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02x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/21/23 19:30
by bunniefuu
DAISY: That's a local.
We need to stop.

LOIUS: Daisy,
she's holding a turkey.

MR. TALBOT: My wife
rushed to get him to the vet,

but her car broke down and
Mr. Gobbles didn't make it.

We should have
picked up the turkey.

I'm confident we'll get
our line of credit this time.

I want to make sure Oakley's
in a sound financial state.

GUS: You're not out, are you?

Gus, I choose to be
in the closet.

I'm putting my career first.

If I lose my audience,
I lose my life.

MARISSA: Welcome to
Shimmering Lake,

Philippe Bidois.

Another winemaker named Bidois?

Some of us think
this is a strategy.

I'm your cousin.

PHILIPPE: You are raw.

But with guidance,
you could be brilliant.

NIC: Doctor David.


[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Clears throat ]

This is just like
"Downton Abbey."

This is nothing like
"Downton Abbey."

Hey, why do we need to treat
the bank manager like royalty?

Because he's coming to do
his final inspection

prior to approving
our line of credit.

Our future is, quite literally,
in his hands.

Without that, we --
we won't survive.

can't be any worse

than the last time we met
Mr. Talbot, can it?

Well, I mean, Mr. Gobbles was
never gonna make it anyway.

Who's Mr. Gobbles?

Oh. And new rule.

No one is to say
anything about turkeys.

Turkeys? Who's talking about --
Did you say anything turkeys?

Why are we talking
about turkeys now?

Does Mr. Talbot like turkeys?

Ah! [ Gasps ]


Why is he bringing his wife?

Oh, God. I know that look.

-Hello, Oakley Wines.
-LOUIS: [ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

-Hello, again.

Never had one of those before.

[ Laughs ] Hello. Gus.

-How are you, Tippy?

-Nice to see you.
-They said you were here.

-I couldn't believe it.

-[ Laughs ]
-And here you are.

Yeah. Yep.

-Ah, yeah. Here I am.

-Yes, ah...Mrs. Talbot, big fan.
-[ Laughs ]

I loved you in "The Brothers
of the Harvest Moon."

-So good.
-Thank you.

[ American accent ]
This is my brother's land.

You will not take it from him.

-[ Grunts ]
-That's the line. [ Laughs ]

[ Normal voice ]
That's the line. That's it.

Wonderful. No, we're all --
we're all big fans of,

um, of -- of -- of Griff.

Shall we, ah, start
with a guided tour?

Good idea.

Why does that look familiar?

Oh. [ Laughs ]
What kind of hostess am I?

Look, I'll make the tea,
and Griffin can fill you in

on all the gossip
from behind the scenes.

How's that?

[ The East Pointers'
"Wintergreen" plays ]

♪ Let it breathe, if it doesn't
breathe, it's gonna die ♪

♪ Let us see if you let it be,
is it gonna fly? ♪

♪ And set it free and if
it leaves, you say bye ♪

♪ The web we weave and then
we grieve and then we cry ♪

♪ I want to tell you
before I forget ♪

♪ Despite the darkness ♪

♪ Some of these days ♪

♪ Wintergreen can't
outshine your radiance ♪

♪ Wintergreen, I love you
more than anything ♪

♪ Wintergreen,
despite the darkness ♪

♪ Some of these days ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

-[ Gasps ]

Don, no.

This is for Philippe.

A little moment to make him
feel at home here.

[ Scoffs ]

I remember the halcyon days when
you would bring me baked goods.

Don't be silly.
I brought you a scone last week.

Anyway, you know
what they say.

"L'appetit vient en mangeant."

And if he wants to set up a camp
down in our vineyard, then...

I'm going to take the mountain
to Muhammad.

Or the macaroons to Marcel.

MARISSA: [ Laughs ]


I've brought you, ah,
some, ah...



LOUIS: Well, as you can see,
we've made a --

a huge amount of,
ah, improvements.

We've got the --
the tasting room,

the new planting, the, ah --
the new pergola...

-...or, ah, or perg-oh-la.

[ Chuckles ] Well,
color me impressed.

And, ah...

ah, and --
and here for some reason,

we have a -- a man, um...

ah, [Laughs] meditating.

-Ah, ah. [ Clears throat ]

Is it true that, ah,
turkeys can't fly?

Well, domestic turkeys can't fly

but actually wild ones can.
[ Laughs ]


Really, that's, ah, that's --
that's fascin--

Ah, step this way.

I'll show you some of our, ah,

some of our newer --
newer planting.

Thank you, Gus.

You sort that out.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


"Griffin, I'm about to do
the love scene with you.

