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22x14 - Heroes

Posted: 02/20/23 07:06
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate,
yet equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Uh-huh! Red Indie, you with me tonight?


Let's do it!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Uh-huh!


Thank you, queen.

Look, I keep telling you,

you don't need to have a good voice.

That's old-fashioned.

It's all about your look, your attitude.

- If you say so.
- I do.

But if it's terrible...

It'll be great.

I'll make sure.

- Hmm.
- Come here.

Damn, you're beautiful.

- [g*nshots]
- Oh, my God!

Dude! Yo, there's sh**ting!



Go, go, go, go!

Hey, hey. There's a guy with the g*n.

You gotta go. You gotta go!

Hey! Yo. Yo!


There's a guy with a g*n. You gotta go!

You got...



What do we got?

One dead, two injured.

- They gonna make it?
- Hopefully.

Somebody had to see something.

- Guess again.
- Really?

So far, all we know is,
the sh**t was male,

masked up, and wearing a winter coat.

Name is Hannah Gray.

Looks like she tried
to crawl toward the exit.

So young.

Word is, she was a famous model.


Not the photoshoot she was hoping for.

So why don't you tell me
about what happened today?

Like, where were you?

Man, I was in the kitchen,
working, unloading boxes.


I heard the g*nshots, then hit the deck.

You were with the woman
who got shot, yeah?

Okay. So how did that happen?
You guys know each other?

- You friends?
- Nah.

She was just trying
to run out the back door,

but she saw that I was working
and listening to music.

So she pushed me, told me to run.

I'd be dead right now
if it wasn't for that woman.

Thank you.

I need to speak
to the man who's in charge!

He's busy, so please back up...

My daughter was in that club.

- I understand...
- I need to see if she's okay.

I understand,
but I'm trying to do my job,

- and I need... just listen... hey!
- Sir, sir, sir. Hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Calm down.

That guy was trying
to penetrate the perimeter.

I understand, Officer,

but he said his daughter
was in the club.

So just back off, please.

Thank you, Officer.

Sir, I'm Detective Jalen Shaw.

This is Detective Cosgrove.

We'd like to help you,
but you need to calm down.

My daughter's friend just called,

said she heard my daughter
had been shot.

Her name is Hannah Gray.


Doesn't make sense.

She just went out to have a good time.

What the hell is this world coming to?

From what I understand,
she saved a young man's life.

It may not mean much to you right now,

but your daughter Hannah,
she died a hero.


Sir, did your daughter
ever mention anybody

she was having a problem with?

Anybody who might have been
harassing her or stalking her?

Not that I'm aware of.

I mean, she kept
her personal life private.

That's how she was.

We're very sorry for your loss.

If there's anything else
you can think of,

please give us a call.


I was close by.

I was driving back to the house.

Heard the call, so I rode to the scene.

It was crazy, people running like hell,

so it's been tough
to track down witnesses.

And when you got here,
the sh**t had already fled?

I think so.

I didn't hear any g*nshots.

Then again, it was loud.

People were yelling and screaming.

You didn't find any witnesses?

Talked to a lot of people.

No one got a good look at the guy.

Do me a favor.

Track down the manager of the club.

I'm sure he's still here, all right?

These are the two women
who were injured.

They look familiar to you?

No. Sorry, man.

And this is the woman who was k*lled.


Oh, no. That ain't right, man.

Hannah is... was real cool.

I mean, she was just
a good person, you know?

Sounds like you knew her pretty well.


Yeah, she used to come here a lot.

Anything unusual happen tonight?

Was she involved in any kind of, uh,

altercation or argument?

As a matter of fact, yeah.

Yeah, she and some dude got
in a nasty argument earlier.

I had to get security involved.

I wouldn't call it an argument.

- What would you call it?
- Uh, a conversation.

Even though security was called in?

Everybody overreacted.

We were just talking.

Hannah and I were friends.
I was her first agent.

I launched her career.

Not only that, I introduced
her to King Matisse,

for God's sake.

