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03x11 - Past Is Prologue

Posted: 02/19/23 11:00
by bunniefuu

ABELINE: So, how are you
faring in your, uh...

repaying the Side Step debts?

I-I knocked off, like, $,

so, you know, only about infinity
left to pay back Dad and Geri.

(CHUCKLES) You'll get there.

♪ I can help ya ♪

♪ If you need somebody... ♪

AUGUST: So, what's with
all the traffic lately, huh?

There's, like, trucks
and trailers and, like,

- deliveries -.
- BONHAM: Yeah, well, you may recall

that your uncle went behind my back

and opened up this damn circus.

Oh, he's just the uncle now?

Yeah, and maybe we'd have
some of this under control

if anybody had bothered to come
to the family meeting that I called?

I've been saying that we
don't have enough room

out here for all this, but...

apparently this and that
is all being worked out

and I just shouldn't
worry myself about it.

I'm being put out to damn pasture.

You know, I... (STAMMERS)

I might as well just take
an Alaskan cruise

and drink myself to death.

- ♪ Yes, it would sure do me good ♪

♪ To do you good... ♪

August, could you give us a sec?

Yeah, yeah, got it.

- You have a nice day, honey.
- You, too.

You know, I, um, I noticed
that your usual

ranch morning routine has
become more of an evening deal

as of late.

Just staying out of the heat.

It's been degrees all week.

Any chance this has to do
with Liam and Stella?

So, what are you, what are you
saying? You're saying that I...

I changed my whole work schedule around

just to avoid my son and granddaughter?
That's ridiculous.

I agree.

Yes, yes, I hear you, but you
don't need to worry about it.

I got it under control.

That was an outlier, we
took care of it in house.

Look, if you want to discuss this...

Okay. Glad to hear it. Yes, I...

Yeah, all right. Take care. Bye.


I thought you were coming later.

Took an earlier flight.
Wanted to surprise you.

Well, consider me surprised.

- Mm, hi.
- Hey.


Um... you think you can cut class?

There's, um, something
I wanted to run by you.


Yeah, I guess I could finish
at home. Is everything... ?

Relax, only good things, okay?
Everything is fine.

- Or it will be once I get some sushi in me.

That's the business. Let's do it.

- Hey, Kelly?
- Yeah?

It's really good to see you.

You, too.

Now, food.

All right.

Oh, good morning, sleepyhead.

Late start, huh?

Sleeping in is one of the
few perks of being fired.

- But I do have plans outside the house today.

- Mm.
- So, what's up?

I'm just worried about you.

- Cass, I...
- I know, I know. You're fine.

But that word doesn't inspire confidence

when it's typically used
to say the exact opposite.

I am fine.

Honestly, I'm-I'm fine.

I'm just trying to figure things out.

Well, have you spoken to Kevin?

You know, about job stuff?

Ah, I don't want to bother
him with that stuff.

Especially since he just helped me
celebrate getting this one.

Anyways, shouldn't you be off to HQ?

- There's no point in both of us getting fired.
- No.

Just know that I am here for you.

We may no longer be coworkers,
but we're still neighbors.

And I'd like to think
pretty good friends.

Yeah, definitely both of those things.




- Hi.
- CASSIE: Hey.

So, uh, have we solved
Operation Trey yet?

No, not-not-not quite.

I'm-I'm gonna talk to James,

but last time things got
a little heated, you know?

So I'm just gonna give it some space.

Let cooler heads prevail.

- I guess that makes sense.
- Yeah, yeah.

So, is there any chance that there is...

something else you're not talking about?

What do you mean?

- Hmm?

You did your Mr. & Mrs.
thing with Julia,

which... thanks for reading
me in on that, by the way.

- Cass.
- No, it's fine. I get it.

Just felt like you'd bought in.

But now Julia is working in D.C.,

so she hasn't been able to look into it.

And you haven't either,

and yet you're here fixating.

It's hard to shake off.

I mean, someone targeting m-my unit.

It's a big buy, right? And it
doesn't exactly fit the M.O.

of an anarchist organization.

Grey Flag didn't come after me

until after I investigated Fenton.

But these deaths happened
before any of that.


And yet you're still thinking
about what Tommy said.

When he said it, I guess I was
just hoping for an easy answer.

But now the adrenaline has
worn off and I'm not so sure.

- You think he's crazy?
- I don't know.

Part of me thinks that Tommy's
probably been going downhill

for a while, and then these deaths,

and then I'm on the news
getting kidnapped and...

