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01x15 - Camille's sick day

Posted: 02/19/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
Whoa, this is wild!
Nope, this is "Wipeout."


The big balls are back,

I’m Nicole Byer.

And I’m John Cena.

We’ll be your guides
as we reintroduce you

to the most insane
competition show known to man.


She got hit hard, but that’s
the game of "Wipeout."


Each week, teams of two
will compete for their share

of the $25,000 grand prize.

The courses are crazier.


The contestants are bendier.

That one’s gotta hurt.

And the hosts are sexier.
Beauty and brawn.

Brains and brawn.
Funny and brawn.

Don’t set their expectations
too high, Nicole,

what if we don’t deliver?

Welcome back, America
to "Wipeout"!

Hello there, America.

I’m John, she’s Nicole,
and this is "Wipeout."

The obstacle course that
other courses dream of becoming

when they grow up.

Johnny C, hit them
with the facts.

How many teams we got today?

How much money at stake?

25 large.
And what’s first?

A marvel
of obstacle course technology.

The absolute cutting edge
of contestant crushing.

The thing I sometimes
reflexively call Daddy.

It is the qualifier.

Ten teams face
the qualifier today.

A five-part
obstacle course behemoth,

but first they’ll have to try
to avoid

getting smacked around
in our Wallop Wall.

Then they’ll need to avoid
getting swept up

by our rotating pegs
at the Spin Cycle.

Next up, a "Wipeout"
classic, the Big Balls.

Make it across
and grab Smallsy

for a $250 bonus.

After that,
it’s the Body Blender,

jump the hurdles, or get
cut down in the process.

And finally,

the players end with a
swinging and swing Jigglelator

before a final leap
to the finish platform.

The six fastest teams
to finish the qualifier,

make it through
in the next round.

And how many hosts do we have
calling the action?

We’ve got two!

Wait, two?

Did I finally get fired
for stealing the spotlight

and several coffee makers
from the crew kitchen?

Oh, no!

Camille says she’s sick today.

She sent a video
and everything.

Here, check it out.

Hey guys, I just want
to let you know

that I’m not feeling so good.

So I just think it’s best
if I stay home,

but it’s nothing serious.
So don’t worry about me.

Just--just a case
of the sniffles.

All right, they totally fell
for that.

Let’s pop some corks
and get lit!

Oh, sh**t!

Is it just me or did

seem a little weird
about that video?

I know, recessed lighting
in the bedroom?

Gosh, gotta be a pain
to change those bulbs.

Well, feel better, Camille.
We’re gonna try to soldier on

without her,
as we head down to the course.

Girls have the big balls!
Girls have the big balls!

Well, at least these two
look ready to party.

Yeah, assuming
you got the cash.


No, seriously.
I’ll ask them myself.

Ladies, to settle a bet,
what do you do?

I’m an event planner.
And I’m a brand ambassador.

So we get paid to party.

Paid to party,
Katie and Sarah,

hitting up the red carpet
of the qualifier.

Sarah, first up
to the exclusive Wallop Wall.

You got it, Sarah!

Looks like they want
to club hop.


You can tell these two know
free booze etiquette,

"Take the top shelf punch
first before downgrading

to the well drinks."

Well, Sarah, now outside

the velvet rope
of Studio Big Balls.

Sarah, Sarah--nope,

not seeing your name
on the list.

You got it, Sarah!
Not to brag,

but once I tell people
the star from

"The Transformer" movies is
here, they let me right in.

It’s because they think
you’re Mark Wahlberg,

isn’t it?

Or an absolutely yoked
John Turturro.

But inside the club
is inside the club, Nicole.

Come on, Katie!

It’s getting late in the club.

Probably time to rally
at the Body Blender room.


I recently learned
that you have to ask

before dancing on any counters
at the club and again,

my apologies to the Rosita
Boys and Girls Club.

Here, here give me a hug!

And a final time
of 8 minutes and 23 seconds

may not be enough to carry
them through.

Hopefully, it’ll be enough
to carry them into the bathtub

to sleep it off.

No pre-gaming press.

Well, that makes one of us!
John, who we got next?

Please direct your attention
to the front of the course

for an important message.

Fasten your seatbelts!
Prepare for "Wipeout"!

We’re heading
towards victory.

Folks, meet Trey and Carey.

They’re going to be our

flight attendants
for this next round.

Let’s go, Carey!

Our helpful attendants
would like

to remind you a few rules here
before you wipe out.

Climb over it!

Please be careful
with overhead bins

and internal organs

as both contents
will shift during the flight.

And if you look over to
the right side of the course,

you’ll see
the world-famous Big Balls.

Let’s go, Trey!
You got this!


What a water landing!

Clint Eastwood,
you’ve found your next Sully.

10 minutes, 44 seconds.

With a final time like that,
their ETA into

the gauntlet
is still up in the air.

