02x22 - Dodoria in Terrifying Hot Pursuit! Vegeta Learns the Truth" / "Dodoria's Terrifying Chase! A Truth Revealed to V

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x22 - Dodoria in Terrifying Hot Pursuit! Vegeta Learns the Truth" / "Dodoria's Terrifying Chase! A Truth Revealed to V

Post by bunniefuu »

The young Namekian warriors
fought it out against Freeza's men.

The quick-thinking village elder
destroyed the band's Scouters.

But that in turn invited a new crisis.

I'll k*ll them all!!

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"Dodoria's Hectic Chase of Terror!
A Truth Revealed to Vegeta."

--Dodoria-san! Just a moment!

Begin by first k*lling the three younger ones!

Damn it!

I'll put all three of you away in ten seconds!

Ridiculous! Do you think you're
a match for all three of us?!

Am I a match for all three of you, you ask?

Such an amusing joke.


--It's no use!

It will take more than that attack to defeat him!

You must now realize that defying me

or trying to run away will do you no good.

But, in any event, come on down here.

You have finally become compliant. That will do.

You destroyed our precious Scouters.

What do you say you produce your
Dragon Ball for me, to apologize?

I've got no other choice.
But promise me one thing:

That you will not harm
the children, no matter what!

It could have been this way from the beginning.

Why, those lousy...!

H-Hey, Gohan, don't go getting any funny ideas.

We are just no match for those guys.

Now, take this, and leave here at once!

Good work.

While we are at it, how about you tell me

where the other two Dragon Balls are?

Don't be absurd! We Namekians
would die before doing anything

like selling each other out!

Now, hurry up and get out
of here, like you promised.

My, my, not you, too?

No one on this planet ever says
anything about their companions.

Sure enough, I must have you die,
along with the children.

What did you say?!

That wasn't our agreement!

You said if I gave you the Dragon Ball,
you wouldn't do anything to us!

But unless you have all
seven Dragon Balls together,

there is no meaning, is there?

You have destroyed our Scouters,

so I must ask you to tell us where
the remaining two balls are.

I told you, I'll die before telling
you where my people are!

Is that how badly you wish to die?

In that case, I will do as you ask.


k*ll all three of them.

--Yes, sir.
--T-That was dirty!

You two run away! Run away from here!


Let me show you some Namekian pride!


Control yourself, Gohan!

Control yourself! There's nothing we can do!

Cargot... Cargot! Cargot!

You never had time to show
us your so-called "pride"!

It's a trivial matter to crush a kid like this.

Well, be that as it may, die!


What?! A buddy of yours?! Where?!

That'll show you!

W-Who are you?!

That idiot!

I am going to belt you!

You're gonna what?


Y-You dumb-ass! G-Get out of here, quick!



D-Damn it...

Go after them! Dodoria-san, catch them!

Gohan! Fly as fast as you can!
If they catch us, it's all over!


You fools! Do you think you can get away?!

It's no use! He's faster than us!

He's catching up!


Oh, no!

Damn it!

I won't make it in time!

Gohan, run! Hurry! He's coming!

Damn, these guys sure are slippery!

Kuririn-san, let's descend and fight him!

We can't! He's not an opponent we
can get anywhere with by fighting!

Just keep flying as fast as you can!

Ah, I know!

Gohan, from here on, don't look
in my direction! Close your eyes!

I have an idea. Got it?!


Take this!


My eyes! My eyes! My eyes!

I did it! I-it worked!

Gohan, hide now, while we can!


Damn it, where did you go?!

Damn it all!

It's all right. He'll never find us.

The old man destroying those
Scouter things really saved our butts!

If he had one of them,

he could even detect the Ki
coming from that little kid, after all.

Damn, how am I supposed
to find those puny guys?

This is driving me crazy!

Thank goodness. He's giving up, and leaving.

I'll just blow them away.

See you in hell!

Take that. That's what you
get for sneaking around.

Freeza-sama told me to bring them back,

but this is better than letting them get away.

But then, I never did find out
who those punks really were.

They weren't your run-of-the-mill kids.

But it doesn't matter either way, now.

We're saved!

For now, let's head back to
where Bulma-san is, okay?

Are you able to fly?


T-Thank you so much for saving me.

If you want to thank someone,
thank Gohan, here.

I was so scared, I didn't want to help.

But Kuririn-san, if you hadn't
saved us, we'd both be dead.

Well, in any case, come with us.

We're not exactly the bad guys here, after all.


There are, in fact, Dragon Balls here,

but these weirdoes keep ganging together,

And if they all get taken away like this,

there's no reason why a fragile lady like me

should have to risk all the danger
to come to this planet, is there?

Am I right?

Hey, Dad, are you listening?!

Oh, yes, I'm listening to every word.
So, what's the matter?

Anyhow, everything is as bad as it can be.

The spaceship is all busted up,
and we can't come home.

Come home?

That's not a good idea, is it?

Goku just barely took off for there.

Huh? Son-kun? Son-kun is
coming here to Planet Namek?

Really? He really, really is?

Yeah, that's right. He's scheduled
to arrive in about six days.


Hey, Bulma!

You know, without Scouters,

it's gonna be a big pain finding
those last two Dragon Balls.

Sure, it's not that big a planet, but still...