The story made sense to him,
but it doesn't to you.


Okay, look,

you have the Intel
right in front of you.

So if you are so sure that Tommy
is wrong and that you're right,

there's no harm in proving that.

That would also mean that
there's no one out there

with a vendetta against you.

So why don't we prove Tommy
wrong once and for all?

Get you some closure.

♪ ♪

Thanks so much. All right.

- Hell of a shot on , man.

I knew I liked you. I'll get it.

Man, it's been a minute, but, hey,

I'm glad to know that I still got it.

(CHUCKLES): Yeah. You know,
I've always admired

the time you put in
down there at the V.A.

It's been really nice getting
to know you better

- through all that.
- Yeah, likewise, man.

I mean, it's important
for us to give back

and uplift our community.

Couldn't agree more.

Now, that Ranger job

has a lot of red tape involved,

and some of that keeps you
from doing real work.

The fact that they let you go

over some small infractions? Ridiculous.

Yeah, it's, it's okay.
I'm doing okay with it.

I'm just figuring out what's next.

And I'd love to help you with that.

On my side of things
there is no red tape.

What matters is results.

Not everybody can apply

what we learn on deployment
back home like you.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

ANDREW: So, look,

the lobbying group I work with...

we're in the market for a consultant.

Some security stuff, but
it's hardly a rent-a-cop gig.

I'm talking brushing
shoulders with celebrities

and senators alike
all for veterans' causes.


I'm-I'm flattered, Andrew. Really, I am.

But, you know, I've been
going nonstop for years now

and I'm just enjoying
taking this beat for myself

right now, so...

I'm hoping we can change your mind.

All right, what exactly are we talking?

We lobby for veteran support.

Too many of our guys and
gals go put it all on the line

to come back to nothing.

It's unacceptable.

You've got my attention.

And things aren't always
as they seem in D.C.

Things can get hairy.

- So, is this the gig?
- Sort of.

I'm ready to get you signing
on the dotted line.

But with everything going on,

not everybody shares the same enthusiasm

after what happened
with your Ranger gig.

Just look at this as insurance.

An entrance exam, even.

Just think about it. Look that over.

It's plans for an upcoming gala.

In all of it, something doesn't add up.

You figure it out, you give me a call.

All right. Will do.

Thanks, Andrew.

- WAITRESS: Enjoy.
- Bon appétit.

- (LAUGHS) Merci.
- Yeah.

CASSIE: So, Charlie and Bravo?

WALKER: Uh, Sam Turner and Robert Ortiz.

CASSIE: Right.

Both died within months of
each other in different states.

You know, I feel like I'm-I'm
reading tea leaves.

You know, like, grasping for
a connection that isn't there.

Uh, hi. Queen of the tea leaves here.

- Okay, well, that's different.
- Well, not really.

When Miles disappeared,
everybody thought I was insane,

but eventually it paid off.


But there's something else.


Digging into the past like this,

these connections between my unit...

it-it just, you know,
leads to a lot of pain.

But sometimes it leads to
answers you desperately need.


Yeah. All right, let's do it, um...


Car accident six months ago,
died in Lincoln, Nebraska.

- WALKER: Yeah.
- CASSIE: Apparently,

the witness said that
there were two vehicles

with three people.

Turner was in one,
two guys in the other.

But one of them walked
away from the scene.

Okay, hold on, hold on.

Okay, the other witness
and the officers report

two people on the scene.

Both deceased.

Uh, no mention of a third
person who survived.

Weird, but we get conflicting
statements all the time.


Uh, okay, apparently,

Turner was driving ahead
of the other vehicle

when the witness heard the
second car blaring his horn,

which spooked Turner...


No, that, that can't be right.

- Why?
- It doesn't make sense.

Come on, you can't be serious.

I'm just saying, the only thing
bigger in Texas is the hype.


We've got enemy engagement
on route Indy.

Hey, let's stay frosty, gentlemen.

TURNER: I know Tommy's got
to have an opinion on this one.

- I ain't touching that.
- Typical.

Yeah, your little orange
and white striped burgers...



Looks like you've seen a ghost.

Good to see you're okay, Turner.

Thought we'd lost you.

- COOPER: So, what'd they say?
- Huh?

What did the doc say?!

Damn ears are still ringing.

Hearing's shot.

Doc says there's good news and bad news.

Bad news is that

whatever hearing damage
I have now is permanent.

It's just gonna keep getting worse

until it's gone completely.

The hell is the good news then?


years time...

