02x27 - A Hair-Trigger Pinch! Gohan, Protect the Four Star Ball" / "A Touch-and-Go Situation! Gohan, Protect the Four-St

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x27 - A Hair-Trigger Pinch! Gohan, Protect the Four Star Ball" / "A Touch-and-Go Situation! Gohan, Protect the Four-St

Post by bunniefuu »

Vegeta's counterattack commenced
before Kuririn and Bulma's eyes.

I-I was just following Freeza-sama's orders...

Let me go...

After all the time you've
spent pushing me around,

don't you dare go asking anything for yourself!

I-I know... Let's team up together...

if we do that...

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"A Touch-and-go Pinch!
Gohan, Protect the Si Xing Qiu Ball."

if we could defeat Freeza just by
teaming up, it would be too easy.

Now then...

I don't know how you did it,

but you seem to have raised
your battle power somewhat

beyond what it was on Earth, haven't you?

However, it still isn't at the level

where you could fight me
as an equal. What will it be?

I don't suppose you feel like
quietly handing over that Ball?

I-I doubt it would do any good
to make any promises with you,

but if I give this to you, will you
leave without making any trouble?

A promise, huh? Well, all right.

As long as I get the Dragon Ball,

there's no sense in playing
around with you guppies.

Y-You mean it?

Don't push it. Hand it over
before I change my mind,

unless you really do want to get k*lled.


You guys are lucky.

I'm in a good mood, because
I've found all seven Balls.

Now I'll be the one to rule
the universe, instead of Freeza.

I am going to gain eternal life.

Kuririn-kun, you gave it to him
pretty readily, considering, huh?

And after all the trouble you went
through to get that Dragon Ball, too.

He said that was the last one,
so it's all over now.

If I hadn't given it to him,
he definitely would have k*lled us.

It's near-miraculous that
the two of us are still alive.

Besides, it was probably safe
to let him have that Ball.

The Dragon Ball that Gohan went looking for

has to be the one that Vegeta hid,

to keep that Freeza bastard
from getting all seven of them.

Oh, yeah! Gohan-kun has to have
found that Dragon Ball by now,

and is now headed this way, right?

That means that things didn't go
the way Vegeta planned, did they?

Mm-hmm... so long as Vegeta
doesn't find Gohan, that is.

Something's coming from directly ahead!

It's a very strong Ki!


Hmm? Suddenly, I sense a strong
battle power, directly ahead.

Have to mask my Ki!

Its presence just vanished! impossible!

I know it was around here.

Vegeta, hurry up and get out of here!

Who's there?! Come on out!
I know you're out there!

Show yourself now, or I'll
blow this entire area away!

He wouldn't!

What are you waiting for? Huh?!

All right, maybe it would be better
to jump out and fight Vegeta.

But then...

Gohan, there's no way we can
stand against Vegeta right now.

Sure enough, I've got to protect this Dragon Ball.

You're not going to come out, are you?

All right!

As you wish! I'll blow you away!



Please, don't let him find this.

I-It's me!

Kakarrot's son, huh? I wouldn't
have thought that was possible.

Those other earthlings were here, though.

It's no surprise that you'd be here, too.

A Dragon Ball!

D-Don't tell me that's...!

Hmph, this? it was a present,
from that slick-headed friend of yours.

Y-You k*lled Kuririn-san, didn't you?!

I can still go back there again
and k*ll him, if you want me to.

Be grateful. To celebrate getting
all the Dragon Balls together,

I let him live.

A-All of the Dragon Balls...

Hey, what's that you've got in your hand?

This is a clock!

Hmph, a clock, huh? I'm surprised
that with a scientific capacity

that can't make a clock any smaller than that,

you even got to this world.

Who asked you?!

By the way, is that Kakarrot bastard here, too?

No, he isn't! We didn't know there
would be bad men like you here!

Hmph, is that right?

That's a shame, isn't it?

The three of us are the last of the Saiyans.

Listen, when you get back to Earth,
give him a message for me.

Tell him I'll be coming to Earth soon,

and this time, I'll blow him
and the Earth away for sure.

You must be missing your
mother's milk by this time.

Hurry on back to Earth, now.

T-T-That hurt...


...the Dragon Ball is safe.


...me... ha... me...


S-Senzu... senzu... senzu, senzu...

Whew, I have to be more careful.

I caught a glimpse of the Next World, there.

If I die, I can't train, or nothing else.

I'll get there in a little more than two days.

Well, guess I'll keep at it for a while longer.

Damn... isn't he here yet?

Kuririn-kun, I collapsed the
house back into a Capsule.

Isn't Gohan-kun here yet?

I-I still don't see him.