I thought we could
maybe run lines."

-[ Laughs ]

He's just so good
at telling stories, isn't he?

Oh, yes, isn't he, though?
[ Laughs ]

Oh! Here they are.

Ah, so how did we do?

Oh, excellent.

Excellent. [ Chuckles ]

Yeah, I'll be able to
sort out the paperwork

once we get back from our,
ah, trip away.

But, um, I'm happy to report
all signs point to approval!

-Oh. [ Laughs ]
-MR. TALBOT: Congratulations.

That's splendid,
absolutely splendid.

Thank you.

Something has been bothering me
about your car.

the old Citroen?

I can't help but think I've
seen it somewhere before...

Oh. No, no, no.

You wouldn't have seen that.
No, no.

Because, um, it's hardly
ever on the road.

-It's always breaking down.
-Yes. [ Chuckles ]

-It's an absolute turkey!

DAISY: No turkeys.
I mean, I'm -- [ Laughs ]

Just -- you know,
when I was growing up I, um --

I-I had bush turkeys.

Well -- Well,
no, I didn't have them,

because they're -- they're wild.
But, well, I used to feed them.

I'd walk out and they'd
coming running. [ Laughs ]

-[ Laughs ]
-I gave them all names.

There was...

Chanel and there was...

-Karl Lagerfeld.

Gucci and V-V-Versace.

It's just they're --

they're magnificent creatures,
really, aren't they?

You know, I knew there was
something about you.


You were so sympathetic when,
ah, Mr. Gobbles passed away.

-We were? We were.
-We -- We were. Yeah. We were.

MR. TALBOT: In fact, you could
be the answer to our prayers.

Would you mind taking care
of David Bowie for us

while we're on holiday?

David Bowie?

MRS. TALBOT: It's what
he's named his new turkey.

-MR. TALBOT: Yeah.

So would you mind?

I mean, he's very affectionate.

-Is he?

Oh, well,

what kind of person would I be
if I said no?

[ Laughs ]

Have you, ah, examined my offer?

You didn't tell me what you
thought about The Stanley.

You don't need to pretend
like my opinion matters.

You know it's good.

Good but not great.

Under my tutelage,
you could blossom

from good to exceptional.

A true Bidois,
to make our family proud, ah?

-Who says I need you?
-Well, you don't.

If you don't want to be better,
that is for you.

Good morning!

I'm assuming from your, ah...

your general, um...

that you're Shimmering Lake's
new French vintner.

-Louis Oakley.
-Philippe Bidois.

Tell me, ah, Philippe...

is there any particular reason
why you were...

meditating on my land?

Your land? Hmm.

The voice of the colonizer, no?

Oh [Laughs] well,
the French are hardly angels

when it comes to,
ah, colonialism.

Ah, yes.
But the English needed

to invade other countries

because they had
no cuisine of their own.

LOUIS: [ Laughs ]
Of course we don't have any --

have any great chefs
in England, do we?

No, we've -- we've got,
ah, Gordon Ramsey,

we've got, ah,
Marco Pierre White,

we've got the, ah...

the other one -- the other one.

He -- He -- With -- He makes
food with chemistry sets.

Yes, but they all came to France
to study their craft.

Well, they -- they --
they, um...

Well, you're --
you've got stupid clothes.

I mean, I do not know where
he gets off being so smug.

I mean, the French
are responsible for

some of the worst atrocities
in history.

I mean, they invented the
roundabout, for heaven's sake.

I'm sorry, Jay.
It's your last day.

You're going back to school.

You shouldn't have to listen
to all this rubbish.

It's okay, Dad.
I get it.

I mean, I don't want to talk
about leaving either.


You know, I'm kind of looking
forward to seeing home again.


JULIAN: You'll be okay here,
won't you?

You'll have everyone
to look after you.

Like Daisy.

Jay, [Sighs]
we've been through that.

Besides, she's, um...

Well, she's got a boyfriend now.

So, it's your last night.
What -- What do you want to do?

Maybe we can work
on the rocket plans?

That sounds perfect.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Fly safe, okay?

You all better help my dad
finish our rocket.

You know, keep him busy...

so he doesn't miss me too much.

Do you know what?

Ah, I have to head
into town, so...

why don't I join you
for the trip to the airport?

That would be lovely, Daisy.
Thank you.

I'll just get my bag.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Breathes sharply ]


Well, [Sighs] that's that.
[ Sniffles ]

-You all right?

You know, we've got a lot
of work to do, Daisy Monroe.

-We do indeed, Louis Oakley.
-[ Cellphone chimes ]

Oh. It's...