(CHUCKLES) it'll be crickets,

and I won't have to listen
to a damn thing

any of you have to say again.

I'll finally be at peace. (LAUGHS)

CASSIE: Uh, Walker, care
to share with the class?

(SIGHS) Uh, yeah.

Uh, the report says that Turner
swerved after hearing the guy

blaring his horn, but he wouldn't have.

Or maybe couldn't have.

And why not?

Turner was deaf.

At the very least, headed that way fast.

Uh, just saying, it doesn't
add up, you know?

But, you know, reports
have inconsistencies,

and witnesses aren't always reliable...

And sometimes an accident
isn't really an accident at all.


So one of these two deaths feels Sus.

And then Robert Ortiz, a heart attack.

I mean, heart attack is-is

one of the leading causes
of death every year.

- Right?
- Right.

Well, we may not have access

to his full medical history...

but his widow moved back here

after he passed to be
closer to her family.


CASSIE: Uh, yeah.

- Laura Ortiz.
- Yeah.


if Tommy is wrong,

then we would just be
stirring up her grief

for no reason.

And again, I raise you.

If Tommy was right,

then there is someone
hunting down your old unit.

And there are only two of you left.

- I saw that.
- It was fair game.

- Eh...
- Mm.

If you say so.

So... thank you.


Yes, oh, yes, earlier,

- you said you had something to tell me.
- Mm-hmm.

A good thing, not a worrying thing.

Not that I'm worried at all.

I got a call the other day

from our agency's emerging
talent division.

They had a very interesting offer.


They've asked me to head
a satellite venture

they're starting.

I would be scouting and
tracking upcoming talent

at the collegiate or
even high school level.

- Kelly...
- I know.

- ... let's go.

That is huge. When would it start?

- Where would it be? What's the deal?
- Soon.

Yeah, and... I would be
based out of Austin.


No more living out of suitcases,

no more stolen weekends.

I'd be coming home.

- You'd be coming home.
- Mm-hmm.

(CHUCKLES) What do you... ?

What do you want to do?

I know what I want to do.

It's what you want to do
that I'm interested in.

- No, no, look, I'm sorry.

It's just, it's a lot to process.

Um, you know, things
at work are, like...

Not that it's about that.
I'm not making it about that.

- 'Cause it's not about that.
- (LAUGHS) Okay.

It's just, this is a lot
to take in, you know?

Look, you don't have
to decide right now.

I know I just sprung this on you.

So think it over,

and whatever happens next
is up to both of us.


That was totally fair game.



One last thing to knock
off our endless list.

And I have another one.

I told them what we were going for,

and this is what they came back with.

Mm. Oh, wow.

You know what? That's actually
better than I imagined.

I know, right?

(CHUCKLES) And we can give
them some feedback

if something isn't feeling right.

Hey, thank you for
running point on this.

- Partner.
- No, I had fun.

But seriously, let's do
this photo sh**t.

Let's do it.

(CHUCKLING): This is gonna look so cute.

I didn't know y'all were out here.

Yeah, we're taking
pictures for the website.

STELLA: Oh, um,

that's a doodle a marketing
guy turned into a logo.

This one not shiny enough for you?

Well, we just thought that
we could, you know...

Yeah, I'll see you back
at the house, Abby.

So he's still mad?

Well, "mad" is putting it
a little simply, honey.

But, um...

Uh, he's still something.
I'll get into it.

- Let's do this.

- It looks great.

Got to admit, Cordell.
This is quite a surprise.

Yeah. Yeah, no, I-I know,

um, it's been a long time.

Since the medal ceremony?


Never seen so many solemn
faces getting rewarded.

But what happened to you boys after...

Well. (SIGHS)

So, what can I help you with?

- Is this Ranger business or...
- No, no. No, no, no.

Strictly personal.


I-I'm really sorry that
we fell out of touch.

I heard about Rob,

and I wanted to see you.

Express my condolences and...

... just see what I missed.


That last year he got a new job.

We had another kid on the way,

and Rob just wanted to bring
in some more money.

We were good.

Had a lovely church community

and he'd even gotten rid
of his only vice... Coffee.

We were doing so well.

But then his PTSD was set off.

Uh, what triggered it?

He couldn't sleep.

And when he did, nightmares.

He started changing,


doing dr*gs with his new coworkers.

Rob was straitlaced since birth.

And then he was different.

Not the man I had known for years.

That day, he left the house in a tizzy.

Hours later, I get the phone call.

