03x57 - Welcome Back Son Goku! The Confession of the Mysterious Young Boy Trunks" / "Welcome Back, Goku! Confessions of

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x57 - Welcome Back Son Goku! The Confession of the Mysterious Young Boy Trunks" / "Welcome Back, Goku! Confessions of

Post by bunniefuu »

Point - ...

Then, right around here.

There is still some time
before Son Goku-san arrives.

I have plenty of drinks here,
so if you like, help yourselves.

I'll have something.

--Me, too.
--H-Hey, Gohan...

I'll have something here.
Let's see, which will it be...?

Huh? Do we have these in our product line?

Wow, this is delicious!

Yeah, you're right.

Maybe I'll have something, too.

Have we ever met anywhere before?

Eh? N-No, not really.

How do you know my father?

I've only ever heard stories
about him. I haven't met him yet.

So, how do you know that Goku
will be coming here in three hours?


... I'm sorry, I cannot say.

What do you mean, you can't say?

Who the hell are you? How did
you get that kind of power?

Um, when you defeated
Freeza and the other one,

you were a Super Saiyan, weren't you?

Uh, y-yes, I was.

Get real!

The Saiyans consist of me and Kakarrot,

who goes by the name Son Goku here on Earth,

and the earthling half-breed kid there.

There aren't any others left besides us three!

So there's no way you can be a Saiyan!

B-But the fact remains,

he actually did turn Super Saiyan,
and he defeated Freeza.

And Saiyans are supposed to all have black hair.

Huh? Say, that's our Capsule
Corporation logo, isn't it?

How come? Are you one of our employees?

N-No, it's not like that.

That's a secret, too?

So are your name and age confidential, as well?

I cannot tell you my name,
but I am years old.

Odd that he won't tell us his name.

Yeah. There's no reason for him to hide it.

Say, let's stop asking him questions.

He's getting flustered, you know.

This boy just saved us, and the whole Earth.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Welcome Back, Son Goku!
Confessions of the Mysterious Youth, Trunks."

Um, Piccolo-san,

there's something I've wanted
to ask you for a while now...

What is it?

A year ago, when Dende-kun
and the others from Planet Namek

relocated to another planet,

why didn't you go with
everyone else, Piccolo-san?

No earth-shattering reason.

It's because I couldn't take that
boring life, with no stimulation.

So then, even now, you're spending
every day in intensive training?

You got it.

Vegeta is gone all day long, too.

I'm sure he's off training somewhere.

Yeah. I bet even now, he's still
thinking of defeating Goku.

The guy has an incredible amount of pride.

I hear he was once the Saiyan prince.

Don't you think they look alike?


That mysterious boy and Vegeta.

Look, there's just something about them.

I don't know, maybe they're a little alike.

Why do you keep staring at me like that?

If you really are a Saiyan,
I can't be anything new, right?

I-I'm sorry.

He came to know Son Goku
on some planet out in space.

Would that be so hard to imagine?

But he seems to be right at home here on Earth.

Three hours have passed.

Son Goku-san should be
arriving any moment now.


H-He's right!

I sense it! I sense a Ki!

Something is definitely coming.

Th-Then, the time and place that boy
told us were right on the money?

It's Father! it's Father's Ki!

He's here!

--Over there!
--W-Wait up!

Wait up, I say!

H-Hold on!

Down there!



What are you guys doing here?

Welcome home, Father!

Hooray! Hooray!


How did you guys know
I would be landing here?

This boy, this boy! He told us
you would be coming back here!

Father, you know who he is, right?

No, who is he?

You mean, you don't know who he is at all?

Nope, I don't know him at all.

He knew that you'd be coming
here right at this time, Son-kun.

Really? That's strange. Freeza
and them detected my spaceship,

and it looked like they knew
when I was gonna arrive on Earth.

I have to wonder, though: who was
it who defeated Freeza and them?

That was an amazing Ki! Was it you, Piccolo?

Or was it you, Vegeta?

He's the one who dealt
with Freeza and the others.

In the blink of an eye, at that.

And he can turn Super Saiyan, like you do.

Super Saiyan?

Wow, that's amazing! And you're so young, too.

I have to say, I didn't know there
were any other Saiyans besides us.

You're wrong! There are definitely
no other Saiyans besides us!

Well, I guess it don't really matter.

Yes, it does matter.
You're just as carefree as ever.

I am?


