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01x06 - Building a Mystery

Posted: 02/28/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Way Home.

When a new family member
was born,

they would add the name
to the list, and when they died,

they would write down the date,
close the book and move on.

Wherever we end up,
let's promise

to meet at the Roxy, on this date.

A certain wayward son

- decided not to show up...
- Okay, okay!

I needed to be held.
I needed to be kissed.

I've been waiting for Jacob
to walk through that door

for years,
and he's not coming home.

What if I could just
talk to him, you know?

Warn him somehow.

(soft music)




Haven't you been working
long enough?

Um... no. No, no, no. I'm okay.

Well, I'm gonna head home.

Okay. I'm just going to...

work a little bit longer.

- Well, don't forget to...
- Lock the doors on my way out.

Yes, I will, don't worry.

I'll see you tomorrow.

- Good night.
- Good night, Byron.


(eerie music)

I'm eight.
I want to ride alone.

Wait for us here
when you get off, okay?

Jacob? Where are you?!



(soft enchanted music)


Look. I found two
black stones.

(indistinct chatter)


So, I've been invited
to this party next weekend.

And I was wondering
if you wanted to come with.

I don't know.

Do you want me to?

I wouldn't invite you
if I didn't want you to.

Nick... what are we doing?

What do you mean?

I mean, like...

How do you feel about me?

You know how I feel.

- Do I?
- Yeah!

I'm into you, like big time.

What about for a long time?

You don't have to answer that.


That's cool.


- (sighing)
- What's wrong?


It's a beautiful day
and we're at the beach.

I'm trying to give
you two some time here.

So why aren't you taking it?

I don't know... It's just...

What's the point?

Nick is so unreliable.

He never shows up
when he says he will.

What didn't he show up for?

It's stupid. Whatever.

I just wish things could
stay the same.

(children laughing)

Those two are ridiculous.

Jacob! Danny!
Stay away from the water!

I'm gonna win!

(children screaming)

So, I just wanted you to know,

I'm holding a vote to bring
the Fall Carnival back.

I didn't want it
to blindside you.

You know I'm sensitive
to your feelings.

But it's time.
Del, call me, please?

(eerie music)


Do you believe this?

I mean, Monica thinks
she's the Queen Bee

now that she's head of
the Business Association.

How dare she do this
knowing everything

that you've been through?

Those Carnival posters
are plastered all over town.

Yes. And like I said,
who wants it? Right?

Good morning, Ali.

(door closing)

Do you have any more
bushel baskets, Del?

Do you need more?

I haven't had a chance
to order any.

I was gonna make another
delivery to the co-op.

- But...
- (phone ringing)

Hi, Byron. Um, look...

I can't talk right now.
Can I call you back? Okay.

Are you putting Byron
off again, are you?

Didn't feel like talking
right now, that's all.

I could use
your help out there...

- No, I just...
- (overlapping chatter)

I don't know. I saw you two
at the retirement party.

You were looking pretty cozy.

Okay, Rita, please.

- I'm just saying.
- Alright! Enough!

Is it too much to ask
for a little quiet?

Some solitude? So that
I can think in my own house?

I'm gonna take my coffee
and I'm going to go outside.

And I hope that's fine
with all of you.


(door closing)

Hey, El, wait.
Hey, I need your advice.

I've got some advice for you.
Not that you would listen.

What's that supposed to mean?

Okay, this is about Brady, isn't it?

Okay, I just want you to know
that whatever between us,

it was a huge mistake.

You know, you are an adult.

You can do whatever.

Yeah. I can.

It's none of my business, Kat.

Elliot! Hey, stop!

Look, I need to talk to you.

Okay? This is really important.

I'm going to save Jacob.

- Kat, we've talked about this.
- But I have a plan, El,

and I really, really
need your help.


I was afraid you didn't
get my message.

I left it days ago.

- I've been busy.
- Look, Del...

I hate to bring this up because

I know how you must feel,

but the Carnival,

this was so good
for our town's economy.

It kept tourists in town
a little bit longer.


Do you remember you?

You were so involved
in the Carnival back then.

You practically organized it.

And you certainly
brought in the most money.


I know where you stand
on this considering...

what you went through.

And I feel for you, I do, but...

What are you trying to say?

A bunch of my posters,
they keep getting ripped down.

And you think it's me?

You're the only one
in this town who has such...

troubled feelings about it.

Ah, Danny... Hi.

I'll go grab those extra
posters for you.