Oh, how are things,
ah, going with...Dr. David?

Ah, oh. It's good.

Oh, good. Good, good.

HILARY: Stop, thief!
That is my bag!

Oh, God.
We should do something.

[ Gasps ] Oh, yes.
We should.

Hey, excuse me.
Give me that!

-Oh, Daisy!

-Get off me, you nutter!

You should be ashamed
of yourself!

Stealing from an older woman!

-What would your mother say?

She'd say it's my bloody bag!

Oh, he's absolutely right.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

M-Mine must still be
on the carousel.

-You're all crazy.

I'm sorry about my friend.
She's Australian.



Have you just come back
from somewhere?

Ah, I've been in Auckland.

Dropping Paige off to her Mum.

Is she having a holiday?

Well, a girl's place
is with her mother.

I think I'll go find my bag.


Well, that was strange.

It was strange, right?

That was strange, but then
again, when isn't she strange?


Madder than a...
box of frogs.

-I --
-Right. [ Sighs ]

We should go.

We've got an appointment
with a turkey.


[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

It's all right.
It's all right.


MR. TALBOT: Hi, there.

Ah, well. Here he is.

The goblin king. [ Laughs ]

Oh. That's cute.

Is that because he's always
gobbling? [ Laughs ]

-Ah, no. It's "Labyrinth."
-Ah. Oh.

Ah, da, da, da, da.

Just, ah, he's a bit car sick,

so just maybe give him
a few moments.

-MR. TALBOT: Yeah.

Now, these are his vitamins,

Yellow ones every second day.

Uh-huh. Food.

You've got your dry feed
in the morning, there,

and wet food in the evening.

Plumage conditioner.

Just rub in as required.
Use your judgment there.

-Oh. [ Chuckles ]
-All right.

And these are his
anti-anxiety medications.

-Anxiety medications?

Well, he has a stressful life
as full-time show bird.

I mean, don't make a big deal
out of it, just...

slip them in there.

Oh. Yeah. His bell.

I taught him to ring a bell.
[ Laughs ]

So, ah, yeah.

Make sure he rings it
at least twice a day

so he doesn't get
out of practice.

-LOUIS: Yeah.


Thank you so much
for doing this.

I can't tell you how much
I appreciate it. [ Laughs ]


Who's my big boy then, eh?

Who's my big boy?

Don't you go ch-ch-ch-changing.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

Take good care of my David.

-All right. [ Laughs ]

-DAISY: Bye!

Have a good trip!


Well, this just brilliant.

[ Sighs ] were the one

that refused to stop
and pick up Mr. Gobbles.

Send not to know for whom
the bell tolls, Daisy,

-it tolls for thee.
-Oh. Ha.

Well, listen up, Quasimodo,
we are in this together.

Listen, as you're
the great turkey lover,

the responsibility for
the not-so-Thin White Duke

-lies entirely with you.
-Oh. Ha. Fine.

I'm perfectly capable of
looking after a dumb bird.

Just a reminder --
Mister Talbot hasn't yet

signed on the dotted line.

That "dumb bird"
holds the key to our future.

DAISY: [ Gasps ]

Oh, my God!
Where is David Bowie?

-Oh, God.

So, what does he look like?

LOUIS: Well,
he looks like a turkey.

If you -- If you see a turkey,
just bring him to us.

NIC: Why is he called
David Bowie?

Like, has he got
a lightning bolt on his face?

Or is he sexually ambiguous?

DAISY: No, no, no, no.
He's just -- He's just a turkey.

We're looking for
a very big turkey.

Can I be of assistance?

Oh, God.

[ Sighs ]

It's Philippe.
It's my cousin.

-Oh. [ Laughs ]

-DAISY: Hello.

Ah, thank you, Philippe.

We could use all the help
we can get.

PHILIPPE: Be like the w*r, huh?

Englishmen united together
in a common cause.

LOUIS: Yes, yes.
I remember how the French,

ah, surrendered early in order
to encourage the Allies

-to fight harder.
-Louis, be nice.

-Hm. Sorry.
-Ah, apology accepted.

No. I wasn't talking to you.

Ah. Okay, everyone.

Let's go find David Bowie.

Nic, you come with me.

NIC: David Bowie!

[ Gobbles ]

Ah, ah. Shh. Shh. Shh.
Shh. Shh. Listen.

Can you hear something?

You're very red in the face.

Well, I'm stressed!

We've got to find that bird!

Our line of credit
is in his paws,

hands, wings -- whatever.

You have been pretty stressy.

-Well! [ Scoffs ]
-Maybe it's, you know,

-it's the -- the menopause.
-Ah! Shh.

