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02x05 - Hidden Agenda

Posted: 02/21/23 18:24
by bunniefuu
Hold the doors! [Breathing hard]

Thanks, I thought I was going to miss my train.


Hey, termin, the guy says we're in his train.

You really should label the things you own.

I do.

[Maniacal laughter]

Um, I really don't think you should be doing this.

Please stop! Please, I beg you! What do you say, crew? Since he asked so nicely.


[Alarm sounds]


Oh, oh You're not laughing.

He's not laughing.

Maybe we should share a few smiles, just to encourage him.


Aah! Well, crew, we've brightened the life of just one more bored citizen.

Our work here is done.

Oh! Aah! Uhh! Keep smiling! [All laugh]

Oh! Aah! Slag it! Jokerz! So, termin, where to next? Later.

I'm crashing.

What's the matter, fearless leader? Need your beauty sleep? Aah! Don't make fun of me.

M-hmm! Good.

Aah! Uh-oh, the g.



Scores are in.

I don't even want to know what I got.

Hey, Max, what's your I.


? The last prime number before my birth year.

a perfect score! Yeah, well, it's just a number.

It doesn't mean anything.

Believe me, Terry, you're just as smart as I am.

Think so, huh? Let's see what he got.

Incomplete? How do you get an incomplete on the g.



S? Some emergency.

I had to leave before the test was over.

Sometimes I get the feeling you arrange for these emergencies.

Near perfect score, Carter.

Way to go! Yeah, well, class president has to set an example.

With scores like that, you're a shoo-in for valedictorian.

Yeah, a shoo-in.

So what if you didn't get top score? What? Hey, Max, congrats on the top score! No big whoop.

It's just a test.

Oh, don't be so modest, Max.

Judging by your g.



S, I'd say you could give Carter here a run for valedictorian if you wanted.

What's that? The results of a compiler program I've written.

About Batman? Yeah, I needed a hobby, and it beats macramé.

I hacked my I.


So that I can stay after hours to work on it.

The program searches the grid for specific information about Batman.

He's between 5'6 and 6 feet, between How can he be that young, if he's been around for so long? I figure the guy that's been around lately is a brand-new bat.

A lot of people would fit this description.


But every day, another bit of data helps narrow it down.

Eventually, I'll have the guy pegged.

If it is a guy.

He's a guy, and he's connected to our school.

I'm sure of it.

He's, like, a teacher? A teacher or a phys-ed coach or even a student.

How could you have done so poorly on the g.



S? I got an almost perfect score.

"Almost" doesn't get you ahead in life, dearest.

"Almost" gets you almost.

Only one student got higher.

Well, that would make you the winning loser, wouldn't it? And if that's good enough for you, then I can see why my opinion doesn't mean much to you, either.

Vidphone, speed dial 6.

Man: Yo.

I have a little business to take care of tonight.

After hours at hill high.

Don't worry, we'll be there.


So much for the g.




Can we go home now? I haven't been in school since sixth grade.

It creeps me out.

Just one more bit of electro-vandalism.

Little miss perfect score.

Let's see what else-- valedictorian? Oh, I don't think so.


It blipped you.

There's more than one way to interface.

I hear they jolted all the vidscreens.


Stupid, random destruction.

Not so random.

Look at the damage.

They were picking their targets.

You're saying they're students here? At least one of them is.

Maybe I could rewrite my Batman search program to look for the students most likely to be jokerz.

So you'd stop looking for Batman? Are you sure you want to do that? I am now.

May I see your passes, please, kids? Look who's playing hall monitor! Care to explain what you're doing here? Actually, no.

Unh! What are you doing with this? I use it to scrape bugs off my windshield.

Guess it isn't working.

You're still here.

You've been breaking into school lockers.

Why? Just her locker, to send a message.

She's a threat.

Because she can finger you clowns beneath your greasepaint? Don't know nothing about that.

I just do what I'm told.

Tell your boss to back off.

I'll get Max off his tail.