I actually need a word with you.

With me?

Yes. Just the two of us.

All right.

What, this is confidential from the rest of us?

Sorry, guys. Wait here for a little bit.

Here should be good.

Come to think of it, I forgot my manners.

Thanks for defeating Freeza for me.

Sure enough, I guess I went too easy on him.

You were actually supposed to be the one

who defeated Freeza and the others,

but there was some discrepancy, time-wise,

and for whatever reason, you couldn't.

So I didn't have any other choice.

Yeah. Freeza's spaceship was faster,
and he got ahead of me.

Looks like he ain't learned his lesson one bit,

and when I was about to get him...

There were still three hours before your arrival,

so you wouldn't have made it.

No, that ain't true. I picked up a new move.

A new move?

Yeah. it's something called
instantaneous Movement.

I-Instantaneous Movement?

The folks on a planet called
Yardrat taught it to me.

I could move from the spaceship I was in

to where Freeza was in an instant.

I-Is that right?

Son-san, I didn't know that
you had acquired that skill,

so I thought that it would take you
three hours to arrive by spaceship.

I've changed history for no reason.

As a result, I ran into everyone else

when I only intended to see you, Son-san.

History? What do you mean?

Before I get into that,
I have something to ask you.

Son-san, are you able to freely
turn Super Saiyan at will?

Yeah. I couldn't do it at first,
but I worked hard at it,

and now I'm able to control it.

Would you turn here, now, for me?

If you please?

All right.

H-He turned Super Saiyan!

Is this okay?

Thank you very much.

I'm surprised. You look just like
I do when I turn Super Saiyan.

So, now what do we do?

I will turn Super Saiyan, as well.

Damn it!

We really do look alike.

Please excuse me.

W-Why did you not move out of the way?

Because you had no bloodlust.
I knew you would stop short.

I see.

Well then, this time, I will not stop. Ready?

All right.

Impressive. The stories I've heard
are true. No, you're even better.

This is the sword that I used to slice up Freeza.

That's just because you
weren't trying very hard.

I am able to place my trust in you.

I will tell you everything.

D-Did you see that?

Yeah. Get a load of those guys!

Please keep everything I'm about to tell you

locked away within your mind alone.

All right. Relax and speak freely.
I'm the tight-lipped type.

I came here in a time machine,
from roughly years in the future.

Th-The future?! Twenty years?!

Yes. My name is Trunks.

The reason why I carry Saiyan blood

is because I am the son
of Vegeta-san over there.

Y-You're really Vegeta's son?!

Now that you mention it,
there is a resemblance.

He's your old man, huh?

I was born two years from now.

Wow, I'm stunned.

But I did not come here in the
time machine to tell you that.

There is something very important
that I would like you to know.


In three years from this time,
on May th, at about : a.m.,

on an island about kilos
southwest of Metro South,

a fearsome duo is going to appear.

They will be monsters, possessing powers

unthinkable for anything of this world.

Who are they? Aliens?

No. They are Artificial Humans,
born of this Earth--

otherwise known as cyborgs.

The one who created them

was a former mad scientist of
the Red Ribbon Army, Doctor Gero.

Red Ribbon Army? You mean the
Red Ribbon Army that I wiped out?


The army itself was crushed by you, long ago.

However, Doctor Gero survived,
and continued his research.

For what reason? Was the usual
"world domination" his goal?

I don't really know for sure,

but I think that's what
Doctor Gero was after, at least.

But the Artificial Humans he created

as the ultimate k*lling machines...

... ended up k*lling Doctor Gero,
the one who gave them life.

Which is to say, the Artificial Humans,

who delight in nothing but
slaughter and destruction,

were all that remained.

If you, the Super Saiyan who
k*lled Freeza in the blink of an eye,

call these things monsters,
they must really be something.

Yes. I have faced off against them,

but unfortunately, since there were two of them,

even one-on-one, it was all
I could do just to get away.

Hold on. if there's two of them,

who else is on your side?

No one.

years from now, I am
the only warrior remaining.

In the battle three years
from now, my father, Vegeta,

Kuririn-san, Yamucha-san, Tenshinhan-san,

Chaozu-san, Piccolo-san...

... all got k*lled.

Son Gohan-san barely escaped with his life.

Gohan-san was the teacher
who taught me how to fight,

until, four years ago...

