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02x19 - Deep Freeze

Posted: 02/20/23 15:49
by bunniefuu


Guard? Guard?


Help me!

You gotta give Mr. Freeze credit.

That's the most original breakout
this year.

Yes, but I don't think he was behind it.

Look at the expression of fear
on his face.

That's not easy to fake,

especially for a man
claiming to be dead to emotions.

Freeze was taken against his will,

and obviously by someone
with expertise in robotics.

Then maybe we'd better consult
our own robot expert.

Greetings, dynamic duo.

I'm your biggest fan.

What is it?

I just wanna help.

Just wanna help. Just wanna help.

Poor little critter.

I never could get his programming right.

Cute toy, Karl.

You know I'm out
of the robot business, Batman.

All I make anymore are little friends
to keep me company.

Like Tiny, here?

Well, if it isn't old M-9.

- It's one of yours?
- Not really.

I once created a smaller prototype
for Grant Walker.

- The guy who builds those theme parks?
- Yeah.

I was one of Walker's
original visioneers.

Constructing and programming
the animatronic figures

he used in his park attractions.

Though it looks like old Grant's boys
pumped up the design a bit.

I'm wondering
how improved these robots are.

And why one of them was sent
to kidnap Mr. Freeze.



You gaze upon all this
and can only say "impressive"?

Though perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.

I've made a hobby of studying
your chilly history, Victor Fries.

And you are?

Grant Walker, at your service, sir.

This is Oceana,
my prototype vision of the future.

A vision that
you shall help make a reality.


We'll see.

Make sure that our guest is comfortable.

Sir, we've picked up
an unauthorized craft entering our area.

Can't afford nosy trespassers
at this stage of the game.

Dispatch our usual deterrents,
Mr. Johnson.

I still don't see why a theme-park mogul
would kidnap Mr. Freeze.

Men like Walker are obsessed
with getting their own way.

And they don't let little things
like the law stop them.

I'm picking something up on the scanner.

Three small objects coming in fast.

Hang on!

The power shorted out.

And those things are coming back.

Intruder threat
has been neutralized, sir.


Looks like we're swimming home.

Not before we have a talk
with Mr. Walker.

I think you'll find that suit
is a perfect duplicate of your original.

a*t*matic temperature control,
increased cybernetic strength.

Even the cold g*n works.

Yes. Logically,
I should do the same to you.

Just hear me out, please.

As I said,
I've studied you and your work.

Do you realize that in your frozen state

you'll age much slower
than an ordinary human?

You're practically immortal, my friend.

Yes, eternal life
trapped in this wretched shell.

What a miserable joke.

Oh, miserable to you,
but a godsend to me.

Look at me, Mr. Freeze. I'm an old man.

I've created wonders in my lifetime,

but there is still so much to do.

I want to change as you have.

To become like you,
a being of blessed, eternal cold.

You're insane.

Only you have the know-how to duplicate
the accident that made you what you are.

What I long to become.

You want to live like this?

Abandoned and alone?

A prisoner in a world you can see,
but never touch?

Old and infirm as you are,

I'd trade 1,000 of my frozen years
for your worst day.


I had another kind of swap in mind.


I was a major investor in GothCorp
a few years back

and put up some money
for their cryogenics program.

I trust you know the young lady
behind the glass.

My wife.

The GothCorp execs
think she perished in the fire,

but my men got her out.

I have the technology
to restore her, my friend.

All you have to do is grant my wish.

Very well.

Welcome, friends.

Thanks to all our hard work,
Oceana's nearly up and running.

Now, while most folks believe
Oceana's just another theme park,

we know better.

Fact of the matter is,
it's not too nice out there anymore.

Crime, hatred, v*olence.

Things keep going on like that,

it could mean the end of civilization.

That's why I decided to build a city
where good folks can live in peace.

A new Garden of Eden, you might say,

from which a new race
of people can spring.

Now, of course you can't have spring
without a little winter.

About five years of it, I'd say.

Now, don't anybody worry.

We'll all be warm as toast in here.

As for those folks outside,
well, it's sad,

but I'm only speeding up
what they were doing to themselves.

Brother. He's all heart, isn't he?

Walker's a madman.


- Look.
- Every time I open a park,

I get gate-crashers.

We've seen your insane vision
of the future, Walker.

My world will have no crime,
v*olence, or pain.

You can add free will to that list too.

A small price to pay for order.

Your order.

For your select few.

Excuse me, but I fail to see
the problem with that.

Freeze, I don't know
what Walker said or promised you,

but you can't help him
go through with this plan.

I have no choice.

I know it's a bit chilly
in there,

but I figured you'd like to stick around
and see the show.

How are we doing?


Let's do it.


This suit has more power
than I ever dreamed.


Are you all right, sir?

This takes
a little getting used to.

Once Project Deep Freeze is completed,
you won't need the suit.

Well, let's get that started.

Coming, Mr. Freeze?

I've done what you wanted.

Now leave me alone with my wife.

Suit yourself.

You can't let Walker do this.

Billions of people will perish.

That's not my concern.

All that matters is
I once again have my wife

and the means to restore her.

She'll wake up in a dead, frozen world
that you helped destroy.

She'll hate you for that.


You think you're alone now?

Wait until she learns the truth.

I said silence!

Forgive me.

Come. There is much to do.

The cannon is operational, sir.


Ah! You've come to join us after all,
my friend.

Wait. What are you doing?

Stop him!

This is my dream.

My vision!

I cheated death to make it real,
and you won't stop me.

You may live forever, Grant Walker,
but your mad dream dies now.

What are you doing?
That's the main power core.

An overload will blow this city
out of the water.


Attention, all residents of Oceana.

Your city is doomed.

If you value your lives,
you will evacuate now.

That is all.

- Mr. Walker!
- Get out of here. Now!

There's our ride.

- Let's go.
- I'm staying with Nora.

Don't be a fool.
This whole place is going under.

I won't lose her again.

There's nothing you can do for her.

Come with us.

I am the least of your worries.

Take the boy and go.

Relax. You're going to be okay.

We're together again, my love.


If I spent any more time
in that immersion t*nk,

I'd be growing gills.

I'm just glad I was able to
get you back here in time.


For a while
I thought I'd wind up like Walker,

trapped in an ice cube forever.

What about Mr. Freeze?

You think he's gone for good?

I'm not sure.

But if Freeze's condition
has made him truly immortal,

we may not have seen the last of him.