You don't think Vegeta found him, do you?

Vegeta knows about this place now.

We have to change locations, fast!

What could Gohan be doing?! Hurry! Hurry!


He's here!

Kuririn-san, I found this!

You did it! We've been waiting for that!

Gohan-kun, way to go!

Gohan, I'll explain things later,

but we have to get away from here,
fast, or we could be in hot water.

I've got a pretty good idea.
I was spotted by Vegeta, too.

But I managed to hide the Dragon Ball,

so I got away without him finding it.

You got pretty lucky, too, huh?

Kuririn-kun, Gohan-kun,
let's just hurry out of here!


This is the lake. This is where
I submerged the Dragon Ball.

Once I get it out of here...

I'll have all seven Dragon Balls together.

Take that, Freeza! As of this moment,
the entire universe is mine!

That's strange. I'm sure
it sunk right around here.

It's gone! Impossible!

I-It was him!

The spot where I ran into that kid

was exactly midway between here
and the cave those earthlings were at!

That miserable brat!

But how did he find the Dragon Ball?

This is a clock!

That was no clock! It was a radar!

Damn it...!

You earthling punks!

Mess with me, will you?! You'll pay for this!

Damn it all!

Damn it all!!

Where are you, you punks?!
Get out here, or you'll be sorry!

Damn it! You're gone, are you?!

Damn it, I can't sense their presence, either.

Those punks can control their
presence all the way down to zero.

I can't find them like this.

You miserable earthlings!
That was an insolent stunt you pulled!

But then, they're also sure to come after

the six Dragon Balls that I have at some point.

And when they do...

it's all right. He won't find us here.

Hold on, I can't even set up the house
in a place this narrow, you know!

Please, don't ask the impossible.

There aren't going to be very
many caves like that last one here.

Just tough it out until
Father gets here, Bulma-san.

So until Son-kun gets here,

a lady like me is going to have to stay here,

in a place that doesn't even
have a bathroom, with you two?

Oh, you don't have to worry about that.

I'm going to be taking Gohan with me,

and heading back to where the Grand Elder is.

Huh? Why is that?

What is this?! You mean you're going
to be leaving me here by myself?!

Please, just bear with us.
Once Gohan sees the Grand Elder,

it's possible that he might become
strong enough to rival even Vegeta!

He sure is taking his time.

What has Zarbon-san been
doing these past few days?

Seeing as how he has not returned,

he has either fled, or been k*lled.

If I had known it would be like this,

I would have brought the Ginyu
Special Corps along from the start.

Damn it.

If that device the kid was carrying

really is something that can find Dragon Balls...

...I can't be too careful about leaving this spot.

Those guys want these six.

I'll just have to wait for
them to make their move.

Freeza appears to be pretty frustrated.

I knocked out the engine of his spaceship,

which means he's stuck here.

Confounded Vegeta...!

W-What is with these
earthquakes that just started up?

Oh, brother, I can't take
any more of this crazy planet!

Even supposing he called for
someone to bring more Scouters,

at best, it will take a few days for them to arrive.

I have to settle this before then.

If I can just achieve eternal
life with the Dragon Balls,

then depending on my tactics,
I'm sure I can defeat Freeza!

Now, when he doesn't have
any Scouters, is my chance!

Damn it, at this speed, it will
take us quite a while to reach him.

But if we use any more Ki than this,

that bastard Vegeta will find us for sure.

He seems to have gotten even stronger.

As it stands, even if we both went
at him, there's no way we'd win.

But then, are you sure I have the kind
of power that would rival Vegeta's?

I don't think I do.

Nah, I had this much dormant power.

So I think that we can
expect quite a lot out of you,

with your Saiyan blood.

More likely than not.


All right...







That was a close one!

But then, my body has gotten a lot tougher.


We've just received a message
from the Ginyu Special Corps!

They are just passing by -YX,
and should be arriving shortly.


They are finally about to arrive, are they?

Seeing as how, fortunately,
nothing has happened,

it would appear that Vegeta
was unable to collect

all seven of the Dragon Balls.

Never forget, once the Ginyu
Special Corps brings those Scouters,

I will be able to find you anywhere.

Just who are the Ginyu Special Corps,
who are about to arrive?

Their fearsome identity is about to be revealed.

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Hmph, looks like I've gotten
so strong, it amazes even me.

Just you wait, guys. I'll arrive on
Planet Namek in one more day.

Huh? But there are some
other Ki headed this way,

and they'll get here before you do, Father.

Freeza, you bastard! You wouldn't!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Super Showdown Approaches!
The Ginyu Special Corps Now Arrives!"

I've got a bad feeling about this.
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