I'm really sorry that you have
to replace the ones that...

keep getting torn down.


Hi, Danny.

How are you?

Good. I'm good.

Look, I just want you to know,

no matter what you hear,

I'm not ripping down
the posters.

You know me.

I would never do
a thing like that.


You take care, hon.

Okay, so I've been piecing
things together,

just figuring out the timelines.

There's an answer here.
I know it.

Okay, so there's two
prevailing theories.

One was that Jacob was taken,
that he was kidnapped.

And then, the other was that
he fell into the ocean

from the cliff.

But I have to consider
all of the possibilities,

even the weird ones,

like the "White Witch" theory.

- That's insane.
- I know,

but local lore exists
for a reason.

And then, there's the mystery
of Jacob's bike.

Brady drove me and Jacob
to the Carnival.

So how did his bike wind up
at the Carnival entrance?

No one has been able
to figure it out.

So... I have to!

But you can't.

Why not?

I'm a journalist.

Right? I do the research.

I follow the leads.

- I glean information and...
- And...?

And I use that information

to save Jacob in the past. Okay?

I'm going back to that day,
the day of the Carnival.

And I'm going to prevent
whatever happened

to Jacob from happening.


What? What? No! What?

How can you possibly expect
to go back

at the exact right time
of the Carnival?

The pond has a mind of its own.

You know what, maybe the pond
wants me to find Jacob?

I mean, it's letting me
time travel.

There must be a reason, El.
I know it.

Kat, please...

It just... it can't be
that simple!

And this...

Honestly, this isn't healthy.

It isn't healthy to forget.

(soft music)



What? Why do you keep
looking at me like that?

Just tell me
what's on your mind.

Dad was here.

You guys spent
a lot of time together.

- Mm-hmm.
- Is there something going on?

No. No.
Nothing is going on.

Fine. What about Elliot?

Was slow dancing with him
part of the chaperone gig?

Look, we were just having fun. Okay?

And wait a minute,
what about you and Spencer?

I mean, you spent a lot of time
with your heads together.

So, you know, is there
anything going on

in your "Boy stuff" world?

Boy stuff? Yeah, no.

Nothing to say on that subject.

Well, if you ever did
wanna talk about anything,

about any boy,
you can talk to me.

You know, I'll just listen.
And I won't judge.

Spencer has a girlfriend,

There you go.
Now we're talking.

That's a great start.

Hey. Dinner's almost ready.

I appreciate it.
It has been quite the day.

- Where did you disappear to?
- Town.

Monica's upset because someone's
tearing down her posters.

Believe me, I've been tempted.

Well, she basically
accused me of vandalism.

She's got everyone
in town thinking

I tore the damn things down.

- Did you?
- Wouldn't blame you if you did.

I didn't touch them.

She's got poor Danny
tacking them back up.

- You remember him.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I've seen him a few times.

He turned into
a nice young man.

Kind of keeps to himself.

(soft music)

We're so sorry, Colton.

Danny and Jacob,
they're the best of friends.

We'll get him home, okay?

Danny, you stay with me.


- (knocking on door)
- Come on in!

- It's me.
- Oh. Hey.

Look, uh...

I'm really sorry about the other
night at the theater party.

It was an emotional evening.

Watching those lights go down
for the last time

nearly broke my heart.

I hope you understand.

You don't need to apologize.

It's not why I'm here.

I'm worried about Kat.

Katherine! Are you there?

(soft music)





What is this?

Are you still writing that book?

- I thought you turned that down.
- I did.

Why? This is madness,

And Byron's says you're going
into the office every evening

and taking things
from the archives.

Not taking.
I was just borrowing, Mom.

First I'm searching
the house, looking for you,

and then, I find this?

Dammit, Katherine!
Let it go!

Don't you think
that I have tried?

But this is Jacob, Mom!

I can't let it go.

And this place, it won't let me.

So I've read and I've reread
all of these articles

and these interviews
and I'm convinced

that there is something
hiding between the lines.

And then, you mentioned
Danny Sawyer.

I mean, don't you remember
how devastated he was

- after Jacob disappeared?
- Of course he was!

What eight-year-old wouldn't be?

Your best friend's not supposed
to just disappear.

Right. But then,
the police questioned him

and he kept
contradicting himself.

So... Look, right here.

That's a police report.
You shouldn't have that!

That's what
a press pass is for.

Look, and then... Danny,
he just kept changing the story.

Right, so...
At first, he tells the police

that he wasn't even there.

And then, he tells
a reporter that...

