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01x06 - Stabbed with a White Wench's Black Eye

Posted: 03/26/14 17:43
by bunniefuu
My name is Roman. Ten years ago our ship crash-landed on Earth. We came here seeking refuge, but the humans thought that it was an invasion. That night I met a human girl who tried to protect me A girl I never thought I'd see again. The surviving members of my race, the Atrians, were rounded up and isolated inside a militarized sector.

Now it's 2024.

Seven of us have been chosen to attend high school as a part of a government integration program. But the humans and Atrians continue to distrust each other, while I fight to protect my people and the human girl who saved my life At any cost.

Previously on Star-Crossed:

You must deliver this to our operative living outside the sector.

She's had her markings removed.

I can't believe you're my contact.

Been watching you and Taylor do your little dance for weeks now, and I didn't think that you were actually gonna go through with it.

Look, you don't have to accept my parents or trust them.

You don't think your parents will order - some kind of Red Hawk attack, do you?

No, no way.

I'm willing to trust you.

Here now, but the market It's just past the east gate.

All right, so when we detonate the b*mb here, exit on foot going through the west gate.

It's perfect timing.

Market will be full of those freaks.

What do you got there? Get out of here, little girl.

I'm not a little girl.

Aah! I'm one of those Atrian freaks that you're so fond of.

You know, if you're not careful You might just blow yourselves up.

Now, why don't you start talking? We interrupt this digital broadcast with breaking news.

Officials are investigating whether the victims who mistakenly detonated expl*sives last night may have been Red Hawks.

Blueprints found at the scene suggest the failed attack was planned for the Atrian sector.

Matt Bandell.

I remember you.

From the swim meet.

Reporter for the Smatter Chatter.

The online tabloid.

So, Matt Bandell from the Smatter Chatter.

Care to explain why you're following me? Uh, I need a quote for a story I'm working on.

About reporters stalking young girls on their morning run? No.

About cyper.

That's that bogus Atrian herb, right? Well, people say it cures disease, but I don't need to tell you that.

Cyper's real.

You know.

You were saying? I was just discussing with my friend a conspiracy web site.

I was telling her that I read that it was real.

How is that a story? Well, I know the two of you were both sick for a long time and are now both cured.

Yeah, thanks to modern medicine.

Or could it have something to do with cyper? I don't care what a web site says.

Cyper's a hoax.

Do you really want to turn us into freaks of our high school based on a hunch? And if you publish this fake story, you're gonna be made into a pariah, too.

You want an exclusive story? Something that can get you some real attention? Why should I listen to you? Because I have something you don't: Access.

I go to school with the Atrian seven.

I can get you something better than cyper.

All right.

If you can bring me a juicier story in the next 48 hours, I'll publish it.

If not, I'm running with what I've got on cyper.

Rumor has it those red hawk savages were aiming for the market when they blew themselves up last night.

Still convinced the humans aren't out to wipe us all off the face of their earth? Not all humans are Red Hawks, Drake.

Look around you, Roman.

Humans put us in this prison.

That's why I don't make a distinction.

Oh, that's right, you're a Trag now, you only see the world in black and white.

Trags see the world how it is.

And soon it'll be our world.

Hey What are the Trags planning? It's either us or the humans, Roman.

I made a choice.

You should, too.

w*r is not the only way to get our freedom back.

And integration is? I don't want to share this planet with people who want to annihilate us.

And neither should you.

Listen to yourself, you sound like one of Vega's dogs.

Hey, I'm nobody's dog.

I'm fighting to free my mother and avenge your father, who was k*lled by a human guard.

While you stand on the sidelines.

If you think I'm just going to stand by and watch as you use my father's death to justify m*rder, then you don't know me at all.

Officials have confirmed that the Red Hawks were behind last night's failed attack on the sector.

Now the question on everybody's mind today is, who are the leaders of this newly designated t*rror1st organization? Hey.

Do you know anything about this attack on the sector last night? No.

No, those Red Hawks must have gone rogue.

My parents don't encourage v*olence to get their message across.

Emery I don't condone my parents' feelings about the Atrians, but they're still my parents.

And there's still some good left in them.

Like their charity ball.

A about that, I don't think it's a good idea for me to go.

Or the Atrians.

How can you even be sure it's gonna be safe? My dad's a councilman.

And he's considering running for congress.

I promise you, tomorrow night's only controversy will involve the words "crab" and "dip.

" And It would really mean a lot to me to have you by my side.

I got to go talk to Julia.

