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01x09 - Sunstar vs. Shadowstone

Posted: 02/19/23 15:35
by bunniefuu
We are the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

We're the spirits from the forest moon

We're E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

We're the spirits from the forest moon

We are brave, we are bold
Like our storytellers told

That we're strong and we will fight
And we'll stand up for our rights

We're the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

We're the spirits from the forest moon

We are the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

We're the spirits from the forest moon

Yes, we're home on the ground
And on highways in the trees

When we want to fly high
We just sail out on the breeze

We are the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

Yeah, we're one big happy family

We're the E-E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

One big happy happy family

CHIRPA: Once there was a marvelous gem
called the Sunstar/Shadowstone.

Within this gem lay great magical powers

for good and evil.

So strong was the stone's magic
that we Ewoks kept it safely hidden

and never used it,

lest the temptation of its great power
would overwhelm us.

But there was one who craved the stone

and would do anything to get it.

Morag, the Tulgah witch.


Only one Ewok brave had the courage
to confront her that day.

A foolish act, but this amused Morag

and she saved the young warrior.

On and on they flew to the witch's lair
in Mount Thunderstorm.

There, in the depths of the evil mountain,

the young warrior was forced to work
as Morag's servant.

But he was clever and learned quickly.

He studied the secrets
of Morag's magic until, one day,

he turned the evil one's own magic
against her.

The Sunstar/Shadowstone broke in two.

Morag's screams followed the warrior
through the forest.

But his heart was light because he knew
he had defeated the witch.

But, Chief Chirpa,
whatever became of the stones

and the brave young warrior?

CHIRPA: Morag still holds
the evil Shadowstone

and, to this day, vows revenge.

The Sunstar still exists,
tucked away safely nearby.

As for the once-young warrior,
he's still around, too.

WICKET: Master Logray?

I don't believe it.

I do. I knew he could do anything.

Good night, Chief Chirpa.
Thanks for the story.

Good night, young ones.

- Good night, Chief Chirpa.
- Thanks for the story.

Who would've figured old Logray
was once a young hero?

I would.

Why, the things he could teach
a young Ewok.

First thing tomorrow,
I'm going to volunteer as his apprentice.

You, a future shaman?

That's a laugh. (LAUGHS)

We'll see how hard you laugh
when I start working real magic.



Oh, I'm sorry, Teebo!
I forgot I had this on.

Come in, please.


Good disguise.

Now, what can I do for you?

Little Malani has a touch
of the croup again?


No, no, nothing like that.

Actually, Master Logray,

I was wondering
if you needed an apprentice.

I see.

Whom did you have in mind, son?

Actually, um, me.

I've seen the way you make great magic,

and last night, the Chief told us
about the time you b*at old Morag

and rescued the Sunstar.

Oh! That's why Chief Chirpa
borrowed my story pebbles.

Well, there's a lot more to magic
than flashing lights and silly heroics.

The study of the natural ways involves
many years of the strictest devotion.

Terrible things can happen
to a young wizard

who foolishly misuses his knowledge.

You must be willing to spend long hours
doing the simplest tasks

before you're ready
to work your first spells.

I'll do anything, Master!

Very well, then.

You can start by sweeping out the hut.

After that, you can wash out those gourds,

dust off those masks,
bring me a Lokka spore,

and fetch me a Lantern bird's nest.

Yes, Master Logray!

Then you can start the hard work.


What are you doing, Teebo?

Magic! (GRUNTS)

Oh, is it fun?

It's not supposed to be fun!

It's hard work.

Now, run along!

I've got to get this up to Master Logray.

But Master Logray lives down there.


You're heading up to our house!


I know, I was just taking a kind of...


It sure looks like fun.

Bee cha!

Bee cha.


Goopa, Master Logray.

I got the Lokka spore you wanted.

Thank you.

And now, you can get yourself a broom

and clean up this mess!

Chak, a broom.

Where did it go?

Ee Chee Wa Wa! What happened here?

Ask my new apprentice.


New apprentice, eh?

Congratulations, Teebo!

You've got a...

great teacher, here.

Yes, sir, I know.

Master Logray.

I'm returning your prism pebbles.

- Thank you.
- Prism pebbles?

It was a very entertaining evening.

TEEBO: Is this a broom?


Put that down!


Did I do that?

Yes, but you were supposed
to do it without magic!

A good wizard
should rely on himself first,

and magic second.

Remember that!

Now, as I seem to be
in need of another Lokka spore,

I'll get it while
you finish cleaning up...

without magic!

Chak, Master Logray!



WICKET: Teebo really was serious
about being Logray's apprentice.

I wonder how his magic studies
are coming along.

You're not the only one. Look!

KNEESAA: Latara!

Goopa, Kneesaa and Wicket.

Nice day, hmm?

For what, spying on Teebo?

Shh! I wasn't spying.

You shouldn't spy on anyone, Latara.

Unless, of course,
they're doing something very interesting.

- KNEESAA: Wicket!

Ee Chee Wa Wa!

What's he doing in there?

Conjuring up monsters, I'll bet!

Or making lightning storms.


WICKET: Hello?

Goopa, everyone!

What's going on?


What's so funny?


We thought you were casting spells.

And here you are, cleaning house.

Oh, I see.

Some wizard!

Some friends you are.

Just for that...


I won't show you
the new tricks I've learnt.

We know how to b*at a rug, thanks.



All right, skeptics.

Open your eyes,

and Teebo will make a great surprise!

