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02x03 - A High Seas Adventure!

Posted: 02/20/23 17:51
by bunniefuu
-What're we doing at the dock?
-Oh, you'll see.

Tell me, Mugsy,
you ever wish you were a pirate?

You know very well that I do.

Well, all your swashbuckling dreams
are about to come true,

'cause we're gonna have
a high seas adventure!

We don't know
the first thing about sailing.

We could end up dead.

That, my little blue-nosed friend,
is why it's called an adventure!

Ooh, my candied apple!


Wait, wait, wait.

You can't just climb
aboard someone's ship.

You need permission first.

Only if the ship's painted red.

The ship is painted red.

I wasn't finished.
Painted red-purp-orange!

Red-purp-orange isn't even a color!

So we're good then.

I refuse to board without permission.

Suit yourself.

Wow, so amazing!

Mugman, you gotta see this!

Not without permission!

Oh, look at this!
I can't believe it!

And one of these!
I've always wanted one of these!

Holy Toledo, is that…

Mugman, you're missing out.

You could be having
a high seas adventure right now!

Don't you think I want that?
I need permission!

Well then,
permission to come aboard.



Where are all the pirates?

I guess they left.

And they left all their stuff.

Look what I found.




I call lookout!

No. Me!


Look at all that ocean.

Makes you feel like a real pirate.

Huh. The shore keeps getting smaller.

Hmm? Oh yeah.
And the ocean keeps getting bigger.

Oh no! We're out at sea!

Sea! Sea! Sea!

I'm not a real pirate. I'm a fake pirate.

Now this is a high seas adventure.

Anchors aweigh! Hard to starboard!

Ready the gangplank!




Who dares stow away
on the ship of Captain Brineybeard?


A real, real pirate!

-You can take us on a high seas adventure!
-Adventure? We're going home!

-No way! High seas adventure!





-Adventure! Adventure!
-Home! Home!




He's gonna k*ll us!

Hey, look, mister, we were just looking
for a high seas adventure, that's all.

It was all his idea!

Stop squawking and start sniffing!

-Squawk, start sniffing! Start sniffing!

Smell that?


Fish guts?


That be the pungent aroma

of love.


Soon I shall reunite with me girlfriend,

and this time it'll be forever!

Gee, uh, what's in the box, mister?

No, I ain't!

You're adorable.

Shut up!

Well, sounds like you two
have quite the reunion planned.

So if you just drop us off at the docks,
we'll get out of your hair.

We ain't turning back
till we get me girlfriend back.

Oh, I know!
We'll help you get your girl back,

and you take us on a high seas adventure.

No. He means he'll take us home!




If ye do help me get her back,
I'll be forever in your debt.

But I'll be honest with ye,
our chances of survival are slim to none.

And Slim just drowned.

I like those odds.

-We're in!

Cuphead, are you crazy?

Squawk! Cuphead's crazy! Cuphead's crazy!

Prepare for the high seas adventure!

Uh, could we make it
a medium seas adventure?

There's no such thing!

I was, uh, picturing less shipwrecks.

Brineybeard, where are we?

This be where she lives.

Your girlfriend lives
on wrecked pirate ships?

Nay, she feasts on wrecked pirate ships.

She lives in that thar creepy cove.

Uh, can we go back
to wrecked pirate ships for one second?

Aye, me sweet slaughters
all who dare approach.

Seems like an important detail
you could have mentioned sooner.

Certain death. Certain death.

Hey, uh, Briney?

What's with all the screaming statues?

They ain't statues, they be pirates.

Turned to stone when they gazed
into the eyes of the dreaded sea beast.

"Dreaded sea beast"?

This is the first I've heard
of a dreaded sea beast!

Nay! I told you from the start,
we're going to find me love.

You're in love with a dreaded sea beast?

Yuck! Keep that mushy stuff
out of my high seas adventure, will ya?

Bite your tongue!
Or me sword will bite it for ye.

You can bite it or I can bite it,
but either way it's gon' get bit.


That means she's close!

Me sweet!

Now if you'll excuse me, boys,

this is between a man
and the woman he loves.

Cala Maria! Hi!

-Down here!

It's me, Brineybeard!

