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03x07 - The Call Pt. 1

Posted: 02/22/23 08:15
by bunniefuu
Pinch me, Eddie, I'm dreaming.

It's so big.

Just like in the picture, Charlene.

The Justice League Watchtower.

Right here.

Right in front of us.

Think we'll see 'em, Dad?
Son, the Justice League has a few more important things to do than greet the tourists.


You win again, Micron.

Best three out of five?

Later, buddy.

MAN: Calling Justice League Unlimited.

Calling the JLU.

We have an emergency.

Who is this?
We have a monorail out of control in the Northeast District.

Over and out.

Can't stop the acceleration.

I gotta get off this thing.

Hold on.


There's no one onboard, but it's gonna hit the Southbound 111.

I'm way ahead of you.

Force field.


Our hunch paid off.

Inque was after the prototype battle pod.

That figures.

Any t*rror1st organization would pay a fortune for it.

Then I hope they didn't pay in advance, 'cause they're not getting this one.

Wait a minute.


INQUE: Okay, Batman, back off, unless you wanna see me put the squeeze on him.

He's just an innocent bystander, Inque.

Too bad for him.

I'll take it from here, Batman.




Good to see you, Bruce.

It's been a while.

You seem to be holding up pretty well.

I could use some of that Kryptonian DNA.

You'll outlive us all, Bruce.

You're too stubborn to die.

What are you smiling at?

Shall we cut through the chitchat?
I know it wasn't Inque that brought you to Gotham.

I think it's time your protégé joined the Justice League.

The Justice League?
I can't help but consider the timing.

Is he supposed to be a replacement for Micron?

This goes beyond that.

I've watched him.

I've studied him.

He's proved his valor.

His time has come, Bruce.

What do you say?
Oh, I don't think it's my decision to make.

The Justice League.

BARDA: This is League business.

How dare you bring him in without consulting us?
It's completely against procedure.

Batman was one of the League's founding members.

The real Batman.

Not this pointy-eared punk.

I thought we were a team.

Slaves on Apokolips are treated with more respect.


Anger just clouds the issue.

Does it?
My beak tells me this stinks.

I'm afraid Barda and Warhawk have a point.

No offense.

This isn't up for discussion.

Like it or not, Batman stays.

Just keep out of my way, junior.

Hawks eat rodents like you for breakfast.

Maybe this was a mistake.


I need someone I can trust.


Micron's still hanging on, but his cellular structure was severely damaged.


That was some accident.


Someone deliberately caused that wreck.

And I think it was an inside job.

What do you mean?
I found this hidden on the monorail.

Not even Micron could slip through the force field it generates.

But anyone could've put it there, right?

It contains technology only the Justice League has access to.

I can't believe it.

These guys are all big-time heroes.

I know.

But I can't take any chances.

That's why I want you here.

To spy on them?
Oh, that's gonna make me real popular.


Going over my file?

You can call me Marina.


It's all a bit overwhelming.

I don't think I got off to a good start today.

Give it time.

Everyone's been on edge since Micron's accident.

I'm sorry.

Occupational hazard, I guess.

Wanna join me for a swim?
Thanks, but I've gotta cram.

This League stuff's still new to me.

Maybe later.

I can't do this.

It's just too weird.

What is?
I'm here investigating people who have saved the world more times than I can count.

I've considered them heroes my whole life.

What's your point?
How can one of them be a traitor?
It's impossible.

Keep digging.

The answer's there somewhere.

Yeah, but Aquagirl.



Easy, Barda.

This is just a training session.

Will our enemies go easy when you face them in combat?
My Mega Rod.

Is he wacko?


What did you do to her?
It wasn't his fault.

The t*nk malfunctioned.

I couldn't get out.

Why didn't you call us on the intercom?
I didn't think-- BARDA: That's right.

You didn't think.

And it almost cost her her life.

SUPERMAN: I heard what happened.

I'm running a diagnostic on the t*nk's operating system.


There's the problem.

This micro-controller's burned out.

All its circuits have been fused.


This confirms it.

There's a traitor among us.

BATMAN: They've got me out on fly-by patrol.

I think they wanted me out of their little clubhouse.

Not that I mind getting away.

Nobody wants me there.

BRUCE: Nobody?
Well, maybe Aquagirl.

But I had to save her life to win her over.

That's one way to make friends.


Hold on.

Something's coming in on a JLU frequency.




The entire city's under attack.

And no sign of who's doing it.

I don't see any more firebombs.

Check the buildings for victims.




GL, you need backup?
I've got the situation under control.

Aquagirl, we've got some men overboard.

I'm on it.

Let's pick 'em up.






There are victims on the roof.

I'm there.


I've got this, Kal.


SUPERMAN: The terminal roof.

Stick with Warhawk.

He needs your help.

Yeah, right.


My good buddy.


Come on, come on! Move, let's go! Move it! Come on, come on! [SCREAMING, GRUNTING]





Building's empty.

How's it going, Warhawk?
Still two more on the roof.

BATMAN: I got 'em.

Finally making yourself useful.

I'm gonna follow that signal.

What signal?
An emergency call.

Didn't you hear it?
It was on our frequency.


But I'll go with you.

You stay here.

I don't need an amateur tagging along.

Superman said to stick with you, and I'm sticking.

Oh, no.

Nice save.




What did you do?
He got a call for help on the JLU frequency.

We were following it here when-- Who sent it?
I didn't get any signal.

Did you?
Only Warhawk heard it.

We only have your word for that, don't we?
Back off, Barda.

Accusations won't get us anywhere.

When we find out who set the bombs, we'll find out who k*lled Warhawk.

TERRY: What do you expect to find?
BRUCE: If I knew, I wouldn't have to look for it.

He never had a chance.

Must have had a timer or something.


Freeze frame.


Frame speed one per second.


Spectral filters.


Look at that.

It was detonated from a remote position by some kind of ray.

But who?
Shift view Close in.


Superman's the traitor.

Where are you going?
I have to go back.

Warn them.

You have to do more than that.

This isn't the first time Superman's gone rogue.

So I made sure I'd be ready if it ever happened again.

I always hoped I'd never have to use it.

BATMAN: Kryptonite.

This This could k*ll him.

Do whatever it takes.

But make sure you stop him.