02x31 - Son Goku Finally Arrives! Knock the Ginyu Special-Squad Around" / "Goku Arrives At Last! Take Down the Ginyu For

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x31 - Son Goku Finally Arrives! Knock the Ginyu Special-Squad Around" / "Goku Arrives At Last! Take Down the Ginyu For

Post by bunniefuu »

We have arrived on Planet Namek.

Cleared to disembark. Opening door.

I have to find the three of them quick.

Be alive, Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma!

There's one over there...

...and one over there...

How can this be? There are guys
with enormous Ki all over the place.

Gohan! And Kuririn is in bad shape, too!

Both of them are on the verge of dying!

They're right next to where those
three huge Ki are grouped together.

I'll be right there. Sit tight.

It's time to show off the results of
my training at -times gravity!

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Son Goku Arrives At Last!
Rout the Ginyu Special Corps."

K-Kakarrot, you bastard, are you finally here?


Here, Gohan. it's a senzu bean. Eat it.

Gohan! Hey, Gohan!

It ain't no use. His neck is broken,
and he's barely alive.

All right, it's okay. Daddy will feed it to you.

What? Hey, hey, hey, hey, who are you?

Are you friends of those punks?

I'm just going to force it down, okay?

Oh, can you stand up?

F-Father! You're here?!

Hey! That kid was almost dead!

What did he do?

Are you okay, Gohan?

Father, be careful! That guy is...

Hang on, Gohan.

I've got to give a senzu bean to Kuririn, too.


You really went through the mill, huh, Gohan?

Yes. I was powerless to do anything.

Why has Vegeta taken
such tremendous damage?

H-He got beaten up by
that pineapple-headed guy,

with the incredible strength he has.


Kuririn, sorry to keep you waiting.

Here's a senzu bean.

I don't know whether to be happy, or sad...


He recovered, too.

W-What in the world is going on?

Goku, you can tell, can't you,
how strong they are?

I may be all better now,
thanks to the senzu bean,

but we're just gonna get beat up again.

Not even you stand a chance, Goku.

Their strength is a whole
other order of magnitude.

Even Vegeta was powerless to--

Oh, yeah, right...

Now that you mention it,
why did they attack Vegeta?

Ain't they on the same side?

Yeah, apparently, they used
to be on the same side, but...

You don't have to talk.
Let me probe around for myself.


Oh, I get it.

I understand now.

Like why you two have so much more
power now, and how Bulma is okay.

About the Dragon Balls being taken from you,

and about Freeza, and these guys, too.

Y-You're kidding, right?!
How do you know these things?!

Dunno. I just got the feeling
that if I did this, I'd know.

Vegeta seems to be the
same old nasty character,

but whatever the circumstances,
he saved your lives, didn't he?

W-When did you gain that ability?

Only one senzu bean left, huh?


Go ahead and eat that!

Hey, that was the last one, right?! Why...!?

M-My body...!

T-That was stupid!

Are you planning to heal him,
and fight them as a foursome?!

That's not going to help!

That ain't what I'm doing.

I want to settle the score
with him later, on Earth.

Settle the score later? You mean...


I'm gonna take care of these guys by myself.

T-Take care of them by yourself?!


You're going to take care
of us by yourself, you say?

You're one strange dude.

W-What is he thinking?
He hasn't gone mad, has he?

He can't win, no matter what he does.

What's come over you, Father?

Make this at least a little entertaining, all right?

Hey! What's this maggot's battle power?!

He really is a maggot.

He's only around , !

Aw, that's disappointing.
You're just a big blowhard, are you?

This is strange, all right.
Why is he so unusually calm?

Doesn't he realize his opponent's ability?

That can't be so. But then...

I don't sense the least
bit of bloodlust from him.

I-It couldn't be...! That bastard is...?

Hey, now, is something the matter with you?

What can you hope to do
with such a puny battle power?

Huh? This guy's crazy, all right.

He's about to get himself k*lled,
and yet he's smiling.

You can't beat me.

I can tell that without even fighting you.

Of all the things you could have said!

Hey, did you hear that?! This maggot
just told the biggest whopper!

He really has gone crazy.

He never used to boast like that.

You don't suppose Father doesn't
realize his opponent's power, do you?

I-It couldn't be...
No, that would be impossible...

That lower-class warrior, Kakarrot...

...couldn't possibly become
a legendary Super Saiyan!

I can't afford to stand around here anymore

and listen to the jests of a half-wit like you.

I'll shut you up forever, in the blink of an eye!

I-It's said that a Super Saiyan
appears once in a millennium.

A Super Saiyan, who overcomes barriers

that even the most gifted warriors
can't conquer. I-it can't be...!

That's just a ridiculous bit of folklore.

A-And even if the legend is real,

I'm the only one who has the
potential to become a Super Saiyan!

Okay... are you ready for this?

Ginyu Special Corps! ReaCoom!



H-He vanished!

W-What the...?


H-Hey, what just happened?


W-Why, you...!

W-When did you get here?!

Ah! He's all the way over there!

It looks like Vegeta is the only one
who followed Goku over there.

Did he see him move just now?

You guys are in league with
that bad guy Freeza, right?

If you act now, you can get
away without being hurt.

You should get out of here.


You little bastard. You seem pretty
secure in your speed, at least.