Heart attack.

Had something to do with the dr*gs.

He was so young and healthy.

CASSIE: I'm so sorry.

All right. Y'all know the drill.

We're gonna be doing
a tactical sight exploration.

Gonna be heading out at hours.

Now, I got complete faith
in every one of y'all

to see this thing through.

- Hoorah?
- ALL: Hoorah.

- Hoorah!
- Hoorah!

ORTIZ: Let's go, boys! Let's go!



- Let's go! Let's go!
- Walker.

- Need your help.
- ORTIZ: Yes!

Of course, Sergeant.

What the hell is your deal, Ortiz?

Just trying to keep the team up.

Well, you ain't a damn
cheerleader, are you?

Where are they?

- I want to be ready for anything.
- The only thing you're about

to be ready for with this is a casket.

You don't get this under control,

and I will run it up
the chain of command.

Those boys will have you home
with a dishonorable discharge

faster than you can blink.

Is that clear?

Yes, Sergeant.

♪ ♪


- What's going on, man?
- I'm-I'm trying, man.

I just don't know how
to get through all this.

- Do you trust me?
- With my life.

Then believe me when
I say you've got this.

All right? And we've got you.

No one does this alone.

All right?

Is there something that I should know?

Uh? No, no. Um...

Rob was a good man. He is a great man.

The best of us.

We all did what we had to
do to survive over there.

And we all had vices.

You know? I did.

Rob did, and...

I saw him

start to change,



And then-and then he worked
so hard to get better,

and to spare you that struggle.

You come in here after all this time?

You know, whatever issues Robert had,

they all stem from his
time in that hellhole.

If it weren't, why would some

military contractor work
suddenly set him off?

I'm sorry, did you say contractor?

Do you have a-a name?

I think it's time you leave.

- I'm sorry?
- Leave.


Uh, of course.


♪ ♪

I knew this was a bad idea.

All we did was drudge up the past

and bring all that grief back to her.

And I feel terrible about it,

- but if Ortiz was set up...
- No, no, no, stop, stop.

Stop, please.

You know, what happened to
us over there... that was ugly.

And then the guilt that came after...

the regret... that was...
that was ugly, too.

And you come home

and you're rewarded for surviving

when your brother didn't.

♪ ♪

Dealing with that...

... that time in my life...

I try to avoid it, uh,
because it hurts, you know?

And now,

finding this out about them...

I just need a sec. Can
you just give me sec?

Yeah, yeah. Of course.

Come on, man.

What is it?

Is Walker... I texted him earlier

- and he's leaving me hanging.
- Oh.

We're in one of those
phases where the line between

former partner and current
boss is getting a little fuzzy.

Y'all have been driving each other nuts

since you were at the same level.

It's what family does.

You should talk to him about it.

- I really think he would hear it.
- You think so?

- Mm-hmm.
- Like, right after Carolina wins the Super Bowl?

(GASPS) Was that an up-to-date
football reference, Captain?

- (LAUGHS) I can hang, baby.
- Okay. Mm-hmm.

Maybe also want to talk to me
about what happened with Trey?

- It's-it's nothing to...
- Larry...

I am pretty observant.

I may have also been on
the receiving end of a few

- fiery Cordi texts. Just...
- Look, we just...

we-we reached a boiling point.

- DPS got involved...
- O-Okay.

You don't have to explain
yourself to me.

I know that if you fired Trey...

the man that saved your life
and gave us this chance...

it was for good reason.

Okay? I trust you.



That trust means a lot.

Walker and Perez have been up in arms.

And everyone, really, it's like...


I am not everyone.

No, you are not.


Kel, I don't know...

I don't know if I'm still good at this.

- You know?
- We are doing this right now.

No, but you know what I mean.

Like, the obsession, the worrying,

the not letting you in...

It's not...

You have changed more than
you give yourself credit for.

I don't need your Ranger schedule

or a blow-by-blow of your day.

It's about this. Us. Together.

The both of us just sitting
here doing our own things?

It's perfect.



- Okay.
- Okay.


You're gonna tell me

that I should go talk to them,
and all I got to say to that

is maybe they should have
thought about coming

to talk to me.

Well, I'd love to actually
have the conversation

I came in here to have with you,

but I'd feel a little bit
better if you took a breath.

And put the cleaver down.

I just don't want you
to have any regrets.

Everybody's got some.

But not like this.

You know, we just have
gone through it lately,

after my...

I mean, I sh...

I shouldn't have waited so long

to try to patch things up
with my brother.