Wha what about the ball? I'll let you know.

I have some intel I need you to give Vega asap.

What am I, your messenger boy now? Oh, but this is a message I think you'll really enjoy delivering.

Grayson's parents? Yeah.

I used to think that Grayson was kind of vanilla.

But now I see it's all a part of his game.

You know, I got to respect that I've got my cover, he's got his.

But how do you know his parents are the leaders? Because.

Those two idiot Red Hawks squealed like little piggies right before they went boom.

That was you? You're welcome.

All right, I'll give Vega the message.

Zoe, good work on the fetal pig dissection.

Your incisions were very precise.

Thanks, Ms.


Are you gonna go to the charity ball? - You bet.

Good, I'll see you there.

You're actually gonna go to that thing? Yep, and so are you.

As soon as you talk to Vega, you're gonna meet me at the ball and give me her instructions.

So get yourself a government-issued tux.

There's something you're not telling me.

What's the deal with you and Drake? There is no deal with me and Drake.

I just saw you two talking.

And you left the bug together on Saturday.

Where did you go? Okay, he asked me to give him a ride to Edendale, and I felt bad for him, so Look, if you don't want me to hang out with him, I won't.

I know that you really like him.

A momentary lapse in judgment I can only attribute to a hormonal shift and/or sheer boredom.

But if you wanted to get with Drake, then I don't.

Honestly, the whole interspecies thing Really grosses me out.

I have class.

So talk later? Yeah.

Roman saved me with cyper.

If anyone finds out, I'm back to a life of tubes and needles, being studied like a lab rat, - along with the Atrians.


You're my best friend.

I will never let that happen.

Well, then what are we gonna do? I've got to find Bandell another story.

Well, might I remind you that you're already sitting on a story juicier than cyper? You know who the leaders of the Red Hawks are.

I can't destroy Grayson's family like that.

As hateful as his parents' beliefs are, I don't know if they've done anything wrong.

Em, you heard the news report.

The Red Hawks just graduated from a hate group to a t*rror1st organization.

Consider it a public service.

Who knows what they're gonna do next? Grayson assured me his parents didn't order the attack.

That doesn't change the fact that they're Atrians, Em.

You know what, even if you can get Bandell something better, who's to say he won't still pursue the cyper story? I think I might have an idea.

But while I go look for another story, I need you to talk to Lukas.

You all right? I'm out.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Out of the Red Hawks? - For good? - Yeah, man.

Glad to hear it.

I used to believe in what they stood for.

But after last night and getting you arrested and almost thrown in jail, it's not what I signed up for.

You know Vartan's gonna try and talk you out of it.

I mean, you're their inside man at Marshall High.


Let him.

There's plenty of other Red Hawks in this school who can take my place.

I've made my decision.

And you believe him? - I do.

He told me he was out, but they still want him to go to a Red Hawk meeting tomorrow night after the ball.

Last ditch effort to get him to stay.

Eric's not perfect, but He can admit when he's wrong.

What? - It's just You always choose to see the good in people.

I like that about you.

Well, when you have parents like mine, it kind of becomes your default setting.

I would be honored to be your date to the charity ball.

Yeah? Well, that explains it.

What? Your constant defense of humans.

You're hot for one of 'em.

Emery's a friend.

Come on.

We may be in different worlds right now, but I've still known you my whole life.

I wonder how you'd feel if you knew who your "friend" was dating.

What are you talking about? Grayson's parents are the leaders of the Red Hawks.

You don't believe me, do you? Look at me.

Look at me.

I'm telling you the truth.

If that's the truth, then he's keeping it from Emery.

She would never do anything like that.

How much do you even know about her? She could be a Red Hawk, too.

Humans can't be trusted.

Emery has been our biggest supporter since day one.

Even you can see that.


I have your invitation to the ball.

Thank you.

I'm Looking forward to it.

You're going to the Montroses' ball? Even after what you just told me? They invited us.

I can't be rude.

Vega's planning some sort of retribution, isn't she? Don't let it concern you.

Yeah, well, it does concern me.

Because I'm gonna be there watching your every move.

I'm your plus-one.

Senator, Marshall has one of the top athletic programs in the entire state.

And these donations will go a long way towards making sure that it stays that way.

Excuse me.

Just one second, Senator.



I'm councilman Montrose.


Yes, of course.

Your sister swam with our son.

Very impressive.

I was just trying to convince Senator Fatora here to open that thick wallet of his to make a donation to the Marshall scholarship fund.

