03x69 - I am Your Sibling! The Monster with the Ki of Goku" / "I Am Your Brother! The Monster With Goku's Energy!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x69 - I am Your Sibling! The Monster with the Ki of Goku" / "I Am Your Brother! The Monster With Goku's Energy!

Post by bunniefuu »

A mysterious monster from a future
four years later than Trunks'

had arrived in the time machine.

Faced with this terrible threat,

Piccolo, who had merged with Kami-sama,

descended into the city alone
to determine what it was.

So, you've shown yourself, monster.

W-What is this Ki I'm sensing from him?!

I-It can't be...

W-What's going on here?

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"I Am Your Brother! The Monster With Goku's Ki."

Goku-sa is gettin' much better, huh?

That's terrific, Mother.




He went back to sleep again.

But he should be waking up any time, huh?


I'm going to go tell Oolong-san and the others.

Hey, help me!

Hey, come on, give me some help!

I'm the richest man in this town!

I'll pay you as much as you want, just help me!

Hey, you, come on!

I doubt you can understand
what I'm saying, but let him go.

His life, such that it is, is still a life.

H-Hey, help me!

You'll end up like this next...

...Piccolo Daimao.

W-What? Is this...?

I-Is that...?

W-What are you?! How do you
know the name Piccolo?!

I am your brother.


Hey, what is the deal with that Ki?

It's Freeza and his father's Ki...

I-I can sense others, too.

Piccolo-san, Freeza and
his father, as well as Dad...

All of these Ki are gathered
together in one spot.

W-What is going on here? This is impossible!

Yeah, I'm sensing them, all right.

But this can't be happening.

Freeza and his father are supposed to be dead.

The direction it's coming from...

Yes, it's coming from the
direction of Gingertown,

where that incident is taking place.

This is impossible...!

Goku's Ki, as well?

Father is sleeping, right there!

Section West...

Right next to where that
casting and the egg were.

There can be no doubt about it.

Hey, tell me what you are!
Start talking, in detail!

There won't be any need for that.

You are about to become my meal.

I see, so you're not going to talk, then?

In that case, I'll just wring the life out
of you without knowing what you are.

Piccolo Daimao intends to k*ll me?

For whatever reason,
you seem to know who Piccolo is.


However, unfortunately for you...

...you've got the wrong person.


I've got the wrong person?

Are you saying that you're not Piccolo Daimao?

That's what I'm saying.

Good, I made it in time.

We don't know anything about this monster,

and even you could find yourself in danger.

There's another tremendous Ki now.
Something else has presented itself.

Yeah, just now.

What in the world is going on?

That's Piccolo!

But isn't this Ki too far
removed from Piccolo-san?

This is awesome! He really did the merge!

Merge? You mean, with Kami-sama?

The one from whom he originally split?

Yeah, that's right.

And since Piccolo was
already incredibly strong...

This is the Ki of a Super Namekian!

I-It's outstanding...

Could he really power up that much?

The fact that you've eliminated
all of the residents of this town

works out in my favor.


What do you mean by that?

It means that I can go all-out.


Th-That shockwave just now...!

Over there... it's started...

The atmosphere just shook. Could you tell?


Did a volcano just undergo a
huge expl*si*n? Or something else?

Whatever the case, it was far away.

The outskirts of Metro West.

No. ...

There are probably two great
powers fighting each other.

You're equipped with a power radar?

Why didn't you say anything before?

You didn't ask.

Hmph, you don't say.
Well, as long as you're at it,

why don't you tell us who is fighting whom?

I don't know. Neither one of them is in my data.

All I know is that one of them has
power enough to rival you two.


Hmph, looks like Doctor Gero screwed up again.

That radar of yours is malfunctioning.

There's no one in this world
whose power can rival mine.

It's absurd.

Let's go, No. .

Th-That was...!

Is that the best you've got?

I doubt that I was mistaken
about sensing that you were

such a tremendous monster.

You're not so bad either, are you?

Even though I have not yet
attained my perfect form...

Huh? Perfect form?

Y-You mean...

That's why you've been attacking people?

I take them as bioenergy.

Answer me this!

Who was it that sent you into
this era with the time machine?!

Was it one of your pals?

I'm the one who sent me.

The time machine was too small for this body,

so it was necessary for me to
devolve myself back into an egg.

Though I have to say I'm surprised
you knew about the time machine.

Even so...

...I doubt you know about this, as well...

Th-That stance...

it can't be... You're kidding, right?


I-it couldn't be...!





Th-This isn't happening...


It's the real thing!

Your life is mine!

I hit your arm, did I? Well, it's all the same.

I will now take your powerful life's essence.


Something the matter, No. ?

There was a fluctuation in
one of those power readings.

It looks like they've reached a conclusion.

One of those powers? You mean,
the one that you said rivaled ours?


Hmph, are you still going on about that?

Your power radar is faulty, No. .

There's no way that anyone in this world

could have a power that rivals ours.

Don't make me keep saying it.

You managed to get away,
but you can't use that arm anymore.

It looks like the tables have now been turned.

Indeed they have.

I can no longer maintain balance,
making things much harder for me.

Unfortunately, it looks like you've won.

You can't help but give up the battle,
but you should be glad.

Once I absorb as much bioenergy as you have,

I will be much closer to
attaining my perfect form.

You will be of assistance to me.
Doesn't that please you?

Before I get absorbed by you,
you have to let me know...

What exactly are you?!

Why do you possess the Ki of
Son Goku, Freeza, and the rest,

and how are you able to
do the Kamehame-Ha?!

Very well. You're going
to die anyway. I'll tell you.

My name is Cell. I'm an Artificial Human.

A-Artificial Human?

What's this? The monster
identified himself as "Cell."

What is he after?

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

Heya! I'm Goku!

Whoa, he's an Artificial Human, too?!

That's right! I have come from the future,

to attain my perfect form and
gain power beyond imagination!

It's not going to be so simple.

We won't let you achieve your perfect form, Cell!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Dizzying Deception and the Taiyo-ken!
After the Artificial Human Cell!"

I won't let anyone stand in my way!
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