02x25 - Kuririn's Power-Up! The Foreboding Squirming of Freeza" / "Power Up, Krillin! Frieza's Mounting Apprehension!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x25 - Kuririn's Power-Up! The Foreboding Squirming of Freeza" / "Power Up, Krillin! Frieza's Mounting Apprehension!

Post by bunniefuu »

The fair warrior Zarbon made
a menacing transformation.

Vegeta was overcome by his fearsome power.

Meanwhile, Kuririn was racing to the Grand Elder.

I-I won't let anyone have the Dragon Balls!

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Power Up, Kuririn!
Freeza's Writhing Apprehension."

There it is. You can see that tall rock there, right?

That's it?

That was a long way.

The Grand Elder is inside that house.

I'm surprised it's still here.
As conspicuous as this place is,

it's only a matter of time
before the bad guys find it.

He hasn't been done in already, right?

He couldn't be...

Nail-san! Thank goodness! You're all right, then!

H-He looks just like Piccolo!

I'm glad you made it here, Dende, and the visitor.

The Grand Elder already knows
the gist of what's going on.

Then the Grand Elder sees what is happening?

That saves us the trouble
of explaining everything.

Both of you, come inside.
The Grand Elder will see you.

U-Um, if you already know
roughly what is going on,

w-why haven't you left such
a dangerous place as this?

The Grand Elder has grown too old.
He knows that his death is near.

There was nothing else we could do

but let him remain here while I protect him.

I'd heard he was near his end,
but I didn't know it was so serious.

Come, inside.

This guy can handle himself.

Compared to the other Namekians,
I sense remarkable power from him.

Up above.


Grand Elder, Dende, and a visitor.

H-He's huge!

Welcome. You are an earthling, right?

First, I would like to express my
gratitude for saving my child, Dende.

Thank you.

Er, not at all. I-l wasn't able to do all that much.


I'm maxed out... I've gotta rest for a bit...

Still, I've mastered -times gravity
a lot sooner than I thought.

Looks like my duel with Vegeta
wasn't entirely for nothing, huh?

Because of those villains,

most of my children on
this world have been k*lled.

It grieves me.

They seem to be after the
Dragon Balls, don't they?


I never imagined that those globes of hope,

a testament to the wisdom
and power of the Namekians,

would bring this about.

Forgive me for coming right to the point,

but could I ask you to let me
borrow that Dragon Ball

above your head for a short while?

I will never give it to those guys. I promise.

You are collecting the Dragon Balls, too, are you?

Yes. I want to bring my fallen friends back to life.

I would like to request it, as well.

Grand Elder, if these people's
friends return to life,

they might be able to put down those evil men.

How do you know about the Dragon Balls?

We had them on Earth, as well.

You what?!

Long ago, during the crisis on this world,

there was a Namekian who fled to Earth.

He created our Dragon Balls.

Ah, yes, I remember now.
That was the child of Katattsu.

What a surprise. To think that
he safely arrived on Earth.

He was a gifted Dragon-type child,
who could create Dragon Balls.

He was also k*lled,
along with the rest of our friends,

by a Saiyan named Vegeta, who has come here.

The Saiyans are indeed formidable.
That poor child prodigy...

That Saiyan wouldn't happen
to be a Super Saiyan, would he?

W-What is that?

G-Gentleman from Earth,
could I ask you to come over here?


Please allow me to explore
a little of Earth's past.


Oh, my goodness! Evil entered into him,
and his body was split into two.

So in order for him to become Kami,

he could not have even
the slightest evil sentiment.

As a result, the evil Piccolo was born.

However, it is a pity.

Imagine, him halving his
prodigious inborn powers like that.

If he had become one again,
like he originally was,

he may have made it through without dying.

O-One again?

Well, I suppose it's all right.
Your desires are pure, after all.

Your courage up to now is greatly esteemed.

I shall give you this Dragon Ball.


Thank you very much.

So this is an original Dragon Ball.

It sure is big.

However, your wish is not likely to be granted.

Why not?

Unfortunately, my life will
only last a few more days.

Can you steal the balls

already gathered by those villains in that time?

More than likely, it will be
quite impossible. Once I die...

Grand Elder!

...the Dragon Balls will also be extinguished.

It's all right! We have no choice!

For the time being, I will protect
this Dragon Ball with my life!

It's far better than letting those
guys have eternal life, after all.

If you'd be so kind. I no longer
have the strength to protect it.

I'll make sure to!

You possess exceptional power.

It's a shame you still have
so much power left dormant.

Dormant power?

Allow me to release that power.

No way, I couldn't have that kind of power left.

I've trained quite extensively, after all...

Even now, I'm beyond my limits!

Please find a way to somehow
escape their clutches.

The power... the power...!

The power is starting to gush forth!


U-Unbelievable! it feels like I've been reborn!

Thank you very much!

U-Um... can you call forth anyone's power?

Like say, from a small child?

It is possible for anyone, as long
as they have dormant power.

If you do this too much, will it shorten your life?

All I do is provide the trigger.

It has nothing to do with my lifespan.

W-Would it be all right if I brought
another one of my friends here?

He's sure to have an enormous
amount of dormant power.

Then bring him here.