Gentlemen, tell me, uh, what I can do to, uh, improve conditions in the sector.

Uh, well, there's overcrowding in the east quadrant - Okay.

Over here, please.


A picture is worth a thousand words, Senator.

At the very least, a couple of grand towards our scholarship fund.

Wonderful to meet you two.

Make yourselves comfortable.

We're thrilled to have you in our home.

You two clean up well.

Enjoy the party.

Thanks, Ms.


Yeah, that's easy for her to say.

She's not being paraded around these rich people like a bunch of monkeys.

How do I know one of these rich people isn't a hidden Trag here to help you with your plan? I know you're working with someone.

Well, if you worried a little less about me, you'd see who just came in.

Emery, it's so wonderful to see you.

Come with me.

I'd love to take you on a tour of our home.

That would be great, Mrs.


You talked to Vega? - Yeah.

What's this? A ransom note.

Vega wants us to kidnap Grayson Montrose, take him across the ferry, and bring him to an abandoned warehouse off of highway 32.

You know where that is? It's deep in the woods.

We won't be spotted.

The Montroses have ties to the security firm that operates the crate.

The Trags will return Grayson to his parents unharmed In exchange for the release of prisoners? - Yeah.

Tell me that one of them's my dad.

And my mom.

All this time All this work, pretending to be someone else, it's finally getting rewarded.

I'm gonna get my dad back.

Yeah, but one problem.

How are we gonna knock Grayson out and take him with us without anybody at the party noticing? Oh, I have an idea.

Meet me at the bar in an hour.

Grayson started swimming when he was three.

He was always trying to be like his big brother.

It's nice you guys are so close.

Always have been.

We learned to lean on one another.

This is the last picture we took of the four of us together.

Grayson looks so much like his brother.

Are you close with your family? We've helped each other through some tough times.

It's important that we stick with our own during times of need.

You're very sweet.

And I know that Grayson's been spending a lot of time with you over these last few weeks.

I'm happy he's found someone special, someone kind and honest who shares our family values.

Actually, you and I have - Mrs.



Senator Fatora would like to grab a word with you later tonight to discuss the children's hospital event.

That won't work.

Remember, I have that conflict.

I'll see if I can grab him now.

Excuse me.
Emery Whitehill.

What are you doing here?

I'm working the party for the Smatter Chatter.

We're doing a spread on plastic surgery among Edendale's elite.


Slow news day.

Speaking of, how's the digging going? Uh, I'll have something to you soon.


'Cause, uh, ticktock, the cyper clock is ticking.

Bandell's here.

Have you got it? It acts like a magnet.

Lukas said if you place it up against Bandell's tablet, it'll corrupt the file.


No more cyper video.

Sure you wouldn't rather just give Bandell the Montrose story? I can't destroy Grayson's family.

I just need to get close enough to Bandell to destroy the video.

What if this doesn't work, Em? Is there anything you can give Bandell without hurting Grayson? Grayson told me Eric's going to a Red Hawk meeting later.

If Bandell is able to catch them talking about the attack on video, then that could be a huge exclusive.

That's perfect.

Where's the meeting? I don't know.

But that's where you come in.

You want me to find out from Eric? He'll never talk to me.

He punches things.

Like, all the time.

And he doesn't even know me.

You're clever.

You'll figure something out.

But go.

What what do I do? Make something up.


Can I help you with something? The bar is not back here.

I'm looking for Emery Oh, she's, uh, taking a tour around the house with my mom.

She deserves to know the truth, don't you think? - The truth about what? - You.

And your parents.

I'm not sure I follow.

I think you do.

Get out of my house, Roman.

You know, it's funny.

I seem to remember you being in my pod without permission.

Was that part of some Red Hawk plan to bug the place? I think we both know what this is really about.

We do.

You being a fraud.


I have something you want.

What's going on? Go ahead.

Tell her.

Emery, Grayson's been lying to you this whole time.

His parents are the leaders of the Red Hawks.

Roman, you don't understand! Grayson isn't a Red Hawk, and if I thought his parents were gonna be a threat to you or any other Atrian at the party, I would have told.

The Red Hawks protest every day at the sector gates, reminding my people how we're not wanted here.

They left a doll with a knife stuck in it for my sister.

They tried to blow up the sector yesterday.

You knew who the leaders were, and you didn't think to tell me? Why? Because of Grayson? - It's not that simple.

Emery, if the Red Hawks had been successful, do you know how many Atrians could have died? Do you even care? No! You do not get to just walk away! I have been fighting for you and the Atrians ever since you showed up.