He was in shock.

- He was in shock!
- Yeah, but I think

there's more to it than that.

There's got to be more
to it than that.

So, I'm gonna go talk to Danny.

You leave that poor man alone.

He was eight years old.
What could he possibly remember?

That's what I'm going
to find out.

Well, if you're going
to go see Danny,

- I'm going with you.
- What? No, no.

No, no, no, I do not think that
that's a good idea.

- I don't care what you think.
- I know him better than you do.

He's easily upset.

You'll probably go in there
like a bull in a china shop

asking cruel
and hurtful questions.

"Cruel and hurtful"?

Is that what you think
a journalist does?


Maybe not, but I bet you do.

(tense music)

So, it's great to see you
back and all.

But... have you seen Nick yet?


He's still being
"unreliable," huh?

Boy, you two make a good pair.

If anyone's unreliable,
it's you!

What? No, I'm not!

And I just saw him...
at the beach, remember?

Alice. That was a month ago.

- A month?!
- Yes. A month.

You said you'd be back soon.

You have a funny
definition of the word.

Okay, um... Sorry.
I'm just confused.

It's fine. Brady's trying
to come for the Fall Carnival.

- You should come with us.
- Wait... The Carnival?

- When is it?
- This weekend.

Dad's finally got the boat
in the water,

so we're all going to go out
in it, watch the fireworks.

Yeah, uh...

Okay, I have to go.

Seriously? Now? Why?

The Carnival
is this weekend, Elliot!

I have to be here.

But we both know I can't stay.

I have to go back.
I have no choice!

Okay. So do that then.

Why is it such a big deal
if you miss the Carnival?

Big whoop!
It's totally lame anyway.

Elliot, please! Okay...

If I don't manage
to get back in time,

promise me that
you'll take care of Jacob!

Okay? Please!


It's complicated. Okay?
But just promise me.

Promise that no matter
what happens,

under any circumstances,

you won't let Jacob out
of your sight at the Carnival,

until I get there.
If I get there.

Okay. I promise.

Okay. Thank you.

(soft music)

Sorry, I wasn't
expecting anyone.

Oh no. That's lovely.

It was nice that you stayed
in the family home

after your parents retired.
How are they?

They're good. Loving Florida.

So, Danny,

thank you for seeing me.
Uh... us.

I just wanted to chat
about what happened,

that day,
when Jacob went missing.

I know that memory
can be a weird thing.

And we understand if you don't
want to go back there.

But if you could just
walk me through some stuff.

I work at the newspaper now.

So I have access
to the archives.

And I read through
a bunch of articles

and police reports
from back then

and I noticed that
your story changed a lot.

Which is understandable.
You were eight years old.

When the police first
interviewed you,

you said that you didn't go
to the Carnival that day.

But then, in a later interview,

you said you were there,
but you didn't see Jacob.

But there were witnesses that
saw the two of you together.

One said that you were fighting.

The other said that they swore

you snuck into one
of the attractions.

So can you tell me what's true?

Give him a chance to think.
It was a long time ago.

Mom, I think maybe I should
talk to Danny... alone.

I would really rather be here,
if you don't mind.

I'm sorry, but yes, I do mind.

I can't... get rid of it.

I dream it.

And I know it's nothing

like you must feel,
like Del must feel.

All those people
asking questions,

especially the police,
they scared me.

And I know
I didn't tell the truth.

I couldn't.

- Why?
- My parents...

I didn't want them to know
I went to the Carnival.

I didn't want to get in trouble.

Why would you have
gotten into trouble?

Because they told me
that I couldn't go.

It was a punishment
for not doing my chores.

Then, it was in all the papers.

There were all these people
saying that they saw me there,

and my parents read the papers,
so they found out anyway.

I went to the Carnival

'cause I knew that Jake
would be there.

Your whole family went.

When I found him,
he had just won a prize,

a big stuffed dog.

We were just having fun.
Like we always did.

So I chased him, and I grabbed
the dog and then I ran.

We ended up at the edge
of the cliff.

Jacob tried to grab it back.
But I...

I threw it over the edge
of the cliff, into the ocean.

It was just a stupid joke.
But he got so mad.

He said he was going to go
over the edge and get it.

And I didn't believe him.
So I double dared him.

And then, I thought
I saw my parents' car.

And I got scared.

I was scared that they were
gonna find out that I was there.

So I ran.


I left him at
the top of the cliff.

And that's the last time
I ever saw him.


All these years,
we could have been looking

in the right spot earlier.