The more powerful people we have
on the side of right, the better.

Right! I will bring him here right away!

U-Um, what about this?

Please take it with you.

I leave the future of this world,
and the universe, in your hands.

Dende, you wait here.
I'll be right back with Gohan.

P-Please be careful.


This is awesome! Who'd have
thought I had this kind of power?

I should be able to pick up Gohan
in just a few hours like this!

H-How can this be?

A village that we haven't att*cked
yet has already been wiped out!

If I submerge this Dragon Ball here,
no one will be able to find it.

I have to get that Dragon Ball
back, no matter what...

What happened? Who did this to you?

T-The Saiyan took our Dragon Ball...

it was Vegeta, all right.

T-The Dragon Ball...

Die already, will you?

Freeza-sama, it is Zarbon.


Did you find a village?

No. As of this moment,
I have not found any villages,

but I did defeat Vegeta.

Ho, did you? Then Zarbon-san, you transformed?

The first time in a long while?

--Yes, sir.
--So, is Vegeta dead?

Well, I did not exactly check for his corpse,

but if, by some slim chance, he is still alive,

he would be gravely injured.

Why did you not confirm that he was dead?!

W-Well, Vegeta was
submerged under the water, so...

You could have gone under the water, correct?

You failed to confirm that he was
dead because you dislike getting wet.

Also, you were rash to have k*lled
him right away in the first place.

What if Vegeta has concealed a
Dragon Ball from us someplace?

I-I am terribly sorry. I will go check at once.


I have discovered a village!

H-However, the village has
already been wiped out!

What did you say?

I think it was most likely the work of Vegeta.

Then he does have a
Dragon Ball somewhere after all!

There was one villager still alive,
but I disposed of him at once.

Then you k*lled our one and only witness?


I dislike hasty, unwise
actions more than anything.

If Vegeta is dead, then you had
better prepare yourself, as well.

Bring Vegeta back here at once.

This time, you should set your
hopes on him being alive.


Yes, sir?

Contact Planet Freeza,

and inform the Ginyu Special Corps
that they are to report here.

And needless to say, tell them
to bring Scouters, as well.

They should arrive in five days.


F-Freeza-sama, why bring in
the Ginyu Special Corps?

Forgive me for saying so,

but I believe that there is
absolutely no reason to call them in.

I am getting an unusual foreboding.

W-What kind of foreboding?

I have considered this for a little while now,

but I have gotten the feeling that
a powerful Saiyan has grown up,

who will become my enemy in time.

At first, I thought it was Vegeta,
but it would seem that I am wrong.

A-Are you sure you aren't imagining things?

As far as Saiyans go, except for Vegeta,

there is only that what's-his-name
on Earth, and his son.

And their battle powers are
supposed to be lower than Vegeta's.

Are you telling me that
my foreboding is misplaced?

--N-No, sir!
--Never mind that.

I would like you to bring
Vegeta back here at once.

Y-Yes, sir!

The Ginyu Special Corps...

Saiyans do indeed appear to
possess fathomless battle power.

Every time they battle, it rises greatly.

Of course, they are no match for me,

but thinking ahead to the future,

I have to nip this in the bud now, while I can.

It would be most inopportune if
one of them became a Super Saiyan.

I slept pretty good. I wonder
how long I was asleep.

It's no use! I'm so worn out, I can't move at all!

Damn it...

I am not... going to die...!

W-What's this? He's still alive?

You're a tough one.

But then, this time, it's because
you're tough that I'll be spared.

We're going to treat you. You're lucky.

Say, Gohan-kun, look at this!

One of the Dragon Balls started moving.

It's coming straight toward us.

Could that be Kuririn-kun?

That must be it! Hooray!

I'm sure he saw the Grand Elder, and got his ball!

Hold on a second. Then what
is this other one, here?

These five here are probably the
ones that that Freeza guy has, right?

But look, there's one right here, all alone.

Huh? You're right, and it's close to here.

Let's see... in that direction, right?

We said that Vegeta was
attacking a village, remember?

It's in that direction!

B-But Vegeta isn't there.

I can't sense his Ki.

I get it! He att*cked the village,

but wasn't able to find the Dragon Ball!


He must have figured it wasn't there,
and went off someplace else.

Please let me borrow the Radar.
I'm going to go get that Dragon Ball.

Way to go! We caught a bit of luck, ourselves!

--His condition is quite serious, sir.

His vital signs are extremely weak,

and even if he completely
recovers from his injuries,

I can't be sure he'll ever regain consciousness.

Bring him around, no matter what it takes!

Do everything possible for him! Got it?!

Y-Yes, sir.

Otherwise, it will mean my life.

Great, great! Now's my chance!

I don't sense the Ki of anyone scary nearby!

The scramble for the Dragon Balls
becomes more and more chaotic.

Who will be the one who laughs last?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Who's got how many of the
Namekian Dragon Balls now?

Freeza has five of them. Kuririn-san has one.

If we can find the last one,
we'll have a chance, too!

I'm the one whom luck is favoring!

Zarbon, I'll get you back for
beating me half to death!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Scheme is Shattered!
Vegeta Strikes Back at Zarbon."

I'm just about ready to try -times gravity!
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