01x06 - The Final Lesson!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x06 - The Final Lesson!

Post by bunniefuu »

Now, let's begin our final lesson.


Sensei, are you mad
about something?

Hey, I don't know what you did,
but hurry up and apologize!

Sensei's seriously lost it!


W-We're sorry, Sensei!
We regret what we've done!

Come on,
you apologize too, Mitsuki!

Huh? Why am I involved?

Why should I?

– No, there's no need
– Shut up,

– to apologize any more.
– you're the one who started it…

It's because…

I'm going to k*ll all of you now…

What did you just say, Sensei?

Is this happening for real?

Wow, who knew you could
use it like that.

Now's not the time to be impressed.

Shino Sensei is coming after us,
for real!

You have got to be kidding.

Is that what I think it is?

The Final Lesson

The Final Lesson
I've had enough of not being
taken seriously by my students,

I've had enough of not being
taken seriously by my students,

or having
all my hard work backfire.

I've had enough of everything!

It almost seems like everything
I was worried about, was a lie.

I've been liberated!

That's right,

just like these insects!

Don't they say
you'd better watch out

when a normally quiet person
just snaps?

Yeah, it's just like
what happened to Metal!


Even if we have to beat him up,
we have to stop him!


Do you really think you can?

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!

It didn't work?


Damn it,

even if we can stop
some of the insects,

there's still too many!

It's a waste of time trying to
teach you kids.

Troublemakers who constantly
give their teacher a hard time…

Lazy and indifferent ones
who don't want to listen…

And disruptive outsiders…

I've given up on teaching you
anything more.


I will eliminate you right here!

Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough.

I didn't know you could
do stuff like that!

Where are we going?

Struggle as you may,
try to do your best…

My insects will
follow you everywhere.

I never thought Shino Sensei
would get like that too.

Yeah, he's definitely not the same.

He said he was
going to k*ll us, right?

He's using the insects
to absorb chakra…

He only fights like that
when he's serious.

And Sensei is serious
about k*lling us right now.

But if this the same as before,

we could try knocking
some sense into him.

That would be suicidal.

According to my Dad,

Shino Sensei has
jonin-level skills.

Even the three of us combined
are no match for him.

Then we should ask
another teacher for help…

I don't think
that will work either.

The chakra from
the Parasitic Insects

have rapidly spread
throughout the forest.

Since we're in
the middle of the forest,

they'll probably find us
before we even get out.

Are you serious?!

So, we're basically blocked in?!

It's your fault

for making Sensei flip out
in the first place, Boruto!

On top of that,
you got us involved too!

Come on, I'm not the only one
who drove him to that point.

Besides, who gets like that
just from snapping?

So, what's this shadow
that only you can see?


Anko Sensei…
Where's Shino Sensei?

According to the schedule…

He should be conducting
extracurricular lessons.

I see…

He was really depressed yesterday,

I hope he hasn't been
brooding over it.

Don't worry, he'll be fine!

Running around with his students

will help him
get rid of his stress.

I sure hope so…

What I said might have
given him more anguish.

W-What the hell…

I'm surprised he hasn't
caught up yet…Shino?



That's not one of Sensei's insects.


That's so confusing!

Come on, let's go.

The fact that we don't see
Sensei's insects

must mean we've lost him!

Don't let your guard down.

Yeah, but I haven't seen him at all
since earlier!

What are you doing?

I found you!

You shouldn't have said that!

Boruto, use a paper b*mb!

All right!

Did it work?

Explosions don't work?

What are we supposed to do?!

You don't stand a chance
against my Parasitic Insects!

The best you can do is run…
Just run.

Run until you understand that
it's all in vain.

They avoided the water?
Could it be—?

Hey, Shikadai!

Hurry, this way!


It's kind of a letdown
watching them…

Let's see if I can
incite them a little…

I'd forgotten
how it feels to battle.

I guess I was never meant to be
a teacher after all…

Hey, where were you all this time?

I got lost.

It's no use.

We can't outrun him, after all…

Hey, Boruto.

You said something earlier

about Shino Sensei
"getting like that too…"


Oh yeah…

Up to now,
there's been a couple guys

who've started
acting weird like that.

I could see a creepy
shadow-like thing around them.

For some reason,
I'm the only one who can see it.

I see.

Just as I suspected,
this guy must know something…

Anyways, we better get outta here.


Without a plan,
he's gonna catch up with us again.

And besides, Boruto…

You haven't recovered the chakra
that was taken from you yet.

So, what am I supposed to do?!

If you can't escape then…

All you can do is

k*ll Sensei with
everything you've got, right?

Huh? K-k*ll him?
What are you talking about?

Well, that's what
he wants to do, right?

Then what's wrong
with doing the same?

This guy!

If you don't do anything…

you're gonna die.

Nevertheless, there are some things
that you just don't do!

Now, hang on, Boruto.

k*lling aside,

there may be a way to win
depending on the method.

Haven't you noticed?