Hasn’t stopped
Harrison Ford.

Come on, guys,
keep it together.

This ain’t no airport Chili’s.

All right, who’s next?

Hut, hut, "Wipeout"!

Eric and Jennifer
are flag football teammates.


I hope they understand

our course doesn’t
really play two-hand touch.

Let’s go!
Ay, let’s go!

Over to the Spin Cycle,
flag footballer Eric...

trying to find that seam
in the defense.

Nicole with the stop.

This is my house, Eric.

Rec League
to Wrecked League, baby.


The handoff to flag
footballer Jennifer now.

Up to the Big Balls,

little stutter
step past the Motivator.

I got this, I got this,
I got this--whoo!

Those bright flag football
lights were too much!

She’s choking!

Those lights look brighter
than usual

and I think I know why.

Looks like we have
a photo-snapping paparazzi.

I don’t like this.

Paparazzi on the course,

Always catching people
at their worst.

Yeah, and their cameras,
they’re everywhere,

outside restaurants,
hiding in the bushes--ugh!

Yeah, I even found
a tiny remote camera

in my dressing room
put there by the paparazzi.

Yeah, those damn paparazzi!

But say what you will
about his ethics,

paparazzi Smallsy does get

some pretty good sh*ts
in the process.

Oh yeah miss, that’s it.
Plenty of action.

You got this!

It’s fright night.

Yeah, whatever sells.

You got it!

I’m going!
I’m going!

That’s perfect.
Hey, over here.

I’ve been waiting
for this moment!

You owe me both, tuts.


Eh, this place is all played

Oh, just got a hot tip.

Jason Alexander’s
over at the Appletini spot.

Time to take the pic
of the century.

Now that all of this
tabloid trash

is behind us, who’s next?

This is for you,
John and Nicole,

we’re coming to get you guys!

Okay, rude!

We’re trying
to give you $25,000.

Who is John and Nicole?
I don’t know,

but we are going
to mess them up.

You don’t know us
and still want to fight?

Just feels awkward now.

Well, Dante and Lauren here
are awkward aficionados.

We are siblings.

He’s been my best friend
growing up our whole life.

We get along together
really well.

We do a lot of stuff

I want to do "Wipeout"
because I excel at anything

that involves getting hurt
or falling.

I would say I’m mostly
looking forward

to him
wiping out pretty bad.

We’ll see who gets to do
more than laughing.

Awkward sib Dante tries
his hand at the Big Balls

but fails to make
that connection.

Much like Dante

with a majority
of his extended family.

Come on, Lauren,
finish strong!

Surprisingly straightforward
support for awkward sib

Lauren from Dante here
at The Jigglelator.

I love you,
not that way, but--


Ah, spoke too soon.

There you go--go, go, go!

About as graceful as we
can hope for with this two.

I haven’t seen a more
awkward exit

since the last season
of "House of Cards."

Run, run, run!

Final time for
these Awkward sibs,

a respectable
7 minutes and 7 seconds.

Is my makeup messed up?
Extremely--you look horrible.

I feel like I really missed

on not having a brother, John.

Well, don’t you miss out
on more qualifier as our teams

keep on the march
towards $25,000.

Who will make it to the gaunt?

Nicole, here’s a question,

what superhero
would do best at this course?

I’m gonna say Jean Grey

because she is
the most powerful mutant

and she could just make
everyone think

she did the course
when she didn’t do the course.

That’s fair,
and also demoralizing.

Welcome back to "Wipeout."

So much craziness
has already happened

in today’s qualifier, it’s hard
to keep track of it all.

Especially with Camille
being "sick" today.

But I’ll admit she really

does keep things
running smoothly out there.

Ah, not to worry, as we have
a very capable understudy

stepping in today.

Let’s throw it down to
Camille’s replacement,

Mr. Tubeysock.

Thank you, John,
you are such a gracious host.

John, that’s obviously
your voice.

I’m not John, Nicole,
I’m Tubey.

But if I were John, maybe
he’s going through some stuff

and his therapist
suggested this puppet

to work through his reliance
on avoiding personal conflict

and making everything
into a bit introspective.

Oops, Tubey got
a bit too introspective.

Who’s up next?

Gabby now up
to the Wallop Wall.

Her and Nathan are partners
all the way from kindergarten.

Oh, that’s not fair!
The only partner

I’ve had since kindergarten
is a shellfish allergy.

Well, today’s also a bit

of a pre-K
class reunion for these two.

I’m Gabriela.

I’m Nathan.
And we are...

Kindergarten Crush.

We went
to the same kindergarten.

She had a crush on me.

I wrote him a note,
"Do you like me?

Yes, or no."
And he circled," Yes."

But turns out he passes notes
to other girls.

I was just the player.
But then we both went

to different high schools
and then he randomly texted me,

"Do you want to, like, go on
’Wipeout’ with me?"

