01x02 - The Hokage's Son!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x02 - The Hokage's Son!

Post by bunniefuu »

The Academy…

In the past, this institute was

the Hidden Leaf's training center
for shinobi,

and hopefuls underwent
rigorous training here.

However, peace and stability
in the modern world

brought about big changes.

Today, a general curriculum of
educational courses is offered

in addition to ninjutsu training.

It is an academic facility
where the next generation

can develop their talents
in many fields of study.

All right, so this is gonna be
the stage where I make my mark…

Are you an idiot?

You were just suspended
for two weeks.

It was bad enough with
everyone gossiping about you.

Show some restraint.

What's done is done.
I can't worry about that.

Hey, wait up!

So, he didn't drop out…


Hey, guys!

I'm Boruto Uzumaki!

Nice to meet you all!

I told you to restrain yourself.

Hey, Denki. Where's my desk?

You can sit anywhere.

Is that how it works?

Hi! Hi!

My mom's finally gonna
ease up on me.

Your mom?

I had to study at home
the whole two weeks.

That's him.

How come he wasn't punished
after doing something like that?

I mean…you know…

That wasn't just a prank.

If it had plunged into town,
it would have been a disaster.

We'd all be dead by now.


He can hear you.


Don't pay attention to them.

I'm not.

They can say whatever they want.

Well, okay then.


I forgot my textbook!

This is your first day!

Share your book with me, Shikadai.

What a drag. No way…

C'mon, don't say that.

That Boruto sure stands out.


Aren't people paying attention to him

only because of that
ridiculous stunt he pulled?

You know him, don't you, Sarada?

Our parents are friends, that's all.

So, you're saying…
you're childhood friends.

I wouldn't call us that.

In fact, I kinda find it annoying,
being lumped together with him.

I don't blame you.

His dad's so cool though.

Lord Naruto, the Hokage…



Harsh experiences
in life polish a man.

Riding on the Hokage's coattails, huh?

H-Hey, Inojin!

Oops, did I just say that out loud?

Hey Inojin, take that back.

Oh, sorry.

If it touched a nerve,
I take it back.

But that's just how
everyone's feeling here.

If anyone else caused
a runaway train,

it would be normal
if they were thrown in jail.


Look, you know that's not
what happened.

I guess…

Hey, Boruto. How long has it been?

Hi, Inojin.

Are you two friends?

All of our parents are.

Listen, Inojin.

I know you've been like this
for a long time,

but why do you always
sh**t your mouth off?

I'm not trying to cause
trouble or anything.

That's even worse…

Uh-huh. How our parents are
doesn't matter.

Anyway, let's be friends.

Well, I don't even consider you
worth my trust.

Excuse me!

We'll be studying together,
so let's try to get along!

That's so what
a Class Rep would say!


Okay, Boruto, that's it.

We've finally completed measuring

everyone's basic strengths
and weaknesses.

Next time, we'll begin actual practice
using the data we've gathered.

– Yes.
– Yes.

Boruto! You're terrific!

That time was
the second best in class.

What? I'm not on top?


Who's this Iwabe,
the one who beat me?

The one with the best time
isn't here today.

He did say it wasn't worth
hanging around amateurs like us.



I'm so hungry.

Hey, you guys!

Are you going to lunch?
Can I join…

Sorry! We're going to the rooftop.

You should go quickly too.


What's with them?

Whatever… Let's eat—

Go somewhere else.

You're bothering me.

I'm using this room right now.

Who is he?


The Repeater Iwabe.

It's rumored that he failed
the graduation exams twice.

Oh, so you're our senior.

Nice to meet you!

Don't get all friendly with me.
You damned Hokage's son.

It doesn't matter whose son I am.

Well, I don't like the idea…

of having a guy like you
hanging around all the time.

You're an eyesore.

A brat riding on his father's coattails!

Hey, take that back!


You're not even worth
my time.


Why you—!

If you have a problem, come at me.

I wouldn't if I were you.

Even the teachers are impressed
with Iwabe's taijutsu.

Then why did he flunk?

I don't know, but…

Listen up.

Strength is everything for a ninja.

What's the use of studying
obediently like you guys?

Even the present Hokage was
the strongest in all of history.

As long as you're strong,
a ninja can get away with anything.

There he goes again.

He should just drop out.

But Iwabe, even Lord Seventh
has made it his goal

to use ninjutsu in peaceful ways.

That's why I also…

Shut up!

Weaklings should just
keep their mouths shut!

Just ten years ago,
we were at w*r.

When Lord Hokage was
a ninja on the front lines,

it wasn't like this at all.

But in no time,

this place went soft and
turned into a school for wimps.

I can't accept that.

A weakling who got accepted here
by riding on his old man's coattails,

is a nuisance!

He's not riding on
his father's coattails.


Boruto's not like that at all!

I watched Boruto and

that's why I decided
I wanted to come to this academy.

How would you know?!