You know that.

Grayson can't help who his parents are.

But at least he's honest with me, and he's there for me.

With him, I know where I stand.

You want to be angry with me? Fine.

All you ever do is push me away and act like I don't exist, so, really, it's not that big of a deal.

Do you think that's what I want? Do you think it doesn't k*ll me every time I have to walk away from you? Then why? I told you.

I have been telling you.

It's to keep you safe.

And I told you, I don't need protecting.

Yes, you do.

There are Atrians out there that would k*ll you if they had the chance.

Every day, I am fighting to make sure that never happens.

I don't know how long it will take, but I do know that I can't ask you to wait for a day that might never come.

I would give you everything.

Just not now.

I'm thinking we should call time of death on this party.

I heard there's a chop-socky anime double feature in town.

If we leave now, we could still make it.

I can't.

I got a thing after this.

Well, then, maybe you could give me a ride.

Um, I'm going southside, and the movieplex is on the other side of town, so Southside? That's totally sketchy.

The only reason people go there is to Wait.

Is that what you're doing? - You're going to buy dr*gs? - What?! No! 'Cause I was in the hospital when they brought in this guy who was all messed up from a drug deal gone sideways on the southside.

I'm not buy I'm not buying dr*gs, okay? I'm meeting some people at the old point bar, which is miles away from anywhere that you want to be.

So if you need a ride, just try someone else.

Did Roman say how he found out about my parents? No, he didn't.

Grayson, listen, you're a good guy.

And I wanted to believe it doesn't matter who your parents are, but it does.

I wish I could change that, but I can't.

Are you sure? I had a talk with your mom, and it's obvious that you mean the world to her.

If you stand up to your parents and tell them how you really feel, it could make a difference.

Look, not really that simple, okay? Sorry.

It's Julia.

I need to find her.

Em Emery? - Emery? - Hey.

I got the bartender to sneak me a shot or two.

You want one? Oh.

Slow down there, boy.

That's strong.

What's in that? Ah, just something special, just for you.

Aw, how are you feeling? You worthless, pathetic human.

What did you do to him? I drugged him.

He looks awake, but inside, it's lights out, so we got to get him to my car, fast.

Handle her, and keep your pants on this time.

Zoe, I need to have a talk with Oh, whoa, whoa, where are you going, beautiful? - Beautiful? - Yeah.

Really? That's the best you can do? After we hooked up, then you ignore me and start hanging out with my best friend.

Nobody is ignoring you, all right? At least not in that dress.

Do you want me to give you a tour of the house? It has eight bedrooms.

I I'd love to, but, um Some other time, okay? Drake? Mr.

and Mrs.

Montrose, we have your son.

If you want to see him again, you will use your influence to secure the release of these five Atrian prisoners from the crate.

If you refuse or alert the authorities, we will reveal your true identities as leaders of the Red Hawks, and you will get your son back one piece at a time.

Can I talk you? - What? You can't go to the Red Hawk meeting tonight.

How do you even know about that? The Red Hawks are going to take a hit tonight.

You don't want to get caught up in it.

I don't know.

I Trust me.


I won't go.

In my line of work, you see everything.

All the dirty little secrets people try to hide.

The things I could tell you.

I got a story about the Atrians that would blow your mind.

Your very attractive, hot little mind.

That right? - Mm-hmm.


Bandell? Sorry to interrupt.

Uh, can I speak to you for a second? To be continued.

This better be worth it.

Roman knows who I am.

If he blows my cover, you have to take care of him.

What does that mean? He's my friend.

You're a Trag.

You don't have friends.

You have the cause.

Remember that.

My drone cameras have every angle inside and outside the bar.

I had my doubts about you, buttercup.

But finding out about a secret Red Hawk meeting? Nice job.

You might have a future in my line of work.

I'll pass.

What is he doing? Drake, I know what your plan is.

This is crazy.

We got to get Grayson back before it's too late.

Don't do anything.

All right, let me talk to him.

There's no time.

Hey! No! No! Easy, Grayson, here.

You sure you're all right? Yeah, yeah, I think so.

All right, set him here.

Set him down.

Set him down.

What did you do to him? Zoe put something in his drink.

He's fine.

He's been drugged and kidnapped.

He's not fine.

Hey! What were you thinking, huh? You have any idea what would happen to our people if the humans found out about this? I'm doing this for our people! The Trags are fighting for our freedom.

We were going to get Atrians released from the crate.

We were going to get my mother! - Hey.