We haven’t seen each other
since eighth grade.

So today’s our first day
seeing each other.

We are going to win because
I am the fastest man alive.

Go, let’s go!

Nathan giving her
a little cheat sheet

for the Big Ball exam,
and it works!

These two bag 250 bucks
for tagging Smallsy.

Arriving at the Body Blender
in about 3 minutes.


Kindergarten Crush seemingly
lining up

another playdate
at the gauntlet.

Get some!


Nathan’s energy
is off the charts.

I’d switch them over
to decaf juice boxes.

Come on, Gabby!
Gabby, jump!

Two kindergarten sweethearts
meet up later in life?

This is like a ’90s rom-com.

She’s good.

Drew Barrymore she ain’t,

because if she’s
never been kissed--oh!

The Jigglelator certainly
planted a wet one on her.


Wow, is right.

You can see it in her eyes,

the moment she decides to fall
head over heels for him.

I think The Jigglelator

kind of helped
push that decision along.

Report card time,

you finished
in 5 minutes and 31 seconds.

That’s an A-plus.

They crushed it.
Who’s next?

Here are Charlene
and Harrison,

these two are mother and son,
they’re both single,

and they both have

each other’s backs
in the dating scene.

All right, Ma, let’s go!
Come on!

A good wingman like that
is essential.

I can do this!
Let’s go, let’s do it!

That’s her baby boy.
Wingson, please.

There you go!

if a high school senior

brought his mom
to a hypothetical prom

because kids laugh at his
King Kong Bundy fan fiction,

would that make her a wingmom?

This puppet thing

is all starting
to come into focus now.

You got this, keep going!
You’re great!

Charlene cheering on her son
through the Spin Cycle.

Keep going!

Wingmom is still doing this
kid’s laundry it seems.

It’s a dirty job,
somebody’s got to do it.

Kind of like sideline

I hate to say it,
but I don’t think beloved

"Wipeout" character Tubeysock
is cutting it, Nicole.

I miss Camille too.

I’ve got an idea
that might help.

Anything you want to say
in Camille’s get well card?

Please get well soon,
and from experience,

I would avoid using the
Internet for medical advice.

It turns out
some essential oils

and that interesting-smelling
candle from Goop

are not a cure for tetanus.

However, that coffee colonic
did help me focus

on something else for a while.

That’s why we were out
of K-Cups so quickly, huh?

This couple is big
into EDM.

Good for them.

Guys shouldn’t be ashamed
of that anymore.

We’re coming for you,
Big Balls!

Electronic Dance Music,

along with screaming guitars
and just screaming in general,

here’s an inside look
at Hot Gothic.

I’m Annie.

And I’m Danny.
And we are...

the EDM rock couple.

Danny and I met at Berkeley
College of Music.

We fell in love because
we were both metalheads.

We are in a band.

When we win this thing,
I’m going to propose

to this lady
standing right next to me,

and if we lose, I guess we’re
just going to have to break up.

Come to Papa!
Come on, Baby!

Let’s do this!

Oh, my God!

This is a great time
to remind everyone

what their message for the
Big Balls was before the race.

We’re coming for you,
Big Balls!

Danny, you’ve got this, yeah!

Danny, go!

The battle of the bands is
underway at the Body Blender.


Do it for our relationship!
Yes, Danny!

It’s all on the line!

Basing your relationship

on doing well on "Wipeout,"

I’d scream
all the time too, Annie.

Almost there, let’s get it!


Oh, my God, you look
so beautiful in the water!

Hot Gothic will be screaming
in encore in the next round,

with a final time
of 5 minutes and 47 seconds.

We can still get married.

Let’s see how our
leaderboard shakes out

heading into the gauntlet.

Leading the line is
Kindergarten Crush followed by

Hot Gothic, Flag Footballers,

Wingmom and Wingson,

Awkward Siblings,
and Paid to Party.

Why aren’t you doing
the sock puppet bit anymore?

Oh, I’ve got athlete’s hand.

Okay, what supervillain

would do best
in the "Wipeout" course?

Maybe Lex Luthor.

He could just spin around
on that bald-ass head.


Hey there, America,
"Wipeout" is back,

and we’re getting set
for the gauntlet.

Never mind that!
Breaking news, John!

Look at these sh*ts of Camille
playing hooky.

For shame, Camille.

Oh, that better
be a prescription coconut.


You know, we can’t jump
to conclusions, though.

I mean, maybe those are faked.

Much like a potential picture
of a hunky wrestler

sneezing in the face of a baby.

Odd example, but noted.

But what is real
is our next round.

As six of our sickest teams

get set to tangle
with our intimidating gauntlet.

The gauntlet will be done
in two heats.

Each heat, three teams
competing at the same time

will be practically
climbing over one another,

starting at The Carous-Hell.