- King who?
- Matisse.

- He's a rapper.
- Oh.

So that's Hannah's boyfriend?

Yeah. For the past six months.

Okay, so iron this out for us.

You and Hannah were catching up.

You guys were chatting about what,

butterflies and rainbows?

And all of a sudden, security kicked

your ass out of the club?

Drake, you're leaving something out.

No, I never said we were talking

about butterflies and rainbows.

What were you talking about?


Hannah screwed me.

Fired me just as
she was about to blow up,

said she wanted to make
a change, all that,

but it wasn't her idea.

It was Matisse's.

He convinced Hannah she needed to be

with more of an urban agent,
all that nonsense.

Sounds like you're more pissed

with Matisse than with Hannah.

Yeah, but he didn't feel like talking.

Got up in my face, told me
he was gonna kick my ass.

Next thing I know, security guard's

bouncing me out of the club.

What time was this?

Uh, around : or so. Um...

: , to be precise.

Modeling agent's alibi checks out.

So we got no leads on the sh**t?

We don't know if he's
white, Black, brown,

or whether the sh**ting
was random, targeted,

racially motivated?

For what it's worth,
I think it was targeted.

k*ller went in there to sh**t Hannah.

The other two women
were hit by accident.

- Based on what?
- Odds.

I mean, what are the chances?

The only m*rder victim
in a random club sh**ting

just so happens to be a famous
rapper's model girlfriend?

I mean, doesn't seem very random to me.

And if the sh**t wanted a body count,
he would have found it.

Place was packed.

And he didn't sh**t the barback

who was with the vic downstairs.

Look, I get it,
but we need evidence, not theories.

Let's track down all the people

who were in the club that night.

Waitresses, bartenders,
bouncers, patrons.

Find out what they know.
Somebody had to see something.

Yeah, and what the hell is going on

with that surveillance video?

I just called the manager.

Claims there was some sort
of tech issue.

Yeah, that has taken too long.

Let's get a subpoena
for their surveillance system.

And why don't you two go track down

that rapper who she was dating?



Excuse me.

We're homicide detectives.

We need to ask you about Hannah Gray.

It's a hell of a thing, man.

Can't believe she really gone.

She was special.

Like, for real.

- So what y'all wanna know?
- Well, for starters,

why didn't you stick around
after the sh**ting?

Things got crazy, man, so I just...

I bounced.

And when you bounced, did you know

that Hannah had been shot at the time?

Yo, what you trying to say?

I'm just trying to understand why

the dead girl's boyfriend
didn't stick around.

Like I said, things got crazy,

so I got the hell out of there.

I thought Hannah did the same.

You see the sh**t?

Not really.

Saw some dude rolling towards us.

Looked out of place.

Had one of them
hospital masks on, you know?

Then I saw the metal in his hand,

knew he was looking to do business.

So that's when I stepped to him
and tried to grab it,

and he spun around and started sh**ting.

So you did see the sh**t.

- Just a glimpse.
- Was he Black, white?

Couldn't tell. It was dark.
He had a mask on.

And you tried to grab the g*n?

Yeah, but he slipped away
and started sh**ting.

Yo, look, I wish I could have done more.

Did it appear like
he was targeting Hannah?

I don't know, man.
It all happened so fast.

Are you aware of any reason

somebody might have wanted
to hurt Hannah?

- No, not that I know of.
- What about you?

Anybody out there trying to hurt you?


Half the damn city, man.

Why is that?

Because I speak my mind.

And these days,
people can't appreciate that,

so I got a lot of haters.

Especially in the LGBTQ community, yeah?

Sound like you've been
reading the gossip pages.


Look, people took all those
comments out of context.

It shouldn't be that hard to
talk about things affecting...

And it shouldn't be this hard
to get a straight answer.

Excuse me?

Has anybody threatened you recently?


Two days ago, some dude stepped to me.

He said I deserve to die
a slow, painful death.

Ain't that something?

So King Matisse has
his own sneaker line?

Yeah. Popular as hell too.