This ain't anything like that.

Oh, really?

Nothing about a misunderstanding

driving two people apart for so long

that they lose track of
what they were fighting about

- in the first place?
- I haven't lost track of anything,

not this time.

Bon, I see that you are going
through something.

- I do.
- Abeline, I ju...

And you know you hold things
close to your chest

for far too long.

And you're right.

I-I came in here to say
that I agree with you,

I've got your back...

... and I get it.

I'm on your side.

But also, I think you...
you do need to talk to them.

Of course they should have
tried to talk to you first,

but I think this is one of
those moments where

we still need to do the teaching.

Lead by example.

And bask in your superiority.

I see it.


MAN: Andrew Hyde's office.

- To whom am I speaking?
- Hi, this is Trey Barnett.

Mr. Barnett.

I was told to expect a call from you.

Yeah, is Andrew around?

I solved the puzzle.

The... test.


Andrew is out of office,

but I'm happy to consider your results.


All right. So, Andrew had
me looking over, uh

an event at the Crosby
Amphitheater in Cinci.

And what did you find?

Okay, so, the Crosby was connected

by a tunnel to an old financial center.

It was closed off in the 's,

but the buildings are still
connected to each other

and they share a backup generator.

We would need to account for that

and clear the surrounding facilities.

Someone will be in touch shortly

to get you started on the next
steps of the hiring process.

I'm sure Andrew will personally
reach out when he returns.

- Just like that?
- Just like that.

- Talk soon.
- Thank you.


Cass, listen, about earlier, back...

You don't have to...

I-I know, I know. But I want to.


Seeing Laura, everything
came flooding back,

and-and kind of had me spinning.

I'm sorry.

But I-I know I need to focus.

And I am, um,

ready to focus.

So, we're doing this?

- We're doing this.
- Okay.

So she mentioned that Rob
had taken a contractor gig.

Which feels like

he could have been working
for Grey Flag when he died.

Yeah, could have, but we can't be sure.

But Turner's accident reports

and Ortiz's timely relapse...

- The math ain't mathin'.
- No.

Did Tommy say anything else?

No, uh, he-he didn't have a chance to.

We were all kind of
stunned in the moment.

So, what do you want to do?

I'm gonna stop wasting time.

What does that mean?

It means that if Tommy
was right about that,

he could be right about everything.


MAN: We're sorry, the number
you are trying to reach

is not in service at this time.

Okay, well, you did say that
the dude lives off the grid.

So, maybe he's just
recycling burner phones.

Or maybe something is
keeping him offline.

Thought you said this guy
had crazy security.

- Yeah.
- Shouldn't he be...

♪ ♪

Damn it.

Oh, this doesn't look good.



- Tommy. No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey.

Another one bites the dust.

No, no.

Hey, stay with me. Stay.

- Stay with me.
- You c...

- you came back.
- Yeah, I came back.

- You're here. (CHUCKLES)
- I'm here, yeah, I'm here.

You were right, okay? You were right.

I should have listened to you.

There's no cell service.

Hey, hang in there, okay?


No use. This is it for me.

Walker, whoever did this was just here.

- They've got to be close.

Go, go, go.

I'm here, brother. I'm right here, okay?

I'm not going anywhere.


♪ I'm a monster ♪

♪ Going, going, gone ♪

♪ I'm a monster ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Me and the rest of my monsters ♪

♪ We in the spotlight ♪

♪ Wreaking, crushing ♪

♪ Already gone ♪

♪ Going, gone ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'm a monster ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ I'm a monster ♪

♪ Going, going ♪

♪ Going, gone ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, now I'm down
on the ropes, yeah... ♪

Texas Rangers. Pull over!

Pull over!

♪ ♪


Oh, no, no, no.

♪ ♪

♪ I'm just being honest. ♪

Oh, damn it.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



Is he, uh...

- No.
- God, I-I'm so sorry, Walker.

Yeah. Yeah, me, too. Um...

so, what happened here? You okay?

Yeah, I, uh... He was trying
to run me off the road.

But, uh,

- yeah, I'm-I'm okay.
- Okay, good.

Well, I'm glad you're all right. Uh...

CASSIE: Do you recognize him at all?

No, no. I've never seen him in my life.

Everyone I saw in captivity
got scooped up.

That is not the answer

I was hoping for.



Thought it was hot tub time.

- Hey.
- Mm-hmm?

Sorry, I was... I'm-I'm...