It's just --
use your inside voice.

But we're outside.

There is no meno-- mm --

meno-- men--
nothing is paused, okay?

Everything is working
exactly as it should.

Subject closed.

Okay, then.

Hey, how are things going
with Dr. D?

Well, that's, um...

It's great.
It's -- It's really good.

Um, it's only been
a few weeks, but it's -- it's...

it's just so...

Sexually overpowering?

It's -- It's just really easy.

I mean, we really connect,
you know?

Even a one-word text is...

Oh, he's good at sexting.

No, texting.

We don't, um...

-He's just -- He's respectful.

-[ Sighs ]

Vic's idea of sexting is
sending me provocative pictures

of vegetables he seen
at the supermarket.

-It's surprising how

a well-placed aubergine
can be so arousing,

because they're really...



It's funny, isn't it?

And here I am caught
between two Davids.

Both of them represent a future.


Admittedly, one's a turkey...

but I really like him.

The turkey?


No, Doctor.

-Oh. [ Laughs ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

LOUIS: Hi, Hilary.

HILARY: Oh, hello.

Bit of an urgent issue,
I'm afraid.

We're missing a turkey.
Long story short,

our financial future rests
on finding the bloody thing.

We thought it might have, ah,

crossed the boundary
into your property.

Haven't seen anything.

I tell you what,
I'll give Roger a call.

He was here working for me
this morning.

Great. Thanks.

Ooh. Do you mind
if I pinch a brownie?

Oh, go ahead.
Help yourself.

I didn't realize you partook.

-Hello, Roger.

HILARY: They're looking for
some turkeys.

Ooh. They're bloody good.

HILARY: Ring around?


Well, Roger is ringing
round the troops.

And, ah, he'll get
straight back.

Great. Very important
we find that bird.

-Mm. Oh.
-[ Cellphone chimes ]

No. No, it's not a call.

Just means the battery
is getting low.

Have you noticed everything
beeps at you these days.

Refrigerator, car,
microwave oven,

personal pleasure equipment.

-Ha. Beep.

-[ Laughs ]
-[ Laughs ]

Oh, keep an eye out
for my charger, would you?

It's around here somewhere.

It's just there.

Oh. 'Course it is.

[ Sighs ]

Paige used to be in charge of

putting everything back
in its proper place.

You must, ah --
You must miss her.

I'm fine.

I know what it's like to have
something so familiar

suddenly so far away.

You're right.

There is a Paige-shaped
hole in my life.

Shared DNA connects us,

but ooh, it's love
that binds us.

I couldn't have
put that better myself.

If you don't mind me asking,

what prompted her to return
to her mother?

HILARY: Well, my daughter seems
to have finally managed

to get her life together,

and she wants to be
a parent again.

-Simple as that.

Some things just happen
in their time, Louis.

And there's not a lot
we can do about it.

Fair enough.

Well, if you ever want
to talk, um...

Daisy is very good
at that sort of thing.

[ Chuckles ]

That's very odd.

My hands are suddenly
incredibly hot.

-God, and my feet...
-Oh, yeah.

That'll be the special brownies
kicking in.

[ Laughs ]

Those are special brownies.

Well, I thought you knew
when you said you partook.

But I had two.


Have another.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Oh, I don't understand.

How far can a turkey get?

It's like it's done
a complete vanishing act.



[ Gasps ]

Oh, my God.

The cat has got the turkey!

[ Sighs ]
How am I going to tell Louis?

He'll be furious.

[ Laughs ]

Do you know, I've seen -- I've
seen you with no clothes on?

Oh, yes. You and every courier
in the district.

That's -- That's one of the
drawbacks of being a naturist.

-[ Laughs ]
-[ Laughs ]

Hilary, you know you do bake
an excellent brownie.

[ Laughs ]

You're -- You're pretty
baked yourself.

-[ Cellphone rings ]
-Oh. Hello.

[ Clears throat ]

Hilary speaking.

-[ Laughs ]

That's a TV remote.

[ Laughs ] So it is.

I was wondering where
that had gone.

-[ Laughs ] Ohh.

-Oh, it's Daisy.
-All right.

Hello -- hello, Daisy.

No. No, I'm -- I'm here
with Hilary.

Ah, she's waving.

There's no sign of --
There's no sign of the turkey.



Oh, right.



No, it's serious, very serious.

David Bowie is dead.

Oh, yes. I know.

But while he might be gone,

we will always
have his music.

[ Laughs ]

No, not --
not that David Bowie.

-David Bowie.

David Bowie, well he's a --
well, he's a -- he's a big boy.

