ANDY: He threatened them.

He told me if I didn't go
through with it, he'd k*ll them.

And I knew after the hiker, he meant it.

The hiker we found
near the exploded bus?


(PANTING) Hey. You okay?

- Yeah.
- What the hell are you doing here, man?

I really wish you hadn't seen that.

(g*n COCKS)


We should go.

ANDY: After that, it, it
all happened pretty fast.

He forced me to help him
pack the ANFO into beer kegs

to take out the clubhouse.

I packed the ambulance
and I took it to the Capitol.

Weren't you just an eager beaver.

He had my family.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

(SOFTLY): I know.

Anything else to say, Mr. Pearson?



I just wanna thank you.

All of you...

for saving my family.

And you.

For saving me.

Not just me, but all those people.

If it weren't for you, it would
have been so much worse.

♪ ♪

How you holding up?

(SIGHS) I've been better.

Twenty-year plea.

He's gonna watch that little boy grow up

from the inside a prison visiting room.

At least he's gonna be able
to watch him grow up.

Without a father.

Just like Andy didn't have a father.

Owen, I promised my sister
on her deathbed

that I would do what I could
to look after him.

I moved back to Texas.

Busted myself back down to traffic cop.

None of it made a difference.

It made a difference.

He's alive.

And so's his son.

TY: Owen, I, uh...

Thanks for being a pain in my ass.

It's what I do.


Hey, champ.

Come here. Give us a hug.

Ohh, yeah!


TK: Dad?

I had a yen for Chinese.

- TK: Um...
- Wordplay.

I thought I'd surprise you.

Well, I'm certainly surprised.

I should have called first.

Don't be ridiculous, Owen.

You sure? You sure I'm not intruding?

Sure, here, I'll get you
a glass of wine.

Hey, is that the place we used
to get takeout from with Mom?


Son, have I told you recently
how proud I am of you?

Um... not recently,

but it hasn't been an eternity either.

Well... I am.

Thanks, Dad.

Um, what brought this up?

OWEN: Well, just
the fact that throughout

all of our ups and downs,

you have never once tried to
blow up a government building.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks?

I'll drink to that.

Mm. This is nice.

So, the wedding.

- Yeah.
- (SINGSONGY) It's coming up.

- TK: Yes, it is.
- I have thoughts.

And here's what they are.
First of all...

There's always a temptation, I think.

When it's your first wedding.

Hopefully there won't
be a second one, right?

But when it's your first wedding...