♪ The system is efficient, yes ♪

♪ It's been in place so long... ♪

You know I already have one, right?

- And I know the digital lock code.
- You're k*lling me.

- You're k*lling me right now.

Sorry, I'm-I'm sorry.

- It's cute when you're nervous.
- Like, it's just, it's a symbol.

Okay? Whatever.
Can I-can I, may I, please?


Look, we're...

We're finally at a point in our lives

where we can put ourselves first.

- Right?
- Mm-hmm.

We're set in our careers,

- our son is grown...
- Mm, thinks he's grown.

Okay, he's technically grown.


You moving back to Austin.

There's no way I'm passing that up.

Baby, I'm ready...

I'm ready for this, for us, for...


If that's want you want.

♪ Mopping up the floors ♪

♪ Trying ♪

♪ Trying to come clean ♪

♪ Darling... ♪

Maybe we can find a place that's ours.

Not that your quarter-life
crisis rental isn't

kind of impressive, but...

I think I'd be okay with that.

DJ wants a room anyway.

- Mm.
- And he's hoping for a place with a proper pool.

- Oh, DJ's got pool money now?
- That's what he said.

- Is that-is that how it is?

I'm just the messenger.

When you boys were little,

I used to think about y'all taking over.

It took a while, but...

... I did come to accept that
you and Cordell, you just...

you just didn't have
that-that green thumb,

so to speak.

And if I was to be the last

generation of true Walker ranchers,

then to hell with it, so be it.

All I cared about was that
my sons were... were happy.

And we appreciated that.

So much.

But then my son, who won

the school-wide spelling bee
in the second grade

and knew what a tort
was that very same year,

suddenly found an interest.

Started to think about this
place less as Walker Ranch

and more like Walker and Sons ranch.


But then you...


You went and you did all this.

On your own.

And I still don't know how
it's all gonna shake out, but...

I'm man enough to admit...

... that it hurt.

Wiped away a vision that,
that I'd become so fond of.

Dad, I...

Dad, it was never my
intention to hurt you.

I mean, I was trying to leave my mark

and I overstepped,

and I know that now.

But this was as much for
me as it was for us.

And I was hoping that it could be ours.

You know, like a family thing.

This again.

LIAM: Well, this...

this is based off Granddad's signature.

And the horseshoes were Stella's idea.

One for our past,

our present and our future, our...

our evolving family and business.

Well, hell, William, when
you put it like that...

- Dad.

I would really love for you
to be a part of this.


Daddy's signature was
damn chicken scratch.

That ain't it.

It's an artist interpretation.

Yeah, well, that ain't it.


This guy was definitely Grey Flag.

Yeah, I'd say this about confirms that.

Yeah. I mean, going after
vets in broad daylight...

that feels like a major escalation.

Well, I mean, an anarchist group

would definitely take issue
with the military,

but specifically my unit?

That's-that's different,
Cass. That's personal.

Well, so, what are you saying?

Are we looking at some sort
of Grey Flag splinter cell?

No. I don't know. Maybe.


The way they left Tommy on display...

they're kicking it into a higher gear.

Like they wanted someone to find him.

You know? They wanted someone to know

it was them.

Someone, or...

or you.

♪ Raised by wolves, independent... ♪

And if that's the case, then...

someone is targeting my unit.

And they know a whole lot about you.

- Stuff that isn't necessarily common knowledge.
- Yeah.

And they're in with Grey Flag.

I mean, Turner, Ortiz, now Tommy,

all gone.

Based on that theory, then, Walker...

♪ A little restless... ♪

... you're next.

♪ Don't pick my brain ♪

I think it's time we read in James.

♪ But I need your love... ♪


♪ ♪

♪ But I need your love ♪

♪ But I need your love... ♪

Sure you weren't followed?

Yeah, I took the long way

and I swapped cars, just in case.

So, did we pull it off?

Did everyone buy you actually firing me?

Well, if the dirty looks I'm
getting are any indication,

then we're in the clear.

Walker and Cassie have been mad as hell.


You were right about that
guy at the V.A., you know.

Okay. And?

I made contact.

I think I have my in.



Okay. Good. Mission is a go.

All right. So, what now?

Now we wait and keep our distance

while you take the next step.


Hey, be careful, man.

Will do.

♪ But I need your love... ♪

It's good to see you, Cap.

You, too, Barnett.

♪ I need your love ♪

♪ But I need your love ♪

♪ But I need your love ♪

♪ But I need your love ♪

♪ But I need your love. ♪