Then it’s a foot race
through the disgusting

mud pits and slippery slopes
of the Messy Mile.

And finally,
the Pummel Pool,

where the choice between
the revolving French Fries

and the giant
spinning lollipop

could make or break it all.

The first team to have both
members cross the finish line

moves on to the Wipeout Zone.

Okay, quick reset here.

We’ve got
the Flag Footballers,

Eric and Jennifer in yellow.

Awkward Siblings,
Lauren and Dante in pink.

And Kindergarten crush,
Gabby and Nathan here in blue.

Guess it’s up to us
to get things going.

You guys ready?

Cool, me too!

Okay, three, two, one, hit it!

And gauntlet
heat one begins.

First up,
Kindergarten Crush Nathan.


Got a new main squeeze!

Nathan now leads the way
in the Carous-Hell.

Up top,
Flag Footballer Jennifer.

Illegal hit, John, no flags.

Over to Nathan,
flirting with moving forward.

Oh--And I think
it’s getting serious.

If only Gabby was that tight
with Nathan.

Good job!

Work in progress.

But Awkward Sib Dante

with a weird side hug
on the propeller.

Hold on, Dante!
Hold on!

Less awkward than
hover hands, I guess.

Dante grabs the dangler.

So smooth.

Dante might be
a lot of things

but smooth does not
come to mind.

Nothing awkward
about the result, though,

as Dante gets across.

You got this, Gabby.

Nathan offering
the same advice

he did in kindergarten

when she wouldn’t
go down the slide.

Yes, crushes it!

Grab on tight, Gab!

Should have used that advice
with Nathan.

You got to hold on

to all of your first crushes
and never let go.

Come on, hang on tight!

That’s why I’m going
to marry SpongeBob.

Gabby now chasing her crush.

Hang on, hang on.

Get on here, get on here,
get on here, get on.

Don’t help or anything.

Let’s go, good job!
Come on, let’s go!

With that,
Kindergarten Crush

takes their fling
to a new classroom,

the Messy Mile.

But the rest of the field
is still in it.

Making headway in the
Carous-Hell, Footballer Eric.


Good job!
Come on, John,

that’s obvious holding!
Where’s the call ref?

Come on baby!

Dante calling for
his Awkward Sib Lauren.

We gotta hurry,
we gotta hurry!

At least he didn’t do it
in a Borat voice.

Awkward Sibs nearly missed
the cut in the qualifier

and risk that again here.

So they got to fire up
that big cringe energy.

Meanwhile, play-calling check
for Flag Footballer Jennifer.

Very simple.

I’ve been sketching this play
for an emergency.

Jennifer runs a crawl route.

Flea-flicker action to Eric.
Fumblerooski here, and boom!

In the field goal range!

Jennifer grabs it
while Eric runs the option

with the pink handlebar,

bounces off
one would-be tackler,

and takes it to the house.
Jennifer, however--

The ball is still live!

You got to play
till you hear that whistle!


That’s why we practice,

Looking back up front
with Kindergarten Crush.


Aww, mom’s going to be mad

you got mud all over
your play clothes.

Hold on tight, Lauren.
Hold on tight.

But the Awkward Sibs

finally getting it together
at The Carous-Hell.

Help, help, help.

After that, Awkward Dante
all thumbs.

Is this the Carous-Hell
or the end of an episode

of "Curb Your Enthusiasm"?

Jennifer now attempting
to move the sticks.

Oh, God!

Just lands it!

Going no-huddle, though.

It’s now hurry-up
offense time.

Kindergarten Crush
now saying hello

to the last leg of this
gauntlet, the Pummel Pool.

Do not jump.

You ain’t dating yet, Gabby,

you’ll call the sh*ts
soon enough.

Gabby is in, and just like
in the qualifier,

Kindergarten Crush
continues to lead the way.

But just slightly down
the field

are the Flag Footballers
running and gunning

through the Messy Mile.

Ugh, what is this slime?

You can wash off
with a Gatorade shower

after you win the game.

Steps ahead
are Kindergarten Crush.

Here we go, first attempt.

Going single rider on that
tipsy table teeter-totter.


No surprise to see these two
playing hopscotch out there.

Now Nathan’s
at a big-time decision:

go with landing a precise jump
on the spinning lollipop

or a timing run
through the Fries?

Looks like starches
before sweets.

But those starches
not sweet on him.

Awkward Sibs down
into the Messy Mile,

but they have their work
cut out for them.

As we see the Flag Footballers
and Kindergarten Crush

back there with
the finish line in sight

for both of these teams.

I need you to stay there.

I need you to hold my hand
just in case I slip.

John, they’re gonna
hold hands.

Nothing cuter than finally
getting to hold hands

with your crush,
or their chin.

Chins are romantic too.