Brave words…


you can only say that to me
after you beat me!

Cut it out!

So your idea of strength is

to bully people into doing
what you want?

What did you say?!


It's okay, Shikadai!

I made a decision that
I wouldn't fight here, but…

I'll take you on!


Shino Sensei…

Boruto starts from today, right?


Suspended from
the first day of school…

He's quite a character.

I never expected to be
his homeroom teacher.

Make it worthwhile.

Oh yeah, I'll be very strict with him.

Because it's my job now.
Excuse me.


Oh my…

Where are my students?

What do we do?
What about class?!

So what? Just blame them.

This is so annoying!

What? You scared?

No way.

This exercise hall is
like a fighting ring.

This is gonna be fun.

Watch closely, you guys!

This is a ninjutsu match according
to the Academy rules!

Don't worry, I won't use this.

Because if I did, you'd die.

This is all my fault…

No, it's not.

He brought it on himself for
taking up his challenge.

He'll end up getting
suspended again.

You think that's all he'll get?

He'll probably get expelled.

But I guess he's not a coward,
he's just stupid.

So you can keep up a little.

He's fast.

It's not working!

What? You done already?

You made my clothes dirty.


I thought you weren't interested?

I'm not, but…

It sure doesn't look like it.

You must be delusional.

Anyway, I think he's in trouble.

He's no match for the guy.

That was clever…

I'm not falling for it!

It's over—!


This way!

A substitution?!

Damn it!

Where is he?!

Behind you!

Substitution with a Disguise Jutsu.

Pretty good.

You too. Shadow Clones
that stay manifested…

That's some chakra you have.


"Energy that is produced by
the immeasurable amounts

of cells that comprise
the human body…"


Manipulating chakra is
the first step to using ninjutsu.

How interesting!
I'll take on any number of clones!

Here I come!

Too easy!

But you really
shouldn't waste them.

Otherwise, you'll run out of
energy right away.

Shut up!

That guy's used to combat.

According to the data,

he was the top performer
in ninjutsu last year too.

Although his grades in
other courses were dismal…

This guy's a pain…

The Academy should've just
let that guy graduate.





He treats us clones so rough…


So determined…

Why is he so determined?

One thing for sure,

he doesn't look like he's riding
on anyone's coattails.

You're too easy!

Reached your limit, coattail rider?

I'm not about to give in
to a guy

who thinks you can do anything
if you're strong.

But you will.

That's just what the Hokage and
all the adults have been doing.

They rose up using their power…

And now, they just decide
the times have changed?

If things were the same,

I'd have graduated and
become a ninja long ago!

But unless I pass courses that
have nothing to do with ninjutsu,

I can't graduate!

Could you…possibly just be
really bad at studying?

So what?!

You're taking it out on
the wrong person.

What did you say?!

If you wanna become a ninja,
you have to keep at it,

no matter how many times you fail.

Instead, you blame the times…

skip classes and act like
the world's against you!

That is so uncool!

You're calling me uncool?

There's no way
I'm gonna lose to you!

You asked for it!


What's wrong? I'm over here!

The Clone Jutsu is useless
when the real body goes down.

The one at the very back
is the real you!

My clones aren't substitutes
for the real me!

– I'm not riding on…
– I'm not riding on…

– the Hokage's coattails!
– the Hokage's coattails!

He did it!

You've got your circumstances…

Well, so does everyone else,
but they come here despite them.

Don't stand in their way!

– Oh!
– Oh!

Quit messing around…

you jerk!

What is that?!

He knows Earth Style too?!

Ah, man!

I want…to become like the Hokage!

I want to fight like him.

That's my path!

I don't want it all to end here!

What's that?!

Super Beast Scroll… Inojin!

What's the big idea?!

What? Didn't you say you weren't
going to use weapons?

How can you call it a fair fight
after breaking the rules?

You're right…

I'm uncool.

What's going on?



Boruto, let's eat lunch together!

Count me in too!

Yeah, let's eat together!

Ah…thank goodness.

Why're you so concerned?

Cuz' I'm the Class Rep!

I'm glad the air is cleared.

Although Mitarashi Sensei
gave him an earful.

But he'll probably get into
trouble again, right?

And he'll always get away
with it, right?

Must be nice, being able to ride
on someone's coattails.

You guys are sad.


He wasn't fighting for himself.
He did it for his classmate.

When Kaminarimon was
being pushed around,

did any of you go to his rescue?


I'm not quoting Boruto…

But that's…totally uncool.




You're here, Iwabe.

Well, since we're classmates…


What a drag.



Since I secluded myself
in the woods

and immersed myself in training,
my shuriken is perfect!

Move outta the way!

This is how I do this,
Demon Wind Shuriken, let's go!

Metal, watch out! It's dangerous!

Such an unsteady shuriken,
with my kick, I'll—!

Shikadai and everyone's watching!

Next time on
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Metal Lee goes Wild!"

L-L-Leaf Hurricane!

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