V-Vegeta! Why, you...!

Yo! it's been quite a long while,
hasn't it, Dodoria-san?

A-Are you the one that blindsided me, Vegeta?

You and Zarbon are always hanging
around with Freeza, after all.

I was waiting for you to go out on your own.

After all, as long as Freeza isn't
around, I'll bet I can handle you.

What?! A Saiyan like you?! You've got
quite a smart mouth, don't you?!

Vegeta, you hand over that Scouter,
nice and easy, and then beat it.

Do that, and I'll let you go this one time.

So that's it. The sound cut out all of a sudden,

so I thought something must have happened,

and sure enough, it sounds
like you've lost your Scouters.

This is great. Now, if I approach,
you won't know it.

What did you say?!

It will take several days for you
to go back to Planet Freeza

to fetch some more Scouters.

I'll bet you want this.

You've decided to hand it over, huh?

It's about time you felt intimidated.

Now, if you're lucky, I might just spare your life.

H-How could you do that, Vegeta?!

W-Why did you destroy it?

Because I don't need it anymore.

W-What? Without that thing,

you don't know where Freeza-sama
or the Namekians are, either.

Unfortunately for you...
while fighting the earthlings,

I learned that they could tell an
opponent's strength and location

without having to use a Scouter.

And there was another Saiyan there
who possessed the technique.

In which case, I should be
able to do it, too, right?

It's easy, once you learn how to do it.

Although, it would be too much
for you or Freeza to handle,

since you only have your eyes set on power.

But then, I was like that, too, up to now.

I get it! Those runts I was chasing
were earthlings, weren't they?


You've joined up with the
earthlings, haven't you?!

Dream on! There's no way the
earthlings could have come here.

If they were here, I'd take
care of them first thing!

None of that matters! Just get out of here!

Unless you'd rather I k*ll you!

L-I'm offering to let you go!
You should be grateful!

What are you so scared of?
Why don't you come at me, already?

I know why.

You learned from my fight with Kewie

that my strength is much
greater than it was before,

and now you're afraid!

You saw it on your Scouter, right?

My battle power?

T-That rating was wrong!
It was a Scouter malfunction!

Don't you shrug me off!

You're the one who's shrugged me off!

There's no way that move
was going to work on me!

We Saiyans grow stronger with every fight.

The stronger our opponents are,
the more our strength increases.

That's why, after nearly getting
k*lled in battle on Earth,

I've powered way up!

That's what the warrior Saiyan race does!

Is this what's become of your vaunted
power with you slacking off? Eh?

W-Wait, Vegeta! if you'll let me go,

I'll let you in on a little secret!

It's about your homeworld, Planet Vegeta!


Did you say Planet Vegeta?

What secret about Planet Vegeta?!

Let me go! Let me go, and I'll tell you!

Y-You're not gonna k*ll me as
soon as I've told you, are you?

I'll k*ll you right now unless
you tell me! Start talking!

Your homeworld of Planet Vegeta

wasn't lost in a collision with a giant meteor,

like Freeza-sama told you.

What did you say?

Individually, a Saiyan's strength
is nowhere near Freeza-sama's...

But if a bunch of Saiyans united together,

it would prove to be quite a problem.

What's more,

there were a small number of
Saiyans being born who, like you,

were becoming extraordinary warriors,

and the number was starting to grow.

Once you started inexplicably
possessing such power,

you wouldn't remain an obedient,
order-following race forever,

so at that point,

Freeza-sama decided that
he needed to take measures.

And so, Freeza-sama destroyed Planet Vegeta,

and all of the Saiyans on it, himself!

But Vegeta, you should be
grateful to Freeza-sama.

It appeared that he could make
use the prodigious skills of you,

the prince of Planet Vegeta,

and so Freeza-sama intentionally waited

until you were no longer on the planet.

Looks like your shock is as great as you'd expect.

I'll just use this opportunity
to return to Freeza-sama.

Don't misunderstand, Dodoria.

I don't give a damn about the planet,
my friends, or my parents.

I'm just disgusted at myself for not knowing this,

and letting myself be used as your
doormat ever since I was a kid!


Freeza is afraid of the fathomless
potential of the Saiyans.

I have to hurry up and
conquer this -times gravity.

Now, to get started!

Goku is full of get-up-and-go.

Vegeta continues to increase his strength.

The time for the two of them
to clash once again is near.

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Tobu n da mugen no sora e

Jetto kiryuu ni nokkari

doko demo iku yo sokkou

Mukoumizu tte saikou

Let's go tip-top! All right?

Me mo sameru you na aoi chikyuu

kakegaenai kono hoshi yuzurenai kara

Hajiketobase kamehameha

Yabame no kono jidai

sekai wo mamoru tame umareta kara

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Yaru n da furupawaa

Kibou ga ore no buki dakara

mirai shinjite

Heya! I'm Goku!

I've got five and a half days before I arrive,

and I'm gonna get stronger!

Vegeta is on this planet, too. This is the pits!

He's after the Dragon Balls.

Those Freeza guys have five, leaving only two.

That's Vegeta's Ki!
He's attacking a different village!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Vegeta's Covert Maneuvers!
A Tragic as*ault on the Namekians."

Father, I've made a friend here, too.
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