Why, may I ask?

Why... why what?

Why does a rapper have a sneaker line?

I mean, he's not very athletic
on stage, standing there,

swearing, rapping,
wearing lots of jewelry.


That might be... yeah, no,
it is the whitest thing

I've ever heard in my life.

It's actually kind of cute.

Excuse me.

Were you working here two days ago?

We're homicide detectives.

We understand that
there was an altercation

with the rapper King Matisse.


Evidently, somebody came up to him

and said that he deserved
to die a slow, painful death?

No, what we said was,

I'm gonna beat your punk ass
into the ground.

- So you heard that?
- No.

I said it.

- Oh.
- You said it?

Yeah. I tried keeping my mouth shut.
I couldn't help it.

Matisse was here signing autographs,

promoting his new shoe line,
and it made me crazy.

Here he is, all rich and famous,

millions of followers, and what's he do?

Bashes the gay community,
drops the F-word.

So you confronted him?

Hell yeah.

When the event was over,
I went up to him,

and I told him how disgusting
I thought his posts were.

He told me to get lost,
pushed me, and I snapped.

I started yelling,
and then security got involved,

and he took off.

Did you see Matisse again?

You know, track him down,
try to finish what you started?

What? No.

I said my piece, and that was it.


- You don't think that I...
- Not really.

But we're still gonna need an alibi.

Yeah, okay. Thanks.

Mason's alibi is solid,
so we're nowhere.

What about the other
two sh**ting victims?

- Are they doing okay?
- Yeah.

They're both in stable condition.

Well, that's good news.

Bad news is, neither one
of them saw anything.

I was just with the guys
from Computer Crimes,

trying to find the surveillance video.

Turns out it was deleted.

What? Deleted?

Well, can't they just
retrieve it from the cloud?

It was deleted from there too.

All right.

Track down this manager right away.

Look, I'm just responsible
for making sure

the place is packed,

you know, with models, rappers, ballers.

Surveillance isn't my domain.

Whose domain is it, then?

The owner.

Or, you know, one of the firms
he hired to manage

all of our tech stuff... not me.

Well, the owner's been
in London this past week,

so that just leaves the tech firms.

You got a name?

No, but I'll find out.

Oh, good.

Yeah, yeah. No problem.

I'll call you.

No, we'll wait.

Or you can just stop lying
and tell us what you know.

Yo, I'm not lying.

Hey, look, man, I ain't had

nothing to do with that sh**ting.

How about the missing video?

You got something to do with that?

Look, we're gonna
find out sooner or later,

and if it's later and we
find out you're involved,

it's gonna sting, I promise you.

Okay, I...

I deleted the surveillance video.

That's a good start, young man.

Now you're gonna tell us why.


You paid the nightclub manager grand

to delete the surveillance video,

video that could have helped us
find the k*ller.

The man that shot your girlfriend.

Now, why would you do that, bro?

I'm not talking, fellas.
So, uh, if you don't mind.

Sit down. Now.

You got no right
to talk to me like that.

You paid somebody to destroy
evidence in a m*rder case.

And there's gotta be a reason.

So just tell us.

I want a lawyer.


Like I told the female
detective on the phone,

I was near the dance floor,
carrying a tray of drinks,

and I heard g*nshots.

At first I thought maybe someone

was lighting off firecrackers.

Then I heard everyone start screaming.

Did you see the sh**t?

Sort of, like,
out of the corner of my eye.

But I was close to Matisse and Hannah,

so that's where my eyes sort of focused.

And they ran off
in different directions?


Did King Matisse run
towards the sh**t?

No, he ran in the opposite direction.

So just so we're clear,
he didn't confront the sh**t

- or try to grab the g*n?
- Grab the g*n?

No. He ran into the bathroom.

- The bathroom?


I just remember feeling
really disappointed.

By what?

The fact Matisse did nothing
to protect his lady.

- Hmm.
- I'm a big fan.

- Was, anyway.
- Yeah.

My advice has always been,
never meet your heroes.