(Danny crying)

Thank you...
for being so honest.

I'm deeply grateful.

I should've stayed with him.

He probably went down the cliff.
He probably slipped and drowned,

and it's because of me!

No, Danny. We will never
know what happened.

But it's done.

You can't let guilt
dictate your life.

We have to move on now.


Okay, so we know
what happened.

I have to go back.
I need to be there.

I have a chance
to relive this again

and maybe change things.

I lived through it with Alice.

- And she tried too.
- She did?

Yeah. But it didn't work.

Because what happened
will always happen.

Okay, but maybe
I'm the outlier, right?

The new factor.

Look, Kat,
I want you to be right.

Okay, then El, please.

Just pretend that I am.


Well, we both know Alice

was there the day
Jacob disappeared.

I kept a log of her visits,
back in .

I've been checking them off,

now that I'm on the other
side of all this.

So where's Alice now?

She's coming up on
the Fall Carnival visit.

In fact, she's there right now.

Just don't get your hopes up!

(indistinct chatter)


Me, Jacob, Brady...

We should be out there
looking for him.


You were there, and now,
you're back?

When was it? What month?

Time jumped a month, Elliot.
A month!

The Carnival's this weekend!

- This weekend...
- I need to go back.

I just need to know when to go.

Back then, I told you
to watch Jacob like a hawk

until I got back.

But then, he still
disappeared. Why?

If I know what went wrong
the first time,

I can fix it this time around.

Just tell me what happened
that day!

Okay. I was supposed
to go to the Carnival

with your mom, Jacob and Brady.

And then, at the last minute,
Brady ditched me.

And then, you showed up.
We were both late.

By the time we got
to the Carnival,

Jacob was already gone.

- What...
- What's happened will always happen.

You keep saying that, but...

That means you'll
always be late.

It's already started, Alice.

- How do you know that?
- I just do.

- So I go back?
- Yeah, go! Now!

(dramatic music)

(carnival music)

It was me. I was here.
I was always here.

(dramatic music)


They've already left without me.

I know you told me
to watch Jacob,

but he already left
with Kat and Brady, so...

So I am late,
just like you said.

What are you talking about?
You're not late.

- It was that idiot Brady.
- Never mind, never mind.

- We can still change this!
- Change what?

Jacob disappears
at the Carnival.

Someone takes him
or something happens,

but he never comes back,
ever, okay?!

We have to do something
about it now!

Are you saying that no one
ever sees him again?

- That's what I'm saying!
- Why didn't you tell me?

Come on!

- Get on!
- Okay!

(bell ringing)


And there he is, folks!

Shall we send him back
to the briny deep?

- Who would like a turn?
- Ah, come on, Del! Have mercy!

Sorry, sweetheart!
Here we go!

- She's not gonna hit it.
- Woo-hoo!


(soft music)

- Prize every time!
- Step right up!

Jacob! Wait! We're going
to go on the Ferris Wheel!

- It's your favorite!
- I want to win a prize first!

Hey, you won a prize.

I sure did.

Remember to hold on tight,

I'm fine.

I could sit with you.

I'm eight.
I want to ride alone.

You got it, partner.
Wait for us here

- when you get off. Okay?
- Yep.

Have fun.

We are on next!

Don't drop your popcorn!


(suspenseful music)


Kat! Kat, my dog!

Kat, I dropped my dog!


(suspenseful music)


Where is he?
I told him to wait for us!

He probably stayed on
for another ride.

I used to always do that.

We'll wait for it to stop

and let people get off, okay?

Jacob? Where are you?

- Jacob!
- Jacob!

- Hey! What's wrong?
- What happened?

I don't know where Jacob is.

He was here.
And now he's gone.

How could you leave me?!

We had a plan!
We would've been together!

Do you have any idea
what you've done?!

Hey, hey! Back off, buddy.
You got left behind.

So what? Doesn't matter.

Maybe he went back
to my mom and dad.

Let's go.

Come on! Let's go.

(soft dramatic music)

Last chance, folks!
All for a good cause.

He's not here. Guys, he's not here.

So let's look for him.

Hey, Jake. Aren't you a little
too old for stuffies?

Give it back, it's mine!
I won it!

Quit it, Danny!

Ha-ha! You can't catch me!

- Hey, kids! Stop!
- Hey.

the haunted forest if you dare!

- Sorry! Sorry!
- Hey! You need a ticket!

(maniacal laughter)


Are you in here?


I don't know what to do!

