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02x04 - Lost Soul

Posted: 02/21/23 18:23
by bunniefuu
Tragedy in the world of technology today with the passing of Robert vance.

A pioneer in digital technology, vance had recently been suffering from a debilitating brain disorder.

Realizing there was no cure, vance spent his final days creating a bold new computer program.

By digitizing his brain impulses, it was vance's dream to guide his company from beyond the grave.

Work hard, save your money, and remember, the customer is always right.

There are many obstacles to quality, but don't let them-- [static]

Who are you? I don't have your cornea scan.

I wasn't born when your file was set up.

I'm your grandson Bobby.

How long have I been in here? Almost 35 years.

I imagine the world's changed quite a bit.

Oh, yes.

My father, your son, he, uh He's gone.

A heart att*ck.

It just happened.


So you're alone now.

I'm the last of the family.

I've gotta run the company now, but I'm not sure I can.

Not sure? I was no older than you are now when I started the company.

I know, but you and I are two different people, and-- that's enough.

Put me online.

But aren't you gonna help me? That's what you're for.

That was just a pose, Bobby, so people would leave me alone.

I needed to buy some time.

For what? Put me online, and you'll see.

I don't know if-- do it! Please, Bobby.

I've been cooped up in here a long time.

I wanna find out what's been going on in the world, that's all.

Doesn't look so bad from up here.

What? The city.

Kinda reminds me of the milky way.

Yeah, the milky way, but with psychopaths.

Ha ha ha! Elevator, ground floor.

Computer: Ground floor.

Alone at last.


Aah! Elevator, emergency stop! Stop! [Crash]

Hey, we're still alive.

Unh! [Crash]

Gotta be something wrong with its operating program.

Terry, look.

It's happening everywhere.

Aah! What happened? I must've kicked it over to manual.

Manual? On an elevator? Yeah.

They used to have these buttons you pressed for the floor you wanted.

This one must've been retrofitted.

I bet I can reprogram it to-- don't! I gotta get to Mr.


This whole place is operated by computers.

I'm worried.

Then go.

But I'm taking the stairs.

Vance's program didn't cover its tracks.

Its I.


Code's all over the grid.


Or maybe it just didn't care.

It's been hoarding information-- biology, physiology, neurology.

Based on what you told me, that program's been offline over 30 years.

Guess it wants to take a refresher course.

I'm sure it has a hidden agenda.

I suggest you stop wasting time and go pull the plug.

The door's not working.

I had to shut down the computer when vance's program tried to get in.

If you want out of the cave, you're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way.

You're kidding.

None of the Robins ever complained.


Aah! That rogue program's taken over the laser defenses.

We can't get near the main switch.

What's our option? Air strike? Sir, if this place is bombed, it'll take weeks to restore full power to the city.

But how else can we stop the thing? [Meow]


Shoo! [Meow]



Uhh Bruce: Is it gone? Seems to be.

And what about you? Still here Mostly.

Then you better get going.

The power's off in some parts of town, and you know what that's gonna lead to.

How about giving these stars in front of my eyes a chance to go away? Mcginnis [Sighs]

Right away, boss.


Hah! You gonna put that back? Hey, you can't tell us to-- uhh! Wrong answer.

As long as the lights are out, I suggest you go home and catch up on your sleep.


Unh! Unh! Hey There's something wrong with the suit.

I can barely move my leg.

Mcginnis? [Electricity]

Unh! Now it's the arm.

Did you get that? Hello? [Straining]


Unh! [Groaning]

Can you hear me? Vance: Stop shouting.

I can hear you perfectly well.

Wh-who's that? Robert vance is my name.

The computer guy? But you're-- dead? Rebooted is more like it.

The laser had downloaded you into my suit's computers.

It's a loose fit, but I'm sure I'll grow into it.


Vance: Don't even try to resist.

The suit's much stronger than you are.

Terry! Terry! [Straining]

Vance: You're more trouble than you're worth.

You haven't even seen trouble yet.

Vance: You know, I have a feeling this suit's waterproof.

But I'll bet you're not.

Whatever happens to me, you can't stay in this suit forever.

He'll stop you.

Vance: Whoever he is won't have a chance.

I'm only going to be in here until I can download myself into a new body.

A new body? There's no way.

There is a way.

I figured it out while I was on the grid.

All I need are a subject and my lab.

You really think you're Robert vance, don't you? But he was flesh, and you're just binary.

They don't go together.

You'll see.

But again, maybe you won't.

Aah! Unhh! Hey! [Gasp]

It's going to take a while to reprogram this thing.

Need any help? You look a little tired.

You try fighting that suit sometime.

We'll wait till tonight, then.

I was hoping you'd say that.

It'll be better for me, too.

I've always been a bit of a night person.


One thing.

What's that? Can I borrow a pair of pants? Any luck with the k*ll switch? No.

It's dead.

It's my fault.

I should've stayed here and made sure there was nothing left of him in that suit.

Can't do anything about it now.

Yes, I can.

He said he needed to use his old lab.

Where do you think you're going? To vance's lab to stop him.

How? I--uh I'll figure something out.

Look what the suit did to that wall.

You think you can go up against that? Sometimes I ask myself, "is Batman just a suit, or is it the man inside?" Time to find out.

Terry Better take this.

It's got some things you might be able to use.


I'd give you one of my old costumes, but most of them are pretty torn up.

You know--b*llet holes, burns, gashes.

I know what you're trying to do, but it won't work.

I'm still goin'.


Who's there? Batman? Not exactly.


Don't you recognize your old granddad? Uhh! Unh! Yes.

Bobby: What happened? I didn't give you enough sedative, that's what happened.

What are you doing to me? It's what I'm doing for you see, you're not going to have to worry about running the company anymore.


That's because I'm going to be in charge again.

In that suit? Aah! No, Bobby.

In you.

But where will I be? Wherever deleted programs go.

Nice sh*t.

Aah! Unh! Vance: 500 megs.

Pi "r" squared.

[Boy's voice]


Me first! I wanna play! One potato Ma--mama AhUhhh And in local news, it's the end of a dynasty as young Bobby vance sells his family's computer company to a group of outside investors.

Asked how his grandfather would've reacted to the sale, the younger vance summed it up succinctly.

Look, I've gotta do what I need to do.

Let's let my grandfather rest in peace, shall we? Delighted to do that, Bobby.


In sports-- the first time I programmed this thing, it didn't seem to take nearly this long.

It's ok with me.

I can use the rest.

Terry It's only the suit that's out of commission, not Batman.