01x03 - Metal Lee Goes Wild!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x03 - Metal Lee Goes Wild!

Post by bunniefuu »

All right, everyone.

From today,
you'll start practicing with shuriken.

You're all beginners.
But that's okay.

That's the reason why
you're students at the Academy.

Be extremely careful
so you don't hurt yourselves

or end up hitting your classmates.


All right!

No one's listening…

I just can't get it right.

It would be more worthwhile
if I just drew pictures.

Well, we've been forced to practice
this sort of thing at home.

Since I secluded myself in the woods
and immersed myself in training,

my shuriken is perfect!

– He's pretty good.
– Yeah.

Sh-Shikadai and everyone
are watching!

Oh, my hand kinda slipped!
That's weird!

Move outta the way!

This is how I do this…


H-Hey, isn't that dangerous?!

Demon Wind Shuriken!

Let's go!

Such an unsteady shuriken.

With my kick, I'll—!


L-Leaf Hurricane!

Are you all right?


You're Metal, right?
I'm sorry!

Is this one of your pranks again?

Where did you get it?

You aren't supposed to be able to use
a Demon Wind Shuriken yet.

Well, I found it in the lockers, so…


That's my Demon Wind Shuriken.
You can't just take it!

Oh, it belongs to you?

You guys…

All of you, come to
the teacher's office after class.


No "whats."

What? Why do we have to go too?

We haven't done anything.

It's called collective responsibility.

This kind of thing
should've been a piece of cake.

But I couldn't…
When I get nervous, I mess up!

Metal Lee Goes Wild!

I've pulled my share of pranks
when I was young,

so it's not that I don't understand.

That aside,
you guys fool around too much.

There was only a certain someone
who was fooling around.


Well, you're setting a bad example
for the other students.

Anyway, I'm ordering you to do
volunteer work outside of class.

M-Me too?!

Me too?

You two will supervise everyone else.
Got that?

Why me?

To begin with, it's against the rules to
bring unauthorized weapons to school.

Oh, this…

The one you crashed into
and damaged.

All right! I've been waiting for you!

You're the students
from the Academy, right?

Shino Sensei told me about you.

These repairs require
extreme care and attention,

just think of it as part of ninjutsu training
and do your best!


– Looking forward to working with you!
– Looking forward to working with you!

Aw man! Isn't there some ninjutsu
to fix it all at once?!

By all rights, you should be
doing this all by yourself.

This must be more of
a pain for you, Class Rep…

It's okay, I like construction work.

Besides, working on the Hokage's
Great Stone Faces is a great honor.

You got that right, Miss Class Rep!

R-Repairing the Great Stone Faces…
I just can't mess this up.

I can do this alone!

Wait, Boruto!


Don't go charging in all by yourself!


We were on a roll too.

Boruto, you ruined it!



Please keep your breaks short.


Let's finish this up quickly!


Most of the work's done.

It's only your side that's left, Metal.

Whoa, hey! Metal!




Come over here quickly!




Are you okay, Miss Class Rep?


Uh-oh, not again.

Man, I'm tired.

Today was rough.

And whose fault was it anyway?

Oh yeah, how about stopping
for some burgers?

I have some discount coupons.

Cheer up, Metal!

You can just wing
something like that…

The Seventh's face isn't all that perfect
in real life anyway.


You know, Metal, just working
really hard doesn't mean it's all right.

you end up creating more work

and skimming over the essentials.

When you get nervous,
you always make mistakes, right?

How did you know?

You think it wasn't obvious?

Anyway, even with stuff like that,
you're too honest to a fault.

I'm too honest?

No matter how hard you train
by yourself in the mountains,

unless you overcome that nervousness,
it's completely useless!

Oh man, I didn't…

Anyway, I'm over this way, so…


Shikadai, was that any way
to talk to him?

You're one to talk.

I think Metal tries harder
than everyone else.


Just what did you do
in school today?!

N-Nothing. It was all Boruto…

I just happened to
get caught up in it!

Why are you making excuses?
It's so unmanly.


I'm home.

Oh, what's up?

Got into trouble, Shikadai?

No, Dad.

I didn't do anything.

Please talk to him.

He keeps getting into trouble
at the Academy.

At this rate, you won't become
a great ninja.

Well, that's how you go about
learning at the Academy.

Just consider getting scolded
as part of becoming a great ninja.

There's no such thing as a perfect kid.

When you get nervous,
you always make mistakes, right?

Anyway, even with stuff like that,
you're too honest to a fault.

So, I guess my son is
just like the others…

He'll get scolded and lectured,
and mature.

Otherwise, he'll become
someone who's rotten inside,

someone who won't feel remorse when
he's wrong or be able to say sorry.

was that any way to talk to him?

Yeah, you're right, Dad…

Don't worry, Temari!

He gets it.

Anyway, I'm hungry.
Let's eat soon.

You're too easy on him.
That's why Shikadai gets into trouble…

I'm the one getting scolded here?

I'm saying this
for the sake of the Nara family.

And you give me this attitude?

– W-What a drag…
– W-What a drag…

Both of you were just thinking,
"what a drag," weren't you?

