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02x18 - Menace of the Madniks!

Posted: 02/22/23 18:55
by bunniefuu
- Eat lead, cowled copper.

You'll never catch ma m*rder.

[tires screech]

- Mabel mhurder aka ma m*rder, surrender.

Even elderly criminals must eventually face justice.

- Well, batman, I've got a little something for you to face first.


You poison-hearted pinscher.

- Let's fit batman with the cement goulashes, boys.

It's curtains for you, batman.

Nothing's gonna save you now.

Mother of pearl! A haunted t*nk driven by the ghost of jeb stuart! - Ma'am, this known aggression has forced me To do you bodily harm.

[men screaming]

[tires squeal]

- After her, general.

- That's just what I aim to do, sir.

[tires squealing]

- She may be long in the tooth, But that filly's a mighty fine driver.

For a yankee.

[ship horn honks]

- Think we'll make the jump, general?

Yee-haw! [horn playing "dixie"]

[both grunt]

- [gasps]

Aah! Uhh! - Well, batman, it looks like this old gal Isn't quite ready for the scrap yard yet.

- But this one is, Thanks to the haunted t*nk.

warner bros.

Animation [all grunting]

- With these funds, We'll tear down the charade of organized society That cages our souls.

- Ahh! [grunts]

Uhh! - You're gonna know a lot more about cages When I'm through with you.

[indistinct chatter]

[all talking at once]

- Hey, give the man some room.

- Booster gold.

The cameras should have been a dead giveaway.

- Batman is an invaluable aid In my never-ending fight against crime.

So please, let him do his job, Helping me arrest the, um [reporters shout]

- The madniks.


- Ahh! - [grunts]

[all screaming]

- And this is personal.

Unh! I'm settling a score for an old friend.

- I remember.

These guys fought the original blue beetle Before he died.

- He was a true friend.

Uhh! And a real hero.

[electricity crackles]

- Something you wouldn't understand.

Now, let me finish this.

- Uhh! Ooh! Uhh! [reporters all talking at once]

- Wow.

That's the closest I've seen bats get to beingEmotional.

- We all miss the great ted kord, sir.

- No one more than me, skeets.

Maybe it's time we paid him a visit.

In hub city central park?

- Not quite.

- I was afraid of that, sir.

- The boostmeister.

'sup, buddy?

- Ted.

Dude, it's great to see you.

- I just saw you on Thursday.

Speaking o you got that 20 I loaned you?

- Uh, left my wallet at home.

- Dude, not cool.


- Uh, excuse me.

I gotta take this.

- Sir, I know what you're thinking, But we can't just travel back in time and save ted kord.

It's his fate to sacrifice himself on science island.

And if you change history-- - I know I can't change history Without screwing up the time stream.


How dumb do you think I am?

Anyway, all I want to do is give my buddy a little closure, Help him take care of some unfinished business BeforeYou know.

Just like batman's trying to do.

- Speaking of - I've unearthed some disquieting evidence About that robotics lab, And I thought I'd drop by to discuss it.

- And I would love to do that, But now is not a good time.

- Is someone there with you?

- Uh, no one you know.

I gotta run.

I'll call you later.


- So, you're friends with batman?

- Uh, we work together sometimes.

So what's up, boost?

- I came to pick your brain out the madniks.

- Those maniacs.

Just once I'd like to nail them to the wall, But they always seem to slip through my fingers.

Why do you-- [alarm sounding]

- Thmadniks?

Well, that's a weird coincidence.

- Yes, yes, that's exactly what it is.

- Are we gonna stand around yakking about it, Or are we gonna go collar those clowns once and for all?

- [cackling]

- [grunting]

Ahh, here it is, The quark p*stol, the game-changer.

I'd like to see someone try and stop us now.

- Then you're in luck Since that's exactly what I'm gonna and do.

Uhh! - [both grunt]

- [laughs]

The blue beetle.

You failed to stop us many times before.

What makes you think now will be any different?

- 'cause this time he's got booster gold in his corner, pal.

- Uhh! Good-bye, champions of a corrupt society.

And I do mean "good-bye.

" - Pretty good shot, huh?

- Maybe too good.

- Drop it! - Uhh! [all screaming]

[both grunting]

- [groaning]

- Uh, closure, anyone?

I helped you bring down the one that got away.

- Huh.

I guess you did.

- No problemo, pal.

See, you got your positronics in a bunch over nothing.

A little trip to the past, I fulfilled a dream of my lost friend, - It appears you're right again, sir.


[loud thud]


- Oh, boy.

- So, we might have changed a couple of things.

- Booster.

- I had nothing to do with this.

- Excuse me?

- This apocalyptic wasteland, not my fault.

