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02x12 - Babel

Posted: 02/21/23 18:28
by bunniefuu
And then what did you do? Well, I-- what does it matter? It was a long time ago.

A very long time.

Don't wanna talk about it, huh? In case you haven't noticed, we've still got a lot of this shrapnel to deal with.

You'd think that someone in a suit like this would be able to dodge a simple hand grenade.

I did dodge a hand grenade.

The problem was, mad Stan had 2.

Now come on, finish your story.

How'd you know Robin would get there in time to save you? I didn't.

Then for all you knew, you were walking into a trap with no way out.

Sometimes you have to.

ButYou could've been-- [Dog barks]

Quiet down.

We're trying to talk here.


Ace! Off! Ace, stop it! Stop it! Unh.

What got into him? [Whimpering]

So it happened to yours, too, huh? Mine tried to jump a pit bull.

You have any idea what's going on? Nope.

I'm just glad I don't live anywhere near the zoo.



I've never seem him like this before.

He's gonna make it next time, and I'm out of tranquilizers.


Aah! [Gorilla snarls]




[Elephant trumpeting]


We got it from here.

Everything's gonna be ok, Tiffany.



Doesn't make any sense.

It might.

The disturbances started at midnight and ended at 2:00.

At the same time, the military reported interference on certain sonar frequencies.

So we're talking sound here.

And you know who that means.

We all done, shriek? For tonight, Ollie.

But now that I know my system can blanket the city, there's a lot more for you to do.

Till they pay you mucho creds to ease up, right? Credits? After what was taken from me, do you honestly think I care about money? Ollie, there's a whole world of sound out there that I'll never hear outside of this stinking suit! Uh, guess not.

So why are we doing this? Batman saved us and the animals.

Yeah, the guy's incredible.

A real hero.

What I want is to change all that.

Batman, huh? What did he do to you? Ollie, it's been a long night.

I think you've earned some time with the fork.

The fork? Sound vibrations directly stimulating the brain's pleasure center.

Isn't this better than creds? Oh, yeah.

Most definitely.

Ohh [Moaning]

[Ears ringing]

Shreeve was discharged by that mental hospital he was in.

They say they cured him.

Cured him, huh? Do you believe that? As the guy he blames for his hearing loss, I'd say no.

It had to have been shriek.

But why? And how? That suit of his was pretty powerful, but I don't see how it could've affected that much of the city.

Maybe he found some way to pradish dash per grenna.

What? You're not making arissno.

Corty tie etoxin? Terry, what's happening to you? Granbow key waggle, locksna? Nolam tal, tal base.


Shriek must've Found a way to interfere With the vibrations of air molecules.

Air molecules carry the vibrations Of human speech.

That's what I get for sleeping through physics.

Ok, jace, after this, we'll call it quits, maybe go for some pizza or Canderflan ach dep.

What? Please repeat.

Bock seppen gran leer.

Jace, you all right? Miffen Bree spingarn.

I can't understand you.

You on the right frequency? Dockrin spry? Jace, you're getting too close.

Jace, pull up.

Pull up! [Screaming]

Ben-shoo kran! Ark mo, ark mo, ark mo! [Straining]

Aah-aah-aah! Aaah! Aah! Unh.


Tu mickna.

Ranspring Doe garlan.

Tu mickna.

Drem feen.

Drem feen! That's not gonna do any good, Dave.

Pluten som bring, nach pen? The city's going crazy.

Shell termin veer kwa.

And I've alerted the newspapers to print emergency instructions.

Wait a minute.

I can understand you.

And you're making sense now, too.

As much as you usually make, anyway.

[Telephone rings]



It's shriek.

I shut off the interference so you could hear this.

I'm willing to give the city back its sanity permanently in exchange for Batman's life.

Batman? There's no way I can-- tonight.


Hill square.

If he's not there, things'll get even worse.

You're out of your mind.



He's using a jamming signal.

I'm sure of it.

The problem is finding out where the signal's coming from.

Here are the places where the effect was most severe.

But it's still gonna take some time to isolate-- [ring]

Bruce, the truce is only temporary.

Why am I not surprised? We're mobilizing, but even if we're lucky, hundreds will die, maybe thousands.

We're trying to find his transmitter, and once we do-- he wants Batman.

That's his price.

If he wants Batman, he can have me.

You're not him.

At least you're not the one he wants.

What are you saying, Barbara? That I should just hand Terry over to shriek? No.

Give him to me.

I'll figure out something.

I had some pretty good teachers, remember? I remember, but you work for a mayor who'd sell out the kid at the drop of a hat.

Look, if you've got a better plan-- all I know right now is this That kid's done a lot for this city.

It's time for the city to do something for him.

We're trying, Bruce, but we've only got till midnight.

What then? We've got to figure out where it's coming from.

Terry? Thousands, huh? Yeah, thousands.

All balanced against the life of one person--me.

You know, there are other kinds of losses.

Like what? Like your mom losing a son.

Like Matt losing his big brother so soon after his father.

Then there's Dana's loss, not to mention my own.

You gonna do that to us? Midnight's fast approaching, and shriek, the sound genius with the unsound mind, doesn't appear likely to lift the deadline for his rendezvous with Batman.

If the vicious vigilante doesn't show, we'll all get another dose of shriek's babble, and this one'll be lethal.

LA Tonya choi's been sampling public opinion at the galleria.

Sure, shriek's crazy, but there's 2 sides to every story.

You don't go around provoking a madman, and that's what Batman did.

That's who you're thinking of sacrificing yourself for? Shriek just wants a little justice.

[Powers up machine]

Ollie, it's time.

Ollie! Dad? Oh, my God.

Where is he? Where's dad? Dad? Dad! Batman got us into this mess, and now he's gotta get us out.

Even if he has to sacrifice his own life? Why should we all suffer because of a private dispute? Spineless fools.


Terry! You sound surprised.

You're not thinking of handing yourself over to him, are you? That's not my first choice, no.

I wouldn't blame you if you stayed home, not after what all those ingrates have been saying.

I didn't get into this for gratitude.

I have a feeling you didn't, either.

That's it.

That's how he's doing it.

How? How's he doing it? I'm sure of it.

He's found a way to adapt the kilmmas bay for kamma.

What? He must've started the interference again.

I can't-- the towers.

He's using them as a giant tuning fork.



Aah! Ohh! Unh! Ka fah! Braymon ka-ta! This isn't how I wanted it.

You were supposed to give yourself up to me.

You should've gotten it in writing.


See how funny you think this is.

[Sound pulsating]

Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Now I've got the advantage.

Aargh! [Coughs]

Oh, no.

I can't shut it off.

I can't-- the whole frequency vibration-- it's gonna knock down the towers.

Unh! The towers are falling.

Get away from there! No use pleading.

You're dead.

By the way, thanks.

For what? For reminding me why I got into this.

It's been so many years now.

But you never really forget, do you? No, you don't.

Tell me, what if you hadn't figured out how shriek was using the towers? Would you have handed yourself over to him at midnight? In case you haven't noticed, we've got a suit to repair here.