Well, no dinner for both of you tonight!

Damn it Dad,
learn to read the situation, will you?

You already know that
when she's like that,

she doesn't budge.

Oh man, I didn't…

I didn't know he was
so sensitive about it.

I totally said too much, didn't I?

I guess I'll apologize tomorrow.

What a drag…

Damn it. You don't have
a care in the world…



Metal! About yesterday…


It's like that time with Denki…


Wait up!


Hey, Metal!

I wanna talk to you…


H-Hey, Metal?!

I'll show you my true strength
and what I'm really like…

when I'm not nervous.

Metal, so you were
mad about yesterday.

H-Hey wait!

I don't blame you for getting upset.

I was a little…

No, I was way too harsh.

Oh man… If I get hit
I could really die.

Now, fight me.

Shikadai, are you okay?!

He's fighting Metal?

I don't get it,
but he's not himself.

If you're going to get in the way,
I won't show you any mercy either.


It has to be…

What's wrong, Boruto?

Can't you guys see that?

What are you talking about?

Never mind that!

Metal's lost it…

What do we…?

Something terrible will happen
unless we do something…

He threw it perfectly.

When he's not nervous,
he's amazing.

– Yikes!
– Yikes!

Hey Shikadai, he's strong!

Do you have a strategy?!

Calm down. I'm thinking!

In any case…

Run away!

Come on out!
It's useless to hide.

H-He's scary!

Shh! Quiet!

We can't just keep on running away.

You're the one who told us to run!

It's okay!

I've figured it out this time…

Let's counterattack.

Listen, Boruto.

If you don't want it to be game over,
don't go charging in all by yourself!


Even if your opponent is strong,

pooling our strength
makes victory possible.

That's what makes games fun.

Where are you?

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!

You're not getting away!

You were close!

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu,

a ninjutsu that renders anyone who
touches that shadow immobile.

But I see there's a limit to
the distance it can reach.

Ninja Art

Super Beast Scroll!

What? But he didn't move!

And the shadow
hasn't touched me.

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, complete.

W-What's going on?!

It's the Transformation Jutsu.


Then what was that shadow?!

It's a snake that I made.

I will never forgive you…
for tricking me!

What's with this strength?!

If this keeps going,
the jutsu won't hold!

Sorry, Metal…!


Knock Metal out!

Knock him out? How?

Do anything!
Punch him or whatever!


Punch him?

Hurry up!

Want me to do it?

Damn it!

I'll do it, all right?!


– Huh?
– Huh?



Hey! Are you okay, Metal?!

– Oh…
– Oh…

What did I…?


Thank goodness!

Looks like you're back to normal.

I'm so sorry about yesterday!

I didn't mean to belittle you!


No, it's okay…

You had every right to be angry.

I'm really sorry.

Your power when
you're not nervous…

is really awesome.


I think you should train
a little more seriously.

And especially you, Boruto.


That's pretty blunt.

Oh, class is going to start!

Come on, everyone, let's go!

Oh well…

Guess I'll take class seriously then.

Yeah, me too.

Everyone, let's hurry!

Yeah, yeah…

I'm home.

Big Brother, welcome home!

Hi, Himawari!

Welcome home, Boruto.

You're just in time for dinner.

I seriously paid attention
in class today,

so I'm really hungry!

Just today?

I mean… We had lots of hard stuff
to learn today, so…

Big Brother, let's play after dinner!


Well, I gotta study afterwards.

By the way, Mom…
The thing with your eyes…

It's called the Byakugan, right?


Yes. I…

your uncle…

and the entire Hyuga Clan
have that ability.

What about it?

Oh, nothing.

Just wondering if you can see
all sorts of things with it.

Well… You can see long distances,
through things…

as well as other people's chakra.


Was that thing chakra?

So, uh Mom…


I'm home.


You got to come home early today.

Yeah… Finally finished
an all-nighter.

Dinner's ready.
What do you want to do?

Thanks… But I'm going straight to bed.

All right.

Good night.

He's not even gonna eat the meal
that Mom prepared?

That stupid old man…

I'll get you again!

That's good, Boruto!

Inojin, finish 'em!

Leave it to me!

I wondered where you were…

And here you are, fooling around!

I'm reporting this to the teacher.

Hey, Metal, did you know this game
helps improve your teamwork skills?

Not only that, it helps you relax.

So maybe it'll help you
get rid of your nervousness.


Here you go…




Now, Metal!

Okay, now it's up to you!


You can do it. Go!

– All right, finish him!
– All right, finish him!

If you say things like that,
I'll get nervous!


My game!

I'm sorry…

– When I get nervous, I…
– What are you gonna do?!

He is way too honest.


But at least he'll never turn rotten inside.

Damn it, everyone's such a drag!

I'm buying the last yakisoba bun.

Normally, if you were really a man,
you'd let a girl have it.

Well, that's if you were a normal girl…

What does that mean?

Stop right there!
Let me prepare a fighting ring.

Next time on
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

A Ninjutsu Battle of the Sexes!

All right! Let's do this!

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