Look, we have to tell
your parents.

It's too early
to raise an alarm.

No, Kat, listen to me.
Tell your parents, please.

- But why worry them yet?
- She's right.

Jacob's here somewhere.
Let's split up.

One of us is bound to find him.

Excuse me. I'm looking
for my friend's little brother.

- He's about this tall.
- Oh yeah, we saw him.

Ran in there without paying
with his buddy.

- Little brat.
- It makes three today.


- Hey, hey!
- What...

And that makes four.

(maniacal laughter)

Jacob, can you hear me?
It's Alice!


Can you hear me?

Jacob, it's Alice!

(maniacal laughter)


Just slow down.
Hey. hey, hey, hey.

What do you mean,
you lost Jacob?

When we got off
the Ferris Wheel,

he wasn't there.
We looked everywhere.

Okay, listen, split up.

You guys take that end,
we'll go this way.

Excuse me. Have you seen
our son? He's around this tall.

He's eight years old.

He's got on a blue sweatshirt.
Blue jeans...




He's supposed to be here.


(dramatic music)

DANNY: I left him
at the top of the cliff

and that's the last time
I ever saw him.

I'm too late.


Hey. Wait!

Wait, stop!


KAT: Hi.

- Are you alright?
- I'm fine.

Wait! I'm Alice's mom.

You know, Alice...
your sister's friend?

I'm her mom.

Sure. Hi.


I'm going home.

Um... Do you know
where your parents are?

They're here, right?

Why don't we go find them?

No. I just want to go home.

Okay. That's...
that's okay.

Do you mind...
if I walk with you?


Let's get you home.

Kathrin, go home.

- But mom.
- Go home, Jacob might be there.

One of his friends
could've taken him home.

- But what if he's not?
- If he's not, wait for him.

But I want to stay here
and keep searching.

Just listen to your mom
and go home, Kat.

Brady, take her home, please.

Don't worry.
Your mom is right.

You should just go home
and wait for him there. Okay?

- Now.
- Okay.

Fine. Let's go, Brady.

Thank you, honey.

We have to keep searching.
We need to find him.


So, uh...

Alice tells me that you
wanna be a photographer?

I'm already pretty good.

Kat and me,
we're going to be partners.

She's gonna be the star reporter

and I'm going to take
all her photos.

Oh, that sounds like
an amazing plan.

You know, Alice also told me

that your sister loves you
very, very much.

I'll bet that you are
Kat's best buddy, huh?

- Yeah, sure am.
- Yeah.

And you know what, I think
you always will be, Jacob.

In fact, I know it.

Okay. Here we are.

And your sister is in the house.

So I think...
I think you're gonna be safe.

And you know what?
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.

Sure. Later gator.

In a while, crocodile.

(soft music)

(dog barking)

(dog barking)

Well, as you all know,
I own Wally's Chip Wagon.

years and running.

I'm tired of Port Haven turning
into a ghost town in the Fall.

So we need to bring
the carnival back.

That's where my vote's going.

Would anyone else
like to speak?

- (door closing)
- Jacob?


I have something to say.

Of course I have
something to say.

When have I not had
something to say?




I realize what this town
has gone through

since that day in .

I know now more than ever

that I don't carry Jacob's
disappearance alone.

Nothing's changed?

This entire community

was affected by what happened
to my family.

I need to acknowledge that.

And I want you to know
how much I appreciated

and continue to appreciate
your support.

Okay, come on.

Please, please, please...

I don't know what
I would've done without you.

DEL: But we need to heal.
We can't wallow in the past.

And we can't change the past.

We have to focus on the future.

So what I suggest is we vote
to bring the Carnival back.

I firmly believe
it is the best road forward.

The bravest road forward.

So let's take it together.

- (indistinct chatter)
- Aw. Great job.

(soft music)



Hey, bud...


I found it on the beach, Cole.

Get the bowline.
Get the bowline!

(engine starting)


I know you're upset.

This whole thing about
bringing back the Carnival...

All the talk about Jacob...

It's brought back some...
really painful memories.

I'm so sorry.

I couldn't save him.


And I really tried.

I really tried.




(tense music)


I can't find him.

He's... He's gone...


I walked Jacob home.

And I saw him go into the house.

He was safe!

Why didn't it work?

I don't know.



I'm sorry.


We lost him, baby.

It was you... that I saw.

In the mirror?
You were there.

How long have you been
lying to me?

Oh Alice...

- I'm so sorry. Come here.
- No!



(soft music)