And he's got a kind of --
he's sort of got

a bit of a flap of skin
that hangs down there.

-But it's like a sort of sack.

-Like -- yes.

Oh, what are we gonna do?

Well, maybe we could give him
a few bottles

of The Stanley
and he won't notice?


-Maybe a kitten?
-Hey, just a thought,

but doesn't one turkey look
pretty much like another?

-[ Gasps ]

That's it! That's it!

You are both brilliant.

We get a replacement turkey!

Yeah, but where
are we gonna find

another turkey in Peak View?


LOUIS: This is David Bowie?

This is David "Bough-ie"?


Is there life on -- on...

Is there life on Earth?

Is there?

Is there life on Uranus?


Is there life on Uranus?

Uranus. Uranus.


Sorry, Officer. I, um --

I was just trying to remember
the lyrics to a song.

I-I-I'm not just saying "Uranus"

for the sake of --
of saying Uranus.

I think you should probably stop
saying "Uranus" now, sir.

Yes, I will.

Also, I think the planet
you're looking for is Mars.

Mars. Of course.

So is there any reason why
you're walking down

-the middle of the road?
-Ah, yes. Yes, there is.

Um, ah, I'm going home, um, ah,
I live at Oakley Wines.

My name is Louis Oakley.

My business partner
is called Daisy Munroe.

Ah, my national
insurance number is


Sir, are you currently
under the influence?


Yes, yes, I am.

Um, I, ah,
I-I ate some brownies.

-But they didn't tell me

that they were actually infused
with the devil's parsley.

So, ah -- [ Clears throat ]

And I-I know I shouldn't be, ah,

in charge of a motor vehicle.

You're not.

No. You're right.
You're right, I'm not.

And, ah, and that, in fact,

makes me a responsible cits--

-Yes. I can see that.

Now, I would suggest you stick
to our more familiar biscuits.

Toffee Pops and Shrewsbury's
are nice.

Certain locally made treats
can be gateway

baked goods
to more serious cookies.

Right, well...

I'll be more careful next time.

Thank you very much,
nice motorcycle police lady.

Ah. Apologies, I meant to
say that in my head,

rather than actually out loud.
And that too.

And -- And --
And also that bit too actually.

Well, safe travels Louis Oakley
from Oakley Wines.

Just...stick to the side
of the road, okay?

I will.

Thank you very much.



[ Chuckles ]

Rowan, you have
excelled yourself.

He looks exactly
like David Bowie.

David Bowie was that
boomer singer guy, right?

Did he look like a turkey?

-How very dare you.
-Ah. No, no.

But he is perfect.
Thank you.

The perfect crime.

Mm. [ Laughs ]

[ Gobbles ]

You found him.

Ah, no.

But while you've been off

doing whatever
you've been doing,

I took the matter in hand
and solved our problem.

Behold our replacement
David Bowie.

-Oh, splendid!

Ah, but didn't David Bowie used
to do a-a-a special trick?

With a bell.

God, I forgot about the bell.

Don't worry. Don't worry.

I've got this.

[ Turkey gobbles ]

I've got this.

And I still don't understand
the importance of the turkey.

You know, for me,
it is for Christmas.

La dinde aux marrons.


But I am glad it is all fixed.

And we -- perhaps, ah, we may
have some work to do together?


You feel that?

I do.

You need to go.

I need to go.

You're beautiful.

You're amazing.

And I believe in you.

[ Gobbles ]

So just ring the bell.

Ring the bell.
Like this.

-[ Snorts ]
-Like that.

I-I know I should
put a stop to this,

-but I can't stop watching it.
-LOUIS: Ring the bell.

-Like this.
-It's strangely mesmerizing.

Gosh, I wish
we had some popcorn.

Um, you could
always try gobbling.

-Do you think that would help?

Oh, God.
I'm ridiculous, aren't I?

Oh, I don't know.
I think you could have

a future
as a turkey whisperer.

-[ Laughter ]
-We have a problem.

-The frost is coming.

Oh. And the White Walkers
will descend from the North.

[ Clears throat ]

Is frost bad?

Yeah. It's bad.

Very, very bad.

The timing is terrible.
We could lose the whole harvest.

So what do we do?
How do we stop it?

Essentially, we've got to
keep the air circulating

so that the ground
doesn't freeze

and damage all the grapes.

No grapes and it's over.
No vintage, Oakley is dead.


TIPPY: Some vineyards have fans,
others have helicopters.

Well, what can --
what can we do?

This is Martha.
It's our frost-fighting machine.

And right now,
it's our only hope.

-Except it's damaged.
-GUS: Yes.

Something happened to it
in the quake, I think.