- Hmm.
- Thank you.

Oh, one more thing.

The sh**t was wearing a blue hat.

You know, like, a knit cap.

He ran?

That's why he deleted the video?

Not a lot of street cred
in being a coward.

Son of a bitch.

He screws up our homicide investigation

to protect his fake tough guy image.

I want you to charge him
with obstruction, tampering,

and any other crimes you can think of.

With pleasure.

Hey, take a look.

: p.m., nine minutes
after the call.

The bodega is six blocks
north of the crime scene.

Yeah, it fits the general height

and build of the suspect,
and he's wearing a dark hat.

Did any of the witnesses
mention that the sh**t

was wearing red boots?


You should head over
to the bodega right now.

: , two nights ago.

I'll find it.

Not a problem.

I got new cameras too.

I let everyone know.

Okay, got it. : .

Is this the man you're looking for?

That's the one.

Well, it's your lucky day.

I... I know him from the neighborhood.

His name's Bishop Bell.

- He's a good kid.
- Wait, wait, wait, hold...

Bishop Bell?

The ball player? He went to Hudson?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, he was a star
until he hurt his knee.

So this kid Bishop,
when he came in that night,

how was he acting?

Normal, good mood, bad mood?

No, no. He was... he was distracted.

He bought a... a
and a pack of cigarettes,

which I thought was kind of odd and sad.

You know, he used to be
a really good athlete.

I said something to him too.

I told him he shouldn't be smoking.

What did he say?

Said he was having a bad night,

feeling real nervous,
needed to calm down.

You know where this kid Bishop lives?


There he is.

Bishop Bell, I'd like
to ask you a few questions...

Damn it, come on.

Hey, hey, hey. Move, move.

Squad, we got a suspect running north

on Lenox Avenue and th Street.

Mr. Bell, NYPD!




Stop running!

- Do not move!
- Stop!


Stay down. Stay down.

You know what?

For a guy with a bum knee,

I still got it.

Like I said for the hundredth time,

I ain't got nothing to do
with that sh**ting.

Hannah and I were tight.

We weren't together at the
time, but we were close.



That's what you call this?

Because we got ahold of this
letter that you wrote Hannah

two days before she was gunned down.

There's a lot of great stuff in here.

Here's my favorite part.

"I can't describe the rage I feel.

"I hope it goes away,
but I don't think it will,

not as long as you're alive."

So? I was in love with her.

That may be so.

But Bishop, this is not a love letter.

I bet it hurt, seeing her kicking it

with a guy like King Matisse.

Bentleys, G s, VIP rooms.

He's a legend, a real legend.

What's that supposed to mean?

It must have been hard for you,

seeing Hannah living it up,

running with a crowd you just
can't run with anymore.

And once you get a taste
of the good life, been famous,

it's hard to forget.

It's tough going back
to just being a regular Joe.

Man, I always been poor.

I've been about the game, not the life.

See, Bishop,

you were right there.

You don't blow your knee out,

you'd have been living
that life / , right?

Now, come on. That had to hurt.


It is what it is.

Bishop, we know you're the sh**t.

Hey, we know it.

We know you're the sh**t.

And on some level, I guess we understand

the jealousy, the frustration.

But if you play this right,
you admit it,

you take responsibility,
you'll be out in less than ,

plenty of time to have a normal life.


I ain't talking.


Yo, Detective.

I was the number one recruit
in the country.

I had offers from Duke,

North Carolina, UConn.

I ain't never been no regular Joe.

Never was, never will be.

No g*n, no blood.

I know. It's a tough case.

All of the evidence is circumstantial.

There's this pathetic and scary letter

that we found in Hannah's apartment

and unanswered phone calls
over a four-day period

just prior to the m*rder.

Can we put Bell at the scene?

Sort of.

What's that mean?

Well, a cocktail waitress
said that the sh**t

was wearing a blue knit cap.

Nine minutes later,
we've got video of Bell

wearing a blue knit cap.

He's buying a pack
of smokes at a bodega.