Nathan changing up
his choice,

lining up with the lollipop,

while the old line
of the Flag Footballers

right at the heels
of Kindergarten Crush.

And yes!

The two teams now going hard
in the pool.

Nathan reaches out.

But loses touch.

You got this, Eric.

However, the handoff
to Eric successful!

Both teams
now in the red zone!

They are stacked up
right on top of each other.

Who will score first?

Well, let’s go to you, JR,
time to make the play.

Coach Eric dials up
Jennifer’s number.

There you go!


Clear eyes, full hearts,
Face bruised.

Now, Nathan again.

Nearly slides off again,

and Gabby goes the distance
through the Fries.

Let’s go, Gabby!

Nothing is going to stop
their reconnection.

Just jump!
Just run and jump!

It’s graduation day
for one kindergartener,

as Gabby is the first to make
it through the gauntlet.

Nathan is still coming along
for the ride.

Let’s go, Nate!

Nathan jumps
to the platform,

just barely hangs on.

Let’s go, Nate, let’s go!

I love you, Mum!

Hasn’t changed since

But these two can change
their relationship status

to serious, because they have
become the first team

to make it to
the Wipeout Zone.

Let’s go!

Kindergarten Crush continues
their fight for $25,000.

But three more teams are set
to take on the gauntlet.

But looming in the horizon

is the most intense
obstacle course

seen on television,
the Wipeout Zone.

Who will survive and battle
for that top spot in the Zone?

Oh, fudge and mustard!

Still searching for that

perfect Mitsubishi 3000GT
for you.

Ah, I found one.

It’s a stick,
but I might buy it.

It’s, like, not that expensive.

You bought a motorcycle,
for God’s sakes.

Hell yeah, dude,
she dangerous.

We’re back with more
"Wipeout," America.

We’ve only got one more
gauntlet heat

before we head off
to the Wipeout Zone.

I feel like Camille knows
she’s busted for faking sick.

Her geotag photos are getting

closer and closer
to the course.

You know, I mean,
that’s good.

She won’t really want
to miss two teams

battling it out for $25,000.

But this next heat will decide
who faces Kindergarten Crush.

I stand corrected.

Now she’s singing and dancing
in the middle of a parade?

Just like Ferris Bueller.

Except instead
of "Danke Schoen,"

our little Ferris
is performing "WAP."

That’s a lot of choreography
for such a spontaneous event.

Teams in the second heat
are the ambassadors of cool,

Katie and Sarah
of Paid to Party in green.

Hot Gothics Annie and Danny
in Halloween orange.

And they are the wind
beneath each other’s wings:

Wingmom Charlene and Wingson
Harrison in purple.

This is going to be good!
Are you guys ready?


On one, you can have it.

Three, two, one.


Who wants to go first?
I’ll go first.

Wingson getting ahead
of wingmom

to do a little recon work.

See if there’s any cute
40-something divorcés

hiding somewhere
down the course.

Not waiting anymore,
wingmom diving right in.

Fall on your left side.
Fall on your left side.

Why doesn’t anyone listen
to their wingman?

They give great advice,

but people keep marrying
Billy Bob Thornton.

Hot Gothic Danny now.

His affection rejected.

While wingson Harrison swings
around the sweeper bar.

The night’s not complete
for wingson

unless he’s getting hit on
at a bar.

Back at the top,
Hot Gothic Annie gets rocking.

Looking more like
Fallout Girl there.

Paid to Party Sarah finally

using her invite
to this shindig.

And is wasted within seconds
of showing up.

It’s me at New York Fashion
Week all over again.

Her partner
Katie follows suit.


But makes it to the VIP list
without her.

Danny of Hot Gothic

finally does it
and sticks the landing.

Not far behind is Hot Gothic

still hoping to lock down
Danny for a musical marriage.

Nice, babe, nice!

Everyone knows
you can’t have a great album

until after
you divorced a bandmate.

Just ask the White Stripes.

And Hot Gothic’s Danny
is through.

Just needs
Annie to move along.

Mom, you got this!

Does Mom got this?
Yes, Mom got this!

I’m not sure what’s scarier,

facing the Carous-Hell
or dating in your 40s?

It’s The Carous-Hell,
I promise you.

There you go.

Seems counterintuitive,
but wingmom looks to be

slowing herself down
with those sweepers.

This squadron wouldn’t leave
a wingmom behind.

And off to the Messy Mile,

wingmom and wingson finished
fourth in the qualifier

but they are leading
the way here.

These two need to fly,
because Hot Gothic

is shredding
quickly behind them.

Come on, babe, you got this!

You got this!
Come on!

Grab me--you got me?
Yeah, yup, we are good.

Wingmom and son have major
competition as Hot Gothic

come screaming
into the Messy Mile.


Shoulder to shoulder
out there, going zip to zip.

Hot Gothic Danny
edging ahead.