I-I don't know. It wasn't really
a priority to take it apart.

Gus, do you want me
to help you?

Oh, ah, you probably need
to get home

and look after
your own vines, I guess.

No, no. We're on higher ground,
like Hilary.

Vic is in Queenstown, but I'm
totally happy to stay and help.

Oh, thank you.

In the meantime,
we've got to get moving.

It's gonna be an all-nighter.


[ Sighs ]

Everything all right?

I've got to call David.

Date night is off.

LOUIS: Yeah.

I guess so.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Where on earth have you been?

I have been at Oakley Wines,
finding, as you say,

the way the land lays.

Spying on the opposition?

No. I do not spy.

MARISSA: No. Of course not.

You must, of course,
follow your process.

We wouldn't dream
of interfering in that.

Look, there is no time for this.

A frost is coming,
I have felt it.

MARISSA: But, ah,
we are highly unlikely

to have a frost
at this time of the year.

Yet still it comes.

MARISSA: Well, I haven't heard
a peep from MetService.

[ Cellphone chimes ]


Frost warning.

Certainly feels like the
temperature has dropped in here.

That feeling
that you are feeling?

That is humility.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


Just the man I wanted to see.

[ Grunts ]

There's a frost coming.

Thank you, Don.
Yes, we know.

It's the first frost for you,
and we normally all pitch in

and help each other out.

We'll be fine. Thank you.

-Louis! Is -- Is --
-[ Sighs ]

-Is there a problem?
-No. Everything is fine.

We've already had your French
contingent here today as well.

Yes. I-I heard he'd been round.
I'm sorry about that.

He -- He said he just wanted
to get to know his cousin.

[ Laughs ] Did he? Mm.

It's quite a coincidence,
isn't it?

You hiring a -- a Bidois.

-Or -- Or was it?

We were just looking for
the best person for the job,

and Philippe happens to be
by far the best person.

You just happened to hire
our vintner's

more accomplished
and famous cousin,

who, once he tumbled into town,

happens to turn up here
immediately, lurking about.

Come on, Louis.

The decision was a business one,
pure and simple.

You'd have done the same thing.

I very much doubt that.

Look, business is business.

It doesn't mean
we can't be friends.

I've tried that before, Don.

That's why I'm here...

and my business partner
is sitting waist deep

at some pool bar
in the bloody Caribbean.


Well, ah...

I just came round to warn you
about the frost

and to see if we could do
anything to help you prepare.

No. No, thank you. You --
You take care of yourselves.

I mean, it's business,
after all.



Well, have a good evening
and, um...

good luck.


Martha is . % there.

Ah, unfortunately that . %
is like...

crucial to her operation.

Well, that's not much.

GUS: True. Ah, ah, it's not.

Except, is.
It's her ignition switch.

Okay. Well -- Well, can't we
just get a new switch?

[ Sighs ]


One -- One -- One second.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


Don't tell Julian we borrowed
the rocket switch.

Oh. Where's the turkey?

-Oh, for God's sake!
-[ Turkey gobbles ]

GUS: And we're ready!

Fire in the hole!

Gus! Wait!

-[ Gasps ]
-[ Gasps ]

Oh, my God.

Oh, the poor thing!

Why do we keep k*lling turkeys?

Should we have
a moment's silence?

Maybe we should've called him
John Lennon.

-He was k*lled by a fan too.

[ Scoffs ]

I need some space.

What happened here?

Martha blew up.

I thought Martha wasn't working,

so I've been trying
to find frost pots.

-Great idea.
-What are frost pots?

Yeah. You fill these containers
with fuel,

line them up,
and then light them up.

Instant heat.

TIPPY: Where
and when you need them.

The warmth will help
save the harvest.

Well, that -- that's brilliant.

Yeah. But we're going to need
a hell of a lot more.

Anything metal we can
get our hands on.

Okay. Let's get to work!


Oh, thank you, Nic.

Ah, Hilary said she'll be here
with some more soon.

This isn't gonna be enough.

We won't be able to save
all the vines.

Well, maybe it's time we called
Don and Marissa for help?

No. I'm afraid I've already
burned that particular bridge.

-[ Sighs ]

Tippy, life is about
hard choices.

You've got to...

choose which grapes to save,
which to sacrifice.

I don't want to sacrifice
any of them.

-Well, neither do I.
-[ Sighs ]

I guess the front paddock is
the most vulnerable to frost.


I thought you might need these.

Does Marissa know you're here?

When family is in trouble,

that is where I go.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

My dad would've been stoked
to see me doing this.

His son the farmer.

You're not a farmer.

I could be.