It's just six blocks north
of the crime scene.


I know. It's not a lot.

But we are still questioning witnesses.

If we can't put Bell at the crime scene,

then we don't have a case.

He was feet away from me,
so I started running after him.

That's real dangerous, bro.

Yeah, I know. I didn't think.

I just reacted, you know?

Yeah, well, how long
were you chasing him?

Not sure.

, maybe seconds.

I followed him out the back door.

I kept chasing him, but I tripped.

I stepped in something.
I'm not sure what it was.

Can you describe what he looked like,

what he was wearing?

He was tall, about my height, thin,

and he was wearing a blue hat.

Was he wearing boots or sneakers?

No, I'm sorry. I wish I could help.

But I did get a photo of the
dude while I was chasing him.

I mean, well, I tried to, anyway,

but it was too dark.

I ran out the back door,

saw him run past the cop car,
but then...

Wait, wait. Cop car?

What are you talking about, cop car?

There was a police car
parked right here.

Dude ran right past it.

Was there someone in the car?

Yeah, a cop.

When I got back up, I walked over there,

asked him why the hell
he was sitting in the car.

Like I said before, I got to the scene

six minutes after the call.

So when you arrived,
the sh**t had already fled?

I think so.

I mean, it was a mess,
people running and screaming.

So you didn't see the sh**t?


So when you got to the scene,
what'd you do?

Excuse me?

Did you stay in the car?

Did you go inside and try
to render aid to the victims?

Did you try to clear the club?
Did you search for the sh**t?

What'd you do?

[SCOFFS] What the hell is this?

We're just trying to figure
out what happened, that's it.

No, you're looking to throw
someone under the bus.

Yeah, case like this, lots of press,

police don't find the sh**t,
someone takes a hit.

The only reason we're here is because

there's a discrepancy regarding the time

that you showed up
on the scene, that's it.


Yeah, we checked your AVL.

It says you arrived at the club
approximately three minutes

after the call, not six minutes.

So what?

So three minutes is a long time.

It's the difference
between seeing the sh**t

- and not seeing the sh**t.
- I already told you.

We know what you told us, Nick.

Problem is, we don't believe you.

We need some answers.

Answers to what?


That's you, right?

And the blurry dude, that's the sh**t.

I'm done talking.

You got any more questions,
call my PBA lawyer.

Officer Riley, if you saw
the sh**t fleeing the club,

all right, we need you
to help us identify him.

Like I told the detectives,
I didn't see the sh**t.

All right, he was already
gone by the time you arrived?

That's correct.

Yet one of the guests at the club,

someone who was chasing
after the suspect,

said he saw the sh**t
run past a police car

parked outside the club.

- What's your point?
- My point is that...


We know Officer Riley was there,

that he saw the sh**t.

He just told you...

I know what he just told me.

I am telling you what really happened.

You need to end this charade

and... and tell us what you saw.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't see him.

That young woman's m*rder isn't on you.

You understand that, right?

Like, whether you were there

three minutes after
the call or six minutes,

there's nothing you could have
done to prevent her death.

I know that.

But it's not that...

It's not what, it...

It's not that simple?

Is that what you were gonna say?

There is no law
that requires police officers

to be heroic, to jump out of their car

and tackle a dangerous criminal.

Maybe you got nervous, or...

Or you weren't sure whether
to engage or call for backup.

It happens.

But this is your chance
to make this right,

to redeem yourself,

and to help get justice for Hannah Gray.

No? Okay.

Just so you know,
if you stick to your story,

I will dig even deeper into
the exact sequence of events,

and if your story proves
to be inaccurate...

Now, hold on a second.

I will file criminal charges,

which means you will lose
your job and your pension.


All right.

I was in the patrol car.

People were running and screaming.

I saw a guy sprinting
toward me, wearing a mask,

with a g*n in his right hand.

Do you remember what he was wearing,

color of his jacket, his hat, shoes?

Yeah, I do.

The people seek remand, Your Honor.

Given the severity of the charges,

the defendant is a flight risk.

