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05x12 - We'll All Be Your Strength

Posted: 02/27/23 18:23
by bunniefuu
The Demon King has taken over
the body of Meliodas.

Ban rushes to King and the others,

who struggle
against its overwhelming power.

Ban fights the Demon King
in the present world of Camelot

while Meliodas fight him simultaneously
in the spirit world.

Just as Meliodas despaired
at the Demon King's cruel lies,

someone appeared.

We're all here.


All of you too.

Am I dreaming?

We're real, not a dream.
Although, we are in our spirit forms.

Captain, it's really you, isn't it?


It's the captain I know!

Ban is fighting for you on the outside.

That's right.


Don't give up! We will all support you!

The Seven Deadly Sins…

Why are they able to meddle
with my spirit?


That freak!

You're in for a lot of pain

if you underestimate
the Seven Deadly Sins.

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The Holy w*r, once more!

How the battle over the fate
of Britannia would progress

was something
not even the gods could predict.

But even so, they continue to battle.

They fight to destroy the evil rule

and protect the future
of their loved ones…

Therefore, they are known
as the chosen heroes,

the Seven Deadly Sins!


Gowther, is this your work?

This is the captain's spirit world.

We cannot directly intervene.

So for you all to express your feelings…


What's wrong, Gowther?


Give them their time.

I look older, don't I?
I was in Purgatory for , years.

I like it.


Even I…

What is that power?

Their presence and desires
have granted me power.

You cannot win any longer!

We'll see about that!

In that case…

I'll cut off the source of your power!

-No, you won't!
-No, you won't!

Will the Four Archangels dare
raise a hand to a god?


Even a Human like me…

will raise a hand to you!


Don't interfere in family matters.

Impossible! We cannot evade that!

What pointless posturing…


I shall not lose you once more!
Not my brother! Not my companions!

You won't last another five seconds.

I'll stop you before that!

I won't allow it!


This is bad.

We can barely hold this guy off.

If this continues, all of us…

What is that shadow?

Who besides Ban could withstand
those explosions of power?

Why are you…

You! What are you doing?


I have business with Meliodas.
I must ask you to leave, Father.

Before that, I have one question.


Did you know about me and Gelda

when you ordered
the execution of the Vampires?

Fool. Do you not understand a father
who saves his son from an illness?


You are weak. Weakness is an illness.

Who do you think I am?

The Commandment
I gave you quickly told me the truth.

Your trysts with that Vampire
you tried so desperately to hide.

You ignored my orders
and sealed away the Vampires

instead of k*lling them.

It also told me that

you seriously considered
stealing the Demon King throne

to create a Demon realm
that all could live in peacefully.


I did not punish you
since you had been so obedient.

But that is finished.


Do your best, Captain!

You can do it, Captain!

That darkness of yours…

How can it pierce the body
and armor of the Demon King?

Is that a block of compressed darkness?
What unfathomable size and power.


He developed that
in the Cave of Training of the Druids.

It was based on my Condense Power.

But the captain's power has grown a lot!

It is much more powerful than then!

It's odd.

Power wells up in me
just by thinking you're with me.







I am fine now! Please save Ban for me!


I am a man who struggles during
the afternoon and is useless at night!

However, if it is for you,
I would gladly give this life of mine!

I owe my life to you!

Furthermore, you are a friend!

Thank you!


If you let down Big Sis,
I'll have you keep that promise.

Who would make threats
in a situation like this?


I recovered my heart
thanks to the Seven Deadly Sins!

You were the one who brought us together,
so you just need to come back safely!

I heard you the first time!


I want us to have a proper conversation
so I can apologize!

Dragon's Sin Meliodas
of the Seven Deadly Sins is the best!

That's right!

Let's drink all night when I return!

All of us!

Meliodas! I'll be waiting for you!

I'll be there soon!

Meliodas, I still cannot forgive you
for betraying the Demon Clan.

However, I must recognize one thing.

I wasn't able to have what you had.

Your will to make enemies of everything
for that precious person.

Ominous Nebula.

I got rid of that obstacle!

Now you get the Demon King
out of Meliodas' body!


Power att*cks
shouldn't be effective against Zeldris!

Did you forget? I lent that power to him!

Meliodas, I am sure
that you can change everything.

It's up to you.


You piece of trash!

Isn't he a son of your own blood?

Who do you think you are?

I am the Demon King!

I don't need a weak son!

I don't give a damn!

Damn you.


It's over, Demon King.

Get out of my body!

Trillion Dark!


What is it now?

The Demon King's last death throes.
He is trying to take the captain with him.

He'll be out soon!

In any case, we need to stop him!

You just don't know when to call it quits!


Perfect Cube!

Pollen Garden!

-Combined Technique. Triple Prison.
-Combined Technique. Triple Prison.


Wait for us, Captain!

Ultimate move!

Meat Darkness!


Diamond Tower!

I'll leave the rest to you, Ban!

Here it comes, Captain! Come back to us!

What happened?

Oh, my.

My body is so beat up.

I'm pretty beat up myself.

Welcome back, Meliodas.