No. No.
My grandad used to say...

never use a silver spoon
to shovel mud.

Am I the silver spoon
in this particular scenario?

-You're the shiniest spoon.
-[ Laughs ]

You're the spoon that gets
brought out only for visitors.

Like Mrs. Talbot, you know?

She sees what I see --
that you're magic,

and, you know, you shouldn't
be used for instant coffee.

You should only ever be kept
in the sugar bowl.

Gus, that's really sweet, but...

no one wants me right now.

But have you even asked them?

No. I guess I could put
some feelers out,

test the water.

It is morning in LA.


You should do it.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Grunts ]

-Hilary. [ Sighs ]

Oh, don't sneak up
on me like that!

I didn't.

-Now, um...
-[ Sighs ]

Well, don't just stand there.
Help me.

I am gonna help you.

-Come on.
-I'm stuck.

Right, ah...Hold on.

-Thank you.
-Not at all.

-Come on.

Hilary, Hilary, Hilary, Hilary.

-Maybe -- maybe --

Let's -- Let's go and sit down.

[ Sighs ]

So, the...
mistaken luggage,

the missing but not missing
phone charger,

and the answering of calls
on your remote control.

You know,
my mother lost her sight

when she was rather young.

And when it deteriorated,

I became her eyes
to some extent,

making sure she didn't
grab the salt

instead of the sugar
in the supermarket,

that kind of thing.

And I used to read to her
at night.

[ Sighs ] Romance novels.

Her favorite was,
ah, Jilly Cooper.

-Well, yeah.

But, ah, Jackie Collins, Hilary.

Jackie Collins was -- was worse.

Ah, I was only young, I had to
skip over the naughty bits.

[ Laughs ]

The point is I know what it is
you're trying to hide.

HILARY: Okay, fine. Fine.

It's macular degeneration.

The -- The -- The fast kind,
but no big deal.

So what are the options?
You've got drops, surgery.

No, no.
I am managing this myself.

And...thankfully the dope
helps relieve the,

ah, the ocular pressure.

Isn't that for glaucoma?

Oh. Well, thank you very much,

Louis, it's nice
that you're concerned,

but I'm -- I'm perfectly
capable of self-medication.

And let's just keep this
between us.

Not a word, right?


What on earth
are you wearing?

Mm? Oh.

It's, um, Stanley's
frost-fighting hoodie.

Seemed appropriate,
and I was cold.

Yeah. You Australians love
shortening words, don't you?

Well, what would you call it?

Ah, well,
I would call it a, um...

I-I would call it a hoodie.

See, so we're both good at

shortening things then,
aren't we?

the lifespans of turkeys.

Oh, God. Don't.
I can't even think about it.

What is Mr. Talbot
going to say

when he finds out
that we're responsible for...


-[ Both laugh ]
-You know what we need?

Something a little more warming
than a hoodie.

Oh. No, I'm toasty warm in this,
thank you very much.

No, I was thinking more...

Oh. Ah...

Oh, why not.
It's gonna be a long night.

Be right back.

Oh. [ Laughs ]

I'm actually quite, ah...

whew, a bit, um...


Oh, God. Oh.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, God.


[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Sighs ]


I am spectacularly torn.

-Oh! ha!
-But as a doctor,

I would recommend
a little more clothing.

Mm. [ Chuckles ]

What are you doing here?

Well, it sounded like
you could use some help, and...

I really wanted to see you.

And I find myself
always wanting to see you.

Oh. Ah. [ Laughs ]

Are you all right?

Do you -- Do you need anything?


Actually, I --
I think it's hormonal.

[ Inhales deeply ]



is nothing to
be embarrassed about.


Well, it's not very sexy, is it?

Means I'm...




[ Scoffs ]

Getting old.

-Yeah, I guess.

Thanks very much.

[ Laughs ]
Getting old is a gift.

Easy for you to say,
all strong and handsome.

I know it's not the same thing,

but if I told you about
how my body is failing me,

will it make you feel better?

I haven't noticed
anything failing yet.

I'm nearly deaf in my right ear.

-I have bursitis in my hips,

I groan when I get
out of a chair.

But, you know,
it's all part of the process,

and I think I'm doing okay.

I think you're doing
more than okay.

You're amazing, Daisy.

You've got this...glow.

I think that's --

that's probably just
the hot flash. [ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]
I think it'll pass.

In fact...

why don't we...

sit down...

and just ride it out

I think that's a lovely idea.

[ Laughs ]

Where's she gone?

You all right, Louis?

-Ooh, whiskey.
-LOUIS: [ Laughs ]

Whiskey. [ Sighs ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Engine shuts off,
door closes ]

NIC: Babe, you made it.