He's also a risk to public safety,

given that he shot up a nightclub

filled with young men and women,

injuring two and k*lling one.

I mean, clearly he has no reservations

about harming young people.

Which in New York is totally irrelevant

- for the purposes of bail.
- Agreed.

So let's move on.

Mr. Powell,
what's your position on bail?

This case is based on a series

of coincidences and suppositions.

There is no actual evidence
to tie Mr. Bell

to the crime scene,
let alone the m*rder.

He has no prior arrests or convictions,

and he has substantial ties
to the city of New York.

He was a high school basketball star

at Harper Field in the Bronx,
and he played collegiately

at Hudson University.

As such, we request that bail be set

no higher than $ , .

Defendant is remanded. Next case.

Your Honor, my client deserves...

He's remanded.

Next case.

No m*rder w*apon, no blood evidence,

no clear photo or video of the defendant

anywhere near the crime scene.

Other than that, it's perfect.


The truth is, the whole case
rests on our ability

to put Bishop Bell in that club.

Which means it all comes down

to the testimony of Officer Riley.

You're right.

Question is, will the jury buy

the testimony of a coward cop?

That's pretty harsh.

I'm not judging the man,
just telling you

how he's gonna be portrayed.

So you need to bolster his credibility,

make sure the jury knows

he shouldn't be defined
by this one incident.

Find ways to humanize him.

Might help offset
his moment of weakness.

The defendant and Hannah Gray
dated for three years.

And they broke up last year,

just as Ms. Gray's modeling and
acting career began to soar.

A few months later, she began dating

a highly-acclaimed musician
named King Matisse.

This relationship

triggered every frustration

and insecurity lurking
deep inside the defendant,

forced him to confront
the fact that he was no longer

an up-and-coming NBA prospect
with an unlimited future,

and that the love of his life

was now jet-setting around the globe

with a rich and famous rapper.

Two days before he shot
and k*lled Hannah,

he sent her a "love letter"

rife with ominous threats
and accusations.

"Hope you're enjoying life now,
'cause it's gonna end soon.

"I always thought you were different,

"that you were special.

Turns out, you're just
another fame-chasing ho."

There are a lot
more insults in this letter,

I can assure you, all of them
exhibiting rage and jealousy.

But that's not why we're here.

A lot of people have sent foolish

and emotional texts to their exes.

No, the reason we're here

is that the defendant actually acted

on his rage and jealousy.

On December th,
he entered the Red Envy Club

with a -millimeter handgun

and began hunting down Hannah Gray.

He fired off eight rounds,

injuring two

and k*lling one.

Several witnesses will help
verify that the defendant

was the gunman, that he was
present at the crime scene,

including a decorated police officer

with commendations for
integrity, community service,

and bravery in the line of duty.

I know this goes without saying,

but just answer the questions
truthfully and succinctly.

Got it.

You should also know
that I am going to address

your earlier misstatements.

Try to get out in front of all that.

And when it comes up on cross,
once again, just tell the truth.

No need to explain or rationalize.


I know this is difficult.

It's a lot more than that.

I've been a cop a long time.

I got three cousins
and an uncle on the job too.

So you don't need to tell me
what this is, all right?

Sorry to put you in this position.

But I don't have a choice.

Just do the best you can, okay?

I got a call from dispatch at : .

I was in the area,
so I rolled to the scene.

And what time did you arrive
at the Red Envy Club?

Approximately : .

Can you describe what you saw?


People running and screaming.

It was very chaotic.

- Did you hear g*nshots?
- Yeah.

Two, maybe three.

What did you do?

I called for... for backup.

While you were waiting
for backup to arrive,

what did you see?

I saw more people running and screaming,

and I also saw a man with a g*n
running out of the building.

Could you describe him
and what he was wearing?

He was tall, about foot.

Um, and he was wearing a winter coat.

And he had, um,
a mask covering his face.

Was he wearing a hat?

Yes. A blue knit cap.

Did you notice what kind
of shoes he was wearing?


