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02x07 - Once Burned

Posted: 02/21/23 18:25
by bunniefuu
Bennie, are you in? Come on, bennie, I can't wait all night.

I understand your impatience, lula, but it's a difficult position I'm in.

To bet or not to bet.

Better make up your mind, twit.

Yeah, man, a mind is a terrible thing not to make up.

And I got places to go and people to rob.

We all do.

[All grumbling]

II I think I heard something.

Did anyone else? That ain't gonna save you, bennie, boy.

Jason! Justin! Go check.

And be thorough.

Ooh! Hey! Who threw that-- hey! Whoa! [Confused chatter]

Aah! Uh! Ooh! Ugh! [Distant machine g*n fire]

Up to your old tricks, I see.

It's not what it looks like, I swear.

You want this back? It's all yours.

No! You can't! Watch me.

Well, that's darn nice of you.

But it's not enough now.

Idiot! [All coughing]

Ooh! What? Ooh! [Coughing]


A bunch of gangsters, and a pile of credits and jewelry, you say? There were some gold ingots in there, too.

This brings back some memories.

Wanna share 'em? Sounds like you got a little too close to the derby.

It's a high stakes poker game that's been floating around Gotham since before even my time.

As you noticed, it attracts some of our most colorful citizens.

You'd think they could afford better security.

They probably figured no one would be crazy enough to try to rob them.

Desperate's more like it.

Sounds like simple greed to me.


She swore that it wasn't what it looked like.

She meant it.

I could tell.

Ah, to be young again And gullible.

I'm home! Mom? Matt? "Terry, today was beach day, remember? Where were you?" Oh, just out saving the world, ma.

Remember me? Melanie.

Or should I say, 10? If you hate me, I understand.

What I did to you before, I didn't have a choice.

It was between you and my family.

There's always a choice, Melanie.

I need a place to stay till it's dark.

That's all I'm asking for.

Let me guess.

Cops after you? Among others.

Including Batman.

But even he would never think of looking for me here.


I guess he wouldn't.

But there are laws against harboring criminals, and I'm-- I'm not a criminal.

Not anymore.

Then why is everybody after you? Because I was forced to rob a big poker game by the jokers.

They're holding my family.

I--I think we'd better call the police.

Don't you get it? If I do that, the jokers'll k*ll them! [Cell phone rings]

Hello? Dana, hi.

Oh, yeah.


History homework.


No, I didn't forget it.

It's just that there's A change of plans.


Tomorrow night would be a lot better.



There's an old saying, "once burned, twice shy.

" Is that what you're feeling now? No.

But you did burn meBad.

I don't suppose an apology would put everything back to the way it was before? Melanie, things have changed.

How? Are you saying you're not attracted to me anymore? No.

I'm not saying that.

Not at all.

Matt: Terry! We're home! That's my cue.

You can't do this.

Not by yourself.

I have to.

But, Terry, thanks for caring.

[Door opens]

What are you doing here in the dark? Watching the sun set.

That was an hour ago.

I know.

But they're gonna do an instant replay.

Really? [Cell phone rings]


Terry: It's me.

I've got a history test in the morning.

Mind if I go over to Dana's to study for it? Things are quiet out there? Yeah.


And you? Things are always quiet here.

Take the night off.

Instant replay.

Yeah, right.


Terry, it's not like there's a website for illegal card games.

I know, but there's gotta be some way of finding out where the derby is.

Police reports, maybe? Wonder if I can get some pictures from last night.

Pictures? From the surveillance satellites.

That'd tell us exactly where they were.

You can download from the defense department's computers? Well, not legally.

So this is what you blew off Dana for.

I was just talking to her.

You're not going to say anything to her, are you? Do I ever? But I would like to know what's going on.

I'm helping a friend.

That's all.

With this kind of lying? It's got to be more than just a friend.

Wish I knew.

Better decide soon.

It ain't fair to Dana.

Here's your photos.


You don't suppose she'll try again do you, tyrus? Nobody's that stupid.

Maybe we should put the game on hold for a few days.

Just in case.

The fact that you're wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it, bennie? Now shut up and deal.

Oh! Ugh.

You're sitting this one out.


Can't afford to.

Ugh! Unh! I see you and raise you [Anxious grumbling]

Ugh! I'm only trying to save my family! They'll be k*lled if-- skip the sob story.

Let's pretend I believe you.

Then let me go get the ransom money.

Please! No.

No more stealing.

You're k*lling my family.

I'm saving them.


Ha ha ha ha! [Roaring]

Ha ha ha! This is where the note said they had my family.

I thought about breaking in, but there were just too many of them.

And there still are.

Even for the 2 of us.

So why don't you just let me go back to the card game? It would be a lot safer than this.

Like I said before, no more stealing.


This is for a kid named Terry mcginnis.

If you come out of this ok, and I don't, will you give it to him? And you won't read it.

Promise? I promise.

Maybe you're not such a jerk after all.

They're probably keeping them in the meat locker.



Honest, babe, I just wanna show you the constellations.


Aah! Ha ha! [Angry shouts]

Watch my back.

Wha--? Mmm! The royal flush g*ng.

Where are they? I don't know.

They don't hang with us.

You kidnapped them! We what? [Mob shouting]

Ha! [Grunts]


Wayne: Thought you might need this.

I tried to reach you at Dana's, and when you weren't there, I switched on the suit's tracer.

Guess I've got some explaining to do, huh? Guess you do.


Ugh! [Coughing]

Aah! Ooh! Aah! Ow! What was that for? For saying "I told you so.

" But I didn't! Well, you were gonna.

And if I told you what I was gonna do, you wouldn't have let me.

You didn't trust her.

Wayne: And rightfully so, it seems.

Ok, I was wrong.

The only thing I did right was stick a tracer on her.

Live and learn, kid.

That's it? That's all you have to say to me? For the moment.

Now, why don't you see if you can locate her frequency? [Beeping]

Here's the ransom.

Now let my family go.


Well done, darling.

Dad? Where are the jokers? There never were any jokers.

This was just a family thing.

Family? What are you talking about? After the last time, we weren't sure of you.

Weren't sure we could trust you.

But you just proved yourself.


What's wrong, darling? What's wrong? How could you do this to me? Melanie, listen.

Your mother and I love you very much.

But we needed to make sure you loved us.

You don't love me.

If you did, you wouldn't have done this to me.

And you never would have made me choose between the family and Terry.

You would've accepted him.

You were too young.

Age had nothing to do with it.

You were afraid I'd leave the g*ng.

That's what it was.

All I've ever been to you is an accomplice.

Never a daughter.

I justWish it hadn't taken me so long to realize it.

How sweet.

A family reunion.

Wait! Wait? For what? Jack! Ace! No! Oof! Better choose your side, Melanie.

And choose well.

Ooh! Oof! Ha! Hyah! Aah! Ohh! It appears you're outnumbered.

Not really.

I tipped off some friends of yours on the way over.

Told them who robbed their game.

[Brakes screeching]

[Angry voices]

I also tipped off the cops.


Your deal, king.

[Techno music playing]

Terry, if you need some credits-- it's ok.

I've got a few in my pack.

I hope.

What's that piece of paper? It'sNothing.