And sticks the landing.

Wingmom and wingson
strike out

on their zip line bar crawl.

Speaking of crawling,
Paid to Party Sarah

finally arrives at the bar
fashionably late.

Hold on!
Good job, Sarah.

Katie also looking to join
the party at the Messy Mile.

Katie grabs as many
pre-sh*ts as she can

before heading
to the next club.

You’ve got to hold on,
hold on!

I told you!

These girls know
good booze etiquette.

And with just a little help,

Sarah is able to duplicate
Katie’s success.

But up front,
it’s still standing room only,

as Hot Gothic
and Wingmom and Wingson

elbow one another
up Mount Wipeout.

Now, we’re just going to go.
We’re just going to go!

I guess as long as
it’s not marriage,

Danny has no problem
diving into things headfirst.

Jump--jump first!

I need help.

Jump into the water!

Hey, that’s your wingmom
you’re talking to.

Seeing Harrison roll his mom
into that water is feeling

very Norman Bates-y.

You’re doing great, Mom!

With a tiny lead to protect,

Hot Gothic just goes for it
over the tippy table.


Come on, Baby!
Let’s do this!

No wonder
Goth people feel lonely,

as Danny just leaves
his partner in the dust.

Danny does have
a big decision here,

jump to the lollipop
or outmaneuver the Fries?

He goes for the Fries.

Made that look like a walk
in the Linkin Park.

Now comes his
Gothic girlfriend, Annie.

She leaps.

That stage dive leaves
something to be desired.

Harrison showing the way
for his team

setting a great example.

And just like that,
he’s through.

Perfect wingman.

Now time for wingmom to follow
through and close the deal.

There you go!

Back into the dating pool.

Back and forth we go.

Hot Gothic can take the lead,
but first,

let’s check in with our
favorite party people,

Sarah and Kate.

They are very much
still in this one.

Just like true partiers
to reappear

right when the cool stuff’s
about to happen.

Although she was orphaned
by her boyfriend,

our little Annie
is back at the Big Ball.

Yeah, Annie, people are
catching up, so let’s go fast.

Move quick.
Babe, move quick.

Looks like it’s already time
for the reunion tour.

Yeah, baby!

25K, let’s go.
Mom, nice running start.

Flirts with another attempt.

But no!

Come on, she’s new again
in the dating scene.

It’s okay to be rusty
at flirting.

Annie must have similar
taste buds to her beau

as she decides to head
straight for the Fries.

Off she goes.

Just like Chrissy Teigen
and Twitter,

you can’t keep these
two separated for long.

Give me your hand.

Hand holding?
With 25K on the line?

There’s no time to be emo.

Danny ditches Annie
once again.

Yeah, baby!

But this time,
it’s to the winner’s circle.

Well, through
the winner’s circle.

Annie, it’s up to you.

Annie, if you win this,
and we win "Wipeout,"

I will marry you on television.

Heads up to all the guys
at home,

this is how not to propose.

Come on, baby, yeah!



I don’t know, they may be
made for each other.





And Hot Gothic wins.

We did it!
Yeah, baby!

Wipeout Zone, you’re next!

The Gothic power couple
will be facing off

against Kindergarten Crush
in the Wipeout Zone

with $25,000 on the line.

It’s now make or heartbreak
time for these duos.

The Zone is up next.

I think we all felt
her pain right there.

Welcome The Wipeout Zone,

where two teams will compete
for $25,000.

Nicole, look, Camille’s back.

Hey, guys!

Where have you been?

Listen, I told you

I was feeling a little
under the weather.

I had to be safe, you know,
better safe than sorry.

You know how they say.

They might’ve said that,

but I stalk you
on social media,

and we don’t think
you were sick.

We don’t think that.

Not that Wipeout’s not fun,

but you were doing fun stuff.

Well, aren’t you guys
so happy to have me back?

So happy to have her back,

and so happy to be
in the Wipeout Zone.

All right, let’s get started
with the action.

We’ve made it
to the top of the mountain,

the Wipeout Zone.

This colossal course
is made up

of four stages
done relay style,

with each contestant
attempting two obstacles.

The first team member
will get shot out

from our speeding
Silver b*llet

into freezing cold
waters below.

From there, they’ll swim to
the giant spinning Vertigo,

where they’ll attempt to
maneuver from peg to peg

without losing their grip
or their lunch.

They’ll need to press
the button in the middle

to lower the bridge before
they can leap to safety.

That’s when they’ll tag
their partner

to take on the Leap of Faith.

Well, they’ll have
to launch themselves

onto one of the spinning arms,
maintain their balance,

and jump
to the narrow platform

on the other side.

It’s tough,

but if they successfully
make it across,

they’ll arrive
at the final challenge...

The Triple Threat.