Red Timberlands.

Does this man resemble the man you saw

fleeing the club
with the g*n in his hand?


Same height and build, and he's
wearing the same hat and boots

I saw on the sh**t.

Did you provide this information

to Detectives Cosgrove and Shaw
when they first talked to you?

No, I did not.

Why not?



'Cause I didn't want anyone to know

that I stayed in the patrol car
and didn't engage

with the suspect.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Officer Riley, you described
the scene as chaotic,

lots of people running and screaming.

It was late at night,
so it was also very dark,

which means you can't be certain

of what the man
with the g*n looked like,

or how tall he was, or what color hat

or boots he was wearing.

Isn't that right?

Uh, I mean, as for the
height, it's... it's impossible

to know for sure.

Like I said, he looked... he looked

pretty tall, about foot.

But the hat was blue, and the...
The boots were red Timberlands.

My kid has the exact same pair.
I know what they look like.

I mean, I know what they cost.

- Okay.
- You kidding me? [CHUCKLES]


Sounds like you got
a good look at the sh**t.

But like you just said, you lied

to the homicide detectives
about this, correct?


When they asked you the first time

if you saw the sh**t, you said no.

You said you got there
six minutes after the call,

not three.



And the reason you did this was

because you didn't want anyone to know

that you were a coward.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

I will rephrase.

You didn't want anyone to know
that you chose to remain

in your police vehicle,
rather than trying

to apprehend the suspect.

- Correct.
- Objection.

Your Honor, I've already been over this.


So, Officer Riley,
you deliberately subverted

a homicide investigation because

you were ashamed of your cowardice.


So you admit that you lied
to two fellow police officers,

and yet you expect the jury
to believe your testimony.

Yes, I do,
because I'm telling the truth.

So you lie sometimes
and tell the truth other times.

Is that what you're saying?

No, that is not what I'm saying.

I'm saying I lied because I was ashamed,

and that when I saw the suspect fleeing,


I froze.

You were afraid?

You were worried about
your own personal safety,

rather than the safety
of the innocent men and women

you are paid to protect.

No, I wasn't afraid. I just chose...

I chose not to engage, right?

I mean, like I said before,
I... I froze.

Yet you were able to describe
what the sh**t was wearing.

How can you freeze and process
detailed information

at the same time?

That... that doesn't make sense.

Either you froze, in which case

you didn't see the suspect
fleeing the club,

or you were afraid,

- which means...
- Which means I'm human.

That's it. That's all it means.

Which means on that night,
at that one moment,

I chose not to engage.

Where were you the other
times I did engage?

Where I risked my life?

So you admit that you were a coward

- on the night in question.
- No, I do not.

I do not admit that.

I just...

I just... I just didn't...

I just didn't respond the way
that I... that I should have,

the way that I normally do.

But I'm a good cop.

I am.

I may not be perfect or... or a hero...

But I saw the sh**t.

I saw a man with Bishop Bell's build,

wearing a blue hat
and red Timberland boots,

running out of that club,

waving a g*n with his right hand.

So you can insult me all you want,

but I know what I saw.

Morning, Nolan.


Fairly sure I'm the only
person in the office

who still stops at the newsstand.

Surprised they still exist.

He doesn't deserve this.

He just... he froze.

Let's face it.
Most people are just people.

That's what makes heroes
so special, right?

By definition, they're
willing to do the things

that most people aren't.

This isn't on you, Nolan.

You did the right thing.


Jury's back.

All rise.

Mr. Foreman, have you
agreed upon a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor.

We find the defendant, Bishop Bell,

guilty of m*rder in the second degree.

Listen to me. I cannot go to jail.

Members of the jury,
thank you for your service.


- You Nolan Price?
- Yeah, what can I do for you?


Son of a bitch! I hope you're happy!

Hope you feel good about all this,

ruining the life of a good cop!


Hey, you okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine.

What the hell was that about?

What? What is it?

Story just broke.

What story?

Riley committed su1c1de
a couple hours ago.