We gotta get out of here,
Briney. Let's go!

Unhand me!

I'll never give up on love.

Your love wants you dead!

Relationships are a series
of peaks and valleys.

Now step aside.

Me sweet, I present to ye…

…a token of me love.

A symbol of me enduring devotion,
me undying affection…

-You talk too much.
-…the deepest--

Okay, high seas adventure over,
let's get outta here!



We can't just leave, Cuphead.

We promised Briney we'd help him.

So your plan is what?

Convince a dreaded sea beast
that a big rock loves her?

You're crazy!

Maybe, but I made a promise,
and I'm gonna deliver these sweets.

You go in there, and you'll never see
Elder Kettle or the cottage ever again.

We're never gonna see Kettle
or the cottage again anyway.

Well, you're on your own, buddy.

What else is new?

Fine, I'll help.

Okay! You get the head,
and I'll get the legs.

Ooh, look, a starfish.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You broke his legs.


There's always glue.


Good as new.


Well, he's solid stone now.
It's not like he was using 'em.

In fact, this might be
a good time to call it a day.

No way. We can't just leave, Cuphead.

We have a responsibility.


If we end up eaten or turned to stone,
we'll all know whose fault it is.

Look, you're the one
who wanted a "high seas adventure."

This is no time for the blame game.

You started the blame game!

It takes two to blame game!

-Yeah, and you started it.

Who cares who--

Is it… her?

It's just a giant crab monster.

Oh, is that all?

Giant crab monster!

Hey! Those aren't for you!

Give me back those sweets!

-En garde!


Wow, you have a beautiful voice.

Hi, Miss Cala Maria, ma'am.

My name is--

Dinner. Your name is dinner.

Actually, my name is…

Oh. You're going to eat us.

Well, if you're gonna eat us,
then I'm gonna tell you why we came here.

This stone loves you.

-Yeah. It's love on the rocks.

-Get it?
-Not helping.

Kid, I don't have the slightest idea
what you are talking about.

Look, he even brought this for you.

A gift?

Wow. No one has ever
given me a gift before.

What is it?

See for yourself!


I'm so sorry.

I thought they were sweets.

They are!

Oh! He even brought my favorite.

Squid livers.

Mm. Mmm!

Mm, mm, mm!

Mm, what a sweet gesture.

Too bad I turned him into stone.

Now, where were we?

Ah, yes.

-Whoa! Oh!

Hey, these ain't me legs!

I'm sorry!

I dropped you and shattered your legs.

I'm a terrible person!

Are ya kidding?

Most pirates have one peg leg,
and I gots two!



No one has ever un-stoned
themselves before.

It's 'cause I love you, baby.

Don't call me baby.


I'm sorry, what was your name again?

Why, it's me, Brineybeard.

Brineybeard! Brineybeard!


Sorry, doesn't ring a bell.


We went on a date,
I took ye to that Italian joint,

we had the seafood pasta,
and for dessert, we had…



So I came all this way to ask ye.

Would ye be me girlfriend?

Look, Briney, you're a nice guy.

-But for me, my career comes first.

-Romance isn't in the cards right now.

-It could never work between us.

In fact, I planned to eat you
on our first date.

But I filled up on tiramisu.

Would ye at least think
about being me girlfriend?

Maybe down the road?

Oh, sweet, sweet Briney.

You are a charmer.

But I'm afraid
I must eat you and your crew now.

Ah, how about I give you
a ten-second head start though?

What did she say?

Aw, she said she was gonna eat us.


-Eat us?

Run for your lives!
Run for your lives!


Look, there's the ship!


We'll never escape!

She's so good at what she does.

Hey, lady! You want this?

My sweets!

Then go get it!

Come on!

Mmm! So tasty.

Mm, mm, mm!

No, no, no, no, no!

We're stuck on the rocks!

What're we gonna do?

We're gonna die.
We're gonna die.

Aw! Exquisite.



Mugman, thank ye.

Ye came through on a promise to a pirate.

Know what that makes ye?


A real pirate!

Ya hear that, Cuphead?

I'm a real pirate!

Whoa! Whoa--

Well, looks like he finally got
his high seas adventure!