Thanks for your help.
You didn't have to.

I did. A Bidois will never
ask for help,

but will always graciously
accept it.

-[ Cellphone rings ] grape deserves
to be rendered useless.

Frost will be here soon.

We're not gonna have time to
put down all the pots, are we?

GUS: Tippy!
More pots over here!

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

TIPPY: We need to start
lighting the pots

that have already been fueled.

There's no time to fuel
or place any more.

We have to focus on saving
as many grapes as we can.

But we've only got a quarter
of the vineyard left to do.

Realistically, Tippy,
do we have enough time

to light the rest of them
before the frost

does too much damage?

Maybe if we had
another half-hour.

-[ Sighs ]
-[ Helicopter rotors whirring ]

Can you hear that?


[ Cellphone rings ]


It's Don. Hello, Don?

I'm not doing this
out of friendship.

This is a business decision.

If your vines fail,
it reflects badly on us all.


Thank you, Don!

My bird is at your disposal.

I can buy you some time
to get your pots lit.

But how did he know?


Make a start on
the back paddocks, Don!

We're working our way up
from the front.

Roger that.

Oh, and, Louis, there are
some reinforcements on the way.

Oh, Daisy. Look!

[ Cheering ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Horns honk ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

It's my agent.

What are you waiting for?

TIPPY: Thank you, Philippe.

We couldn't have done this...

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

NIC: ...when the helicopter
flew right over...

-GRIFFIN: Yeah, man.

Thank you, Gus.

DAISY: Oh. Yeah.

I don't like it when
they get that close.


Okay, then.

See you then.
[ Laughs ]

-These are so good.

-So good.
-That was the Talbots.

-So good.
-They're coming home early.

-This morning.
-LOUIS: Oh, Christ.

They're gonna be expecting
to see, ah, a turkey.

What -- What are we gonna do?

We're just gonna
have to come clean.

Oh. All that work for nothing.

Do you need a turkey?
I can get a turkey.

-DAISY: What?
-Yeah, no worries.

I can get one here
in about an hour.

Vic -- Vic, it's got to be
a big plump one.

VIC: Again, no worries.
I'll see you soon.

So our future rests with Vic.

He's never let me down.

He won't let you down either.

Even if he looks a little bit
like him,

he's still not going to be able
to ring the bloody bell, is he?

Well, we'll have to cross
that bridge when we come to it.

-Here he is.
-VIC: One turkey!

And it's pre-stuffed.

-[ Gasps ]
-They're coming!

Oh my God. Vic, Vic, hide it.
Hide it.

DAISY: [ Gasps ]

-[ Grunts ]


What was that?

[ Laughs thinly ]

-MR. TALBOT: Hello, there.
-[ Laughs ]


Well, ah, where is he?
Where's my big boy?


-[ Gobbles ]

Well, ah, Mr. --
Mr. Talbot, um...

Ah, and -- and -- and indeed
Mrs. Talbot...

-[ Gobbles ]
-Ah, we...

Well, we live in, um, ah, ah,
ah, ambiguous times...

-And, ah, [Clears throat]

sometimes one is faced with,

-oh, I'd say unexpected...

-...ah, challenges.

And sometimes things happen

that are completely
out of our control.

Just -- Just really
distressing events.

Yes, indeed. And, ah --

And I think David Bowie...

[ Clears throat ]
David Bowie himself

probably said it best when --
when -- when he said...

[ Bell dings ]

[ Bell dinging ]

There he is!
My big boy!

GRIFFIN: I think that's
the original Bowie.

Rosie, give them
their documents.


Oh. [ Laughs ]

Your line of credit.

He worked on it the whole time

we were away
on our romantic trip.


-MR. TALBOT: Where's David?
-[ Turkey gobbles ]

I think you've put on weight.

-LOUIS: Bye!

[ Sighs ]

I cannot believe
we did it.

You know we were literally
saved by the bell.

Promise me one thing.


No more turkeys.

Oh. Only at Christmas.

[ Laughs ]

-Hello, everybody.

-Well done! Thank you!
-Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!

MARISSA: Philippe!

About last night...

we simply cannot have you
appearing and disappearing

whenever you feel like it.

You don't just want to win, no?

You, ah... [ Sniffs ]

You want to destroy Oakley also.

Am I right?

No. Of -- of course not.

We -- We are thrilled
when our neighbors

and competitors find success.

PHILIPPE: Of course you are.

But you should trust me,

I have everything in hand.

For Oakley, I am the, ah...

fox in the hen house.

They simply have not
realized it yet.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]