You think you can relay that message for me? Yeah, but you might have to give us a tow back to the school.

That's where we left him.


[Sinister chuckling]

Hello? Anybody there? [Laughing continues]

Query: How many custodians does it take to clean a school? Answer: None, twip.

It's all done by machines.

Just a squirt of oil and a recharge, and they keep the place spotless.

And cleanliness is so important, don't you think? That's why I've replaced the standard cleaning fluid with something a little stronger Acid! Batman, wait! Max! Are you all right? The hallway's a mess of goo! Yeah, I must have accidentally tripped some kind of joker trap.

It was no accident.

This trap wasn't meant for just anyone.

The jokerz are after you.

What? Why? Your search program, Max.

You've gotta shut it down, for your own safety! Please, just trust me on this one, ok? Ok.

I'm gonna go make sure there's no one else in the building.

Drag program "Max joker 1" to trash and empty.

Computer: Transferring program.

Transferring completed, datafile.

Complete? No, wait! Cancel delete command.

Recover data! Do you wish a printout of students whose records match your parameters? You bet I do! My God, I don't believe it! Terry! A joker? Hey, Max! Are you ok? You hardly said a word walking home last night.

I was looking over my shoulder.

I had the weirdest feeling there was a joker nearby.

They won't bother you anymore.

I promise.

I guess you'd know.

What? Terry, you coming or not? Hang on.

We'll talk later, ok, Max? I suppose I owe you that much.

But, I Terry, meet me at the Gotham park water fountain at 8:00 tonight to talk, or I blow your secret wide open.

That should get his attention.

Terry? I should have known.

Looky, looky.

It's miss perfect 2400.

The luckiest girl on the face of the planet, until now.

I'm slagged.

I'm going straight to sleep.

You'd never catch me going to bed at 8:00 if I didn't have to.

You would if you worked for Mr.



Ooh, someone's got e-mail! Probably a love note from Dana.

[Kiss kiss kiss]

Aah! Scram, armpit! [Yawns]

Oh, no.

That's right, Maxine.

I know who you are.

I know who you are, too, Terry! Mcginnis? Ha ha ha! She thinks I'm mcginnis.


I know he's one of you! He told you I'd be here! No one told us anything.

We've been following you.

To finish off what we started.

Because of this? Annnhh! Wrong again! I don't care about your data-crunching.

I have a more personal reason for wanting you gone.

Who are you? Me, I'm the best.

Help! Somebody help! Who do you think's gonna hear you, maxie? Who do you think's gonna come to help you? Me! Run! You called it! Not what I meant.

Come out, come out, wherever you-- [clang]

Why, you little Max! Forget about me, Batman.

You got the girl, trey? Yeah, I got her.



Carter? Carter Wilson?! [Groaning]

Well, I guess that blows it for Carter.

He'll never be valedictorian now.

Sure he will.

Of juvie hall! I always knew Carter was a loser.

Yeah, me, too.

A loser.

I guess I'm not as good a programmer as I thought.

Carter wasn't even on my list of possible jokerz.

But you were.

Wait, you don't think I did.

But now I know the truth.

What are you gonna do about it? First thing I'm going to do is go cover my tracks, so no one else can figure out You know.

It's been taken care of.

By whom? A friend.

He's a real expert in covering tracks.

This changes everything, you know.

Maybe for the better.

At least now, you're not alone with your secret.

You have someone to talk to.

Someone who can help you out sometimes if you need it.

Help me out? How? Dana: So where were you last night? You told me you had a free evening! Did the great Mr.

Wayne snap his fingers for you again? Or did you just forget? I'm sorry, Dana.

It was my fault.

I was supposed to sit with Matt, but I had to cancel.

Terry got stuck babysitting.


Well, babysitting.

I guess that's all right.

Family does come first.

We'll make it up.


Maybe this could work out after all.

Just one thing, mcginnis.


You call me Robin, and I'm outta here.

No problem Alfred.