The Trags can't find out about this, okay? You need to go.

I'll tell 'em it was an accident.


You need to go, Roman, now.

Zoe, put the g*n down.

I've got a better idea.

You're gonna do everything I say, or your friend dies.

Now they're in our town Fraternizing Blah, blah, blah.

Give me something I can use.

We are not going to stand for these tatties k*ll all of 'em! Threatening our families.

Damn it.

Got to fix the feed out back.

Are the screens coming back up? Nope.

Then it's got to be something in the van.

Sometimes it's something real simple.


There's the culprit.

No we are not gonna put up with these Atrians Threatening our families, our safety, our way of life! Yeah! Yeah! To help us lay out our plan, we got a real special guest tonight.

Is that Margaret Montrose? For those of you who don't know, I am the grand matriarch of the Red Hawks.

I know these have been trying times for many of you, with all the attention from the authorities and the press.

Lesser men might have been tempted to give up the fight.

No way! That's why I'm here tonight So you can see who I am And see that I am not afraid.

I know I can count on my loyal soldiers to protect my identity.

Yeah! Right! And to carry out our mission to destroy the Atrians.

We had a setback, but it will not hold us back.

Even as I speak, we're amassing more expl*sives.

Soon we will attack the Atrians with twice the force Not just in their market, but where they live and sleep: In their pods.

I can't believe it.

The wife of councilman Montrose calling the sh*ts on a t*rror1st attack? You were right.

It's a hell of a story.

You told us you'd spare us if we did what you said.


Are you feeling let down? Betrayed? Now you know how I feel.

You let me down, Drake.

You broke the Trag code, so now you have to die.

And Roman witnessed our plan, so He has to die, too.


Think about this.

I can help you.

My Uncle is iksen.

Shut up! - I've got connections.

We should k*ll her.

If we don't, she could tell the Trags, and they'll come after both of us.

We can't do this.

Yeah, maybe you can't.

I'm a warrior.

Warriors protect Atrian lives.

Whether we like it or not, she's one of us.

Drake, don't.

You just signed your own death sentences.

And for what? For a human? You think you saved Grayson? You know that you just put off the inevitable.

Enjoy your time with your humans, boys.

Their days are numbered.

We got to get Grayson back now.

What are we gonna tell him? Tell him we found him on the front lawn, drunk.

He's not gonna remember anything.

Well, you might as well go for your human girl.

We're all gonna be dead soon.

I landed my biggest story and the hottest chick at the party in the same night.

I'd say I'm having a good day.

How about it? Call me when you get a peabody.

No, I'm serious.

This Red Hawk story is just the beginning.

I got big things on the horizon.

Hey, what about that cyper story you were going on about? Oh, that.

Nah, some-some kind of glitch.

Video got corrupted.


What was on the recording? Two girls from Marshall High talking about how one of them got saved by an Atrian using cyper.

These girls, what were their names? We're not gonna stand for this! Don't worry, sweetheart.

We're right behind you.

Dad, what's going on? Some reporter taped a Red Hawk meeting, and your mother was there.

She's being charged with planning a t*rror1st attack.

We need to get down to the police station to put up a united front for your mother.

I am the grand matriarch of the Red Hawk.

Saw the news.

Nice job.

I guess.

Everyone knows the Montroses are Red Hawks, and no one knows about cyper.

That's win-win, right? It doesn't feel that way.

I blew Grayson's whole world apart.

I went over to his house last night to try to warn him, but he was already asleep.

So you'll be there to pick up the pieces when he wakes up.

That's the thing.

I don't know if I can be there for Grayson, at least in the way he wants me to be.

Roman and I talked last night.

About ? He said he wants to be with me, but he can't, and it's complicated, but I believe him.

And maybe I'm a terrible person for feeling this way, but I'd rather have "someday" with Roman than "now" with Grayson or anyone else.

What did Roman do when you told him? I haven't told him yet.

Okay, if you leave now, you can be at the gate when the Atrian seven are let out of the sector.


I'm just gonna let you two talk.

Call me later.

See you, Grayson.

I heard about your mom.

I'm so sorry.

They lied to me.

They told me that they didn't Know anything about the v*olence the Red Hawks were involved in, but they did.

And you were right.

I had to take a stand.

My dad wanted me to be a part of this press conference to spin the story.

And I wouldn't do it.

Are you all right? No.

I just I don't know what to do.

I I just know that I can't be in my house right now.

And I didn't know where else to go.

So, where are you headed? Not far.