As you are aware, with Piccolo-san dead,

the Dragon Balls are gone, as well,

and no one was able to come back to life.

They're too strong! They're just too strong!

Hold on! What about me?
What happened to me?

Did they get me, too?

You did not fight.

A short time from now,
you will be stricken with an illness.

You will then die from it.

It is a viral heart disease.

Not even a Super Saiyan
could beat out this illness.

What a bummer. Not even senzu
beans work against this illness?

Damn, I'm gonna die, huh?

Aw, man, I want to fight these guys!

Do you really regret not being able to fight?

Have you no fear?

Sure I'm afraid.

These guys are crazy strong, right?
I wanna give them a shot!

You truly are a genuine Saiyan warrior.

Exactly the sort of man my mom
and Gohan-san said you were.

When the symptoms appear, take this.

What is it?

Your medicine. it is an
incurable disease in this era,

but in years, there is a wonder drug for it.

With that medicine, you will
be able to pull through.

Really? Hooray! Geez, why didn't
you say so in the first place?!

The truth is, it's wrong for me to
do this-- change history like this.

But given the history that it is...

I have faith that you will
be able to do something.

That's all my mom hoped for, as well,

as she worked so hard to finally
complete the time machine.

H-Hold on a minute.

Sh-She made your time machine?
D-Don't tell me your mommy is...

Yes, right over there.


How long are they going to gab?!
This is getting on my nerves!

It looks like Son-kun just fell over from surprise.

Wow, that's the most surprising thing of all!

I thought for sure that Bulma
would settle down with Yamucha,

but Vegeta, of all people...

Apparently, um, she got fed up
with Yamucha-san two-timing her,

and they broke up.

Oh, what's the matter?

When she did, she saw my
father looking so lonesome,

and apparently, it was a
spur-of-the-moment thing.

But they never got married, my mom
being the way she is, and all...

Wow, I had no idea.

Well, that does sound like her,
now that you mention it.

My father died before I could remember him,

so I was thrilled to meet him
for the first time earlier.

It looks like he's looking over here.

It kind of looks like he's smiling.

Um, please keep that part
especially secret, okay?

If you say anything, and things
get awkward between them,

then my very existence will be wiped out.

Yeah, I got it, I got it!

Well, I will excuse myself now.

I'd like to hurry back and
reassure my mom in the future.

Yeah. Tell her thanks a bunch for this!

I sure hope that future is changed.

Right. Knowing your strength,
Goku-san, I now have a little hope.

Will I ever see you again?

I don't know. it takes a long time
to obtain the energy required

for the time machine to make a round trip.

If I'm still alive after that,
I'll definitely come to help.

Three years from now.

You stay alive. You've got a good objective.

I'll train good and hard for these
three years, with that in mind.

Hey, he's taking off!

Now then, what do I do?

I wonder how I'm gonna
explain this to everyone.


Goku, what did he say?

Ah, er, well...

... it ain't anything that important.

Start talking. This is something
very important for all of us.

Piccolo, you could hear us?

My sense of hearing is a little
different from the rest of you.

What's so important?

Tell us.

Uh, w-well...

if it's too hard for you to do it, I'll tell them.

Y-Yeah, but...!

Don't worry. I won't say anything
that would wipe out his existence.

But we shouldn't have to get k*lled

because we didn't do any decent training.

Piccolo told the others everything,

while managing to leave the
mystery about Trunks intact.

As might be expected, no one
was able to conceal their shock.

I-It kind of sounds far-fetched, doesn't it?

A time machine?

If you don't want to believe it,
then fine. Go ahead and goof off.

I'm going to train. I don't want to die, after all.

W-What's that?

Dad, you are the strong, proud, stern,

as well as lonesome, man
that Mom said you were.

Please don't die.

Young Mom, you hang in there, too.

I-I'm going to train.

I will, too.

Damn it! I am definitely going
to survive in three years!

After delivering the bombshell news,

the mysterious youth departed.

Will there really be a fearsome pair
that appears in three years?

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

Heya! I'm Goku!

So these Artificial Human monsters
are gonna show up in three years?

With that established,
let's knuckle down and get training!

Don't get too cocky, Kakarrot!
I swear, someday, I will surpass you!

Yeah. I'm gonna get a
whole bunch stronger, too.

I'm looking forward to it!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Goku's New Move, Instantaneous Movement!
Special Training for Three Years Hence."

I will go beyond even Super Saiyan!
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