- I was going to ask for help battling these energy monsters.


You've been meddling in the past, haven't you?

- Little bit, yeah.

- Initiating time warp, sir.

Here we are, sir, hub city, 2 years ago, Just after our last visit.

If we want to fix the future, Why didn't we travel to just before I showed up before, Then tell me not to visit ted?

- That would just create another dangerous time paradox.

- Or, better yet, Go back to just before I left to come here to stop me then.

- That's not how time travel works.

- Wait a minute.

What about visiting my mother before I was born?

- Look, I'm not going to explain the intricacies of time travel To a man without a library card.


- Booster?

Hey, bro.

Aah! Together.


Well, this is great.

This is just awesome.

- You never said you and booster were friends.

- It never came up.

- A consummate professional like you friends with a dilettante like booster?

- You're both my friends, ok.

You're more of a work friend, And booster is more of a fun friend.

- What's more fun than fighting crime?

- Ooh, he's got you there.

- Beetle, the reason we're here Is because of something that happened on booster's last visit.

- Funny you should mention that.

I've been analyzing the quark p*stol that he blew up.

- Seems the madniks were exposed to the subatomic strength That powered this device.

- Yes.

Their dna may have been affected.

- I think we should pay a visit To the madniks at hub island penitentiary.

- Road trip! I call shotgun.

- You're lucky we're even letting you tag along.

- Think you could lighten up for just one second, mr.

Mcgrumpy pants?

- Do I have to remind you that you're the reason we're in this mess?

- You know, this is why I never mention Hanging out with you guys to each other.

I knew you wouldn't get along.

- We're coming up on hub island penitentiary.

I hope we're not too late.

[alarm sounding]

- Come on, we're almost past the fence.

[electricity crackles]

- [screams]


Aah! [electricity crackles, both scream]

- [grunts]


[engine powers down]

- Losing power.

- It's them.

The madniks are draining the bug's battery somehow.

- Brace for impact.

- [growling]

- Incredible.

Exposure to the quark p*stol Has mutated them into power-draining monsters.

- Hey, maybe these guys actually turn into those giant monsters You were fighting when I - Batman's way ahead of you, sir.

- [growling]

- Booster, no! - These creatures consume energy And turn it into mass.

Your blasts only strengthen them.

Beetle, booster, are you ok?

- [groans]

Do anything at all.

And when the water hits those cables, We'll be crispy crime fighters.

- Ted, remember that death trap we escaped in athens?

Maybe we should try the same tactic.

- No, this is like the time Ted and I almost bought it in bloodhaven.

- Uh, I think that we should try a new escape.

Booster, from here, it looks like you're close enough To reach batman's utility belt.

- [grunts]

- Open the left rear compartment And pull the tab.

- [grunts]


[all grunting]

- Guys, look.

- They're headed in a specific northwest direction.

- Are you two thinking what I'm thinking?

- Yes.

But why don't you tell me just to make sure.

- Their thirst for energy is instinctively leading them To the largest power source available.

- The hub city nuclear reactor.

- Yep, just what I was thinking.

- They're siphoning off tremendous amounts of power, Constantly growing.

At this rate-- Destroying city after city To feed their insatiable appetite.

[electricity crackles]

- If I can adjust the radiation signature Of the bb g*n's pile, it might reverse the mutation.

Just one problem.

- The creatures will have to ingest the energy.

- Well, fellas, wish me luck.

- No way, booster.

This is a job that has to be done right.

- I can do this.

Look, I know I screwed up coming back here to see ted.

I just had a hard time letting go.

He was my best friend.

- He was my friend, too.

We should do this together.

- That's the only way you can do it.

We'll need to broadcast that signal Through booster's force field generator.

- What about you?

- Hey! Energy hog! - [growls]

- Let's do this, booster.

[g*n whirs]

- Congratulations, sir.

You did it again.

- Now, this is what I call a satisfying night's work.

- Bringing down the madniks once and for all?

- Seeing my 2 best friends getting along.


- Well, I guess this is good-bye.

- Batman, that was a message from you.

You said my uncle jarvis is up to no good with that scarab I lent him.

- Didn't want it to slip my mind.

- Well, then I better get the spare bug up and running.

- Bye, old friend.

- It was an honor working with you, ted, As always.

- Uh, right back at you, bats.

- Beetle.

Did you get my message?

- The mission appears to have been a success, sirs.

- Bats, I'm sorry about, well, everything.

- Actually, booster, I'm grateful.

It gave me the chance to say good-bye.

[alarm sounds]

[engine starts]

- Well, back to work.

I'm totally ok with you being ted's second best friend.

- Why don't you stick around?

I could use your help taking care of these thugs.