If a contestant can somehow
make it

from one spinning hexagon
to the next

and safely leap
to the final platform

faster than their competition,
they’ll take home $25,000.

It’s couples’ night
in the Wipeout Zone,

as the reunited Kindergarten
Crush, Nathan and Gabby

will face off
against Annie and Danny,

the scream team of Hot Gothic.

Hot Gothic Annie gets set here
at the Silver b*llet.

Come on, Annie, you got this!

While her boyfriend rocker
Danny gets settled in,

waiting for his tag
near the Leap of Faith.

This is what I do for love.

Hopefully, these two are
on the same page

because the real prize
in Annie’s eyes

seems to be
an engagement ring.

they can lock each other down

while locking up the win.

Three, two, one.

And Annie launched out
of the Silver b*llet

at a speed of 850 miles
an hour into orbit,

and then into Lake Wipeout.

She seems a little bit

She looks very confused.

That’s my girlfriend!

There is more than $25,000
on the line.

If Annie and Danny win,
Danny will propose.

Annie with that bear crawl
fresh out of the water.

Here we go, Babe!

Now she’s face to face
with Vertigo.

Got to climb those pegs,
press that button,

and get over to Danny.
A little hesitation.

I lost my contacts.
Oh, no!

I can’t see.

Don’t they say when you
lose one of your senses

everything else gets amplified?

So imagine what she must
smell off of Vertigo.

Oh, boy!

She’s going to go for it.

Oh, boy!

And go for it she did.

Now Annie and Danny
are also musicians.

John, I hear you have
an album out?

I do.

And that it’s rap?

Yes, I’m a platinum
rap artist.

Take a good look
at a platinum rapper.

I wish I could rap.
So do I.

Here we go, babe,
you got this!

Annie is now on Vertigo.

Blind as a bat.

Try to get
to the center, babe.

As a contact wearer,
I feel her pain.


Seems bad.


Oh, fudge and mustard.

I hope people start saying
that instead of profanity.

Oh, fudge and mustard!

If Annie does not
complete this obstacle.


You’ll hear a horn that means
she’s timed out...

And Danny can start.

Annie has really got
to get her fanny in gear,

because the seconds
are slipping away,

and so is a possible
proposal from Danny.

Do it for our love, babe,
come on!

Yeah, a lot is on the line.
Money and a proposal?


Oh--oh, boy!
Oh, dang!

I think we all felt
her pain right there.


That was the most brutal
wipeout I’ve seen on Vertigo.

She hit...

16 pieces of the obstacle.

On the way down.

That’s the horn.
That means 10 minutes is up.

Danny is released
on the obstacle course.

He can go through
the Leap of Faith,

which means he needs to jump
on that swinging arms,

stay dry, and making it

to the landing platform
on the other side.

Sounds easy.

And he’s going to
make it look easy.

Amazing job!

Here we go Danny,
Triple Threat to the finish.

You got it, boss.

He got it.
Oh, yeah, oh!

Two, looking good so far.
Okay, all right.

Another jump, and now
one more Leap of Faith.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

And Danny knew--
Danny knew he was going down.

He knew it wasn’t good.

Danny, here we go.
Do it for Shadow Cliq!

He is focused
and determined.

And almost had it
on his first try.

Here you go!

You got this, Danny!
One more jump!

Let’s go, you got it!
Yes, yes!

He’s going to make it!
And he does!

Very impressive!

I love you too!

Annie can barely see.

This is so sweet.

How do you guys feel--

Oh, okay--you--no, you talk.
No, no, go, go, go--

No, John--
It’s like us when we argue.

So, like, can you see me?
Right now I can’t, yeah.

Can you see me?

Annie and Danny, great job
in the Wipeout Zone.

Danny, you crushed it.

And great effort.

You never gave up,
and I really admire that.

John and Nicole, we love you!
You guys are awesome!

Shadow Cliq!
We love you!

I love wipeout love.

Hot Gothic sets the pace here
tonight with a final time

of 12 minutes and 8 seconds,

showing just how daunting this
Wipeout Zone can be.

It’s now on to Kindergarten
Crush to topple that time.

Will they take
the Zone to preschool

or will Hot Gothic
still top the charts

when all is said and done?

Our showdown in the Zone
continues after this.

Welcome back
to the Wipeout zone.

Wipeout Zone.

I’m still disappointed
they didn’t go with my name.

What did you want to call it?

Well, this course can chill
you right to the bone.

You’d think it makes sense
to call it the Bone Zone.

That name was already taken

by my college dorm room,
long story.

Let’s take a look
at the leaderboard,

earlier Annie and Danny
of Hot Gothic

posted a time of
12 minutes and 8 seconds

here in the Zone.

Now, it’s Kindergarten Crush
Nathan and Gabby’s turn

to get through faster
in order to take home $25,000.

Looks like Gabby
will start things off

in the Silver b*llet.
Let’s go.