But no matter how long you fight,
you'll never win by running away!

All right, if that's how you want it,
I'll reveal my ace-in-the-hole!

It won't matter how fast and nimble you are!

After all, the whole area around me, ReaCoom,

is gonna get blown away!

T-This will show us what
Kakarrot's real merits are.

I'll send all four of you into
the next world with this one!




...Miracle Attack!!

Sorry about that.

You left yourself wide open,
and I couldn't help myself.

Sorry, sorry.

Y-Y-You little punk...

Did Father defeat him?

You've gotta be kidding, right?

I don't care if he did catch him
off-guard, he knocked off the guy

that Vegeta, you and I couldn't faze,
no matter how we att*cked him,

with just one blow...

W-What's going on here?! ReaCoom's been...

Th-That attack couldn't
have been much of anything!

D-Damn it all...

Th-That was no ordinary attack
just now. You can't fool my eyes!

I-It was a devastatingly heavy blow.

He has clearly surpassed
the Saiyan fighting level.

How the hell did he do it?
What kind of training did he do?

I-Is the legend true? Is he a Super Saiyan?

What will it be, you guys?

Are you gonna go on back
to the world you came from?

Or do you want to be clobbered like this guy?

Did you hear that, Butta?
The macho man is dreaming again.

Yeah. Apparently, he has the mistaken idea

that he beat ReaCoom based on his ability.

It was just a weird fluke, paired with
ReaCoom letting his guard down.

Yeah. Of course it was just a coincidence.

His battle power rating barely changed at all.

W-What's the deal with Goku's self-assurance?



The Ginyu Special Corps' Red Magma...


As well as the Blue Hurricane...


So you ain't gonna leave, then?

Here we go!


You keep messing around with us, and--

W-Why, you...!

Whatever you say,

but you guys leave yourselves
way too open, don't you?

W-W-What did you say?!

--You little...!

W-What was that?!

What did he just do?!

A Kiai push...

He sent them both flying with just a Kiai push!

K-Kuririn-san, do you get the feeling

that those two aren't as strong as we thought?

They can't lay a hand on Father.

No, that can't be true.

They have the same amount
of Ki as that ReaCoom guy,

and not even Vegeta could do anything to him.

Maybe it's just that Goku is too strong for them,

and it only looks like they're not so tough.

M-Maybe. But Father's Ki is
so much smaller than theirs.

W-What's going on? His battle
power is unmistakably , .

Kakarrot is no doubt raising
his battle power sharply

in the brief moment when he att*cks.

Probably to avoid consuming
any unnecessary energy.

It's such a brief instant that not
even the Scouters can pick it up.

H-He has a tremendous battle power.

H-How can he have that much power?!

This is pissing me off!

I will not let that two-bit
nothing make a fool out of me!

Hey, Jheese! Let's get him
with the Purple Comet Crush!

Purple Comet Crush, huh? That sounds good.

All right, let's do it, Butta!


Purple Comet Crush!!


What could they all be doing,
while leaving a delicate lady all alone?!

That goes for Son-kun, too!

Saying he got behind schedule
isn't going to cut it with me!

He's got to come and take me back,
as soon as he gets here!

If I stay here too long,
my skin will be damaged,

and my good looks will be ruined!

Oh, man! What is this?!

Well? What happened?!

Th-That bastard...!


What, Butta?

At this point, you use your Crusher Ball on him.

With his speed, he'll probably
dodge it and run away.

What are you going to do?

Isn't that obvious? While he's
desperately trying to escape,

I'm gonna slam him from the back.

I don't care how fast he is, my speed
is the fastest in the universe!

All right.

But why should we have to,
against that scum?!

Damn it!



Now, come to me!

Well?! Why don't you get out of the way?!

He deflected it!

D-Damn you!

Damn it, where did he go?!

Behind you, Butta!


--W-When did he get behind me?!

Behind me, who boasts the
greatest speed in the universe!

Well, maybe you're second greatest now.

H-How is this possible?

Not only did he deflect my
Crusher Ball, he got behind Butta!

It's like I'm having a nightmare!

Who are you?!

A Saiyan, raised on Earth... or so I'm told.

Don't you mess with me! How can
a Saiyan have that much speed?!

How am I supposed to know?

Must be all of my intense training, right?

But then, you won't be able
to beat me with only speed!

Not if you keep zipping around like that!

After you can't run anymore
and your movements slow down,

that's when you die, you little...!

Damn it! I'm not gonna let a
member of the Ginyu Special Corps

be mocked by a lightweight like you!

It's all you can do just to dodge me!
I could defeat you at any moment!

I'm not so sure.

What did you do that for?!

What about you?! What were you looking at?!

--Why, you...!
--Why, you...!

L-Look, this is no time for us to
fight between ourselves, right?


You want me to show you?

How there's more to me than just speed?


Goku displays overwhelming strength!

His charge to victory continues.

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

That Ginyu guy is no lightweight!

Because of you, the Special Corps'
Special Fighting Pose is ruined!

You'll pay for that! I, Commander Ginyu,
am going to take you on!

Okay then, I'll fight like I mean it!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Star Player Appears?!
Commander Ginyu vs. Son Goku."

Don't miss my Ultra Fighting Pose!
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