Kee yak ta!


Goon dah.

Very impre...

Ee Chee Wa Wa!

Did you do that?

I guess so.

I mean, of course I did!

I'm a junior shaman, after all.

Let's see some more.

Are you sure Master Logray won't mind?

Old Logray? Nah, he always
lets me borrow his stuff.

But, just so we don't disturb anyone,
let's go out into the forest.

Can't be too careful with magic, you know?

WICKET: Whatever you say, Teebo.

KNEESAA: You're the greatest! (CHUCKLES)

Kee yak ta!

Ee Chee Wa Wa!


How about some music?



KNEESAA: Careful, Teebo.

Don't overdo it!


Are you sure everything's
all right, Teebo?

Just leave everything
to the new magic master.


Ee Chee Wa Wa!

LATARA: Danvay, lurdo. What are you doing?



Oh, no.

New magic master. Ha!

Oh, my poor flute!

Come on, girls! Yub yub.

Wait! Where are you going?

Away from you and your crazy magic.

Come back!

I can get it right!



Ooh, what's that?

Someone's singing.


Over here!

I have a bad feeling about this.


Hello, little ones.

WICKET: Did you do this, Teebo?

TEEBO: Uh, well...

WOMAN: Don't be afraid. Come closer.

I understand there was one among you
who was a great wizard.

You, perhaps, little golden fur?


Oh, yes, that's me!

I know some magic, too.

Would you like to see?


You are all welcome here.

I hope you enjoyed my magic!


ALL: Morag!


Den, den!

Let us go!

No, little ones,

I need you to to lure old Logray to me.

Master Logray?

Oh, no!

Soon he will come looking
for his foolish apprentice,

and I'll be waiting!


Teebo, I'm back with another Lokka spore.


Greetings, Logray.


I'm pleased you still remember me.

For snows you've plagued us,
how could I forget you?

But now, I offer an end to our feud.

A trade.


No, release those young ones!

Return the Sunstar, Logray,

or these cubs will become
my permanent guests!

Morag would destroy
any army we send against her.

I must face her alone.

And now, Sunstar, to our destiny!

It's like a bad dream.

This is just how it happened
to Master Logray.


Clean that up!

We've done you no harm.

Let us go! Please!

Soon, white fur,

Logray will deliver the Sunstar

and I will have no further use for you.

You poor creature!

There's nothing but hate in your life.


You call this nothing?

That is power,

power that will crush Logray
and your precious forest,

and make Morag ruler for all time!

Ka too sha!

We've got to do something
before Master Logray...


TEEBO: A spy!

Hey, get away from me.


Never mind.

Where are you, Logray?

Surely these Woklings
have some value to you?


The Sunstar is near.

Logray has come!

Assemble the young ones!

I knew she was afraid of Master Logray.

She's setting us free.

Yes, free to watch your shaman destroyed.

Ka too sha!

Welcome once again, old friend.

Young ones, are you well?

Yes, Master Logray,
but it's all my fault.

T'hesh, Teebo, not now.

Well, I'm here as you wished.

- Now, let the young ones go!

First, the stone.

Don't give it to him, Master Logray!

MORAG: Silence!

Morag, if you dare harm them...

What would you do about it?

I know of your natural ways,

perhaps more than you might realize!



Seize that old fool!


Ka too...


- Dangar, Ewoks!
- Dangar!

Stop, you wretched bratlings!

No, save yourselves.



Leave Logray alone!

MORAG: Enough!



You haven't won yet!

- Morag is losing her powers!

MORAG: Now, let that which was broken
be made one again!

Mine! It is mine to command, once more!

You have the Sunstar,
release the young ones!

Morag, you'll destroy the whole mountain!

Yub yub!

What's happening?

Morag has activated the volcano!

Oh, she's finished!

No, she's not!
She's more powerful than ever!


Ee Chee Wa Wa!


Look at me now, Logray,

Feel my power!

- Run!
- I have to finish this.

TEEBO: But she's too powerful!

Veek, veek!

Morag, I warn you, come no further.

The staff!

Master Logray!

You attempt to save yourself.

You disappoint me, old friend.

Now, goodbye, old...

WICKET: It's water!

A gush of cold water!

KNEESAA: It's hardening Morag into stone!


- Hurray, we won!
- We won, Logray!

- Logray!


Master Logray!





We'll never move all this stone.

Teebo, you're a hero.

If you hadn't gotten Logray's staff back,
Morag would've finished us.

Now she's gone forever.

TEEBO: And so is Master Logray.

- Oh, no, not again!

LOGRAY: As black night
gives in to golden morn,

as ice disappears when spring's reborn,

let joy rise up from grief and woe,

and from evil's death, let new life grow!

Goopa, young ones!

ALL: Master Logray!

We thought we'd never see you again!

Oh! Now, that was silly of you, wasn't it?

I'm sorry, Master. I failed you.

True, you did abuse the magic,

but you relied on yourself
to get out of trouble,

just as I taught you.

You mean you're not angry?


Well, you also wasted my prism pebbles,

ruined my ceremonial wand,
and almost got us all k*lled!

But we'll talk about that later.

Let's go home.

And that is how the Sunstar/Shadowstone

returned to the village, at long last,

And Morag's life force
returned to the forest,

where it became,
in the end, a thing of beauty.

As for the young apprentice
and his friends,

well, I'm not sure,

but I think they all lived
happily ever after!

Your turn, apprentice.