Earlier, Sensei didn't care about
how much chakra he used,

he just let the insects go wild.

Yeah, now that you mention it!

In other words, Sensei's snapped,
so he's lost his usual composure.

We could use this to our advantage.

But if we can't
get rid of those insects,

we can't get near him.

I have a plan.


But in order for the plan to work…

I'll need someone to take on
a dangerous role.

So, what you're talking about
is a decoy strategy?


And I think the transfer student
is perfect for the decoy.

Shouldn't the person who
suggests it be the decoy?

Unlike us,
there's not a drop of sweat on you.

Considering how you
just used Wind Style,

you look like you still have
chakra left, too.

I see.

I think that's reason enough

to send one of your comrades
to their death.



judging from that strange jutsu
you just did to extend your arm,

I bet you still have some
secret weapons up your sleeve?

How about it?

Unlike Boruto, I don't trust you.

And I don't know
what you're plotting,

so show me what you're hiding!

Hang on.

Let me be the decoy!


I haven't recovered my chakra,
but I can still make shadow clones!

That's too risky for you right now.

You could really die!

We're the ones who drove Sensei
to the tipping point.

I'd better take responsibility
for my actions.


I also want to help everyone.



Then it's all the more reason
that I'm perfect for it.

Because if push comes to shove,
I can…

That's not what I mean.

When I say everyone,
I mean Shino Sensei

and even you, Mitsuki.

I'm not giving up till the end.

I'm not letting anyone die!

I'll soon find out…

…if he's my sun.

I understand.

But there's something
I want you to let me do.

It seems you've finally given up
and are prepared to meet your fate.


Just kidding!

I'm just done chasing you.

Instead of running,

I'm taking you down
right here, Sensei!

That's the oldest trick
in the book.

This one's a shadow clone too…

And this one too.

And the real one is…

Same trick again!


I won't let you get away
from this distance!

Did we fail?

You're keeping me
quite entertained.

What happened to the other one?

What's the matter,
transfer student?

You're not gonna help them?

Well, whatever.
I'll leave you for later.

You were going to use
your Shadow Paralysis

then jump into the water
with me, right?

You figured the insects could be
contained in the water.

I can see right through
a half-baked plan like that.

We'll see about that.

Sensei, looks like you've lost
most of the insects you can use.

Now, Mitsuki!

Is this the real one?

Not a bad strategy…

You thought
I didn't have any insects

that could be used
underwater, huh…?

Don't underestimate
my clan's Parasitic Insects!

Lightning Style…

Snake Lightning!

Lightning Style should be able to
penetrate through his body

while he's producing the insects.

Even if he is a jonin…

I didn't think there was
any way to stop him

without k*lling him…

I didn't know you could
fight this way.


I've used up…

…way more than I expected.

Oh well, I don't really care.

Don't give up!

Boruto, you're—



Damn it! Stop showing off!

No, don't!

My chakra is—!

But if I give up here,
those two will—!

Damn it, I have to go!


I'll go!




Shino Sensei!


Everyone, I'm very sorry.

Shino Sensei…

I wasn't myself at that time.

Imagine, attacking a student
who I should be protecting!

So, you really weren't yourself!


I can only vaguely remember,
but I had no sense of reality…

It felt like I was
possessed by something.

Even still,
what I did to you is unforgivable.

After reporting
to the administration,

I will take responsibility
and resign as a teacher.

W-Wait, Shino Sensei!

It's not like anyone got hurt.
Don't be so dramatic.


it's our fault for getting you
mad in the first place…right?


I didn't realize how much
it was weighing on your mind.

I'm sorry.

By the way, I had no idea you were
that strong, Shino Sensei!

Y-You guys…


You're so easy to read, Sensei!

Shut up!

But is there anything he can
teach us at this point?

I get it…

Maybe there is.

You say something, Mitsuki?




You might not have
good people skills,

but you never stopped trying to
reach out to people.

That's why you've been blessed
with good friends.

The spirit of never giving up,
no matter what.

That's the natural gift you have
as a teacher.

I'm sorry,

but I have no self-awareness

of where and when
I was psychologically affected.

In a sense,

it was a blessing in disguise
that you weren't yourself.

Yeah, if Shino
had really att*cked them,

Boruto and the others
wouldn't have stood a chance.

Thanks for always
looking out for them, Shino.

It must be tough with
a bunch of bad kids like that.


Yeah, I guess.

It's a pity that he took after you.

I've got nothing to counter that…

In any case,

this is some kind of
mysterious power

that can affect
even jonin-class psyche.

Yeah, looks like we have
a situation brewing in our village

that we can't ignore.

I know you're busy,

but can you
help us investigate, Shino?

Absolutely, Lord Seventh.

Isn't it obvious
that I'm losing weight?

I guess…so?

She's been like this ever since…

He's been persistently
following us,

but we can't see him…

What's going on?

I've been so anxious,

I haven't been able to
eat properly…

But…you have been eating.

Next time on
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

Love and Potato Chips!

He's sticky like natto
and I really hate it!

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