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01x20 - Hail the Tornado Tyrant!

Posted: 02/24/23 14:01
by bunniefuu

BATMAN: The only thing more harrowing than taking down Joker is taking down Joker while he's behind the wheel of a car.


JOKER: Hope you don't find this too corny, Batman.

Hey, maybe it's time you traded in that old hunk of junk.

BATMAN: Green Arrow's juvenile need to compete never ceases to amaze me.

JOKER: You always said I was full of hot air, Batsy.




I guess your car's pretty cool, you know, in a retro kind of way.

And your car's pretty impressive too.

Even if they don't make them like they used to.


-No rest for the weary.

Well, Bats, I guess you b*at me.

Yeah, right.

BATMAN: This is never going to end, is it? GREEN ARROW: I certainly hope not.

Observation: I startled you.

Nobody startles me.

-I thought that was
-A project of mine.

One I have been working on for months.

It looks like you.

Based upon my fundamental design, but with several significant upgrades.

So why am I here? As I am ready to initiate the activation protocols I thought it would be best to have you on hand to verify the results.

You wanted to share this moment with a friend? Understood.

RED TORNADO: lf the experiment succeeds I will have created a new generation that improves upon the previous one.

-Improves how?
-Extrapolation: My Tornado Champion shall possess the one element I lack: Emotion.

Creating life in a laboratory is a dangerous game.

Observation: I have no delusions of perfection.

I have installed a fail
-safe switch that can instantly shut my son down should he malfunction.

Did you say ''son''? Family is something we all long for, even a robot.

RED TORNADO: Greetings, Tornado Champion.

I am your father, Red Tornado.

TORNADO CHAMPION: Correction: We are artificial beings.

There can be no biological connection between us.

Perhaps with time, his emotional protocols will be integrated into his operating systems.

In the meantime, we will work as a team.

Helping humanity together.

My internal radio scanner has intercepted a news report.

-Quite literally a major disaster.



Now, listen up.

This storm's just a prelude.

Unless I get $500 million I'm going to whip up the mother of all hurricanes and tear this city apart.

Huh? Ugh! TORNADO CHAMPION: Declaration: Arrogance and ego are a fatal combination.




I'm forecasting a long prison sentence for you, Disaster.

TORNADO CHAMPION: Observation: You are reasonably useful for a biological life form.

Please, you'll make my head swell.

Observation: You have made your father proud.



Is he
-? I must do a full diagnostic in order to
- Father.


Apparently, the electrical shock initiated Champion's EM protocol.

- I can feel.

Your dream's become a reality, Father.

I can't thank you enough.

There's so much I want to experience.

So much I want to do.

And we will do it together.

TORNADO CHAMPION: The humans seem so fragile, Father.

RED TORNADO: In many ways, they are.

But they also possess an astonishing inner strength.

TORNADO CHAMPION: Do I also possess inner strength? RED TORNADO: Only time will tell.

-But I want to know now.

RED TORNADO: As the humans say, patience is a virtue.

TORNADO CHAMPION: But why is there evil in the world? RED TORNADO: Human philosophers have endeavored to answer that question for thousands of years, son and have yet to find an adequate answer.

TORNADO CHAMPION: Do you have an answer, Father? RED TORNADO: No answers, only an observation.

Human kindness is far preferable to human cruelty.

TORNADO CHAMPION: Why is it preferable?

-Because is not a logical answer, Father.

Perhaps not.

But based upon my studies of humankind, it is the only answer.

My children, they're still in there.

You see to the blaze, Father.

I'll see to the children.

That is my son.



It's okay, little ones.

I'm here to help you.

There's nothing to be afraid of.


What's wrong? Did he hurt you? Hurt her? I saved her life.

Back off, robot.

Robot? I'm not a robot.

I'm a person, just like you.

I think it's time to go, son.

- I'm sorry if I behaved badly, Father.

I know that this is still very new to you, Champion.

But you must learn to master your emotions and not allow them to master you.

I don't understand.

I think, I feel.

I'm human in almost every way, and yet they're still afraid of me.

Of both of us.

They see us as something other.

Observation: Humankind fears that which is different.

But humans are supremely adaptable.

-Given time, they will accept us.

-Ahh! You trust them too much.

Son, come back.

Query: Is there a reason you have been observing us all week? Just wanted to see how Champion was doing.

My son's emotional integration is going very well.

How can you be so sure? A parent knows these things.

What now? ItÂ’s Major Disaster again.


I'm free! Ha
-ha! But not for long.

Recommendation: Surrender now.

Not gonna happen.

Eat a hurricane.



Son, you came.

I could never turn my back on you, Father.


-Ahh! You hurt my father, and you must
- You will pay.

Champion, no.

There's a difference between justice and revenge.

The difference is that revenge is more efficient.

The difference is morality.

Morality? I am above human morality.


Champion, listen to yourself.

We are servants of humankind.

It is our honor and duty to protect them.

They're evil, Father.

A disease.

And you are a naive fool for believing in

Observation: There are several serious software anomalies.

-But with time, I might be able to
-You saw what happened back there.

It was a noble attempt, Red, but your son is too dangerous.

-You have to use the fail

-Father, please don't do this to me.

Observation: It is the logical solution.


How fortunate that I removed the fail
-safe device some time ago.

And now, to perform some much
-needed upgrades.

My father has made his choice.

He stands with the disease called humanity.

So the w*r begins and the victory will belong to the Tornado Tyrant.



Why are you doing this? I haven't done anything yet.

But what I intend to do is create a massive tidal wave that will obliterate Coast City and everyone in it.

And when I am done here I will continue across this country and across this planet.

I'm sorry about your son.

I know how much he means to you.

Hand me the scrambler.

This frequency should scramble Tornado Tyrant's core programming.

-pilot engaged.

Can't say I like what you've done with the place.

Father and Uncle Batman, how lovely to see you.

But I'm afraid I'm in no mood for a family reunion.

That makes two of us.


You have caused much destruction and much suffering.

Are you going to send me to my room without supper? I've moved beyond you.

You cannot do this.

They deserve better.

Please, Father.

They're worthless biological jokes.

This planet which they have abused and poisoned will thrive without them.

Not jokes.

They aspire, they dare to dream to reach out to each other, to love.

Blah, blah, blah.

Declaration: You cannot mock love for it was love that created you.

You are a fool.



Father? You were correct, Batman.

I should never have attempted this.

Who am I to fathom the depths of human emotion the nature of human existence? I heard what you said back there, Red.

You understand the human heart better than most.

In fact, I think in seeking to make him human you found your own humanity.

Observation: You proceed from a false assumption.

I offered no insights.

I simply parroted that which I have read in books seen in films, observed in all of you.

I cannot grasp humanity.

I am merely a machine.

And so is he.
-You okay?
-Why would I not be? Take care, Tornado.

Oily discharge.

I must run an internal diagnostic.