With Nathan taking over
after Vertigo.

Kindergarten Crush has been
ahead of the class all day,

leading the qualifier
and besting their gauntlet.


We saw Hot Gothic struggle
earlier in their run,

so I wonder if these two
will also have trouble

getting a foothold
on this course.

Three, two, one.

Let’s go!

Oh, nice entry!
Ooh, Yes!

I’ve seen far worse
than that.

Let’s go!

Gabriela and Nathan’s story
is an interesting one.

She had a crush on him
in elementary school.

That’s cute.

Went years without seeing
each other

and they reconnected,
and then they were like,

"Yo, ’Wipeout’ is a dope spot
to see

if we can make love work."
So here they are.

Let’s go, Gab, yeah!

This sounds like a really
cute hopeful story,

but Nathan has a girlfriend.

Nathan has a girlfriend?

Just drop onto
the big circle!

Right there!
Get your--yeah, there you go!

Gabriela has made it
to the middle.

Oh, what is she doing?

The first "Wipeout"
contestant to hit

the button with her foot.

Oh, dang!


Made some noise
on the way down.

All right, do it.
Come on!

She is still
swimming strong.

I think I know what’s going
on in Gabriela’s mind.

"If I show him that
I am a strong woman,

he will dump his girlfriend,
and he will take me."

There you go!
Stay on that!

I got to say, Nathan is still
very enthusiastic of her.

It’s ’cause he has love
at home.

She’s going to have a choice
to make right now.

She’s got to get herself
at a spot to jump

in the next two seconds.

She’s going to miss it.
Yep, she missed it.

And now--now it’s where
things get weird.


It’s happy hour
at Lake Wipeout.

And she’s going back for
seconds, thirds, and fourths.

I think she’s now feeling it.

I think so too.

The slow ascent
to the platform.

There you go!

Set yourself up.

I think she’s
just rethinking things like,

"Is this man really worth it?"

The answer is no.

She’s not gonna make it.

Yes she will.

She went for it.

I stand corrected
and surprised.

Here goes Nathan
to the Leap of Faith.

All right.

The Leap of Faith
is pretty simple,

You’ve got to sit and jump
on that swinging arm.

He did not miss it.
Will he stay dry?

Oh, he’s going to miss it.
He did.

He didn’t miss it.

Nathan at about
7 minutes now.

Kindergarteners are ahead
of the pace to beat,

but you never know
which obstacle is going to be

that one
that becomes an Achilles heel.

As he takes
the Triple Threat--ooh!

What, what, what?
No hands.

Now I get what she sees
in this kid--oh!

Oh, whoa!
Oh, my God!

He did go at it
with reckless abandon.

I thought he was going to
jump from Triple Threat

into the booth with us.

I thought so too.
Call the action.

It looked like
he was doing "per-ker".

How do I say it?


"Per-ker, per-ker"?
"Perker, perker"?

All right.

All right, back up.
I mean--

I think he’s going to try it
without the--

I think he is too.

I don’t know
what is happening.

This is so wild.
This is so wild.

What a strategy!

Nathan surfing
the Triple Threat.

Well, you’re going
the wrong way.

Oh, wow!

Oh, no, but look at him,
he is hanging in there.

What, what, what?
And he makes it to the end!

He handled it like a boss!

Let’s go, John!

And you surfed
on Triple Threat, dude.

Nobody has ever surfed
like that.

Yep, nobody’s done that!
That was awesome.

Thank you.

Is that a friendly embrace,
or is there romance there?

I don’t know,
is there romance?


We came to "Wipeout"
and we kicked its...

Ass--you can say it.
Yeah, you can say it.

We kicked its ass, baby!

Yeah, I won’t deny you that.

Gabriela, Nathan,
you guys have won "Wipeout,"

and you’ve won $25,000.

Let’s go!

What the?

See, there you go.
Let it out.

Let all the devil’s words
out of you.

What the?

It might’ve taken almost
a decade

for these two
to schedule this play date.

But in the end, it was worth
it for Kindergarten Crush

who earned $25,000 for their

incredible performance
in the Zone tonight.

I’m happy for them, but what
about our Goth lovebirds?

So Gabriela and Nathan
did win "Wipeout,"

but no matter what,
you should feel accomplished.

We do.
I do, I do.

How do you feel about
each other, though?

I think I’m gonna stick
to my word on this, babe,

and I think
I am the real winner here.

Will you spend the rest
of your life with me?


Oh, my gosh,
this is unbelievable!

Through thick and thin,

I’m dead, I’m dead.


John and Nicole,
we love you guys!


to the three of you!

Oh, my God!

Next week, we’ll meet
a host of new teams

competing for that
$25,000 prize.

Until then, I’m John Cena.

And for Camille Kostek,
I’m Nicole Byers

saying good night
and big balls!